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Line 98: from hz_parties hp , hz_party_sites hps,

94: hp.party_name company_name,
95: 'CUSTOMER' company_type,
96: nvl(nvl(flp.facility_code,wl.location_code),to_char(wl.wsh_location_id)) facility_code,
97: nvl(flp.description,wl.ui_location_code) description
98: from hz_parties hp , hz_party_sites hps,
99: hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
100: wsh_locations wl,
101: fte_location_parameters flp
102: where hcas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id

Line 116: from hz_party_sites hps,

112: wc.carrier_name company_name,
113: 'CARRIER' company_type,
114: nvl(nvl(flp.facility_code,wl.location_code),to_char(wl.wsh_location_id)) facility_code,
115: nvl(flp.description,wl.ui_location_code) description
116: from hz_party_sites hps,
117: wsh_carriers_v wc,
118: wsh_locations wl,
119: fte_location_parameters flp
120: where hps.party_id = wc.carrier_id

Line 136: hz_party_sites hps,

132: nvl(flp.description,wl.ui_location_code) description
133: FROM hz_parties hp ,
134: po_vendors po,
135: hz_relationships rel,
136: hz_party_sites hps,
137: wsh_locations wl,
138: fte_location_parameters flp
139: WHERE hps.party_id = hp.party_id
140: AND rel.relationship_type = 'POS_VENDOR_PARTY'

Line 436: from wsh_locations wl, hz_party_sites hps, wsh_carriers_v wc

432: cursor c_hz_details (p_locid VARCHAR2) is
433: select wc.carrier_id company_id, wc.carrier_name company_name,
434: wc.carrier_name||'/'||nvl(hps.party_site_name,hps.party_site_number)
435: site, 'CARRIER' company_type
436: from wsh_locations wl, hz_party_sites hps, wsh_carriers_v wc
437: where wl.source_location_id=hps.location_id
438: and hps.party_id=wc.carrier_id
439: and wl.location_source_code='HZ'
440: and wc.active='A'

Line 446: from wsh_locations wl, hz_party_sites hps, hz_parties hp,

442: union all
443: select hcas.cust_account_id company_id, hp.party_name company_name,
444: hp.party_name||'/'||nvl(hps.party_site_name,hps.party_site_number)
445: site, 'CUSTOMER' company_type
446: from wsh_locations wl, hz_party_sites hps, hz_parties hp,
447: hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas
448: where wl.source_location_id=hps.location_id
449: and hps.party_id=hp.party_id
450: and wl.location_source_code='HZ'

Line 461: hz_party_sites hps,

457: site, 'SUPPLIER' company_type
458: FROM hz_parties hp ,
459: po_vendors po,
460: hz_relationships rel,
461: hz_party_sites hps,
462: wsh_locations wl
463: where wl.source_location_id=hps.location_id
464: and hps.party_id=hp.party_id
465: AND rel.relationship_type = 'POS_VENDOR_PARTY'