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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_de_extra_api_checks AS
2   /* $Header: pedehkvl.pkb 115.8 2002/01/03 07:35:35 pkm ship       $ */
3   --
4   --
5   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6   -- Service function to return one of two values based on the result of an
7   -- expression. If the expression is true then the first value is returned
8   -- otherwise the second value is returned.
9   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10   --
11   FUNCTION decode
12   (p_expr IN BOOLEAN
13   ,p_val1 IN NUMBER
15   BEGIN
16     IF p_expr THEN
17       RETURN p_val1;
18     ELSE
19       RETURN p_val2;
20     END IF;
21   END decode;
22   --
23   --
24   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
25   -- Service function to validate the betriebsnummer according to the following rules.
26   --
27   -- Format is xxxyyyyz (all numeric) where...
28   --
29   -- xxx is the ID from the unemployment office. Currently allowed values are 010
30   -- to 099 or it must be larger than 110.
31   --
32   -- yyyy is a sequential number issued by unemployment office.
33   --
34   -- z is a check digit.
35   --
36   -- NB. the message name for the error to be raised is passed in as there is more than
37   --     one betriebsnummer.
38   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
39   --
40   PROCEDURE validate_betriebsnummer
41   (p_betriebsnummer IN VARCHAR2
42   ,p_message_name    IN VARCHAR2) IS
43     --
44     --
45     -- Local exceptions
46     --
47     invalid_format EXCEPTION;
48     --
49     --
50     -- Local variables.
51     --
52     l_dummy           VARCHAR2(2000);
53     l_betriebsnummer  VARCHAR2(240) := p_betriebsnummer;
54     l_id_num          NUMBER;
55     l_seq_num         NUMBER;
56     l_check_digit     NUMBER;
57     l_temp_value      NUMBER := 0;
58     l_temp_sum        NUMBER := 0;
59     l_temp_last_digit NUMBER := 0;
60   BEGIN
61     --
62     --
63     -- Must be an integer.
64     --
65     BEGIN
66       hr_chkfmt.checkformat
67         (value   => l_betriebsnummer
68         ,format  => 'I'
69         ,output  => l_dummy
70         ,minimum => null
71         ,maximum => null
72         ,nullok  => 'N'
73         ,rgeflg  => l_dummy
74         ,curcode => null);
77         RAISE invalid_format;
78     END;
79     --
80     --
81     -- Must be 8 characters in length.
82     --
83     IF LENGTH(p_betriebsnummer) <> 8 THEN
84       RAISE invalid_format;
85     END IF;
86     --
87     --
88     -- Extract the 3 components and convert them to numbers.
89     --
90     l_id_num      := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_betriebsnummer, 1, 3));
91     l_seq_num     := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_betriebsnummer, 4, 4));
92     l_check_digit := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_betriebsnummer, 8, 1));
93     --
94     --
95     -- ID number validation (xxx).
96     --
97     IF NOT ((l_id_num >= 10 AND l_id_num <= 99) OR l_id_num > 110) THEN
98       RAISE invalid_format;
99     END IF;
100     --
101     --
102     -- Sequential number validation (yyyy).
103     --
104     -- IF NOT (l_seq_num > 0) THEN
105     --   RAISE invalid_format;
106     -- END IF;
107     --
108     --
109     -- Check digit validation (z).
110     --
111     -- Process the first 7 digits of the betriebsnummer to calculate the sum from
112     -- which the check digit is derived.
113     --
114     FOR i IN 1..7 LOOP
115       --
116       --
117       -- Each odd digit is multiplied by 1 and even digit by 2.
118       --
119       l_temp_value := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_betriebsnummer, i, 1)) * (MOD(i - 1, 2) + 1);
120       --
121       --
122       -- If the result is greater than 9 then add together the individual digits e.g.
123       --
124       -- 18 -> 1 + 8 -> 9
125       --
126       IF l_temp_value > 9 THEN
127         l_temp_value := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(l_temp_value), 1, 1)) + TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(l_temp_value), 2, 1));
128       END IF;
129       --
130       --
131       -- Sum all the individual values. This produces the number used to derive the check digit.
132       --
133       l_temp_sum := l_temp_sum + l_temp_value;
134     END LOOP;
135     --
136     --
137     -- Get the last digit of the check digit sum.
138     --
139     l_temp_last_digit := MOD(l_temp_sum, 10);
140     --
141     --
142     -- Format is valid.
143     --
144     IF NOT(l_check_digit = l_temp_last_digit
145         OR l_check_digit = decode(l_temp_last_digit > 4, l_temp_last_digit - 5, l_temp_last_digit + 5)) THEN
146       RAISE invalid_format;
147     END IF;
149     --
150     --
151     -- Format is invalid.
152     --
153     WHEN invalid_format THEN
154       hr_utility.set_message(800, p_message_name);
155       hr_utility.raise_error;
156   END validate_betriebsnummer;
157   --
158   --
159   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
160   -- Service function to validate the SCL according to the following rules.
161   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
162   --
163   PROCEDURE validate_scl
164   (p_organization_id IN NUMBER
165   ,p_exempt_flag     IN VARCHAR2
166   ,p_liability_prov  IN VARCHAR2
167   ,p_class_of_risk   IN VARCHAR2) IS
168     --
169     --
170     -- Local variables.
171     --
172     l_dummy           VARCHAR2(2000);
173   BEGIN
174     null;
175   END validate_scl;
176   --
177   --
178   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
179   -- Assignment checks.
180   --
181   -- 1. Union Membership cannot be recorded.
182   --
183   -- 2. The information held in the SCL is valid (see service function validate_scl()
184   --    for details of the rules. To be implemented!
185   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
186   --
187   PROCEDURE assignment_checks
188   (p_labour_union_member_flag IN VARCHAR2) IS
189   BEGIN
190     --
191     --
192     -- Check that the union member flag has not been set.
193     --
194     If p_labour_union_member_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
195       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_INVALID_UNION_FLAG');
196       hr_utility.raise_error;
197     END IF;
198     --
199     --
200     -- Check that the SCL is valid.
201     --
202     validate_scl
203       (p_organization_id => null   --  p_organization_id
204       ,p_exempt_flag     => null   --  p_segment2
205       ,p_liability_prov  => null   --  p_segment3
206       ,p_class_of_risk   => null); --  p_segment4);
207   END assignment_checks;
208   --
209   --
210   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
211   -- Organization information checks.
212   --
213   -- - German HR organization information (DE_HR_ORG_INFO).
214   --
215   -- 1. Payroll betriebsnummer and Employers betriebsnummer (p_org_information1 and 2)
216   --    must conform to a prescribed format (see service function validate_betriebsnummer()
217   --    for details of the rules).
218   --
219   -- - German social insurance information (DE_SOCIAL_INSURANCE_INFO).
220   --
221   -- 1. West betriebsnummer and East betriebsnummer (p_org_information1 and 2)
222   --    must conform to a prescribed format (see service function validate_betriebsnummer()
223   --    for details of the rules).
224   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
225   --
226   PROCEDURE org_information_checks
227   (p_org_info_type_code IN VARCHAR2
228   ,p_org_information1   IN VARCHAR2
229   ,p_org_information2   IN VARCHAR2) IS
230   BEGIN
231     --
232     --
233     -- German HR organization information validation.
234     --
235     IF p_org_info_type_code = 'DE_HR_ORG_INFO' THEN
236       --
237       --
238       -- Validate the Employers betriebsnummer NB. passing the error message to be raised.
239       --
240       IF p_org_information1 IS NOT null THEN
241         validate_betriebsnummer(p_org_information1, 'HR_DE_INVL_EMPLOYER_BETRIEBESN');
242       END IF;
243       --
244       --
245       -- Validate the Payroll betriebsnummer NB. passing the error message to be raised.
246       --
247       IF p_org_information2 IS NOT null THEN
248         validate_betriebsnummer(p_org_information2, 'HR_DE_INVL_PAYROLL_BETRIEBESN');
249       END IF;
250     --
251     --
252     -- German social insurance information validation.
253     --
254     ELSIF p_org_info_type_code = 'DE_SOCIAL_INSURANCE_INFO' THEN
255       --
256       --
257       -- Validate the West betriebsnummer NB. passing the error message to be raised.
258       --
259       IF p_org_information1 IS NOT null THEN
260         validate_betriebsnummer(p_org_information1, 'HR_DE_INVL_WEST_BETRIEBESN');
261       END IF;
262       --
263       --
264       -- Validate the East betriebsnummer NB. passing the error message to be raised.
265       --
266       IF p_org_information2 IS NOT null THEN
267         validate_betriebsnummer(p_org_information2, 'HR_DE_INVL_EAST_BETRIEBESN');
268       END IF;
269     END IF;
270   END org_information_checks;
271   --
272   --
273   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
274   -- Person Extra Information checks.
275   --
276   -- - Military Service (DE_MILITARY_SERVICE).
277   --
278   -- 1. The Date From (p_pei_information1) must be on or before Date To (p_pei_information2).
279   --
280   -- - Residence Permit (DE_RESIDENCE_PERMITS).
281   --
282   -- 1. The Effective Date (p_pei_information6) must be on or before Expiry Date
286   --
283   --    (p_pei_information7).
284   --
285   -- - Work Permit (DE_WORK_PERMITS).
287   -- 1. The Effective Date (p_pei_information6) must be on or before Expiry Date
288   --    (p_pei_information7).
289   --
290   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
291   --
292   PROCEDURE person_information_checks
293   (p_pei_information_category IN VARCHAR2
294   ,p_pei_information1         IN VARCHAR2
295   ,p_pei_information2         IN VARCHAR2
296   ,p_pei_information6         IN VARCHAR2
297   ,p_pei_information7         IN VARCHAR2) IS
298     --
299     --
300     -- Local exceptions.
301     --
302     military_service_dates EXCEPTION;
303     permit_dates           EXCEPTION;
304     --
305     --
306     -- Local variables.
307     --
308     l_lower_date DATE := TO_DATE('01/01/0001','DD/MM/YYYY');
309     l_upper_date DATE := TO_DATE('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY');
310   BEGIN
311     --
312     --
313     -- Military Service validation.
314     --
315     IF p_pei_information_category = 'DE_MILITARY_SERVICE' THEN
316       --
317       --
318       -- Convert parameters to dates.
319       --
320       IF p_pei_information1 IS NOT NULL THEN
321         l_lower_date := TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_pei_information1));
322       END IF;
323       IF p_pei_information2 IS NOT NULL THEN
324         l_upper_date := TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_pei_information2));
325       END IF;
326       --
327       --
328       -- Date From > Date To so error.
329       --
330       IF l_lower_date > l_upper_date THEN
331         RAISE military_service_dates;
332       END IF;
333     --
334     --
335     -- Residence Permit validation.
336     --
337     ELSIF p_pei_information_category = 'DE_RESIDENCE_PERMITS' THEN
338       --
339       --
340       -- Convert parameters to dates.
341       --
342       IF p_pei_information6 IS NOT NULL THEN
343         l_lower_date := TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_pei_information6));
344       END IF;
345       IF p_pei_information7 IS NOT NULL THEN
346         l_upper_date := TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_pei_information7));
347       END IF;
348       --
349       --
350       -- Effective Date > Expiry Date so error.
351       --
352       IF l_lower_date > l_upper_date THEN
353         RAISE permit_dates;
354       END IF;
355     --
356     --
357     -- Work Permit validation.
358     --
359     ELSIF p_pei_information_category = 'DE_WORK_PERMITS' THEN
360       --
361       --
362       -- Convert parameters to dates.
363       --
364       IF p_pei_information6 IS NOT NULL THEN
365         l_lower_date := TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_pei_information6));
366       END IF;
367       IF p_pei_information7 IS NOT NULL THEN
368         l_upper_date := TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_pei_information7));
369       END IF;
370       --
371       --
372       -- Effective Date > Expiry Date so error.
373       --
374       IF l_lower_date > l_upper_date THEN
375         RAISE permit_dates;
376       END IF;
377     END IF;
379     --
380     --
381     -- Date From is not on or before Date To.
382     --
383     WHEN military_service_dates THEN
384       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_MILITARY_SERVICE_DATES');
385       hr_utility.raise_error;
386     --
387     --
388     -- Effective Date is not on or before Expiry Date.
389     --
390     WHEN permit_dates THEN
391       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_PERMIT_DATES');
392       hr_utility.raise_error;
393   END person_information_checks;
394   --
395   --
396   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
397   -- Work Incident checks.
398   --
399   -- 1. The Work Stop Date (p_inc_information10) must be on or after Work Incident Date
400   --    (p_incident_date).
401   --
402   -- 2. The Payment End Date (p_inc_information9) must be on or after Work Incident Date
403   --    (p_incident_date).
404   --
405   -- 3. The Work Resumption Date (p_inc_information11) must be on or after Work Incident Date
406   --    (p_incident_date).
407   --
408   -- 4. The Job Start Date (p_inc_information3) must be on or before Work Incident Date
409   --    (p_incident_date).
410   --
411   -- 5. The Work Stop Date (p_inc_information10) must be on or before Work Resumption Date
412   --    (p_inc_information11).
413   -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
414   --
415   PROCEDURE work_incident_checks
416   (p_incident_date     IN DATE
417   ,p_inc_information3  IN VARCHAR2
418   ,p_inc_information9  IN VARCHAR2
419   ,p_inc_information10 IN VARCHAR2
420   ,p_inc_information11 IN VARCHAR2) IS
421     --
422     --
423     -- Local exceptions.
424     --
425     work_stop_date_too_early     EXCEPTION;
426     payment_end_date_too_early   EXCEPTION;
427     work_resump_date_too_early   EXCEPTION;
428     job_start_date_too_late      EXCEPTION;
429     resump_date_before_stop_date EXCEPTION;
430   BEGIN
431     --
432     --
433     -- The Work Stop Date must be on or after Work Incident Date.
434     --
435     IF p_inc_information10 IS NOT NULL THEN
436       IF p_incident_date > TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_inc_information10)) THEN
437         RAISE work_stop_date_too_early;
438       END IF;
439     END IF;
440     --
441     --
442     -- The Payment End Date must be on or after Work Incident Date.
443     --
444     IF p_inc_information9 IS NOT NULL THEN
445       IF p_incident_date > TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_inc_information9)) THEN
446         RAISE payment_end_date_too_early;
447       END IF;
448     END IF;
449     --
450     --
451     -- The Work Resumption Date must be on or after Work Incident Date.
452     --
453     IF p_inc_information11 IS NOT NULL THEN
454       IF p_incident_date > TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_inc_information11)) THEN
455         RAISE work_resump_date_too_early;
456       END IF;
457     END IF;
458     --
459     --
460     -- The Job Start Date must be on or before Work Incident Date.
461     --
462     IF p_inc_information3 IS NOT NULL THEN
463       IF p_incident_date < TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_inc_information3)) THEN
464         RAISE job_start_date_too_late;
465       END IF;
466     END IF;
467     --
468     --
469     -- The Work Stop Date must be on or before Work Resumption Date.
470     --
471     IF p_inc_information10 IS NOT NULL AND p_inc_information11 IS NOT NULL THEN
475     END IF;
472       IF TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_inc_information11)) < TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_inc_information10)) THEN
473         RAISE resump_date_before_stop_date;
474       END IF;
477     --
478     --
479     -- Work stop date is before the work incident date.
480     --
481     WHEN work_stop_date_too_early THEN
482       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_STOP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
483       hr_utility.raise_error;
484     --
485     --
486     -- Payment stop date is before the work incident date.
487     --
488     WHEN payment_end_date_too_early THEN
489       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_PYMNT_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
490       hr_utility.raise_error;
491     --
492     --
493     -- Work resumption date is before the work incident date.
494     --
495     WHEN work_resump_date_too_early THEN
496       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
497       hr_utility.raise_error;
498     --
499     --
500     -- Job start date is after the work incident date.
501     --
502     WHEN job_start_date_too_late THEN
503       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_JOB_START_DATE_TOO_LATE');
504       hr_utility.raise_error;
505     --
506     --
507     -- Work Stop Date is after the Work Resumption Date.
508     --
509     WHEN resump_date_before_stop_date THEN
510       hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_BEFORE_STOP_DATE');
511       hr_utility.raise_error;
512   END work_incident_checks;
513 END hr_de_extra_api_checks;