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2 /* $Header: WMSTKILS.pls 120.1 2006/01/31 08:40:08 gayu noship $ */
4 TYPE t_genref IS REF CURSOR;
6 --      Name: get_available_qty
7 --
8 --      Input parameters:
9 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
10 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
11 --       p_inventory_item_id   Inventory Item ID
12 --       p_revision            Revision
13 --       p_prim_uom_code       Primary UOM code for the item
14 --       p_uom_code            UOM Code to return qty in
15 --
16 --      Output parameters:
17 --       x_return_status
18 --           if the pre_process_load API succeeds, the value is
19 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
20 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
21 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
22 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
23 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
24 --       x_msg_count
25 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
26 --               in the buffer
27 --       x_msg_data
28 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
29 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
30 --       x_available_qty
31 --           Returns the available quantity for the given item and revision
32 --           combination within the LPN.  The quantity returned will be in
33 --           the UOM of the inputted value.
34 --
35 PROCEDURE get_available_qty
36   (p_organization_id      IN    NUMBER            ,
37    p_lpn_id               IN    NUMBER            ,
38    p_inventory_item_id    IN    NUMBER            ,
39    p_revision             IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
40    p_prim_uom_code        IN    VARCHAR2          ,
41    p_uom_code             IN    VARCHAR2          ,
42    x_return_status        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
43    x_msg_count            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
44    x_msg_data             OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
45    x_available_qty        OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
46    x_total_qty            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER);--Added for bug 5000292
48 --      Name: get_available_lot_qty
49 --
50 --      Input parameters:
51 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
52 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
53 --       p_inventory_item_id   Inventory Item ID
54 --       p_revision            Revision
55 --       p_lot_number          Lot Number
56 --       p_prim_uom_code       Primary UOM code for the item
57 --       p_uom_code            UOM Code to return qty in
58 --
59 --      Output parameters:
60 --       x_return_status
61 --           if the pre_process_load API succeeds, the value is
62 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
63 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
64 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
65 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
66 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
67 --       x_msg_count
68 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
69 --               in the buffer
70 --       x_msg_data
71 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
72 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
73 --       x_available_lot_qty
74 --           Returns the available quantity for the given item, revision
75 --           and lot combination within the LPN.  The quantity returned
76 --           will be in the UOM of the inputted value.
77 PROCEDURE get_available_lot_qty
78   (p_organization_id      IN    NUMBER            ,
79    p_lpn_id               IN    NUMBER            ,
80    p_inventory_item_id    IN    NUMBER            ,
81    p_revision             IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
82    p_lot_number           IN    VARCHAR2          ,
83    p_prim_uom_code        IN    VARCHAR2          ,
84    p_uom_code             IN    VARCHAR2          ,
85    x_return_status        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
86    x_msg_count            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
87    x_msg_data             OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
88    x_available_lot_qty    OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER);
91 --      Name: pre_process_load
92 --
93 --      Input parameters:
94 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
95 --       p_lpn_id              Source LPN ID
96 --       p_inventory_item_id   Inventory Item ID
97 --       p_revision            Revision (optional)
98 --       p_lot_number          Lot Number (optional)
99 --       p_quantity            Quantity
100 --       p_uom_code            UOM Code
101 --       p_user_id             User ID
102 --       p_into_lpn_id         Into LPN ID
103 --       p_serial_txn_temp_id  Serial Transaction Temp ID to link against
104 --                             MSNT records for serials that were loaded.
105 --                             The MSN records will have the group mark ID
106 --                             set to this value and the MSNT records will
107 --                             be inserted with a transaction temp ID
108 --                             equal to this value. (optional only for
109 --                             serial controlled items)
110 --
111 --      IN OUT parameters:
112 --       p_txn_header_id       Transaction header ID to use if a value
113 --                             is passed in.  -999 will be the default
114 --                             value if no header ID exists yet from the
115 --                             java mobile UI
116 --
117 --      Output parameters:
118 --       x_return_status
119 --           if the pre_process_load API succeeds, the value is
120 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
121 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
122 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
123 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
124 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
125 --       x_msg_count
126 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
127 --               in the buffer
128 --       x_msg_data
129 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
130 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
131 --
132 --      Functions: This API will insert appropriate dummy MMTT records for the
133 --                 item load details entered.  MTLT and MSNT records will
134 --                 also be inserted as needed.  This will store all of the
135 --                 item load details first and use the same transaction
136 --                 header ID to tie them all together (in the case of
137 --                 multiple lots and serials during one item load cycle).
138 --                 This is so we can have all the MMTT records needed and
139 --                 just call either the receiving TM or Inventory TM once
140 --                 to process them.  This procedure will match the item
141 --                 load details to the appropriate move order line(s) and
142 --                 insert MMTT records which tie back to the matched move
143 --                 order line(s).
144 PROCEDURE pre_process_load
145   (p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER              ,
146    p_lpn_id               IN   NUMBER              ,
147    p_inventory_item_id    IN   NUMBER              ,
148    p_revision             IN   VARCHAR2 := NULL    ,
149    p_lot_number           IN   VARCHAR2 := NULL    ,
150    p_quantity             IN   NUMBER              ,
151    p_uom_code             IN   VARCHAR2            ,
152    --laks
153    p_sec_quantity         IN   NUMBER              ,
154    p_sec_uom_code         IN   VARCHAR2            ,
155    p_user_id              IN   NUMBER              ,
156    p_into_lpn_id          IN   NUMBER              ,
157    p_serial_txn_temp_id   IN   NUMBER := NULL      ,
158    p_txn_header_id        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
159    x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2     ,
160    x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER       ,
161    x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
164 --      Name: process_load
165 --
166 --      Input parameters:
167 --       p_txn_header_id       Transaction header ID
168 --       p_serial_txn_temp_id  Serial Transaction Temp ID for the serials
169 --                             which were marked during counting.  Passing
170 --                             this value here so that the temporary MSNT
171 --                             records inserted for marked serials can be
172 --                             deleted if the item load was for serials.
173 --       p_lpn_context         LPN Context so we know if we are working
174 --                             with RCV, INV, or WIP LPN's.
175 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
176 --       p_into_lpn_id         Into LPN ID
177 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
178 --       p_user_id             User ID
179 --       p_eqp_ins             Equipment Instance
180 --
181 --      Output parameters:
182 --       x_return_status
183 --           if the process_load API succeeds, the value is
184 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
185 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
186 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
187 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
188 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
189 --       x_msg_count
190 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
191 --               in the buffer
192 --       x_msg_data
193 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
194 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
195 --
196 --      Functions: This API will process all of the MMTT records with
197 --                 the given transaction header ID inserted by the prior
198 --                 call to the pre_process_load procedure.  For a receiving
199 --                 item load, we will call wms_rcv_pup_pvt.pack_unpack_split
200 --                 which will deal with splitting the move order lines,
201 --                 inserting the appropriate RTI, MTLI, and MSNI records
202 --                 needed to call the receiving manager.  This procedure
203 --                 will be called in a mode that will not invoke the
204 --                 Receiving TM.  Suggestions_PUB will be called for each
205 --                 move order line created and returned from this
206 --                 procedure.  Finally, the receiving manager will be
207 --                 called which has an implicit COMMIT prior to the call.
208 PROCEDURE process_load
209   (p_txn_header_id        IN   NUMBER              ,
210    p_serial_txn_temp_id   IN   NUMBER := NULL      ,
211    p_lpn_context          IN   NUMBER              ,
212    p_lpn_id		  IN   NUMBER              ,
213    p_into_lpn_id          IN   NUMBER              ,
214    p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER              ,
215    p_user_id              IN   NUMBER              ,
216    p_eqp_ins              IN   VARCHAR2            ,
217    x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2     ,
218    x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER       ,
219    x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
222 --      Name: unmark_serials
223 --
224 --      Input parameters:
225 --       p_serial_txn_temp_id  Serial Transaction Temp ID for the serials
226 --                             which were marked during counting.
227 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
228 --       p_inventory_item_id   Inventory Item ID
229 --
230 --      Output parameters:
231 --       x_return_status
232 --           if the process_load API succeeds, the value is
233 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
234 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
235 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
236 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
237 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
238 --       x_msg_count
239 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
240 --               in the buffer
241 --       x_msg_data
242 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
243 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
244 --
245 --      Functions: Unmark the serials that were marked during item load.
246 --                 This is called in case the RCV TM was called and it
247 --                 errored out.  Since a commit is done, we cannot do a
248 --                 rollback.  The serials that were marked during loading
249 --                 must be unmarked and the temporary MSNT records inserted
250 --                 will be deleted.
251 PROCEDURE unmark_serials
252   (p_serial_txn_temp_id   IN   NUMBER              ,
253    p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER              ,
254    p_inventory_item_id    IN   NUMBER              ,
255    x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2     ,
256    x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER       ,
257    x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
260 --      Name: cleanup_ATF
261 --
262 --      Input parameters:
263 --       p_txn_header_id       Transaction header ID for dummy MMTT's that
264 --                             were inserted in the call to pre_process_load
265 --       p_lpn_context         LPN Context so we know if we are working
266 --                             with RCV, INV, or WIP LPN's.
267 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID from which we performed the item load
268 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
269 --       p_rcv_tm_called       Boolean indicating if the RCV TM was called already
270 --
271 --      Output parameters:
272 --       x_return_status
273 --           if the process_load API succeeds, the value is
274 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
275 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
276 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
277 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
278 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
279 --       x_msg_count
280 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
281 --               in the buffer
282 --       x_msg_data
283 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
284 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
285 --
289 --                 that were inserted and to revert the ATF operations done
286 --      Functions: For receiving, this will call the ATF runtime API
287 --                 Cleanup_Operation_Instance for each MMTT task record
288 --                 that was activated.  This is in order to  rollback the WDT records
290 --                 when the operation was activated previously in the call
291 --                 to process_load.  For inventory and WIP, this will call
292 --                 the ATF runtime API delete_dispatched_task which will
293 --                 autonomously delete the WDT record that was inserted.
294 --                 The rest of the ATF operation stuff is cleaned up
295 --                 through a rollback.
296 PROCEDURE cleanup_ATF
297   (p_txn_header_id        IN   NUMBER              ,
298    p_lpn_context          IN   NUMBER              ,
299    p_lpn_id		  IN   NUMBER              ,
300    p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER              ,
301    p_rcv_tm_called        IN   BOOLEAN             ,
302    x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2     ,
303    x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER       ,
304    x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);