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Line 37: l_step_tbl gmd_auto_step_calc.step_rec_tbl;

33: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'update_step_qty';
34: /* Buffers for database reads/writes */
35: l_batch_header gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
36: l_batch_step gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
37: l_step_tbl gmd_auto_step_calc.step_rec_tbl;
38: /* Exception definitions */
39: batch_step_fetch_error EXCEPTION;
40: invalid_step_status EXCEPTION;
41: batch_header_fetch_error EXCEPTION;

Line 141: gmd_auto_step_calc.calc_step_qty

137: IF x_batch_step_rec.step_status IN
138: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
139: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
140: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) THEN
141: gmd_auto_step_calc.calc_step_qty
142: (p_parent_id => l_batch_header.batch_id
143: ,p_step_tbl => l_step_tbl
144: ,p_msg_count => x_message_count
145: ,p_msg_stack => x_message_list

Line 154: gmd_auto_step_calc.calc_step_qty

150: /* If the step status is not certified then we have to invoke the automatic */
151: /* step qty calculation only for the current step as it does not effect the */
152: /* succeeding step quantities. */
153: ELSE
154: gmd_auto_step_calc.calc_step_qty
155: (p_parent_id => l_batch_header.batch_id
156: ,p_step_tbl => l_step_tbl
157: ,p_msg_count => x_message_count
158: ,p_msg_stack => x_message_list

Line 172: gmd_auto_step_calc.get_step_rec (x_batch_step_rec.batchstep_no

170: /* Get the record number for the current step in the step table */
171: l_rec :=
172: gmd_auto_step_calc.get_step_rec (x_batch_step_rec.batchstep_no
173: ,l_step_tbl);
175: IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
176: gme_debug.put_line ('Back from calc_step_qty. qty is ' ||l_step_tbl (l_rec).step_qty);

Line 280: gmd_auto_step_calc.get_step_rec

276: AND (l_batch_step.step_status =
277: gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending) ) THEN
278: /* Get the record number for the current step in the step table */
279: l_rec :=
280: gmd_auto_step_calc.get_step_rec
281: (l_batch_step.batchstep_no
282: ,l_step_tbl);
284: /* If step status is not in pending then actual quantities have to */