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Line 652: from hz_imp_contactpts_int int,hz_imp_contactpts_sg p_sg

648: 'Y','Y','Y',
649: 'Y','Y','Y','Y',
650: dup_val_exp_val,
651: other_exp_val
652: from hz_imp_contactpts_int int,hz_imp_contactpts_sg p_sg
653: where int.rowid = p_sg.int_row_id
654: and p_sg.action_flag = 'I'
655: and p_sg.batch_id = P_DML_RECORD.BATCH_ID
656: and int.party_orig_system = P_DML_RECORD.OS

Line 999: hz_imp_contactpts_sg ps,

995: ps.error_flag,
996: hp.party_id party_owner_table_id,
997: mosr_site.owner_table_id site_owner_table_id
998: from hz_imp_contactpts_int pi,
999: hz_imp_contactpts_sg ps,
1000: --hz_orig_sys_references mosr_party,
1001: hz_parties hp,
1002: hz_orig_sys_references mosr_site,
1003: --(select distinct phone_country_code from hz_phone_country_codes) hpc,--3401319

Line 1196: hz_imp_contactpts_sg cpt_sg

1192: and rownum = 1
1193: ) contact_point_id
1194: from HZ_IMP_TMP_ERRORS err_table,
1195: hz_imp_contactpts_int int,
1196: hz_imp_contactpts_sg cpt_sg
1197: where err_table.request_id = :request_id
1198: and cpt_sg.batch_id = :batch_id
1199: and cpt_sg.batch_mode_flag = :batch_mode_flag
1200: and err_table.interface_table_name = ''HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_INT''

Line 1259: from hz_imp_contactpts_int int,hz_imp_contactpts_sg cpt_sg

1255: /* Note: for error case, the party with the id will just be not found */
1256: /* in update. Not necessary to filter out here. */
1257: OPEN de_norm_cursor FOR
1258: 'select cpt_sg.party_id, cpt_sg.contact_point_id, int.contact_point_type
1259: from hz_imp_contactpts_int int,hz_imp_contactpts_sg cpt_sg
1260: where int.rowid = cpt_sg.int_row_id
1261: and int.contact_point_type in(''WEB'',''EMAIL'')
1262: and cpt_sg.batch_id = :batch_id
1263: and cpt_sg.batch_mode_flag = :batch_mode_flag

Line 1484: FROM HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_INT pi, HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_SG ps,hz_contact_points hp,

1480: ''Y''
1481: ),
1482: ''Y'') createdby_error
1484: FROM HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_INT pi, HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_SG ps,hz_contact_points hp,
1485: hz_orig_systems_b hos, /* Bug 4079902 */
1486: --(select distinct phone_country_code from hz_phone_country_codes) hpc,--3401319
1487: (select 0 a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) tc,--3401319
1488: fnd_timezones_b ht,fnd_lookup_values contact_point_type_l,