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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

    SELECT change_request_id
    FROM po_change_requests PCR
    WHERE request_status = 'BUYER_APP'
    AND change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
    AND request_level = 'SHIPMENT'
    AND initiator = 'SUPPLIER'
    AND 1 = (SELECT count(*)
             FROM po_distributions POD
             WHERE POD.line_location_id =
             NVL(PCR.document_line_location_id, PCR.parent_line_location_id));
Line: 48

    INSERT INTO po_change_requests
      ( Change_Request_Group_Id, Change_Request_Id, Initiator, Action_Type, Request_Reason,
      Document_Type, Request_Level,
      Request_Status, Document_Header_Id, Document_Num, Document_Revision_Num, Created_By, Creation_Date,
      Last_Updated_By, Last_Update_Date, Last_Update_Login, Vendor_Id, Vendor_Site_Id, Vendor_Contact_Id,
      Request_Expiration_Date, PO_Release_Id, Document_Line_Id, Document_Line_Number, Document_Line_Location_Id,
      Document_Shipment_Number, Parent_Line_Location_Id, Document_distribution_id, Document_distribution_Number,
      Old_Quantity, New_Quantity, Old_Promised_Date, New_Promised_Date,
      Old_Supplier_Part_Number, New_Supplier_Part_Number, Old_Price, New_Price,
      Old_Need_By_Date, New_Need_By_Date,
      Old_Supplier_Reference_Number, New_Supplier_Reference_Number,
      Requester_Id, Responded_by, Response_date, Response_Reason,
      Old_Currency_Unit_Price, New_Currency_Unit_Price,
      Recoverable_Tax, Nonrecoverable_Tax,
      WF_Item_type, WF_Item_key, Parent_Change_Request_Id, Validation_Error,
      Approval_Required_Flag, Old_Supplier_Order_Number, New_Supplier_Order_Number,
      Old_Supplier_Order_Line_Number, New_Supplier_Order_Line_Number,Old_Amount,New_Amount)  -- Added Amount for FPS Changes
      PCR.Initiator, PCR.Action_Type, PCR.Request_Reason,
      PCR.Request_Status, PCR.Document_Header_Id, PCR.Document_Num,
      PCR.Document_Revision_Num, PCR.Created_By, PCR.Creation_Date,
      PCR.Last_Updated_By, PCR.Last_Update_Date, PCR.Last_Update_Login,
      PCR.Vendor_Id, PCR.Vendor_Site_Id, PCR.Vendor_Contact_Id,
      PCR.Request_Expiration_Date, PCR.PO_Release_Id, PCR.Document_Line_Id,
      PCR.Document_Line_Number, PCR.Document_Line_Location_Id,
      PCR.Document_Shipment_Number, PCR.Parent_Line_Location_Id,
      Decode(PCR.Parent_Line_Location_Id, null, POD.po_distribution_id, null),
      PCR.Old_Quantity, PCR.New_Quantity, PCR.Old_Promised_Date, PCR.New_Promised_Date,
      PCR.Old_Supplier_Part_Number, PCR.New_Supplier_Part_Number,
      PCR.Old_Price, PCR.New_Price,
      PCR.Old_Need_By_Date, PCR.New_Need_By_Date,
      PCR.Old_Supplier_Reference_Number, PCR.New_Supplier_Reference_Number,
      PCR.Requester_Id, PCR.Responded_by, PCR.Response_date, PCR.Response_Reason,
      PCR.Old_Currency_Unit_Price, PCR.New_Currency_Unit_Price,
      PCR.Recoverable_Tax, PCR.Nonrecoverable_Tax,
      PCR.WF_Item_type, PCR.WF_Item_key, PCR.Parent_Change_Request_Id,
      PCR.Validation_Error, PCR.Approval_Required_Flag,
      PCR.Old_Supplier_Order_Number, PCR.New_Supplier_Order_Number,
      PCR.Old_Supplier_Order_Line_Number, PCR.New_Supplier_Order_Line_Number,PCR.Old_Amount,PCR.New_Amount
    FROM po_change_requests PCR, po_distributions_all POD
    WHERE PCR.change_request_id = l_change_request_id
    AND POD.line_location_id =
        NVL(PCR.document_line_location_id, PCR.parent_line_location_id);
Line: 139

  select acceptance_required_flag,
  into l_acceptance_required,
  from po_headers_all
  where po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 152

  select acceptance_required_flag,
  into l_acceptance_required,
  from po_releases_all
  where po_release_id = p_po_release_id;
Line: 187

    select count(*) into l_acc_shipment_count
    from po_acceptances
    where po_header_id = p_po_header_id
    and po_line_location_id is not null
    and revision_num = l_revision_num
    and po_release_id is null;
Line: 196

    select count(*) into l_acc_shipment_count
    from po_acceptances
    where po_release_id = p_po_release_id
    and po_line_location_id is not null
    and revision_num = l_revision_num;
Line: 208

    select count(*) into l_change_shipment_count
    from  po_change_requests
    where document_header_id = p_po_header_id
    and po_release_id is null
    and change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
    and request_level = 'SHIPMENT'
    and parent_line_location_id is null;
Line: 218

    select count(*) into l_change_shipment_count
    from  po_change_requests
    where po_release_id = p_po_release_id
    and change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
    and request_level = 'SHIPMENT'
    and parent_line_location_id is null;
Line: 232

    select count(*) into l_total_shipment_count
    from po_line_locations_all
    where po_header_id = p_po_header_id
    and po_release_id is null
    and nvl(cancel_flag, 'N')  <> 'Y'
    and nvl(closed_code, 'OPEN') = 'OPEN'
    and nvl(payment_type,'NULL')<>'ADVANCE'; --Bug 5132565
Line: 242

    select count(*) into l_total_shipment_count
    from po_line_locations_all
    where po_header_id = p_po_header_id
    and po_release_id = p_po_release_id
    and nvl(cancel_flag, 'N')  <> 'Y'
    and nvl(closed_code, 'OPEN') = 'OPEN'
    and nvl(payment_type,'NULL')<>'ADVANCE'; --Bug 5132565
Line: 286

*       to which the buyer needs to respond before we call the PO validation and update procedures
*    Return Value:
*    This procedure returns p_change_pending with value 'Y' if there are some changes in pending state and
*    with value 'N' if there are no changes in pending state

PROCEDURE CheckChangePending  (p_api_version in number,
                               x_return_status out NOCOPY varchar2,
                               p_po_header_id in number,
                               p_po_release_id in number,
                               x_change_pending out NOCOPY varchar2) is

   l_pending_count NUMBER;
Line: 303

   select revision_num
   into l_revision_num
   from po_headers_all
   where po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 308

   select count(*) into l_pending_count
   from po_change_requests
   where document_header_id = p_po_header_id
   and document_revision_num = l_revision_num
   and request_status = 'PENDING';
Line: 340

          select count(*) into l_distribution_count
          from po_distributions_all where line_location_id = p_document_line_location_id;
Line: 345

          select count(*) into l_distribution_count
          from po_distributions_all where line_location_id = p_parent_line_location_id;
Line: 365

*    This procedure is used to perform validation of changes requested to PO and perform updates on the PO
*    Usage:
*    This procedure is called in the following scenario:
*    1. When the buyer completes responding to all the requested changes, this procedure is
*       called by ProcessResponse procedure
*    Return Value:
*    This procedure returns return_code which has a value
*     0 if the validation was completely successful,
*     1 if the validation failed for some or all changes
*     2 if there was an unexpected error

PROCEDURE MoveChangeToPO (p_api_version in number,
                          x_return_status out NOCOPY varchar2,
                          p_po_header_id  in  number,
                          p_po_release_id in number,
                          p_change_request_group_id in number,
                          p_user_id  in number,
                          x_return_code out NOCOPY NUMBER,
                          x_err_msg out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                          x_doc_check_rec_type out NOCOPY POS_ERR_TYPE,
                          p_launch_approvals_flag IN VARCHAR2,
                          p_mass_update_releases   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- Bug 3373453
                          p_req_chg_initiator IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL --Bug 14549341
                         ) is

CURSOR changed_lines_cursor IS
      SELECT document_line_id, new_price, new_supplier_part_number,
      new_start_date, new_expiration_date, new_amount
      FROM po_change_requests
      where request_status = 'BUYER_APP'
      AND document_header_id = p_po_header_id
      AND change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
      AND request_level = 'LINE';
Line: 401

      SELECT document_line_location_id,
      new_quantity, new_promised_date, new_need_by_date, new_price,
      Decode(parent_line_location_id, null, null, document_shipment_number),
      new_progress_type,  --    << Complex work changes for R12 >>
      FROM po_change_requests
      where request_status = 'BUYER_APP'
      AND document_header_id = p_po_header_id
      AND change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
      AND request_level = 'SHIPMENT';
Line: 416

      SELECT PCR.document_distribution_id, PCR.new_quantity, Decode(PCR.parent_line_location_id, null, null, PCR.document_shipment_number),
      POD.po_distribution_id parent_distribution_id, PCR.new_amount
      FROM po_change_requests PCR,
           po_distributions POD
      where PCR.request_status = 'BUYER_APP'
      AND PCR.document_header_id = p_po_header_id
      AND PCR.change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
      AND PCR.request_level = 'DISTRIBUTION'
      -- Identify the parent of a split distribution:
      AND POD.line_location_id (+)= PCR.parent_line_location_id
      AND POD.distribution_num (+)= PCR.document_distribution_number
      AND nvl(PCR.new_quantity,-1)<>0
      AND nvl(PCR.new_amount,-1)<>0;
Line: 489

  select org_id, release_type
  into l_s_org_id, l_document_subtype
  from po_releases_all
  where po_release_id = p_po_release_id;
Line: 498

  select org_id, type_lookup_code
  into l_s_org_id, l_document_subtype
  from po_headers_all
  where po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 622

  UPDATE po_headers_all
  SET authorization_status = 'APPROVED'
  WHERE po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 626

  UPDATE po_releases_all
  SET authorization_status = 'APPROVED'
  WHERE po_release_id = p_po_release_id;
Line: 634

PO_DOCUMENT_UPDATE_GRP.update_document (
  p_api_version     	  => 1.0,
  p_init_msg_list 	  => FND_API.G_TRUE,
  x_return_status 	  => l_return_status,
  p_changes 		  => l_changes,
  p_run_submission_checks => FND_API.G_TRUE,
  p_launch_approvals_flag => FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_buyer_id              => NULL,
  p_update_source 	  => NULL,          -- default
  p_override_date  	  => NULL,
  x_api_errors    	  => l_api_errors,
  p_mass_update_releases  => p_mass_update_releases,
  p_req_chg_initiator     => p_req_chg_initiator --Bug 14549341
Line: 696

    UPDATE po_change_requests
    SET document_line_location_id =
    WHERE parent_line_location_id =
    AND document_shipment_number =
    AND change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id;
Line: 713

  PO_DOCUMENT_UPDATE_GRP.launch_po_approval_wf (
	p_api_version			=> 1.0,
	p_init_msg_list			=> FND_API.G_TRUE,
	x_return_status			=> l_return_status,
	p_document_id			=> NVL(p_po_release_id, p_po_header_id),
	p_document_type         	=> l_document_type,
	p_document_subtype		=> l_document_subtype,
	p_preparer_id           	=> NULL,
	p_approval_background_flag 	=> NULL,
	p_mass_update_releases		=> p_mass_update_releases );
Line: 756

/** update_change_response
*   -----------------------
*   Purpose:
*   This procedure is used to Update Request Statuses in Change_Table when Buyer Submits his Response
*   from Response Page
*   Usage:
*   This is called from PosChangeResponseVO updateResponse procedure in a loop for all accepted/rejected changes
*   Return Value:
*   This procedure does not have a return value

PROCEDURE update_change_response (p_request_status in VARCHAR2,
                                  p_responded_by in NUMBER,
                                  p_response_reason in VARCHAR2,
                                  p_change_request_id in NUMBER,
                                  p_request_level in VARCHAR2,
                                  p_change_request_group_id in NUMBER,
                                  p_line_location_id in NUMBER,
                                  p_splitFlag in VARCHAR2,
                                  p_cancel_backing_req in VARCHAR2)  is

   l_wf_item_key    po_change_requests.wf_item_key%TYPE;
Line: 786

  update po_change_requests
  set request_status = p_request_status,
  -- change_active_flag = 'N',  /* commented out due to bug 3574114 */
  responded_by = p_responded_by,
  response_date = sysdate,
  last_updated_by = p_responded_by,
  last_update_date = sysdate,
  response_reason = p_response_reason
  where change_request_id = p_change_request_id;
Line: 798

  update po_change_requests
  set request_status = p_request_status,
  cancel_backing_req = p_cancel_backing_req,
  responded_by = p_responded_by,
  response_date = sysdate,
  last_updated_by = p_responded_by,
  last_update_date = sysdate,
  response_reason = p_response_reason
  where change_request_id = p_change_request_id;
Line: 813

      select wf_item_type, wf_item_key
      into l_wf_item_type, l_wf_item_key
      from po_change_requests
      where change_request_id = p_change_request_id;
Line: 836

         update po_change_requests
         set request_status = p_request_status,
         responded_by = p_responded_by,
         response_date = sysdate,
         last_updated_by = p_responded_by,
         last_update_date = sysdate,
         response_reason = p_response_reason
         where change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id and
         request_level = 'DISTRIBUTION' and
         request_status = 'PENDING' and
         document_line_location_id = p_line_location_id;
Line: 853

         update po_line_locations_all
         set approved_flag = 'Y'
         where line_location_id = p_line_location_id;
Line: 861

         update po_change_requests
         set request_status = p_request_status,
         responded_by = p_responded_by,
         response_date = sysdate,
         last_updated_by = p_responded_by,
         last_update_date = sysdate,
         response_reason = p_response_reason
         where change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id and
         request_level = 'DISTRIBUTION' and
         request_status = 'PENDING' and
         parent_line_location_id = p_line_location_id;
Line: 877

END update_change_response;
Line: 882

 *  encountered during PO update validation and we decide to roll back the transaction

PROCEDURE roll_back_acceptance (p_change_request_group_id in NUMBER) is


 update po_change_requests
 set request_status = 'PENDING'
 where change_request_group_id = p_change_request_group_id
 and request_status in ('BUYER_APP', 'WAIT_MGR_APP');