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APPS.PSP_ER_AME dependencies on FND_API

Line 1277: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;

1273: insert_error(p_request_id, 'E', l_err_person_id, l_error_out, p_retry_request_id);
1274: l_counter := l_counter + 1;
1275: end loop;
1276: if l_counter > 0 then
1277: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1278: return;
1279: end if;
1281: if l_report_layout_code = 'PIV' then

Line 1296: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;

1292: l_counter := l_counter + 1;
1293: end loop;
1294: end if;
1295: if l_counter > 0 then
1296: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1297: return;
1298: end if;
1299: l_counter := 0;
1300: end if;

Line 1307: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

1303: set status_code = 'A'
1304: where status_code = 'N'
1305: and request_id = p_request_id
1306: and person_id between p_start_person and p_end_person;
1307: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1308: return;
1309: end if;
1311: if approval_type_rec.approval_type = 'CUS' then

Line 1404: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;

1400: null;
1401: end;
1402: hr_utility.trace ('psperamb-->exception when others: '||length( l_ame_txn_id)||' '||l_ame_Txn_id);
1403: ---raise;
1404: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1405: end;
1406: update psp_eff_report_details
1407: set ame_transaction_id = l_ame_txn_id
1408: where effort_report_detail_id = er_rec.effort_report_detail_id;

Line 1432: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

1428: er_rec_prev := er_rec;
1429: end loop;
1431: hr_utility.trace('psperamb--> **** CUSTOM APPROVAL TYPE **** make_select return='||make_select);
1432: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1433: return;
1434: else
1435: hr_utility.trace('psperamb-->Seeded options approval type='||
1436: approval_type_rec.approval_type||' Worflow approval reqd '||

Line 1463: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

1459: end if;
1460: if break_rec.array_detail_id.count = 0 then
1461: hr_utility.trace('psperamb-->no data found in the seed break groups ');
1462: --- nothing to process for this chunk
1463: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1464: return;
1465: end if;
1467: hr_utility.trace('psperamb-->count='||break_rec.array_detail_id.count);

Line 1641: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

1637: break_rec.array_break_attribute2.delete;
1638: if l_no_approver_found then
1639: raise no_approver_found;
1640: else
1641: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1642: end if;
1643: hr_utility.trace_off;
1644: exception
1645: -- removed the usage of this exception.. LOOP to continue till it finishes the

Line 1652: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;

1648: hr_utility.trace ('psperamb--> no_approver_found: '||length( l_ame_txn_id)||','||l_ame_Txn_id);
1649: ----raise;
1650: --- commit;
1651: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('PSP_ER_AME','GET_FIRST_APPROVER NO-APP-FOUND');
1652: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1653: when populate_error then
1654: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('PSP_ER_AME','', l_error_out);
1655: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1656: when others then

Line 1655: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;

1651: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('PSP_ER_AME','GET_FIRST_APPROVER NO-APP-FOUND');
1652: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1653: when populate_error then
1654: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('PSP_ER_AME','', l_error_out);
1655: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1656: when others then
1657: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('PSP_ER_AME','GET_FIRST_APPROVER');
1658: l_sqlerrm := sqlerrm;
1659: hr_utility.trace(l_sqlerrm);

Line 1680: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;

1676: null;
1677: end;
1678: hr_utility.trace ('psperamb-->exception when others: '||length( l_ame_txn_id)||' '||l_ame_Txn_id);
1679: ---raise;
1680: p_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1681: end;
1682: end;