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Line 118: po_line_locations POLL

114: SELECT decode(RT.po_distribution_id, NULL, RT.amount * (POD.amount_ordered/POLL.amount),RT.amount)
115: INTO l_transaction_amount
116: FROM rcv_transactions RT,
117: po_distributions POD,
118: po_line_locations POLL
119: WHERE RT.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
120: AND POD.po_distribution_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_distribution_id
121: AND POLL.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id;
122: ELSIF(p_rcv_accttxn.event_source = 'INVOICEMATCH') THEN

Line 512: po_line_locations poll,

508: rt.source_doc_quantity
509: )
510: INTO l_source_doc_quantity
511: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
512: po_line_locations poll,
513: po_distributions pod
514: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
515: AND poll.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id
516: AND pod.po_distribution_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_distribution_id;

Line 546: po_line_locations poll,

542: l_source_doc_quantity
543: )
544: INTO l_source_doc_quantity
545: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
546: po_line_locations poll,
547: po_distributions pod
548: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
549: AND poll.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id
550: AND pod.po_distribution_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_distribution_id;

Line 904: FROM mtl_system_items msi, po_line_locations poll

900: l_stmt_num := 40;
902: SELECT msi.inventory_asset_flag
903: INTO l_asset_flag
904: FROM mtl_system_items msi, po_line_locations poll
905: WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = p_rcv_accttxn.item_id
906: AND msi.organization_id = poll.ship_to_organization_id
907: AND poll.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id;

Line 1074: FROM po_line_locations poll

1070: l_stmt_num := 70;
1072: SELECT poll.price_override
1073: INTO l_unit_price
1074: FROM po_line_locations poll
1075: WHERE poll.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id;
1076: ELSIF (p_rcv_accttxn.event_source = 'INVOICEMATCH')
1077: THEN
1078: l_stmt_num := 80;

Line 1885: FROM po_line_locations

1881: l_stmt_num := 30;
1883: SELECT match_option
1884: INTO l_match_option
1885: FROM po_line_locations
1886: WHERE line_location_id = l_po_line_location_id;
1888: -- Always use rate on the PO distribution for encumbrance reversals.
1889: IF ( l_match_option = 'P'

Line 3373: po_line_locations poll,

3369: l_inv_trx.subinventory_code, l_inv_trx.locator_id,
3370: l_inv_trx.parent_transaction_flag, l_inv_trx.trx_source_line_id
3371: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
3372: po_lines pol,
3373: po_line_locations poll,
3374: po_distributions pod,
3375: fnd_currencies fc
3376: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
3377: AND pol.po_line_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_id

Line 4403: po_line_locations poll,

4399: l_rcv_accttxn.source_doc_quantity,
4400: l_rcv_accttxn.source_doc_uom, l_rcv_accttxn.currency_code
4401: FROM ap_invoice_distributions apid,
4402: po_distributions pod,
4403: po_line_locations poll,
4404: po_lines pol,
4405: po_headers poh
4406: WHERE apid.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_distribution_id
4407: AND pod.po_distribution_id = apid.po_distribution_id

Line 4449: po_line_locations poll,

4445: l_rcv_accttxn.unit_landed_cost
4446: /* end LCM-OPM Integration */
4447: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
4448: po_lines pol,
4449: po_line_locations poll,
4450: po_headers poh,
4451: po_distributions pod
4452: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
4453: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id

Line 4569: FROM po_line_locations poll

4566: -- Check if event is for a service line type
4567: SELECT DECODE (poll.matching_basis, 'AMOUNT', 'Y', 'N')
4568: INTO l_rcv_accttxn.service_flag
4569: FROM po_line_locations poll
4570: WHERE poll.line_location_id = l_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id;
4572: l_stmt_num := 90;

Line 5136: FROM po_line_locations poll

5132: l_stmt_num := 20;
5134: SELECT NVL (poll.accrue_on_receipt_flag, 'N')
5135: INTO l_accrue_on_receipt_flag
5136: FROM po_line_locations poll
5137: WHERE poll.line_location_id =
5138: p_rcv_accttxn_tbl (l_ctr_first).po_line_location_id;
5140: <>

Line 5508: po_line_locations poll,

5504: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
5505: l_rcv_organization_id, l_item_id, l_category_id,
5506: l_project_id, l_accrual_flag
5507: FROM po_headers poh,
5508: po_line_locations poll,
5509: po_lines pol,
5510: rcv_transactions rt
5511: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
5512: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id

Line 6310: po_line_locations poll,

6306: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
6307: l_rcv_organization_id, l_category_id, l_project_id,
6308: l_accrual_flag
6309: FROM po_headers poh,
6310: po_line_locations poll,
6311: po_lines pol,
6312: po_distributions pod,
6313: rcv_transactions rt
6314: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id

Line 6881: po_line_locations poll,

6877: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
6878: l_rcv_organization_id, l_category_id, l_project_id,
6879: l_accrual_flag
6880: FROM po_headers poh,
6881: po_line_locations poll,
6882: po_lines pol,
6883: po_distributions pod,
6884: rcv_transactions rt
6885: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id

Line 7509: po_line_locations poll,

7505: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
7506: l_rcv_organization_id, l_item_id, l_category_id,
7507: l_project_id, l_accrual_flag
7508: FROM po_headers poh,
7509: po_line_locations poll,
7510: po_lines pol,
7511: rcv_transactions rt
7512: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
7513: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id

Line 8163: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;

8159: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8160: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8161: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8162: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8163: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;
8164: l_shipment_type po_line_locations_all.shipment_type%TYPE;
8165: l_rcv_accttxn_tbl gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_tbl_type;
8166: l_api_version NUMBER := 1.0;
8167: l_return_status VARCHAR2 (100);

Line 8164: l_shipment_type po_line_locations_all.shipment_type%TYPE;

8160: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8161: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8162: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8163: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;
8164: l_shipment_type po_line_locations_all.shipment_type%TYPE;
8165: l_rcv_accttxn_tbl gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_tbl_type;
8166: l_api_version NUMBER := 1.0;
8167: l_return_status VARCHAR2 (100);
8168: l_msg_count NUMBER (38);

Line 8268: FROM po_line_locations

8264: -- r12: complex work procurement
8265: -- Exclude any transactions whose POLL.shipment_type = 'PREPAYMENT'
8266: SELECT shipment_type
8267: INTO l_shipment_type
8268: FROM po_line_locations
8269: WHERE line_location_id = l_po_line_location_id;
8271: IF (l_shipment_type = 'PREPAYMENT')
8272: THEN

Line 8525: l_matching_basis po_line_locations.matching_basis%TYPE;

8521: l_rcv_accttxn gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_rec_type;
8522: l_rcv_accttxn_tbl gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_tbl_type;
8523: l_rae_count NUMBER;
8524: -- 12i Complex Work Procurement------------------------------------
8525: l_matching_basis po_line_locations.matching_basis%TYPE;
8526: l_shipment_type po_line_locations.shipment_type%TYPE;
8527: -------------------------------------------------------------------
8528: l_proc_operating_unit NUMBER;
8529: l_po_distribution_id NUMBER;

Line 8526: l_shipment_type po_line_locations.shipment_type%TYPE;

8522: l_rcv_accttxn_tbl gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_tbl_type;
8523: l_rae_count NUMBER;
8524: -- 12i Complex Work Procurement------------------------------------
8525: l_matching_basis po_line_locations.matching_basis%TYPE;
8526: l_shipment_type po_line_locations.shipment_type%TYPE;
8527: -------------------------------------------------------------------
8528: l_proc_operating_unit NUMBER;
8529: l_po_distribution_id NUMBER;
8530: l_organization_id NUMBER;

Line 8575: po_line_locations poll,

8571: CURSOR c_po_dists_csr (l_rcv_txn IN NUMBER)
8572: IS
8573: SELECT pod.po_distribution_id
8574: FROM po_distributions pod,
8575: po_line_locations poll,
8576: rcv_transactions rt
8577: WHERE pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
8578: AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
8579: AND rt.transaction_id = l_rcv_txn;

Line 8586: FROM po_line_locations_all a,

8582: /* INVCONV ANTHIYAG Bug#5529309 18-Sep-2006 Start */
8583: BEGIN
8584: SELECT nvl(b.process_enabled_flag, 'N')
8585: INTO l_process_enabled_flag
8586: FROM po_line_locations_all a,
8587: mtl_parameters b
8588: WHERE a.line_location_id = p_po_line_location_id
8589: AND b.organization_id = a.ship_to_organization_id;

Line 8667: FROM po_line_locations poll

8664: -- Get Matching Basis and Shipment Type
8665: SELECT poll.matching_basis, poll.shipment_type
8666: INTO l_matching_basis, l_shipment_type
8667: FROM po_line_locations poll
8668: WHERE poll.line_location_id = p_po_line_location_id;
8670: l_stmt_num := 30;