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Line 64: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

60: gcs.text_code spec_text_code
61: from
62: gmd_specifications_b gsb, -- qc_spec_mst qsm
63: gmd_customer_spec_vrs gcs,
64: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
65: gmd_qc_tests_b gt
66: where
67: gcs.cust_id = (select of_cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_id= c_cust_id)
68: and (c_item_id is NULL or gsb.item_id = c_item_id)

Line 95: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

91: gcs.text_code spec_text_code
92: from
93: gmd_specifications_b gsb, -- qc_spec_mst qsm
94: gmd_customer_spec_vrs gcs,
95: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
96: gmd_qc_tests_b gt
97: where
98: gcs.cust_id = (select of_cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_id = c_cust_id)
99: and (c_item_id is NULL or gsb.item_id = c_item_id)

Line 147: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

143: gcs.text_code spec_text_code
144: from
145: gmd_specifications_b gsb, -- qc_spec_mst qsm
146: gmd_inventory_spec_vrs gcs,
147: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
148: gmd_qc_tests_b gt
149: where
150: ((l_chk_whse_null =1 and gcs.whse_code is NULL)
151: OR (l_chk_whse_null=0 and

Line 192: p_specification IN gmd_spec_tests.target_value_char%TYPE,

188: p_whse_code IN ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE,
189: p_lot_id IN ic_lots_mst.lot_id%TYPE,
190: p_qc_spec_id IN gmd_specifications_b.spec_id%TYPE,
191: p_assay_code IN gmd_qc_tests_b.test_code%TYPE,
192: p_specification IN gmd_spec_tests.target_value_char%TYPE,
193: p_UOM IN gmd_qc_tests_b.test_unit%TYPE,
194: p_spec_text_code IN gmd_specifications_b.text_code%TYPE)
195: IS
196: BEGIN

Line 873: gmd_spec_tests_b gst ,

869: from gmd_samples gs,
870: gmd_results gr,
871: gmd_qc_tests_b gt,
872: gmd_spec_results gsr,
873: gmd_spec_tests_b gst ,
874: gmd_sampling_events gse,
875: gmd_event_spec_disp ges,
876: gmd_specifications_b gsb,
877: gmd_sample_spec_disp gss

Line 924: gmd_spec_tests_b gst ,

920: from gmd_samples gs,
921: gmd_results gr,
922: gmd_qc_tests_b gt,
923: gmd_spec_results gsr,
924: gmd_spec_tests_b gst ,
925: gmd_sampling_events gse,
926: gmd_event_spec_disp ges,
927: gmd_specifications_b gsb,
928: gmd_sample_spec_disp gss

Line 976: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

972: specification,
973: gcs.text_code spec_text_code
974: from gmd_specifications_b gsb,
975: gmd_customer_spec_vrs gcs,
976: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
977: gmd_qc_tests_b gt
978: where gsb.spec_id = gcs.spec_id
979: and gsb.spec_id = gst.spec_id
980: and gst.test_id = gt.test_id

Line 997: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

993: specification,
994: gcs.text_code spec_text_code
995: from gmd_specifications_b gsb,
996: gmd_customer_spec_vrs gcs,
997: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
998: gmd_qc_tests_b gt
999: where gsb.spec_id = gcs.spec_id
1000: and gsb.spec_id = gst.spec_id
1001: and gst.test_id = gt.test_id

Line 1494: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

1490: gmd_results gr,
1491: gmd_spec_results gsr,
1492: gmd_sampling_events gse,
1493: gmd_event_spec_disp ges,
1494: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
1495: gmd_sample_spec_disp gss
1496: where gse.sampling_event_id = gs.sampling_event_id
1497: and gse.sampling_event_id = ges.sampling_event_id
1498: and ges.spec_used_for_lot_attrib_ind ='Y'

Line 1532: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,

1528: gmd_results gr,
1529: gmd_spec_results gsr,
1530: gmd_sampling_events gse,
1531: gmd_event_spec_disp ges,
1532: gmd_spec_tests_b gst,
1533: gmd_sample_spec_disp gss
1534: where
1535: gs.cust_id is NULL
1536: and gs.batch_id is NULL