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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

         qpppassact - Insert a QuickPay Pay-slip assg action.
         Process a QuickPay Payslip action.
         This procedure is meant to be called via the QuickPay form.
   procedure qppsassact
      p_payroll_action_id     in  number, -- of QuickPay Payslip.
      p_assignment_action_id  out nocopy number,
      p_object_version_number out nocopy number
   ) is

      l_assignment_id     number;
Line: 43

      select act.assignment_action_id
      from   pay_payroll_actions    pac,
             pay_assignment_actions act
      where  pac.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      and    act.payroll_action_id = pac.target_payroll_action_id
      and    act.source_action_id is null;
Line: 51

      select act.assignment_id
      from   pay_assignment_actions act,
             pay_payroll_actions    pac
      where  pac.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      and    act.payroll_action_id = pac.target_payroll_action_id
      and    act.source_action_id is null;
Line: 59

      select pac.assignment_action_id,pac.tax_unit_id
      from pay_assignment_actions pac
      where pac.payroll_action_id = (select ppa.payroll_action_id
    				     from pay_payroll_actions ppa
               			     where ppa.target_payroll_action_id = (select ppa.target_payroll_action_id
                  		  				           from pay_payroll_actions ppa
            								   where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id)
            		             and ppa.action_type = 'U'
                       		     and ppa.action_status = 'C');
Line: 70

      select pac.assignment_action_id
      from pay_assignment_actions pac
      where pac.payroll_action_id =p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 75

      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
      from sys.dual;
Line: 97

      	--Insert the new assignment action
      	if c_next_assact%found then
           if c_qppaction%found then
Line: 117

      	       -- We can now insert interlock row.
Line: 123

      	    --Then insert the quick-pay pre-payment action rows
      	    hr_utility.set_location(' qppsassact   ',55);
Line: 133

      update pay_payroll_actions pac
      set    pac.date_earned = (
             select pa2.date_earned
             from   pay_payroll_actions pa2,
                    pay_assignment_actions act
             where  act.assignment_action_id = l_qpp_locked_action_id
             and    pa2.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id)

      where  pac.payroll_action_id =p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 156

      update pay_payroll_actions pac
      set    pac.action_population_status = 'C'
      where  pac.payroll_action_id        = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 269

    select 'Y'
      from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
       and current_task      is not null;
Line: 321

Procedure check_non_updateable_args(p_rec in g_rec_type) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'check_non_updateable_args';
Line: 364

end check_non_updateable_args;
Line: 422

    select 'Y'
      from pay_payroll_actions    pya
         , pay_assignment_actions aga
     where pya.payroll_action_id = p_target_payroll_action_id
       and pya.action_type       = 'Q'
       and aga.payroll_action_id = pya.payroll_action_id
       and aga.action_status     in ('C', 'S');
Line: 432

    select 'Y'
      from pay_payroll_actions pya
     where pya.payroll_action_id = p_target_payroll_action_id
       and pya.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and pya.effective_date    = p_effective_date;
Line: 657

    select pya.payroll_action_id
         , pya.business_group_id
	 , pya.org_payment_method_id
	 , pya.action_status
         , pya.effective_date
	 , pya.target_payroll_action_id
	 , aga.object_version_number
         , pya.object_version_number
      from pay_payroll_actions    pya
         , pay_assignment_actions aga
     where /* Payroll action lock */
           pya.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
       and pya.action_type       = 'X'
           /* Assignment action lock */
       and aga.payroll_action_id = pya.payroll_action_id
       for update nowait;
Line: 861

Procedure update_dml(p_rec in out nocopy g_rec_type) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_dml';
Line: 878

  update pay_payroll_actions
    set action_status         = p_rec.action_status
      , object_version_number = p_rec.object_version_number
  where payroll_action_id     = p_rec.payroll_action_id;
Line: 908

End update_dml;
Line: 964

Procedure insert_dml
  (p_rec                       in out nocopy g_rec_type
  ,p_action_type               in     pay_payroll_actions.action_type%TYPE
  ,p_payroll_id                in     pay_payroll_actions.payroll_id%TYPE
  ,p_consolidation_set_id      in
  ,p_action_population_status  in
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_dml';
Line: 990

  insert into pay_payroll_actions
Line: 1052

End insert_dml;
Line: 1081

Procedure pre_update(p_rec in g_rec_type) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'pre_update';
Line: 1089

End pre_update;
Line: 1135

Procedure pre_insert
  (p_rec                   in out nocopy g_rec_type
  ,p_action_type              out nocopy varchar2
  ,p_payroll_id               out nocopy number
  ,p_consolidation_set_id     out nocopy pay_payroll_actions.
  ,p_action_population_status out nocopy varchar2
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'pre_insert';
Line: 1146

  Cursor C_next_id is select pay_payroll_actions_s.nextval from sys.dual;
Line: 1149

    select pya.payroll_id
         , pya.consolidation_set_id
      from pay_payroll_actions  pya
     where pya.payroll_action_id = v_target_payroll_action_id;
Line: 1198

End pre_insert;
Line: 1227

Procedure post_update(p_rec in g_rec_type) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'post_update';
Line: 1235

End post_update;
Line: 1266

Procedure post_insert
  (p_rec                     in     g_rec_type
  ,p_assignment_action_id       out nocopy number
  ,p_a_object_version_number    out nocopy number
  ) is
  l_proc                  varchar2(72) := g_package||'post_insert';
Line: 1298

End post_insert;
Line: 1401

Procedure update_validate(p_rec in g_rec_type) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 1413

  check_non_updateable_args(p_rec => p_rec);
Line: 1438

End update_validate;
Line: 1469

Procedure insert_validate(p_rec in g_rec_type) is
  l_proc	varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 1488

End insert_validate;
Line: 1529

Line: 1533

Line: 1537

Line: 1541

Line: 1599

Line: 1603

    (p_rec                       => p_rec
    ,p_action_type               => l_action_type
    ,p_payroll_id                => l_payroll_id
    ,p_consolidation_set_id      => l_consolidation_set_id
    ,p_action_population_status  => l_action_population_status
Line: 1613

    (p_rec                       => p_rec
    ,p_action_type               => l_action_type
    ,p_payroll_id                => l_payroll_id
    ,p_consolidation_set_id      => l_consolidation_set_id
    ,p_action_population_status  => l_action_population_status
Line: 1623

    (p_rec                     => p_rec
    ,p_assignment_action_id    => l_assignment_action_id
    ,p_a_object_version_number => l_a_object_version_number