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APPS.JTF_FM_UTL_V dependencies on DUAL

Line 856: select fnd_profile.value('ICX_CLIENT_IANA_ENCODING') into l_encoding from dual;

852: BEGIN
854: JTF_FM_UTL_V.PRINT_MESSAGE('BEGIN ' || l_full_name , JTF_FM_UTL_V.G_LEVEL_PROCEDURE ,l_full_name);
856: select fnd_profile.value('ICX_CLIENT_IANA_ENCODING') into l_encoding from dual;
858: -- According to bug3764670, the following would never be true
859: -- and therefore the code to default l_encoding to Western European
860: -- is never used. Hence I am commenting it out.

Line 1364: SELECT Fnd_Profile.value('JTF_FM_DEFAULT_SERVER') INTO l_server_id FROM DUAL;

1360: FETCH CSERV INTO l_server_id;
1362: THEN
1363: JTF_FM_UTL_V.PRINT_MESSAGE('No server found for this User',JTF_FM_UTL_V.G_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_full_name);
1364: SELECT Fnd_Profile.value('JTF_FM_DEFAULT_SERVER') INTO l_server_id FROM DUAL;
1365: JTF_FM_UTL_V.PRINT_MESSAGE('DEFAULT SERVER will be used' || l_server_id
1366: ,JTF_FM_UTL_V.G_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_full_name);
1367: IF l_server_id IS NULL
1368: THEN

Line 1583: from dual;

1579: l_message := l_message || 'resp_id="'||to_char(l_resp_id)||'" '||a;
1580: -- Following code added by sxkrishn for org_id
1581: select to_number(decode(substrb(userenv('CLIENT_INFO'),1,1),' ',null,substrb(userenv('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10)))
1582: into l_org_id
1583: from dual;
1585: l_message := l_message || 'org_id="'||to_char(l_org_id)||'" '||a;
1587: --adding the new bypass flag for unsubscribe and overriding tca