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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 103

      SELECT a.asset_id,
             NVL(FND_DATE.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(a.global_attribute1),b.date_placed_in_service)  revaluation_start_date,
             b.cost cost,
             rownum counter
             fa_category_books c
             , fa_additions a
             , fa_books b
             , fa_transaction_headers th
       WHERE b.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND b.cost <> 0
         AND b.global_attribute1 = 'Y'
         AND b.date_ineffective IS NULL
         AND b.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         AND a.asset_id = b.asset_id
         AND c.category_id = a.asset_category_id
         AND c.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND c.global_attribute1 = 'Y'
         AND th.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND th.asset_id = a.asset_id
--         AND th.transaction_type_code in ('ADDITION','CIP ADDITION')
         AND (th.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'
             OR (th.transaction_type_code = 'CIP ADDITION' AND a.asset_type <> 'CAPITALIZED'))
-- Bug 12737275 Start
--         AND th.date_effective < g_period_open_date
-- Bug 12737275 End
         AND th.transaction_header_id <= b.transaction_header_id_in
         AND ((g_revalue_cip_assets_flag is NULL AND a.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED')
              OR (g_revalue_cip_assets_flag is NOT NULL))
         AND not exists (select 'X' from FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS th_2
                         where th_2.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                           AND th_2.asset_id       = a.asset_id
                           AND th_2.transaction_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
                           AND th_2.date_effective >= g_period_open_date)
         ORDER BY a.asset_category_id;
Line: 200

      g_step := 'DELETE_RULES';
Line: 208

      DELETE FROM fa_mass_revaluation_rules
        Where mass_reval_id = p_mass_reval_id;
Line: 224

      SELECT calendar_period_open_date
           , calendar_period_close_date
           , fiscal_year
           , period_counter
           , period_open_date
        INTO g_current_period_from_date1
           , g_current_period_to_date1
           , g_current_fiscal_year
           , g_current_period_counter1
           , g_period_open_date
        FROM fa_deprn_periods
        WHERE book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND period_close_date IS NULL;
Line: 239

        SELECT deprn_calendar
          INTO g_calendar_type
          FROM fa_book_controls
          WHERE book_type_code = p_book_type_code;
Line: 245

       SELECT number_per_fiscal_year
         INTO g_number_per_fy
         FROM fa_calendar_types
         WHERE calendar_type = g_calendar_type;
Line: 258

      SELECT nvl(rr.revalue_cip_assets_flag,'N') revalue_cip_assets_flag,
             nvl(rr.default_reval_fully_rsvd_flag,'NO') reval_fully_rsvd_flag,
             rr.default_life_extension_factor life_extension_factor,
             rr.default_life_extension_ceiling life_extension_ceiling
      FROM   fa_mass_revaluations rr
      WHERE  rr.mass_reval_id = p_mass_reval_id;
Line: 294

            SELECT  period_num
              INTO g_period_num
              FROM fa_calendar_periods
              WHERE calendar_type = g_calendar_type
                AND start_date    = g_current_period_from_date1;
Line: 300

            SELECT start_date,end_date
              INTO g_current_period_from_date2,
              FROM fa_calendar_periods
              WHERE calendar_type = g_calendar_type
                AND period_num    = decode(g_period_num,1,g_number_per_fy,g_period_num-1)
                AND end_date      = g_current_period_from_date1 - 1;
Line: 376

      SELECT price_index_id
        INTO g_price_index
        FROM fa_category_book_defaults a, fa_price_indexes b
       WHERE a.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND a.category_id    = p_category_id
         AND p_date_placed_in_service >= a.start_dpis
         AND p_date_placed_in_service <= NVL(a.end_dpis,p_date_placed_in_service)
         AND a.price_index_name = b.price_index_name;
Line: 430

      SELECT decode(g_country_code, 'CL',(start_date-1), end_date)
        INTO l_close_date
        FROM fa_calendar_periods
       WHERE calendar_type  = g_calendar_type
         AND trunc(p_date) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
Line: 457

      SELECT price_index_value
        INTO p_index_value
        FROM fa_price_index_values
       WHERE price_index_id = g_price_index
         AND p_period_date BETWEEN from_date AND nvl(to_date,p_period_date);
Line: 524

         SELECT min(dp.period_counter)
         INTO   dummy
         FROM   fa_deprn_periods       dp
              , fa_transaction_headers th
              , fa_asset_history       ah
         WHERE ah.asset_id = th.asset_id
         AND   dp.book_type_code = th.book_type_code
         AND   th.transaction_header_id >= ah.transaction_header_id_in
         AND   th.transaction_header_id < nvl(ah.transaction_header_id_out, th.transaction_header_id + 1)
         AND   th.date_effective between dp.period_open_date
                                 and nvl(dp.period_close_date, th.date_effective)
         AND   dp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND   ah.asset_id       = p_asset_id;
Line: 568

        SELECT cost_retired,date_retired
          INTO p_amount,p_date_retired
          FROM fa_transaction_headers b,
               fa_retirements a
          WHERE a.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
            AND a.asset_id       = p_asset_id
            AND a.status         = 'DELETED'
            AND b.book_type_code = a.book_type_code
            AND b.asset_id       = a.asset_id
            AND b.transaction_header_id = a.transaction_header_id_out
            AND b.transaction_date_entered BETWEEN p_date_ini AND
			-- BUG 4345686. Added to filter out assets retired and
			-- reinstated in the same period. We will consider
			-- those assets as if they were not retired at all
			-- for the purposes of reval rules generator.
            AND b.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT'
            AND b.transaction_date_entered <> a.date_retired;
Line: 791

        g_char := 'values inserted into fa_mass_revaluation_rules:';
Line: 813

      INSERT INTO fa_mass_revaluation_rules
       , category_id
       , asset_id
       , reval_percent
       , override_defaults_flag
       , revalue_cip_assets_flag
       , reval_fully_rsvd_flag
       , life_extension_factor
       , life_extension_ceiling
       , last_updated_by
       , last_update_date)
       , null
       , p_asset_id
       , p_revaluation_rate
       , 'NO'
       , g_revalue_cip_assets_flag
       , g_reval_fully_rsvd_flag
       , g_life_extension_factor
       , g_life_extension_ceiling
       , fnd_global.user_id
       , sysdate);
Line: 858

    PROCEDURE update_control_tables (p_mass_reval_id IN NUMBER) IS

    l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_CONTROL_TABLES';
Line: 869

        g_char := 'Procedure update_control_tables';
Line: 873

      UPDATE fa_book_controls
        SET global_attribute2 = g_current_period_counter1,
            global_attribute3 = p_mass_reval_id
        WHERE book_type_code = p_book_type_code;
Line: 880

      UPDATE fa_mass_revaluations
         SET global_attribute1 = g_current_period_counter1
         WHERE mass_reval_id = p_mass_reval_id;
Line: 889

    END update_control_tables;
Line: 1000

    update_control_tables (p_mass_reval_id);