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Line 495: l_summary_stmt VARCHAR2(7000):= 'INSERT INTO xla_ac_bal_interim_gt

491: l_summary_bind_count INTEGER :=1 ;
492: l_processed_bind_array t_array_varchar;
493: l_processed_bind_count INTEGER :=1 ;
494: --
495: l_summary_stmt VARCHAR2(7000):= 'INSERT INTO xla_ac_bal_interim_gt
496: ( application_id
497: , ledger_id
498: , code_combination_id
499: , analytical_criterion_code

Line 805: , p_msg => '# rows inserted in XLA_AC_BAL_INTERIM_GT : '

802: IF (c_level_procedure >= g_log_level)
803: THEN
804: TRACE (p_module => l_log_module
805: , p_msg => '# rows inserted in XLA_AC_BAL_INTERIM_GT : '
806: || l_insert1_count
807: , p_level => c_level_procedure
808: );
809: END IF;

Line 827: MERGE INTO xla_ac_bal_interim_gt stmp

824: --
825: -- Calculate the bgin balance and insert records into summary table for future periods
826: --
827: MERGE INTO xla_ac_bal_interim_gt stmp
828: USING (SELECT period_balance_dr
829: , period_balance_cr
830: -- Begin Bug 13498442
831: , decode (year_end_carry_forward_code,'Y',

Line 989: , xla_ac_bal_interim_gt tmp

985: , gps.period_year
986: FROM gl_period_statuses gps
987: ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b xbh --Bug13498442
988: , gl_code_combinations gcc --Bug13498442
989: , xla_ac_bal_interim_gt tmp
990: , xla_ledger_options xlo
991: , xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
992: WHERE gps.effective_period_num <= xlo.effective_period_num
993: AND gps.effective_period_num >= tmp.effective_period_num

Line 1077: , p_msg => '# rows merged in XLA_AC_BAL_INTERIM_GT : '

1074: IF (c_level_procedure >= g_log_level)
1075: THEN
1076: TRACE (p_module => l_log_module
1077: , p_msg => '# rows merged in XLA_AC_BAL_INTERIM_GT : '
1078: || l_merge_count
1079: , p_level => c_level_procedure
1080: );
1081: END IF;

Line 1104: FROM xla_ac_bal_interim_gt tmp

1100: , NVL (b.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
1101: + NVL (tmp.beginning_balance_dr, 0) beginning_balance_dr
1102: , NVL (b.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
1103: + NVL (tmp.beginning_balance_cr, 0) beginning_balance_cr
1104: FROM xla_ac_bal_interim_gt tmp
1105: WHERE tmp.application_id = b.application_id
1106: AND tmp.ledger_id = b.ledger_id
1107: AND tmp.code_combination_id = b.code_combination_id
1108: AND tmp.analytical_criterion_code = b.analytical_criterion_code

Line 1142: FROM xla_ac_bal_interim_gt xal_bal1)';

1138: , NVL (xal_bal1.ac3, '' '')
1139: , NVL (xal_bal1.ac4, '' '')
1140: , NVL (xal_bal1.ac5, '' '')
1141: , xal_bal1.effective_period_num
1142: FROM xla_ac_bal_interim_gt xal_bal1)';
1144: -- Replace parallel hint based on the profile option
1145: IF (nvl(fnd_profile.value('XLA_BAL_PARALLEL_MODE'),'N') ='Y') THEN
1146: l_update_bal := REPLACE(l_update_bal,'$parallel$','parallel(tmp)');

Line 1265: FROM xla_ac_bal_interim_gt temp

1261: , '''||g_date||'''
1262: , '||g_prog_appl_id||'
1263: , '||g_prog_id||'
1264: , '||g_req_id||'
1265: FROM xla_ac_bal_interim_gt temp
1266: , xla_analytical_hdrs_b xbh
1267: , gl_code_combinations gcc
1268: , gl_period_statuses gps
1269: , xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr