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1 Package Body ben_cwb_mtrx_utils as
2 /* $Header: bencwbmtrxutils.pkb 120.4.12000000.1 2007/01/19 15:25:17 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package Variables
5 --
6 g_package  varchar2(33) := 'ben_cwb_mtrx_utils.';
7 --
8 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- |-----------------------------< UPDATE_RATES >-----------------------------|
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 --
12 procedure update_rates
13   (p_group_per_in_ler_id           in     number
17   ,p_elig_sal                      in     number
14   ,p_pl_id                         in     number
15   ,p_oipl_id                       in     number
16   ,p_object_version_number         in     number
18   ,p_xchg_rate                     in     number
19   ,p_nn_mntry                      in     varchar2
20   ,p_rndg_cd                       in     varchar2
21   ,p_assignment_id                 in     number
22   ,p_alct_by                       in     varchar2
23   ,p_trg_val                       in     number
24   ) is
25   --
26   l_val      number;
27   l_ovn      number;
28   l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_rates';
29 begin
30   --
31   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
32   --
33   if (p_alct_by = 'PCT') then
34     -- Calculate Amount using Pct of Elig Sal
35     l_val := (p_trg_val * p_elig_sal) / 100;
36   elsif (p_alct_by = 'AMT' and p_nn_mntry is null) then
37     -- Convert Amount into Local Currency Value
38     l_val := p_trg_val * p_xchg_rate;
39   else
40     -- Don't convert the value if units is non-monetary
41     l_val := p_trg_val;
42   end if;
43   -- Bug 5532745
44   if p_rndg_cd is not null then
45     l_val := benutils.do_rounding
46             (p_rounding_cd => p_rndg_cd
47             ,p_rounding_rl => null
48             ,p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id
49             ,p_value         => l_val
50             ,p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate));
51   end if;
52   --
53   -- Assign Object Version Number to local variable
54   l_ovn := p_object_version_number;
55   --
56   --
57   ben_cwb_person_rates_api.update_person_rate(p_group_per_in_ler_id => p_group_per_in_ler_id
58                                              ,p_pl_id => p_pl_id
59                                              ,p_oipl_id => p_oipl_id
60                                              ,p_rec_val => l_val
61                                              ,p_perf_min_max_edit => 'N'
62                                              ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn);
63   --
64   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 20);
65   --
66 end update_rates;
68 --
69 function get_profile_value(p_profile_name  in varchar2
70                           ,p_current_value in number) return number is
71   l_profile_value  varchar2(255);
72 begin
73   l_profile_value := fnd_profile.value(p_profile_name);
74   if l_profile_value is not null then
75     return to_number(l_profile_value, '9999999.99999');
76   else
77     return p_current_value;
78   end if;
79 exception
80   when others then
81     return p_current_value;
82 end get_profile_value;
84 -- End of Procedure
85 --
86 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 -- |-----------------------------< POP_TRG_AMTS >-----------------------------|
88 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 --
90 procedure pop_trg_amts
91   (p_validate                      in     boolean
92   ,p_acting_mgr_pil_id             in     number
93   ,p_mgr_pil_ids                   in     BEN_CWB_ACCESS_STRING_ARRAY
94   ,p_lvl_num                       in     number
95   ,p_grp_pl_id                     in     number
96   ,p_grp_oipl_id                   in     number
97   ,p_name_type                     in     varchar2
98   ,p_crit_cd1                      in     varchar2
99   ,p_crit_cd2                      in     varchar2
100   ,p_crit_vals1                    in     BEN_CWB_ACCESS_STRING_ARRAY
101   ,p_crit_vals2                    in     BEN_CWB_ACCESS_STRING_ARRAY
102   ,p_alct_by                       in     varchar2
103   ,p_trg_val                       in     BEN_CWB_ACCESS_STRING_ARRAY
104   ) is
105   --
106   -- Declare cursors and local variables
107   l_compratio_range number := 5;
108   l_los_range       number := 1;
109   --
110   -- Cursor for getting Population under a Manager depending upon the Pop code
111   --
112   cursor csr_get_population
113          (c_acting_mgr_pil_id    number,
114           c_mgr_pil_id           number,
115           c_grp_pl_id            number,
116           c_grp_oipl_id          number,
117           c_lvl_num              varchar2,
118           c_crit_cd1             varchar2,
119           c_crit_cd2             varchar2,
120           c_name_type            varchar2) is
121           Select  Temp.LerId        Emp_ler_id,
122                   Temp.PlId         Pl_Id,
123                   Temp.OiplId       Oipl_Id,
124                   Temp.Ovn          Ovn,
125                   Temp.Elig_Sal     Elig_Sal,
126                   Temp.pl_xchg_rate Xchg_Rate,
127                   Temp.nn_mntry     Nn_Mntry,
128                   Temp.rndg_cd      rndg_cd,
129                   Temp.assignment_id assignment_id,
130                   decode(c_crit_cd1,  'JOB', JobTl.name,  'POS', PosTl.name,  'GRD', GrdTl.name,  'GQ', GrdQrtLkp.meaning,
131                          'LOS',  trunc(People.years_employed/l_los_range)*l_los_range, 'ORG', OrgTl.name,
132                          'COM', trunc(People.grd_comparatio/l_compratio_range)*l_compratio_range,  'CNTY', terr.territory_short_name,
133                          'PFR',  OldPerfLkp.meaning, 'NPFR', NewPerfLkp.meaning, 'JF1', JobDef.segment1, 'JF2', JobDef.segment2,
134                          'JF3',  JobDef.segment3,  'JF4', JobDef.segment4, 'JF5', JobDef.segment5, 'EOF1', People.cpi_attribute1,
135                          'EOF2', People.cpi_attribute2,   'EOF3', People.cpi_attribute3,   'EOF4', People.cpi_attribute4,
136                          'EOF5', People.cpi_attribute5,   'EOF6', People.cpi_attribute6,   'CS1',  People.custom_segment1,
137                          'CS2',  People.custom_segment2,  'CS3',  People.custom_segment3,  'CS4',  People.custom_segment4,
138                          'CS5',  People.custom_segment5,  'CS6',  People.custom_segment6,  'CS7',  People.custom_segment7,
142                          'DIRREP', decode(c_name_type, 'FN', DirRep.full_name, 'CN', DirRep.custom_name, DirRep.brief_name),
139                          'CS8',  People.custom_segment8,  'CS9',  People.custom_segment9,  'CS10', People.custom_segment10,
140                          'CS11', People.custom_segment11, 'CS12', People.custom_segment12, 'CS13', People.custom_segment13,
141                          'CS14', People.custom_segment14, 'CS15', People.custom_segment15,
143                          'LOC',  nvl(Loc.description, Loc.location_code)) Crit_Val1,
144                   decode(c_crit_cd2,  'JOB', JobTl.name,  'POS', PosTl.name,  'GRD', GrdTl.name,  'GQ', GrdQrtLkp.meaning,
145                          'LOS',  trunc(People.years_employed/l_los_range)*l_los_range, 'ORG', OrgTl.name,
146                          'COM', trunc(People.grd_comparatio/l_compratio_range)*l_compratio_range,  'CNTY', terr.territory_short_name,
147                          'PFR',  OldPerfLkp.meaning, 'NPFR', NewPerfLkp.meaning, 'JF1', JobDef.segment1, 'JF2', JobDef.segment2,
148                          'JF3',  JobDef.segment3,  'JF4', JobDef.segment4, 'JF5', JobDef.segment5, 'EOF1', People.cpi_attribute1,
149                          'EOF2', People.cpi_attribute2,   'EOF3', People.cpi_attribute3,   'EOF4', People.cpi_attribute4,
150                          'EOF5', People.cpi_attribute5,   'EOF6', People.cpi_attribute6,   'CS1',  People.custom_segment1,
151                          'CS2',  People.custom_segment2,  'CS3',  People.custom_segment3,  'CS4',  People.custom_segment4,
152                          'CS5',  People.custom_segment5,  'CS6',  People.custom_segment6,  'CS7',  People.custom_segment7,
153                          'CS8',  People.custom_segment8,  'CS9',  People.custom_segment9,  'CS10', People.custom_segment10,
154                          'CS11', People.custom_segment11, 'CS12', People.custom_segment12, 'CS13', People.custom_segment13,
155                          'CS14', People.custom_segment14, 'CS15', People.custom_segment15,
156                          'DIRREP', decode(c_name_type, 'FN', DirRep.full_name, 'CN', DirRep.custom_name, DirRep.brief_name),
157                          'LOC',  nvl(Loc.description, Loc.location_code)) Crit_Val2
158             From  ben_cwb_person_info     People
159                  ,ben_cwb_person_info     DirRep
160                  ,ben_transaction         Txn
161                  ,per_jobs                Job
162                  ,per_jobs_tl             JobTl
163                  ,per_job_definitions     JobDef
164                  ,per_grades_tl           GrdTl
165                  ,hr_all_positions_f_tl   PosTl
166                  ,hr_all_organization_units_tl OrgTl
167                  ,hr_locations_all_tl     Loc
168                  ,hr_lookups              GrdQrtLkp
169                  ,hr_lookups              OldPerfLkp
170                  ,hr_lookups              NewPerfLkp
171                  ,fnd_territories_tl      terr
172                  ,(Select  max(Hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id)         MgrLerId
173                           ,Rates.group_per_in_ler_id            LerId
174                           ,max(Rates.object_version_number)     Ovn
175                           ,max(Rates.pl_id)                     PlId
176                           ,max(Rates.oipl_id)                   OiplId
177                           ,max(Rates.elig_sal_val)              Elig_Sal
178                           ,max(GrpPl.perf_revw_strt_dt)         perf_date
179                           ,max(GrpPl.emp_interview_typ_cd)      perf_type
180                           ,max(xchg.xchg_rate)                  pl_xchg_rate
181                           ,max(Pl.rec_nnmntry_uom)              nn_mntry
182                           ,max(Pl.rec_rndg_cd)                  rndg_cd
183                           ,max(Rates.assignment_id)             assignment_id
184                      from  ben_cwb_person_rates   Rates
185                           ,ben_cwb_pl_dsgn        Pl
186                           ,ben_cwb_pl_dsgn        GrpPl
187                           ,ben_cwb_xchg           Xchg
188                           ,ben_cwb_group_hrchy    Hrchy
189                     where  Hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id = c_mgr_pil_id
190                       and  ((Hrchy.lvl_num between 1 and c_lvl_num and Hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id <> c_acting_mgr_pil_id)
191                        or  (Hrchy.lvl_num = 1 and Hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id = c_acting_mgr_pil_id))
192                       and  Rates.group_per_in_ler_id = Hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id
193                       and  Rates.group_pl_id = c_grp_pl_id
194                       and  Rates.group_oipl_id = c_grp_oipl_id
195                       and  Rates.elig_flag = 'Y'
196                       and  Pl.pl_id = Rates.pl_id
197                       and  Pl.oipl_id = Rates.oipl_id
198                       and  Pl.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = Rates.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
199                       and  Rates.group_pl_id = xchg.group_pl_id
200                       and  Rates.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = xchg.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
201                       and  Rates.currency = xchg.currency
202                       and  Pl.group_pl_id = GrpPl.pl_id
203                       and  Pl.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = GrpPl.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
204                       and  GrpPl.oipl_id = -1
205                    group by Rates.group_per_in_ler_id) Temp
206            Where  People.group_per_in_ler_id = Temp.LerId
207              and  DirRep.group_per_in_ler_id(+) = Temp.MgrLerId
208              and  Job.job_id (+) = People.job_id
209              and  JobTl.job_id (+) = People.job_id
210              and  JobTl.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
211              and  JobDef.job_definition_id (+) = Job.job_definition_id
212              and  PosTl.position_id (+) = People.position_id
213              and  PosTl.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
214              and  GrdTl.grade_id (+) = People.grade_id
215              and  GrdTl.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
216              and  OrgTl.organization_id (+) = People.organization_id
217              and  OrgTl.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
218              and  GrdQrtLkp.lookup_code (+) = People.grd_quartile
219              and  GrdQrtLkp.lookup_type (+) = 'BEN_CWB_QUAR_IN_GRD'
220              and  Loc.location_id (+) = People.location_id
221              and  Loc.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
222              and  OldPerfLkp.lookup_code (+) = People.performance_rating
223              and  OldPerfLkp.lookup_type (+) = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'
224              and  Txn.transaction_id (+) = Temp.assignment_id
225              and  Txn.transaction_type (+) = 'CWBPERF' || to_char(Temp.perf_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') || Temp.perf_type
226              and  NewPerfLkp.lookup_code (+) = Txn.attribute3
227              and  NewPerfLkp.lookup_type (+) = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'
228              and  people.legislation_code = terr.territory_code (+)
229              and  terr.language (+) = userenv('LANG');
230   --
231   l_proc       varchar2(72) := g_package||'pop_trg_amts';
232   --
233 begin
234   --
235   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
236   --
237   if p_crit_cd1 = 'LOS' or p_crit_cd2 = 'LOS' then
238     l_los_range := get_profile_value('BEN_CWB_WIZ_YRS_WKD_RANGE'
239                                     ,l_los_range);
240   end if;
241   if p_crit_cd1 = 'COM' or p_crit_cd2 = 'COM' then
242     l_compratio_range := get_profile_value('BEN_CWB_WIZ_COMPRATIO_RANGE'
243                                           ,l_compratio_range);
244   end if;
245   --
246   -- Issue a savepoint
247   --
248   savepoint pop_trg_amts;
249   --
250   --
251   for l_mgr_pil_id in p_mgr_pil_ids.first .. p_mgr_pil_ids.last
252   loop
253     --
254     for pop in csr_get_population(p_acting_mgr_pil_id,
255                                   p_mgr_pil_ids(l_mgr_pil_id),
256                                   p_grp_pl_id,
257                                   p_grp_oipl_id,
258                                   p_lvl_num,
259                                   p_crit_cd1,
260                                   p_crit_cd2,
261                                   p_name_type)
262     loop
263       --
264       for l_num in 1 .. p_crit_vals1.count
265       loop
266         --
267         if (p_crit_cd2 is not null) then
268           --
269           if (nvl(pop.Crit_Val1, 'NV') = p_crit_vals1(l_num) and
270               nvl(pop.Crit_Val2, 'NV') = p_crit_vals2(l_num)) then
271             --
272             update_rates(pop.Emp_ler_id
273                         ,pop.Pl_Id
274                         ,pop.Oipl_Id
275                         ,pop.Ovn
276                         ,pop.Elig_Sal
277                         ,pop.Xchg_Rate
278                         ,pop.Nn_Mntry
279                         ,pop.rndg_cd
280                         ,pop.assignment_id
281                         ,p_alct_by
282                         ,p_trg_val(l_num));
283             --
284           end if;
285           --
286         else
287           --
288           if (nvl(pop.Crit_Val1, 'NV') = p_crit_vals1(l_num)) then
289             --
290             update_rates(pop.Emp_ler_id
291                         ,pop.Pl_Id
292                         ,pop.Oipl_Id
293                         ,pop.Ovn
294                         ,pop.Elig_Sal
295                         ,pop.Xchg_Rate
296                         ,pop.Nn_Mntry
297                         ,pop.rndg_cd
298                         ,pop.assignment_id
299                         ,p_alct_by
300                         ,p_trg_val(l_num));
301             --
302           end if;
303           --
304         end if;
305         -- End of If statement
306       end loop;
307       -- End of For Loop (First Criterion)
308     end loop;
309     -- End of For Loop (Cursor)
310   end loop;
311   -- End of For Loop (Array)
312   --
313   -- Update the Summary Table
314   ben_cwb_summary_pkg.save_pl_sql_tab;
315   --
316   -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
317   --
318   if p_validate then
319     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
320   end if;
321   --
322   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 20);
323   --
324 exception
325   when hr_api.validate_enabled then
326     --
327     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
328     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
329     --
330     rollback to pop_trg_amts;
331     --
332     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 30);
333     --
334   when others then
335     --
336     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
337     --
338     rollback to pop_trg_amts;
339     --
340     -- Reset IN OUT parameters and set all
341     -- OUT parameters, including warnings, to null
342     --
343     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 40);
344     raise;
345     --
346 end pop_trg_amts;
347 -- End of Procedure
348 --
349 end ben_cwb_mtrx_utils;
350 -- End of Package