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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 93

   SELECT   to_number(UE.creator_id)
     FROM   ff_user_entities  UE,
            ff_database_items DI
     WHERE  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
       AND  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
       AND  Ue.creator_type         = 'B'
       AND  UE.legislation_code     = 'US';
Line: 481

          lvc_message :=   'No person was picked up for comparision based on selection parameters.' ||
         ' Ensure GRE has employees and all employees were successfully archived in the YEPP for the GRE.';
Line: 788

  ** paramaters selected in SRS the report will compare the the
  ** the Values and print the the values for the assignment that
  ** have diffrent live and archive balances. The output format of
  ** the report will be either a CSV format or an HTML format.

  PROCEDURE select_employee
           (errbuf                OUT nocopy    varchar2,
            retcode               OUT nocopy    number,
            p_year                IN      VARCHAR2,
            p_tax_unit_id         IN      NUMBER,
            p_fed_state           IN      VARCHAR2,
            p_is_state            IN      VARCHAR2,
            p_state_code          IN      VARCHAR2,
            p_box_type            IN      VARCHAR2,  -- Bug 2554865
            p_box_name            IN      VARCHAR2,
            p_output_file_type    IN      VARCHAR2

    ** Cursor to get all the employee and assignment data.
    ** This cursor will return one row for each Assignment Action
    ** based on the Selection parameter entered by the user
    ** in the SRS.
     Parameter for the Cursor :c_select_assignment
     c_end_of_year      --  31st Dec.  of the Year in date format
     c_state_of_year    --  1st of Jan of Year   in date format
     c_gre_id           --  GRE id in character Format

    CURSOR c_select_assignment(c_end_of_year date,
                               c_start_of_year date,
                               c_gre_id varchar2  )
    SELECT  assignment_action_id ,
            serial_number ,
     FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa,  -- Year End
            pay_assignment_actions paa,  -- Year End
            per_assignments_f paf
    WHERE   ppa.report_type = 'YREND'
      AND   ppa.action_status = 'C'
      AND   ppa.effective_date =  c_end_of_year
      AND   ppa.legislative_parameters like c_gre_id || ' TRANSFER%'
      AND   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
      AND   paa.action_status = 'C'
      AND   paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
      AND   paf.effective_start_date = ( SELECT max(paf2.effective_start_date)
                                        FROM per_assignments_f paf2
                                       WHERE paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                                         AND paf2.effective_start_date <= c_end_of_year )
      AND   paf.effective_end_date >= c_start_of_year;
Line: 853

            SELECT   paa.assignment_action_id
                     pay_assignment_actions     paa,
                     per_assignments_f      paf,
                     pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
                     pay_action_classifications pac
             WHERE   paf.person_id     = c_person_id
               AND   paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
               AND   paa.tax_unit_id   = c_tax_unit_id
               AND   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
               AND   ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
               AND   pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
               AND   ppa.effective_date +0 BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                               AND paf.effective_end_date
               AND   ppa.effective_date +0 BETWEEN c_start_of_year and
             order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 873

     Cursor to get state Abbrevaiation for the Selected State

     Cursor c_selected_state
        IS  SELECT state_abbrev
              FROM pay_us_states
            where  state_code = p_state_code;
Line: 889

        IS  SELECT description,to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MI')
              FROM fnd_common_lookups
             WHERE application_id = 801
               AND lookup_type = c_lookup_type
               AND meaning = c_meaning;
Line: 900

        IS  SELECT name
              FROM hr_organization_units
             WHERE  organization_id  = p_tax_unit_id;
Line: 909

        IS  SELECT employee_number
              FROM per_people_f
             WHERE  person_id   = c_person_id;
Line: 959

    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 10);
Line: 991

Line: 1015

        OPEN c_selected_state;
Line: 1016

       FETCH c_selected_state INTO lvc_state_abbrev;
Line: 1017

       CLOSE c_selected_state;
Line: 1030

    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 20);
Line: 1043

     for i in  c_select_assignment(lvd_end_of_year,
                              lvc_tax_unit_id )  loop
       lvn_person_id := to_number(i.serial_number);
Line: 1051

    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 30);
Line: 1075

    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 40);
Line: 1080

    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 50);
Line: 1087

         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 60);
Line: 1098

         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 70);
Line: 1132

         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 80);
Line: 1155

            hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 90);
Line: 1180

         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 100);
Line: 1203

        hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 110);
Line: 1233

          hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 130);
Line: 1238

      UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
         SET output_file_type = 'HTML'
       WHERE request_id = FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID ;
Line: 1245

    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.select_employee', 160);
Line: 1247

  END select_employee;