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APPS.MRP_EXP_WF dependencies on FND_USER

Line 931: FROM fnd_user fu,

927: CURSOR SUPPLIER_CONTACT_C(p_supplier_id in number,
928: p_supplier_site_id in number) IS
929: SELECT DECODE(fu.employee_id, NULL, fu.user_id, fu.employee_id),
930: DECODE(fu.employee_id, NULL, 'FND_USR', 'PER')
931: FROM fnd_user fu,
932: po_vendor_contacts cont
933: WHERE fu.supplier_id = cont.vendor_contact_id
934: AND cont.vendor_site_id = p_supplier_site_id;

Line 1134: FROM fnd_user fu,

1131: CURSOR CUSTOMER_CONTACT_C1(p_customer_id in number) IS
1132: SELECT DECODE(fu.employee_id, NULL, fu.user_id, fu.employee_id),
1133: DECODE(fu.employee_id, NULL, 'FND_USR', 'PER')
1134: FROM fnd_user fu,
1135: hz_cust_account_roles cont
1136: WHERE fu.customer_id = cont.cust_account_role_id
1137: AND cont.cust_account_id = p_customer_id;

Line 1703: FROM fnd_user u, fnd_user_resp_groups g

1699: aname => 'FORWARD_TO_USERNAME');
1701: SELECT g.responsibility_id, g.user_id, g.responsibility_application_id
1702: INTO l_responsibility_id, l_user_id, l_application_id
1703: FROM fnd_user u, fnd_user_resp_groups g
1704: WHERE u.user_name = l_assigned_user
1705: AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
1706: AND NVL(g.end_date, SYSDATE + 1) >= SYSDATE
1707: AND g.user_id = u.user_id