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Line 59: ben_cpr_shd.constraint_error('BEN_POPL_ORG_ROLE_F_PK');

55: <> ben_cpr_shd.g_old_rec.popl_org_role_id) then
56: --
57: -- raise error as PK has changed
58: --
59: ben_cpr_shd.constraint_error('BEN_POPL_ORG_ROLE_F_PK');
60: --
61: elsif not l_api_updating then
62: --
63: -- check if PK is null

Line 69: ben_cpr_shd.constraint_error('BEN_POPL_ORG_ROLE_F_PK');

65: if p_popl_org_role_id is not null then
66: --
67: -- raise error as PK is not null
68: --
69: ben_cpr_shd.constraint_error('BEN_POPL_ORG_ROLE_F_PK');
70: --
71: end if;
72: --
73: end if;

Line 229: ,ben_popl_org_role_f cpr

225: -- how many pcp role rows exist for this plan?
226: cursor num_of_pcps (p_pl_id number) is
227: select count('x')
228: from ben_popl_org_f cpo
229: ,ben_popl_org_role_f cpr
230: Where cpo.popl_org_id = cpr.popl_org_id
231: and cpo.pl_id = p_pl_id
232: and cpo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
233: and cpr.org_role_typ_cd = 'PCP'

Line 605: ben_popl_org_role_f b

601: --
602: cursor csr_leg_code is
603: select a.legislation_code
604: from per_business_groups a,
605: ben_popl_org_role_f b
606: where b.popl_org_role_id = p_popl_org_role_id
607: and a.business_group_id = b.business_group_id;
608: --
609: -- Declare local variables