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Line 66: -- Update the pay_input_values_f_tl Row

62: --
63: --
64: --
65: --
66: -- Update the pay_input_values_f_tl Row
67: --
68: update pay_input_values_f_tl
69: set
70: input_value_id = p_rec.input_value_id

Line 68: update pay_input_values_f_tl

64: --
65: --
66: -- Update the pay_input_values_f_tl Row
67: --
68: update pay_input_values_f_tl
69: set
70: input_value_id = p_rec.input_value_id
71: ,name = p_rec.name
72: ,language = p_rec.language

Line 208: (p_module_name => 'PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F_TL'

204: --
205: when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
206: --
207: hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
208: (p_module_name => 'PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F_TL'
209: ,p_hook_type => 'AU');
210: --
211: end;
212: --

Line 385: from pay_input_values_f_tl ivt

381: -- source_lang match the specified language.
382: --
383: cursor csr_upd_langs is
384: select ivt.language
385: from pay_input_values_f_tl ivt
386: where ivt.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
387: and p_language_code in (ivt.language
388: ,ivt.source_lang);
389: --