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Line 5035: type t_job_wip_entity_name is table of wip_entities.wip_entity_name %type;

5032: -- ==============================================================================================
5033: -- table types used to bulk bind data from job tables to the PL/SQL tables.
5034: -- ==============================================================================================
5035: type t_job_wip_entity_name is table of wip_entities.wip_entity_name %type;
5036: type t_job_wip_entity_id is table of wip_discrete_jobs.wip_entity_id %type;
5037: type t_job_organization_id is table of wip_discrete_jobs.organization_id %type;
5038: type t_job_status_type is table of wip_discrete_jobs.status_type %type;
5039: type t_job_primary_item_id is table of wip_discrete_jobs.primary_item_id %type;

Line 5093: wip_entities we,

5089: wdj.wip_supply_type,
5090: 1 upg_success, -- Will indicate Upgrade Successful or failure in the PLSQL table t_upgrade_jobs
5091: '' err_buf -- Will contain the error message for failed jobs
5092: FROM wsm_parameters wp,
5093: wip_entities we,
5094: wip_discrete_jobs wdj
5095: WHERE we.organization_id = wp.organization_id
5096: AND we.entity_type = 5
5097: AND wdj.organization_id = we.organization_id

Line 5114: wip_entities we,

5110: CURSOR lot_based_jobs IS
5111: SELECT wdj.wip_entity_id,
5112: wdj.common_routing_sequence_id common_rtg_seq_id
5113: FROM wsm_parameters wp,
5114: wip_entities we,
5115: wip_discrete_jobs wdj
5116: WHERE wdj.organization_id = wp.organization_id
5117: AND we.organization_id = wp.organization_id
5118: AND wdj.organization_id = we.organization_id