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2 /* $Header: jtfbdcfs.pls 115.6 2002/02/27 14:00:45 pkm ship       $ */
5   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
6   --Created by  : Varun Puri
7   --Date created: 03-OCT-2001
8   --
9   --Purpose:
10   --  Creates the missing FND_MENU_ENTRIES for SECURITY data
11   --
12   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
13   --
14   --Change History: (who, when, what: NO CREATION RECORDS HERE!)
15   --Who    When    What
16   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17   PROCEDURE security_update;
19 procedure copy(
20      source_region_code  in  varchar2
21    , target_region_code  in  varchar2
22 );
24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 -- History:
26 -- 15-AUG-2001   Varun Puri   CREATED
27 --
28 -- This function returns the ICX Session ID
29 --
30 -- Returns: ICX Session ID
31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 FUNCTION get_icx_session_id RETURN NUMBER;
34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 -- History:
36 -- 28-JUN-2001   Varun Puri   CREATED
37 --
38 -- This function returns the parameter value of a parameter from parameter string.
39 -- It takes parameter string and parameter name as input. Parameter separator and
40 -- value separator too could be passed to this function. Default values are '&'
41 -- and '='.
42 --
43 -- Sample Usage:
44 --  SELECT jtfb_util.get_parameter_value('p1=v1',p1) from dual
45 -- Returns: v1
46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 FUNCTION  get_parameter_value(p_param_str  varchar2,
48                               p_param_name varchar2,
49                               p_param_sep  varchar2 default '&',
50                               p_value_sep  varchar2 default '=') RETURN VARCHAR2;
54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 -- History:
56 -- 28-JUN-2001    Varun Puri   CREATED
57 --
58 -- Returns the count of tokens, given the delimiter string
59 -- This function is used by get_multiselect_value
60 --
61 -- Sample Usage:
62 --  SELECT jtfb_util.get_multiselect_count('AB~~CD~~EF~~GH','~~') from dual
63 -- Returns: 4
64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 FUNCTION get_multiselect_count(p_param_str VARCHAR2,
66                                p_multi_sep VARCHAR2 default '~~') RETURN NUMBER;
68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 -- History:
70 -- 28-JUN-2001    Varun Puri   CREATED
71 --
72 -- Returns the nth value of a delimiter seperated string
73 --
74 -- Sample Usage:
75 --  SELECT jtfb_util.get_multiselect_value('AB~~CD~~EF~~GH',2,'~~') from dual
76 -- Returns: CD
77 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 FUNCTION get_multiselect_value(p_param_str VARCHAR2,
79                                pos         NUMBER,
80                                p_multi_sep VARCHAR2 default '~~') RETURN VARCHAR2;
82 --
83 --
84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- Name
86 --    Lov_Upgrade
87 --
88 -- Purpose:
89 --    Updates Consumer Components LOV Parameter's Metadata. Changes include
90 --    updates to the value of flex_segment_list and the following attribute
91 --    substitutions.
92 --    Old                     New
93 --    --------------------    ----------
94 --    lov_region_code         attribute7
95 --    lov_foreign_key_name    attribute8
96 --    lov_attribute_code      attribute9
97 --    flex_segment_list       attribute10
98 --
99 -- Note:
100 --    The changes are committed if successful and rolled back if not.
101 --    Unexpected_Error Exception is raised in case of any Errors.
103 --
104 -- History:
105 --    28-SEP-2001, Elanchelvan Elango, Created
106 --
107 -- Sample Usage:
108 --    Login as APPS user.
109 --    SQL> set serveroutput on
110 --    SQL> exec jtfb_dcf.Lov_Upgrade;
111 --
112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 procedure Lov_Upgrade;
114 --
115 --
116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- Name
118 --    Graph_Upgrade
119 --
120 -- Purpose:
121 --    Updates display_sequence of DCF Component's Graph Metadata if they are
122 --    between 1 and 4, to the highest sequence between 601 and 699.
123 --
124 -- Note:
125 --    The changes are committed if successful and rolled back if not.
126 --    Unexpected_Error Exception is raised in case of any Errors.
128 --
129 -- History:
130 --    08-OCT-2001, Elanchelvan Elango, Created
131 --
132 -- Sample Usage:
133 --    Login as APPS user.
134 --    SQL> set serveroutput on
135 --    SQL> exec jtfb_dcf.Graph_Upgrade;
136 --
137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 procedure Graph_Upgrade;
139 --
140 --
141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 -- Name
143 --    Multiselect_Upgrade
144 --
145 -- Purpose:
146 --    Updates DCF Parameters of item_style 'MULTI_SELECT' to 'DATA'. Changes
147 --    are made to respective Ak_Attributes too.
148 --
149 -- Note:
150 --    The changes are committed if successful and rolled back if not.
151 --    Unexpected_Error Exception is raised in case of any Errors.
153 --
154 -- History:
155 --    08-OCT-2001, Elanchelvan Elango, Created
156 --
157 -- Sample Usage:
158 --    Login as APPS user.
159 --    SQL> set serveroutput on
160 --    SQL> exec jtfb_dcf.Multiselect_Upgrade;
161 --
162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 procedure Multiselect_Upgrade;
164 --
165 --
166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 -- Name
168 --    Audit_Columns_Patch
169 --
170 -- Purpose:
171 --    Updates the created_by and last_update_by columns of all DCF components
172 --    with the value from fnd_global.user_id. The updated tables include:
173 --    ak_regions, ak_regions_tl, ak_region_items, ak_region_items_tl. All the
174 --    language rows are updated in the translated tables. Once the patch is
175 --    applied the actions are irreversible.
176 --
177 -- Note:
178 --    1) Locking of rows before update has been given more priority over size
179 --       of cursor. So no intermediate Commits are done withing a cursor. Since
180 --       the update may involve a large number of rows, you must have a large
181 --       rollback segment available.
182 --    2) Unexpected_Error Exception is raised in case of any Errors.
183 --    3) If the Application Context is not set then fnd_global may have
184 --       invalid values. See Oracle Applications Developer's Guide, Release 11i
185 --
186 -- History:
187 -- 25-FEB-2002  eelango    Created.
188 --
189 -- Sample Usage:
190 --    Login as APPS user.
191 --    SQL> set serveroutput on
192 --    SQL> exec jtfb_dcf.Audit_Columns_Patch;
193 --
194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 procedure Audit_Columns_Patch(p_param_str  varchar2);
196 --
197 --
198 end jtfb_dcf;