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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

        02/03/99  115.3        PDas                  Deleted date and
                                                     enabled_flag check for hr_lookups
        02/08/99  115.4        PDas                  Moved function get_value to benxutil.pkb
        02/10/99  115.5        PDas                  Modified Calc_Smart_Total
                                                     - added p_frmt_mask_cd paramater
        02/16/99  115.6        PDas                  Modified Calc_Smart_Total
        08/06/99  115.7        ASen                  Added messages : Entering, Exiting.
        10/03/99  115.8        Thayden               Rewrote to handle multiple conditions.
        01/04/99  115.9        Thayden               Fixed format mask bugs.
        02/24/00  115.10       Shdas                 changed the dynamic sql for calculating
                                                     smart totals.
        01/30/01  115.11       tilak                 error message is changed , the messages is
                                                     sent instead of the name
        08/10/01  115.12       ikasire               Bug 1928211 changed the l_smart_ttl_string
                                                     as per the details in bug resolution
        02/10/02  115.13       tjesumic              Fraction Amount is not taken care in
                                                     SUM function . added in translation - 2012562
        02/10/02  115.14       tjesumic              dbdrv fixed
        03/13/02  115.15       ikasire               UTF8 Changes
        12/23/02  115.16       lakrish               NOCOPY changes
        12/23/02  115.17       tjesumic              closing ')' moved below the lop
                                                       # 2729093
        06/14/04  115.18       tjesumic              3691826 fixed by creating str with format mask
        06/15/04  115.19       tjesumic              3691826
        03/22/05  115.20        tjesumic              new parameter group_val_01,02 added for
                                                     sub grouping calcaultion for subheader
        10/10/06  115.21       tjesumic              ben_Ext_frmt,format_mask function called to
                                                     apply the format maks so {} format are taken care
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |-------------------------< get_where_params >------------------------------|
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This procedure finds the necessary column in ben_ext_rslt_dtl
-- for where clause
Procedure get_where_params(p_ext_rcd_id                        in number,
                           p_cond_ext_data_elmt_id             in number,
                           p_data_elmt_seq_num                 out nocopy varchar2
                           ) IS
  l_proc               varchar2(72) := g_package||'.get_where_params';
Line: 71

  SELECT xdr.seq_num
  FROM   ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd xdr
  WHERE  xdr.ext_data_elmt_id = p_cond_ext_data_elmt_id
   and   xdr.ext_rcd_id = p_ext_rcd_id;
Line: 133

  SELECT c.seq_num,
  FROM   ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd c,
         ben_ext_data_elmt        d
  WHERE  c.ext_rcd_id = p_ext_rcd_id
  AND    c.ext_data_elmt_id = p_ttl_sum_ext_data_elmt_id
  AND    d.ext_data_elmt_id = c.ext_data_elmt_id;
Line: 142

  SELECT meaning
  FROM   hr_lookups
  WHERE  lookup_type = 'BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK'
  AND    lookup_code = l_frmt_mask_cd;
Line: 215

  select xwc.oper_cd,
  from ben_ext_where_clause xwc
  where xwc.ext_data_elmt_id = p_ext_data_elmt_id
  order by xwc.seq_num;
Line: 371

        l_smart_ttl_string := 'select to_char(sum(to_number(
Line: 382

              l_smart_ttl_string := 'select to_char(sum(to_number(
Line: 410

                 l_smart_ttl_string := 'select (sum(to_number(val_'||l_sum_column||', '''||  l_sum_col_frmt_mask|| ''')))'||
                              ' from ben_ext_rslt_dtl'
                              || l_where_string;
Line: 423

    l_smart_ttl_string := 'select to_char(count(*)) from ben_ext_rslt_dtl'||