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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

          SELECT  GL_JOURNAL_IMPORT_S.nextval
               , sp.set_of_books_id
               ,  GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL_S.nextval
               , 'S'
          INTO     p_glint_control.interface_run_id
                ,  p_glint_control.set_of_books_id
                ,  p_glint_control.group_id
                ,  p_glint_control.status
          FROM    ap_system_parameters sp
Line: 32

          select  je_source_name
          into    p_glint_control.je_source_name
          from    igi_mpp_setup
Line: 38

   PROCEDURE  InsertControlRec ( p_glint_control in GLINT_CONTROL )

        INSERT INTO gl_interface_control
        ( je_source_name
        , status
        , interface_run_id
        , group_id
        , set_of_books_id)
        ( p_glint_control.je_source_name
        , p_glint_control.status
        , p_glint_control.interface_run_id
        , p_glint_control.group_id
        , p_glint_control.set_of_books_id
Line: 59

   PROCEDURE InsertInterfaceRec ( l_glint IN  GLINT ) IS
   --bug 3199481 fnd logging changes: sdixit: start block
       IF (l_state_level >=  l_debug_level ) THEN
          FND_LOG.STRING  (l_state_level , 'igi.pls.igipmgtb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',
                          '>> >> ****  Accounting date '||l_glint.accounting_date);
Line: 67

        status                           -- not null
        ,set_of_books_id                 -- not null
        ,accounting_date                 -- not null
        ,currency_code                   -- not null
        ,date_created                    -- not null
        ,created_by                      -- not null
        ,actual_flag                     -- not null
        ,user_je_category_name           -- not null
        ,user_je_source_name             -- not null
        ) VALUES
         'NEW'                           -- not null
        ,l_glint.set_of_books_id                 -- not null
        ,l_glint.accounting_date                 --  not null
        ,l_glint.currency_code                   -- not null
        ,l_glint.date_created                    -- not null
        ,l_glint.created_by                      -- not null
        ,l_glint.actual_flag                     -- not null
        ,l_glint.user_je_category_name           -- not null
        ,l_glint.user_je_source_name             -- not null
Line: 140

     SELECT slgr.*
     FROM   igi_mpp_subledger slgr
     WHERE  slgr.period_name  =     p_period_name
     AND    slgr.set_of_books_id =  p_sob_id
     AND    slgr.expense_recognized_flag = 'Y'
     AND    slgr.gl_posted_flag          = 'N'
Line: 160

               SELECT user_je_source_name
               INTO   l_user_je_source_name
               FROM   gl_je_sources
               WHERE  je_source_name = p_slgr.je_source_name
Line: 165

               SELECT user_je_category_name
               INTO   l_user_je_category_name
               FROM   gl_je_categories
               WHERE  je_category_name = p_slgr.je_category_name
Line: 171

               SELECT p_slgr.invoice_id
                ,     p_slgr.distribution_line_number
               ,     p_slgr.subledger_entry_id
               ,     p_slgr.currency_code
               ,     p_slgr.actual_flag
               ,     l_user_je_source_name
               ,     l_user_je_category_name
               ,     p_slgr.set_of_books_id
               ,     p_slgr.gl_date
               ,     p_slgr.code_combination_id
               ,     p_slgr.accounted_dr
               ,     p_slgr.accounted_cr
               ,     p_slgr.entered_dr
               ,     p_slgr.entered_cr
               ,     p_slgr.currency_conversion_date
               ,     p_slgr.user_currency_conversion_type
               ,     p_slgr.currency_conversion_rate
               ,     p_slgr.period_name
               ,     p_slgr.chart_of_accounts_id
               ,     p_slgr.functional_currency_code
               ,     p_slgr.reference1
               ,     p_slgr.reference2
               ,     p_slgr.reference3
               ,     g_date
               ,     g_user_id
               ,     l_glint.reference5
               ,     l_glint.reference6
               ,     l_glint.currency_code
               ,     l_glint.actual_flag
               ,     l_glint.user_je_source_name
               ,     l_glint.user_je_category_name
               ,     l_glint.set_of_books_id
               ,     l_glint.accounting_date
               ,     l_glint.code_combination_id
               ,     l_glint.accounted_dr
               ,     l_glint.accounted_cr
               ,     l_glint.entered_dr
               ,     l_glint.entered_cr
               ,     l_glint.currency_conversion_date
               ,     l_glint.user_currency_conversion_type
               ,     l_glint.currency_conversion_rate
               ,     l_glint.period_name
               ,     l_glint.chart_of_accounts_id
               ,     l_glint.functional_currency_code
               ,     l_glint.reference1
               ,     l_glint.reference2
               ,     l_glint.reference3
               ,     l_glint.date_created
               ,     l_glint.created_by
               FROM  SYS.DUAL
Line: 225

               InsertInterfaceRec ( l_glint ) ;
Line: 247

           FND_LOG.STRING  (l_state_level , 'igi.pls.igipmgtb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',
                          '>> >> >> Built the  interface info... ' );
Line: 252

                UPDATE igi_mpp_subledger
                SET    gl_posted_flag = 'Y'
                ,      date_created_in_gl = g_date
                WHERE  subledger_entry_id = l_slgr.subledger_entry_id
                AND    nvl(gl_posted_flag,'N') = 'N'
                AND    expense_recognized_flag = 'Y'
Line: 260

                UPDATE igi_mpp_ap_invoice_dists_det
                SET    gl_posted_flag = 'Y'
                ,      gl_posted_date = g_date
                WHERE  invoice_id               = l_slgr.invoice_id
                AND    distribution_line_number =
                AND    period_name              = l_slgr.period_name
                AND    NVL(gl_posted_flag,'N')  = 'N'
                AND    expense_recognized_flag  = 'Y'
                and    EXISTS
                    (   SELECT 'x'
                        FROM   igi_mpp_subledger
                        WHERE  gl_posted_flag = 'Y'
                        AND    expense_recognized_flag = 'Y'
                        AND    invoice_id = l_slgr.invoice_id
                        AND    distribution_line_number =
                        AND    period_name              = l_slgr.period_name
Line: 283

          FND_LOG.STRING  (l_state_level , 'igi.pls.igipmgtb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',
                          '>> >> >> Marked as posted... ' );
Line: 309

     SELECT start_date
     from   gl_period_statuses
     where  set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
     and    application_id  = 200
     and    adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     and    effective_period_num   = p_start_period_eff_num
Line: 317

     SELECT end_date
     from   gl_period_statuses
     where  set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
     and    application_id  = 200
     and    adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     and    effective_period_num   = p_end_period_eff_num
Line: 326

     SELECT period_name, set_of_books_id
     from   gl_period_statuses
     where  set_of_books_id     = p_set_of_books_id
     and    application_id      = 200
     and    adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     and    effective_period_num between p_start_period_eff_num and
     order by effective_period_num
Line: 338

            SELECT DISTINCT currency_code
            FROM   igi_mpp_subledger
            WHERE  period_name     = cp_period_name
            and    set_of_books_id = cp_sob_id
Line: 348

     SELECT  currency_code
     ,       SUM( nvl( accounted_dr, 0) )  sum_accounted_dr
     ,       SUM( nvl( accounted_cr, 0) )  sum_accounted_cr
     ,       SUM( nvl( entered_dr,   0) )  sum_entered_dr
     ,       SUM( nvl( entered_cr,   0) )  sum_entered_cr
     FROM    igi_mpp_subledger
     WHERE  period_name  =     cp_period_name
     AND    expense_recognized_flag = 'Y'
     AND    gl_posted_flag          = 'N'
     AND    seT_of_books_id         = cp_sob_id
     AND    currency_code           = cp_currency_code
     GROUP BY currency_code
Line: 394

        InsertControlRec ( l_glint_control   )   ;
Line: 434

               FND_LOG.STRING  (l_state_level , 'igi.pls.igipmgtb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',
                          '>> >> Totals unbalanced for Currency '|| l_currency.currency_code );
Line: 483

     	FND_LOG.STRING  (l_state_level , 'igi.pls.igipmgtb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',
                          'END (Normal) Transfer to GL.');
Line: 502

               FND_LOG.MESSAGE ( l_unexp_level,'igi.pls.igipmgtb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',TRUE);