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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 3

procedure delete_grrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number) is
   delete from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and table_alias ='GRRATE';
Line: 10

      hr_utility.set_location('issues in deleteing gr rates',10);
Line: 12

end delete_grrate;
Line: 13

procedure delete_gsrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number) is
   delete from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and table_alias ='GSRATE';
Line: 20

      hr_utility.set_location('issues in deleteing gs rates',10);
Line: 22

end delete_gsrate;
Line: 36

   select information293,information287
   into p_point_value,p_point_old_value
   from ben_copy_entity_results
   where table_alias = 'CRRATE'
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information169 = p_point_cer_id
   and information160 = p_crset_id
   and p_effective_start_date between information2 and information3
   and p_effective_end_date between information2 and information3;
Line: 64

   select information297,information287
   into p_point_value,p_point_old_value
   from ben_copy_entity_results
   where table_alias = 'HRRATE'
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information278 = p_point_cer_id
   and p_effective_start_date between information2 and information3
   and p_effective_end_date between information2 and information3;
Line: 392

procedure update_date_ranges(p_start_date in date,
                             p_dt_matx    in out nocopy t_pt_matx) is
   l_exists boolean := false;
Line: 413

      select information2 start_date
      from   ben_copy_entity_results
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
      and    table_alias = 'HRRATE' -- check oipl row
      and    information278 = p_point_cer_id  -- check rate of point row
      order by 1 ;
Line: 427

   select count(*),min(information2),max(information3)
   into l_num_pt_rates,l_min_st_dt,l_max_end_dt
   from   ben_copy_entity_results
   where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
   and    table_alias = 'HRRATE' -- check hrr row
   and    information278 = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 469

       update_date_ranges(p_start_date => rate.start_date,
                          p_dt_matx    => p_dt_matx);
Line: 480

      select information2 start_date
      from   ben_copy_entity_results
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
      and    table_alias = 'CRRATE' -- check oipl row
      and    information169 = p_point_cer_id  -- check rate of point row
      and    information160 = p_crset_id
      order by 1 ;
Line: 496

   select count(*),min(information2),max(information3)
   into l_num_pt_rates,l_min_st_dt,l_max_end_dt
   from   ben_copy_entity_results
   where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
   and    table_alias = 'CRRATE' -- check crr row
   and    information160 = p_crset_id
   and    information278 = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 552

       update_date_ranges(p_start_date => rate.start_date,
                          p_dt_matx    => p_dt_matx);
Line: 564

      select copy_entity_result_id,information252,information253
      -- into p_plip_cer_id,p_grade_cer_id,p_grade_id
      from   ben_copy_entity_results
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
      and    information104 = 'LINK' -- checked linked rows
      and    table_alias = 'CPP'   -- check plip row
      order by information263 ; -- for getting the order of grades correct
Line: 573

      select information262
      -- into p_point_cer_id
      from   ben_copy_entity_results
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
      and    information104 = 'LINK' -- checked linked rows
      and    table_alias = 'COP' -- check oipl row
      and    gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_plip_cer_id  -- check child of plip row
      order by information263 ; -- step sequence
Line: 594

      select count(*)
      into   l_grd_num_steps
      from   ben_copy_entity_results
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    result_type_cd ='DISPLAY' -- which are displayed
      and    information104 = 'LINK' -- checked linked rows
      and    table_alias = 'COP' -- check oipl row
      and    gs_parent_entity_result_id = grd.copy_entity_result_id;  -- check child of plip row
Line: 681

   delete_gsrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id);
Line: 742

   delete_grrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id);
Line: 755

   update ben_copy_entity_results
   set INFORMATION297 = p_new_value,
       dml_operation  = nvl(dml_operation,'UPDATE')
   where information278 = p_point_cer_id
   and table_alias ='HRRATE'
   and p_effective_date between information2 and information3
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 773

procedure update_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                        p_point_cer_id       in number,
                        p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2,
                        p_effective_date     in date,
                        p_new_value          in number) is
   l_old_hrr_cer_id number;
Line: 782

      select copy_entity_result_id
      into l_old_hrr_cer_id
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where information278 = p_point_cer_id
      and table_alias ='HRRATE'
      and p_effective_date between information2 and information3
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 801

      update_hrrate(p_old_hrrate_cer_id => l_old_hrr_cer_id,
                    p_effective_date    => p_effective_date,
                    p_datetrack_mode    => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_new_hrrate_cer_id => l_new_hrr_cer_id,
                    p_value             => p_new_value);
Line: 810

end update_hrrate;
Line: 811

procedure update_hrrate(p_old_hrrate_cer_id in number,
                        p_effective_date    in date,
                        p_value             in number,
                        p_datetrack_mode    in varchar2,
                        p_grd_min_value     in number default null,
                        p_grd_mid_value     in number default null,
                        p_grd_max_value     in number default null,
                        p_new_hrrate_cer_id out nocopy number) is
   l_eot date := to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/RRRR');
Line: 844

   hr_utility.set_location('inside update_hrrate '||p_old_hrrate_cer_id,10);
Line: 845

   select copy_entity_txn_id,table_alias,table_name,table_route_id,dml_operation,datetrack_mode,
   into   l_cet_id,l_table_alias,l_table_name,l_table_route_id,l_dml_oper,l_dt_mode,
   from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_result_id = p_old_hrrate_cer_id;
Line: 854

      l_new_dml_oper := 'UPDATE';
Line: 894

         update ben_copy_entity_results
         set information294 = p_grd_min_value,
             information295 = p_grd_max_value,
             information296 = p_grd_mid_value,
             information297 = p_value,
             dml_operation  = l_new_dml_oper,
             datetrack_mode = l_new_dt_mode,
             information3   = l_hrr_eed
         where copy_entity_result_id = p_old_hrrate_cer_id;
Line: 905

         update ben_copy_entity_results
         set information287 = p_value
         where copy_entity_result_id = p_old_hrrate_cer_id
         and nvl(information287,0) =0 ;
Line: 912

         hr_utility.set_location('old hrrate updated '||p_old_hrrate_cer_id,10);
Line: 923

         delete from ben_copy_entity_results
         where  copy_entity_txn_id = l_cet_id
         and table_alias = 'HRRATE'
         and (information277 is null or information277 = l_grade_cer_id)
         and (information278 is null or information278 = l_point_cer_id)
         and information2 > p_effective_date;
Line: 938

         update ben_copy_entity_results
         set information3 = l_hrr_eed
         where copy_entity_result_id = p_old_hrrate_cer_id;
Line: 941

         hr_utility.set_location('old hrrate updated '||p_old_hrrate_cer_id,10);
Line: 949

      hr_utility.set_location('inserting new row ',10);
Line: 960

         ,p_dml_operation          => 'INSERT'
         ,p_datetrack_mode         => 'UPDATE_REPLACE'
         ,p_information1           => l_pk
         ,p_information2           => p_effective_date
         ,p_information3           => l_eot
         ,p_information4           => l_bg
         ,p_information277         => l_grade_cer_id
         ,p_information278         => l_point_cer_id
         ,p_information293         => l_payrate_id
         ,p_information294         => p_grd_min_value
         ,p_information288         => p_grd_min_value
         ,p_information295         => p_grd_max_value
         ,p_information289         => p_grd_max_value
         ,p_information296         => p_grd_mid_value
         ,p_information290         => p_grd_mid_value
         ,p_information297         => p_value
         ,p_information287         => p_value
         ,p_information298         => l_hrr_ovn
         ,p_information300         => l_abr_cer_id
         ,p_copy_entity_result_id  => p_new_hrrate_cer_id
         ,p_object_version_number  => l_hrr_cer_ovn);
Line: 988

end update_hrrate;
Line: 989

procedure update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                            p_pl_cer_id          in number default null,
                            p_point_cer_id       in number default null,
                            p_value              in number) is
   hr_utility.set_location('applying data to hgrid',10);
Line: 997

         update ben_copy_entity_results
         set information298 = p_value
         where table_alias ='CPP'
         and   information252 = p_pl_cer_id
         and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1009

         update ben_copy_entity_results
         set information298 = p_value
         where table_alias ='COP'
         and   information262 = p_point_cer_id
         and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1021

end update_hgrid_data;
Line: 1022

procedure update_grade_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                              p_rt_effective_date  in date,
                              p_gl_effective_date  in date,
                              p_business_group_id  in number,
                              p_hrrate_cer_id      in out nocopy number,
                              p_grade_cer_id       in number,
                              p_grd_value          in number,
                              p_grd_min_value      in number,
                              p_grd_mid_value      in number,
                              p_grd_max_value      in number,
                              p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2) is
   l_abr_cer_id number;
Line: 1065

               p_dml_oper           => 'INSERT');
Line: 1080

            p_dml_oper           => 'INSERT',
            p_hrrate_cer_id      => p_hrrate_cer_id);
Line: 1084

            update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                              p_pl_cer_id          => p_grade_cer_id,
                              p_value              => p_grd_value);
Line: 1092

      update_hrrate(p_old_hrrate_cer_id => p_hrrate_cer_id,
                    p_effective_date    => p_rt_effective_date,
                    p_new_hrrate_cer_id => l_new_hrrate_cer_id,
                    p_value             => p_grd_value,
                    p_datetrack_mode    => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_grd_min_value     => p_grd_min_value,
                    p_grd_mid_value     => p_grd_mid_value,
                    p_grd_max_value     => p_grd_max_value);
Line: 1102

            update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                              p_pl_cer_id          => p_grade_cer_id,
                              p_value              => p_grd_value);
Line: 1105

      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_REPLACE' and p_gl_effective_date >= p_rt_effective_date then
            update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                              p_pl_cer_id          => p_grade_cer_id,
                              p_value              => p_grd_value);
Line: 1113

end update_grade_hrrate;
Line: 1114

procedure update_point_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                              p_rt_effective_date  in date,
                              p_gl_effective_date  in date,
                              p_business_group_id  in number,
                              p_hrrate_cer_id      in out nocopy number,
                              p_point_cer_id       in number,
                              p_point_value        in number,
                              p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2) is
   l_abr_cer_id number;
Line: 1153

               p_dml_oper           => 'INSERT');
Line: 1165

            p_dml_oper           => 'INSERT',
            p_hrrate_cer_id      => p_hrrate_cer_id);
Line: 1169

            update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                              p_point_cer_id       => p_point_cer_id,
                              p_value              => p_point_value);
Line: 1177

      update_hrrate(p_old_hrrate_cer_id => p_hrrate_cer_id,
                    p_effective_date    => p_rt_effective_date,
                    p_datetrack_mode    => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_new_hrrate_cer_id => l_new_hrrate_cer_id,
                    p_value             => p_point_value);
Line: 1184

            update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                              p_point_cer_id       => p_point_cer_id,
                              p_value              => p_point_value);
Line: 1187

      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_REPLACE' and p_gl_effective_date >= p_rt_effective_date then
            update_hgrid_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                              p_point_cer_id       => p_point_cer_id,
                              p_value              => p_point_value);
Line: 1193

end update_point_hrrate;
Line: 1201

      from pay_grade_rules_f
      where grade_rule_id = p_pay_rule_id
      and rate_type ='G'
      and GRADE_OR_SPINAL_POINT_ID = p_grade_id
      order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1295

      from pay_grade_rules_f
      where grade_rule_id = p_pay_rule_id
      and rate_type ='SP'
      and GRADE_OR_SPINAL_POINT_ID = p_point_id
      order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1375

procedure update_crrate(p_crset_id           in number,
                        p_effective_date     in date,
                        p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                        p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2,
                        p_grade_cer_id       in number default null,
                        p_point_cer_id       in number default null,
                        p_new_value          in number) is
cursor csr_crrate is
   select *
   from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and   table_alias = 'CRRATE'
   and   (information230 is null or information230 = p_grade_cer_id)
   and   (information169 is null or information169 = p_point_cer_id)
   and  information160 = p_crset_id
   and p_effective_date between information2 and information3;
Line: 1401

   if p_datetrack_mode not in ('CORRECTION','UPDATE_REPLACE') then
      hr_utility.set_location('invalid dt mode '||p_datetrack_mode,1);
Line: 1413

            l_dml_operation := 'UPDATE';
Line: 1419

            hr_utility.set_location('same row is to be updated',6);
Line: 1451

            hr_utility.set_location('fut rows being deleted',11);
Line: 1452

            delete from ben_copy_entity_results
            where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and table_alias = 'CRRATE'
            and information160 = p_crset_id
            and (information230 is null or information230 = p_grade_cer_id)
            and (information169 is null or information169 = p_point_cer_id)
            and information2 > p_effective_date;
Line: 1462

            update ben_copy_entity_results
            set INFORMATION3 = l_crrate_eed
            where copy_entity_result_id = crrate_rec.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1468

            update ben_copy_entity_results
            set dml_operation = l_dml_operation,
                INFORMATION293 = p_new_value,
                information3   = l_crrate_eed
            where copy_entity_result_id = crrate_rec.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1474

            update ben_copy_entity_results
            set INFORMATION287 = p_new_value
            where copy_entity_result_id = crrate_rec.copy_entity_result_id
            and nvl(information287,0) =0 ;
Line: 1495

               p_datetrack_mode     => 'UPDATE_REPLACE',
               p_vpf_cer_id         => crrate_rec.information162,
               p_vpf_name           => crrate_rec.information170,
               p_vpf_id             => crrate_rec.information278,
               p_crset_id           => crrate_rec.information160,
               p_elp_id             => crrate_rec.information279,
               p_crr_cer_id         => l_crr_cer_id);
Line: 1506

end update_crrate;
Line: 1671

procedure update_gsrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                        p_gsr_cer_id         in number,
                        p_effective_date     in date,
                        p_business_group_id  in number,
                        p_value1             in number,
                        p_value2             in number,
                        p_value3             in number,
                        p_value4             in number,
                        p_value5             in number,
                        p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2) is
   l_grade_cer_id number;
Line: 1706

   select information160, information229, information231, information174,
          information178, information222, information287, information288, information289,
          information290, information291, information228, information2, information3
   into l_grade_cer_id, l_point1_cer_id, l_point2_cer_id, l_point3_cer_id,
        l_point4_cer_id, l_point5_cer_id, l_point1_value, l_point2_value, l_point3_value,
        l_point4_value, l_point5_value, l_step_range, l_esd, l_eed
   from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_result_id = p_gsr_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1743

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information287 = p_value1,
          information288 = p_value2,
          information289 = p_value3,
          information290 = p_value4,
          information291 = p_value5,
          information3   = l_crrate_eed
      where copy_entity_result_id = p_gsr_cer_id
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1755

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set INFORMATION3 = p_effective_date -1
      where copy_entity_result_id = p_gsr_cer_id
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1763

      delete from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'GSRATE'
      and information160 = l_grade_cer_id
      and information2 > p_effective_date;
Line: 1789

      hr_utility.set_location('new row inserted',14);
Line: 1792

   update_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                 p_point_cer_id       => l_point1_cer_id,
                 p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                 p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                 p_new_value          => p_value1);
Line: 1799

      update_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point2_cer_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value2);
Line: 1807

      update_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point3_cer_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value3);
Line: 1815

      update_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point4_cer_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value4);
Line: 1823

      update_hrrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point5_cer_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value5);
Line: 1830

end update_gsrate;
Line: 1831

procedure update_grrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                        p_grr_cer_id         in number,
                        p_effective_date     in date,
                        p_business_group_id  in number,
                        p_value1             in number,
                        p_value2             in number,
                        p_value3             in number,
                        p_value4             in number,
                        p_value5             in number,
                        p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2) is
   l_grade_cer_id number;
Line: 1868

   select information160, information161,information162,information229, information231, information174,
          information178, information222, information287, information288, information289,
          information290, information291, information228, information2, information3
   into l_grade_cer_id, l_crset_id, l_plip_cer_id,l_point1_cer_id, l_point2_cer_id, l_point3_cer_id,
        l_point4_cer_id, l_point5_cer_id, l_point1_value, l_point2_value, l_point3_value,
        l_point4_value, l_point5_value, l_step_range, l_esd, l_eed
   from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_result_id = p_grr_cer_id
   and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1905

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information287 = p_value1,
          information288 = p_value2,
          information289 = p_value3,
          information290 = p_value4,
          information291 = p_value5,
          information3   = l_crrate_eed
      where copy_entity_result_id = p_grr_cer_id
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1917

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set INFORMATION3 = p_effective_date -1
      where copy_entity_result_id = p_grr_cer_id
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1925

      delete from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'GRRATE'
      and information160 = l_grade_cer_id
      and information2 > p_effective_date;
Line: 1933

      hr_utility.set_location('new row inserted',14);
Line: 1955

   update_crrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                 p_point_cer_id       => l_point1_cer_id,
                 p_crset_id           => l_crset_id,
                 p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                 p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                 p_new_value          => p_value1);
Line: 1963

      update_crrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point2_cer_id,
                    p_crset_id           => l_crset_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value2);
Line: 1972

      update_crrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point3_cer_id,
                    p_crset_id           => l_crset_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value3);
Line: 1981

      update_crrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point4_cer_id,
                    p_crset_id           => l_crset_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value4);
Line: 1990

      update_crrate(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                    p_point_cer_id       => l_point5_cer_id,
                    p_crset_id           => l_crset_id,
                    p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode,
                    p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                    p_new_value          => p_value5);
Line: 1998

end update_grrate;
Line: 2004

   select * from ben_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and information160 is null
   and table_alias = 'CRRATE'
   and information169 = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 2014

             l_dml_operation := 'INSERT';
Line: 2020

             l_dml_operation := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2025

       update ben_copy_entity_results
       set information293 = p_value,
           information160 = p_crset_id,
           dml_operation  = l_dml_operation
       where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
       and copy_entity_result_id = crr_rec.copy_entity_result_id
       and information160 is null
       and table_alias = 'CRRATE'
       and information169 = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 2035

            update ben_copy_entity_results
            set INFORMATION287 = p_value
            where copy_entity_result_id = crr_rec.copy_entity_result_id
            and nvl(information287,0) =0 ;
Line: 2046

      select * from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and information161 is null
      and table_alias = 'GRRATE';
Line: 2094

select copy_entity_result_id
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'PLN'
and copy_entity_txn_id =  p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 2102

select copy_entity_result_id,information1,information2,information3,information294,information295,information296,information297,dml_operation
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'HRRATE'
and information277= p_grade_cer_id
and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 2110

select copy_entity_result_id,information1,information2,information3,information293,dml_operation
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'CRRATE'
and information230= p_grade_cer_id
and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 2118

select value,minimum,maximum,mid_value
from pay_grade_rules_f
where grade_rule_id = p_grade_rule_id
and effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date;
Line: 2125

select copy_entity_result_id
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'OPT'
and copy_entity_txn_id =  p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 2133

select copy_entity_result_id,information1,information2,information3,information297,dml_operation
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'HRRATE'
and information278= p_point_cer_id
and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 2141

select copy_entity_result_id,information1,information2,information3,information293,dml_operation
from ben_copy_entity_results
where table_alias = 'CRRATE'
and information169= p_point_cer_id
and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 2149

select value
from pay_grade_rules_f
where grade_rule_id = p_grade_rule_id
and effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date;
Line: 2155

select copy_entity_result_id
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 where information109 is null --nvl(information109,0) = 0
   and table_alias = 'PQH_GSP_TASK_LIST'
   and copy_entity_txn_id =  p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and rownum < 2 ;
Line: 2171

   update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information109 = 'Y'
    where copy_entity_result_id = rec_gsp_task_list.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 2178

   if grade_std_rates_rec.dml_operation = 'INSERT' then
     update ben_copy_entity_results
     set  information287 = information297
         ,information288 = information294
         ,information289 = information295
         ,information290 = information296
     where copy_entity_result_id = grade_std_rates_rec.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 2189

     update ben_copy_entity_results
     set  information287 = l_value
         ,information288 = l_grd_min_value
         ,information289 = l_grd_max_value
         ,information290 = l_grd_mid_value
     where copy_entity_result_id = grade_std_rates_rec.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 2199

     update ben_copy_entity_results
     set  information287 = information293
     where copy_entity_result_id = grade_cri_rates_rec.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 2209

   if pnt_rate.dml_operation = 'INSERT' then
     update ben_copy_entity_results
     set  information287 = information297
     where copy_entity_result_id = pnt_rate.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 2217

     update ben_copy_entity_results
     set  information287 = l_value
     where copy_entity_result_id = pnt_rate.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 2224

     update ben_copy_entity_results
     set  information287 = information293
     where copy_entity_result_id = pnt_cri_rate.copy_entity_result_id;