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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

  26-MAR-2007 K.Thampan       115.87   5953974  Amended update_record procedure
  23-APR-2007 K.Thampan       115.88   5962025  Performance fix.
  30-NOV-2007 Dinesh C.       115.94   6450573  Change for SOY 08-09.
  04-MAR-2008 Rajesh L.       115.96   6741064  Modifed cursors csr_mode12,csr_mode34
                                                as orderby fullname
  26-MAR-2008 Rajesh L.       115.97   6864422  Reverted the fix 6741064 as it was reported
                                                by one cusotomer.
                                                Modified p_m34_rec.full_name to substr
                                                of peo.last_name length
  09-APR-2008 Rajesh.L        115.98   6957644  Modifed cursors csr_mode12,csr_mode34
                                                as orderby fullname
  08-SEP-2008 emunisek        115.99   7373763  Modified procedure process_record to prevent
                                                the false entries in the report of SOY changes
                                                and to prevent date tracks created for unmodified
                                                tax codes
 3-Oct-2008 apmishra         115.101 7373763    Re arcs in the file so as to enable the dual maintainence
                                                The earlier version of the branch file did not contain the fix,
                                                hence rearcs in.
 11-Nov_2008 dchindar        115.102 7532289    Changes has been done in cursor csr_mode12, so that process will
                                                now update all eligible Tax Code For a employee having more than one-person
                                                record with same NI number and other person details.
23-DEC-2008 dwkrishn         115.105 7649174    Modified the cursors/conditions for 3 cases
                                                csr_fetch_asg_asgno Pass assignment number , Ni always Null
                                                csr_fetch_asg_natid -- pass Ni ,Assignment always Null
                                                csr_fetch_asg_other -- Pass Both
                                                Both Null Errors
11-MAY-2009 jvaradra         115.106 8485686    Variable pqp_gb_ad_ee.g_global_paye_validation is
                                                intialized to 'N' before calling hr_entry_api
                                                and reset to 'Y' at the end to ensure row handler validations
                                                are not fired when p6/p9/SOY process are submitted.
21-MAY-2009 rlingama         115.107 8497477    Added Employer's PAYE Reference on the output.
                                                Earlier the report  was sorted by person full name.
                                                Now the report would sort by person name with in the individual tax references.
05-OCT-2009 dwkrishn         115.108 8785270    PAYE changes 2009. D0 can be cumulative from 6th APR 2010
21-OCT-2009 rlingama         115.109 8976778    Modified the logic to ensure, If TAX1 77 and TAX1 81 record
                                                identifiers exist on an incoming P6/P9 file, we should apply
                                                the value which will be either 0.00 or a positive value.
11-NOV-2009 rlingama         115.110 8510399    Added logic to ensure all the aggregated assignments are updated
                                                or ignored.
                                     8505085    We would stamp the authority code even P6/P9 file is received
				                with values which are same as before.
11-NOV-2009 rlingama         115.111 8510399    Incorporated the code review comments.
18-Dec-2009 rlingama         115.112 9215663    Modified the code to ensure that the P6/P9 process changes the tax bais form
                                                Non Cumulative to Cumulative after 6th Apr 2010.
18-Jan-2009 rlingama         115.113 9253974    Extended the "Future change effective: DATE" validation to check against sepecial
                                                authority code if "HR: GB Override SOY Authority" profile value is set to Override is allowed.
						Modified the code to ensure, for Non aggregated assignments, SOY process updates PAYE details
						even though other assignments of the person has future changes.
31-Mar-2011 pprvenka         115.114  11886669   Included the person_id in the order by clause for the cursor csr_mode12 for the bug :11886669
												because for the EMP_APL Employees with same full name, records are reported in both
												processed and error portion.
14-Sep-2011 pprvenka         115.115  12830138   Modified the maximum length of the global g_authority to 15.
01-Nov-2011 pprvenka         115.116  12649175   Updated the previous pay/tax info, if either of them is present.
01-Nov-2011 pprvenka         115.116  12649175   Updated the previous pay/tax info, if either of them is present.
22-Jan-2013 ssarap           115.118  16201197   Debug package for processing p6/p9 file considering the payroll id for RTI live employees.

-- Constant variable                               --
err_emp_not_found  constant varchar2(255) := 'Emp Data in EDI file does not match application data, or employee is terminated.';
Line: 103

err_mode34_ex_emp  constant varchar2(255) := 'No update for Ex-Employee, manual update may be required.';
Line: 104

err_mode2_ex_emp   constant varchar2(255) := 'No bulk uplift for Ex-Employee, manual update may be required.';
Line: 109

err_agg_asg constant varchar2(255) := 'No update due to failure of aggregated assignment/s.'; -- bug 8510399
Line: 110

err_multi_fchanges constant varchar2(255) := 'Multiple future changes detected, manual update may be required.';
Line: 112

err_multi_asg      constant varchar2(255) := 'Record not updated as assignment number is not supplied and multiple assignments exist, manual update may be required.';
Line: 113

err_future_asg     constant varchar2(255) := 'Record not updated as future assignment exists under the same tax district, manual update may be required.';
Line: 114

warning_msg        constant varchar2(255) := 'Tax details updated for assignment with future termination details present.';  /*Added soy 08-09*/
Line: 115

err_emp_not_found_payroll  constant varchar2(255) := 'Record not updated as payroll id supplied does not exists in the application.';
Line: 116

update_mode  constant varchar2(20) := 'UPDATE';
Line: 146

     dt_update_mode        varchar2(25),
     creator_id            number);
Line: 214

g_update_count      number;
Line: 231

select element_type_id
from   pay_element_types_f
where  element_name = 'PAYE Details';
Line: 240

select /*+ ORDERED
           INDEX(ppt, PER_PERSON_TYPES_PK) */
      -- max(peo.person_id) p_id,
       peo.person_id p_id,
       nvl(peo.per_information10,'N') agg_flag,
       nvl(peo.per_information2, 'N') dir_flag,
       scl.segment1 -- Bug#8497477
from   per_all_people_f         peo,
       per_all_assignments_f    asg,
       per_periods_of_service   pps,
       per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
       per_person_types         ppt,
       pay_all_payrolls_f       ppf, -- Bug#8497477
       hr_soft_coding_keyflex   scl  -- Bug#8497477
where  peo.person_id = asg.person_id
and    peo.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
and    (g_payroll_id is null or
        asg.payroll_id = g_payroll_id)
and    peo.person_id = ptu.person_id
and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
and    pps.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
and    asg.payroll_id is not null
-- Start bug#8497477 : added pay_all_payrolls_f and hr_soft_coding_keyflex for tax reference check
and ppf.soft_coding_keyflex_id=scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
and ppf.payroll_id = asg.payroll_id
and g_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
-- End bug#8497477
and    g_effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
and    g_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
and    g_effective_date between ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date
and    ( (pps.final_process_date is not null and
          pps.final_process_date > g_effective_date)
         (pps.final_process_date is null))
-- Bug#8497477: changed group by tax reference followed by existing group by.
group by scl.segment1,peo.person_id, peo.full_name, peo.national_identifier, peo.per_information10, peo.per_information2,
         ppt.system_person_type, pps.actual_termination_date, pps.last_standard_process_date,
         g_effective_date, peo.effective_start_date, peo.effective_end_date
         -- Bug 6957644 modified p_id to upper(peo.full_name) to report order by name
	 --Bug 6741064 modified p_id to upper(peo.full_name) to report order by name
	 -- Bug#8497477: changed order by tax reference followed by existing oreder by.
 order by scl.segment1,upper(peo.full_name),p_id, decode(system_person_type,'EMP',1,'EMP_APL',2,3);
Line: 299

select tci.employee_name             full_name,
       tci.national_insurance_number national_identifier,
       tci.works_number              assignment_number,
       tci.employer_reference        payroll_name,
       nvl(tci.effective_date,g_effective_date) effective_date,
       tci.date_of_message           date_of_message,
       tci.issue_date                issue_date,
       ltrim(rtrim(tci.tax_code))    tax_code_sv,
       ltrim(rtrim(tci.non_cumulative_flag)) tax_basis_sv,
       to_char(nvl((tci.tot_pay_prev_emp/100),''))  pay_previous_sv,
       to_char(nvl((tci.tot_tax_prev_emp/100),''))  tax_previous_sv,
       upper(nvl(tci.form_type,''))  authority_sv,
       ltrim(rtrim(to_char(tci.district_number,'000'))) || '/' || ltrim(rtrim(tci.employer_reference)) paye_ref,
       tci.rowid                     row_id
from   pay_gb_tax_code_interface tci
where  tci.processed_flag is null
and    (   tci.request_id is null
        or tci.request_id = g_p6_request_id)
        -- Bug 6957644 modified 6,2 to date_of_message,upper(full_name) to report order by name
	--Bug 6741064 modified 6,2 to date_of_message,upper(full_name) to report order by name
	-- Bug#8497477: changed order by tax reference followed by existing oreder by.
 order by paye_ref,date_of_message,upper(full_name);
Line: 334

select assignment_id,
       per_system_status asg_status,
       sck.segment1 tax_ref
from   per_all_assignments_f       asg,
       pay_all_payrolls_f          pay,
       per_assignment_status_types pat,
       hr_soft_coding_keyflex      sck
where  asg.person_id = p_person_id
and    (   -- no need to fetch payroll, but do check the tax ref
           (p_aggr_flag = 'Y' and
           ((g_payroll_id is not null and sck.segment1 = g_tax_ref)
            (g_payroll_id is null and p_tax_ref is not null and sck.segment1 = p_tax_ref)
            (g_payroll_id is null and p_tax_ref is null)))
        or -- not aggregate then we have to check the payroll is matched.
           (p_aggr_flag = 'N' and
           ((g_payroll_id is null and p_asg_no is null and (p_tax_ref is null or p_tax_ref = sck.segment1) )
            (g_payroll_id is null and p_asg_no is not null and asg.assignment_number = p_asg_no and (p_tax_ref is null or p_tax_ref = sck.segment1))
            (g_payroll_id is not null and asg.payroll_id = g_payroll_id and (p_tax_ref is null or p_tax_ref = sck.segment1) )))
and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
and    sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id
and    asg.assignment_status_type_id = pat.assignment_status_type_id
and    p_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
and    p_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
-- Bug#8497477: changed order by tax reference followed by existing oreder by.
order by sck.segment1,assignment_id, decode(per_system_status,'ACTIVE_ASSIGN',1,'SUSP_ASSIGN',2,'ACTIVE_APL',3,4);
Line: 374

select 1
from   dual
where exists (select fcr.request_id
              from   fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
                     fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
              where  fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
              and    fcr.request_id =  c_creator_id
              and    fcr.request_id <  g_current_req_id
              and    fcr.request_id >= g_request_id
              and   (   fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'PYUDET'
                     or fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'PYUDET_R'));
Line: 390

select sck.segment1, payroll_name
from   hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck,
       pay_all_payrolls_f     pay
where  sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id
and    pay.payroll_id = g_payroll_id
and    g_effective_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date;
Line: 401

select assignment_id
from   per_all_assignments_f       asg,
       pay_all_payrolls_f          pay,
       per_assignment_status_types pat,
       hr_soft_coding_keyflex      sck
where  asg.person_id = p_person_id
and    sck.segment1 = p_paye_ref
and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
and    sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id
and    asg.assignment_status_type_id = pat.assignment_status_type_id
and    p_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
and    p_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
AND    per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN') ;
Line: 444

     g_update_count      := 0;
Line: 447

Line: 463

        select decode(max(decode(type,'E',line_no,0)),
                          null, 0,
                          null, 0,
                          null, 0,
        into g_E_line_count,
        from  pay_gb_soy_outputs
        where request_id = g_request_id;
Line: 517

select effective_start_date
     from   PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F paaf,
            per_assignment_status_types past
     where  paaf.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date
     and    paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    paaf.assignment_status_type_id =past.assignment_status_type_id
     and    past.per_system_status IN ('TERM_ASSIGN')
     and    paaf.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
Line: 529

select max(effective_end_date)
     from   PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F paaf
     where  paaf.effective_end_date >= p_effective_date
     and    paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    paaf.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
Line: 634

     if (mod(g_update_count, l_commit_point) = 0) then
Line: 697

PROCEDURE conv_to_table_ni(p_process_type_updated in varchar2 ,
                           p_input_value_id       in number ,
                           p_num_entry_values     in out nocopy number,
                           p_input_value_id_tbl   in out nocopy hr_entry.number_table,
                           p_entry_value_tbl      in out nocopy hr_entry.varchar2_table)
     l_index number := 0;
Line: 707

     p_entry_value_tbl(l_index)    := p_process_type_updated;
Line: 733

     insert into pay_gb_soy_outputs(request_id, type, line_no, text)
     values(l_request_id, p_type, p_line_no, p_text);
Line: 780

     select count(*)
     from   pay_gb_tax_code_interface
     where  request_id = g_p6_request_id;
Line: 826

        l_validate_mode :=rpad('Validate Mode',21) || 'Validate Only - Updates Not Applied To The Database';
Line: 879

        l_line2 :='Assignment                                        Old    New    Code      Basis   Gross/Tax Update/    Director Update      ';
Line: 960

     l_mode := initcap(lower(p_new_paye_rec.dt_update_mode));
Line: 1077

        update pay_gb_tax_code_interface
        set    processed_flag = 'R'
        where rowid = p_m34_rec.row_id;
Line: 1111

     select count(*)
     from   pay_gb_tax_code_interface
     where  request_id = g_p6_request_id
     and    processed_flag = 'P';
Line: 1125

     file_output('P', g_P_line_count, 'Records Updated (inc Multi Assignment) = '|| to_char(g_update_count), g_request_id);
Line: 1148

      select lku.meaning
      from   hr_lookups lku
      where  lku.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
      and    lku.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 1181

     select formula_id,
     into   l_formula_id,
     from   ff_formulas_f
     where  formula_name='TAX_CODE'
     and    business_group_id is null
     and    legislation_code='GB'
     and    p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1280

     select usr.row_low_range_or_name  suffix,
            fnd_number.canonical_to_number(uci.value)  value
     from   pay_user_tables             ust,
            pay_user_columns            usc,
            pay_user_rows_f             usr,
            pay_user_column_instances_f uci
     where  ust.user_table_name         = 'TAX_CODE_UPLIFT_VALUES'
     and    ust.user_table_id           = usc.user_table_id
     and    ust.user_table_id           = usr.user_table_id
     and    usc.user_column_name        = 'UPLIFT_VALUE'
     and    usc.user_column_id          = uci.user_column_id
     and    usr.user_row_id             = uci.user_row_id
     and    uci.business_group_id       = g_business_group_id
     and    usr.business_group_id       = g_business_group_id
     and    g_effective_date between usr.effective_start_date and usr.effective_end_date
     and    g_effective_date = uci.effective_start_date;
Line: 1342

     /*select ele.effective_start_date
     into   l_future_date
     from   pay_element_entries_f ele
     where  ele.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date
     and    ele.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    ele.element_type_id = g_element_type_id
     order by ele.effective_start_date asc;*/
Line: 1351

     select ele.effective_start_date,HR_GENERAL.DECODE_LOOKUP('GB_AUTHORITY',eev.screen_entry_value)
     into l_future_date, p_auth_code
     pay_element_entries_f ele,
     pay_element_entry_values_f eev,
     pay_input_values_f inv
     where inv.element_type_id = g_element_type_id
     and inv.name = 'Authority'
     and eev.input_value_id = inv.input_value_id
     and ele.element_type_id = inv.element_type_id
     and eev.element_entry_id = ele.element_entry_id
     and ele.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and  ele.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date
     and  eev.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date
     and  p_effective_date  between inv.effective_start_date and inv.effective_end_date
     order by ele.effective_start_date asc;
Line: 1399

     l_process_type_updated    boolean;
Line: 1404

     select element_entry_id,
     from   PAY_NI_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_V pneev
     where  pneev.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    g_effective_date between pneev.effective_start_date and pneev.effective_end_date;
Line: 1419

           l_process_type_updated := FALSE;
Line: 1423

              l_process_type_updated := TRUE;
Line: 1428

              l_process_type_updated := TRUE;
Line: 1431

           if l_process_type_updated  then
                               l_entry_value_tbl) ;
Line: 1444

              hr_entry_api.update_element_entry (
                p_dt_update_mode             => 'UPDATE',
                p_session_date               => g_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id           => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values           => l_num_entry_values,
                p_input_value_id_tbl         => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl            => l_entry_value_tbl  );
Line: 1457

	      return (l_process_type || '  ' || l_process_type_new_code || '   Update');
Line: 1524

PROCEDURE update_p45_taxbasis(p_asg_typ  in varchar2,
                              p_paye_rec in out nocopy g_typ_paye_record,
			      p_aggregate_flag varchar2)
     if p_aggregate_flag ='Y' then
     if p_paye_rec.tax_code_sv not in ('D0','SD0') OR g_effective_date >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2010/04/06 00:00:00') then  --Bug 8785270:  Paye 2009-2010 Changes
        if p_asg_typ in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_APL','SUSP_ASSIGN','TERM_ASSIGN') and g_cpe_flag ='Y' then
           if p_paye_rec.tax_basis_sv = 'Non Cumulative' THEN /*Added terminated for soy 08-09*/
              p_paye_rec.tax_basis_sv := 'Cumulative';
Line: 1535

              hr_utility.trace('     Tax Basis update');
Line: 1545

              hr_utility.trace('     Tax Basis update');
Line: 1556

        hr_utility.trace('     P45 Update');
Line: 1558

END update_p45_taxbasis;
Line: 1763

        update_p45_taxbasis(p_asg_typ,p_paye_rec, p_aggregate_flag);
Line: 1816

           p_paye_rec.dt_update_mode := correct_mode;
Line: 1833

              p_paye_rec.dt_update_mode := correct_mode;
Line: 1843

       p_paye_rec.dt_update_mode := update_mode;
Line: 1853

     if ( g_mode in (1,2) and (p_paye_rec.dt_update_mode = update_mode and g_cpe_flag ='Y'))
      ( g_mode = 1
      and (l_future = g_effective_date)
      and (l_auth_code = 'Override SOY')
      and (g_SOY_override_profile = 'OVERRIDE_YES') )then
        uplift_taxcode(p_asg_typ, p_paye_rec,p_aggregate_flag);
Line: 1925

	 select ee.element_entry_id ,
            ee.effective_start_date ,
            ee.effective_end_date ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Code',     eev.input_value_id, null))     tax_code_id ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Code',     eev.screen_entry_value, null)) tax_code_sv ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Basis',    eev.input_value_id, null))     tax_basis_id ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Basis',    eev.screen_entry_value, null)) tax_basis_sv ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Pay Previous', eev.input_value_id, null))     pay_previous_id ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Pay Previous', eev.screen_entry_value, null)) pay_previous_sv ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Previous', eev.input_value_id, null))     tax_previous_id ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Previous', eev.screen_entry_value, null)) tax_previous_sv ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Authority',    eev.input_value_id, null))     authority_id ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Authority',    eev.screen_entry_value, null)) authority_sv ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Refundable',   eev.input_value_id, null))     refundable_id ,
            min(decode(inv.name, 'Refundable',   eev.screen_entry_value, null)) refundable_sv,
     from   pay_element_entries_f      ee,
            pay_element_entry_values_f eev,
            pay_input_values_f         inv
     where  ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    ee.element_type_id = g_element_type_id
     and    ee.element_entry_id = eev.element_entry_id
     and    eev.input_value_id = inv.input_value_id
     and    p_date between ee.effective_start_date and ee.effective_end_date
     and    p_date between eev.effective_start_date and eev.effective_end_date
     and    p_date between inv.effective_start_date and inv.effective_end_date
     group by ee.element_entry_id, ee.effective_start_date, ee.effective_end_date,
Line: 2017

     select max(peo.person_id) p_id,
            nvl(peo.per_information10,'N') agg_flag,
            'EMP', --ppt.system_person_type,
     from   per_all_people_f         peo,
            per_all_assignments_f    asg,
            per_periods_of_service   pps
     where  asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.person_id = asg.person_id
     -- Bug 6864422 modified p_m34_rec.full_name to substr of peo.last_name length
     --and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
       and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(substr(p_m34_rec.full_name,1,length(peo.last_name)),5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
     --and    upper(substr(rpad(peo.last_name,5,' '),1,5)) = upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,' '), 1, 5))
     and    (p_m34_rec.assignment_number is null or
             asg.assignment_number = p_m34_rec.assignment_number)
     and    (p_m34_rec.national_identifier is null or
             peo.national_identifier like substr(p_m34_rec.national_identifier,1,8)||'%')
     and    pps.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
     and    (pps.actual_termination_date is null or
             p_m34_rec.effective_date between pps.date_start and pps.actual_termination_date)
     and    exists (select 1
                    from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
                           per_person_types         ppt
                    where  ptu.person_id = peo.person_id
                    and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
                    and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','EMP_APL')
                    and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date)
     group by peo.last_name, peo.full_name, peo.national_identifier, peo.per_information10,
              , pps.actual_termination_date, pps.last_standard_process_date
     order by p_id;*/
Line: 2059

     select max(peo.person_id) p_id,
            nvl(peo.per_information10,'N') agg_flag,
            'EMP', --ppt.system_person_type,
     from   per_all_people_f         peo,
            per_all_assignments_f    asg,
            per_periods_of_service   pps
     where  asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.person_id = asg.person_id
     -- Bug 6864422 modified p_m34_rec.full_name to substr of peo.last_name length
     --and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
       and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(substr(p_m34_rec.full_name,1,length(peo.last_name)),5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
     --and    upper(substr(rpad(peo.last_name,5,' '),1,5)) = upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,' '), 1, 5))
     and    asg.assignment_number = p_m34_rec.assignment_number
     and    p_m34_rec.national_identifier is null
     and    pps.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
     and    (pps.actual_termination_date is null or
             p_m34_rec.effective_date between pps.date_start and pps.actual_termination_date)
     and    exists (select 1
                    from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
                           per_person_types         ppt
                    where  ptu.person_id = peo.person_id
                    and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
                    and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','EMP_APL')
                    and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date)
     group by peo.last_name, peo.full_name, peo.national_identifier, peo.per_information10,
              'EMP' /*ppt.system_person_type*/, pps.actual_termination_date, pps.last_standard_process_date
     order by p_id;
Line: 2097

     select max(peo.person_id) p_id,
            nvl(peo.per_information10,'N') agg_flag,
            'EMP', --ppt.system_person_type,
     from   per_all_people_f         peo,
            per_all_assignments_f    asg,
            per_periods_of_service   pps
     where  asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.person_id = asg.person_id
     -- Bug 6864422 modified p_m34_rec.full_name to substr of peo.last_name length
     --and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
       and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(substr(p_m34_rec.full_name,1,length(peo.last_name)),5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
     --and    upper(substr(rpad(peo.last_name,5,' '),1,5)) = upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,' '), 1, 5))
     and    p_m34_rec.assignment_number is null
     and    peo.national_identifier like substr(p_m34_rec.national_identifier,1,8)||'%'
     and    pps.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
     and    (pps.actual_termination_date is null or
             p_m34_rec.effective_date between pps.date_start and pps.actual_termination_date)
     and    exists (select 1
                    from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
                           per_person_types         ppt
                    where  ptu.person_id = peo.person_id
                    and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
                    and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','EMP_APL')
                    and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date)
     group by peo.last_name, peo.full_name, peo.national_identifier, peo.per_information10,
              'EMP' /*ppt.system_person_type*/, pps.actual_termination_date, pps.last_standard_process_date
     order by p_id;
Line: 2135

     select max(peo.person_id) p_id,
            nvl(peo.per_information10,'N') agg_flag,
            'EMP', --ppt.system_person_type,
     from   per_all_people_f         peo,
            per_all_assignments_f    asg,
            per_periods_of_service   pps
     where  asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
     and    peo.person_id = asg.person_id
     -- Bug 6864422 modified p_m34_rec.full_name to substr of peo.last_name length
     --and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
       and    upper(peo.last_name) like upper(substr(rpad(substr(p_m34_rec.full_name,1,length(peo.last_name)),5,'%'), 1, 5))||'%'
     --and    upper(substr(rpad(peo.last_name,5,' '),1,5)) = upper(substr(rpad(p_m34_rec.full_name,5,' '), 1, 5))
     and    asg.assignment_number = p_m34_rec.assignment_number
     and    peo.national_identifier like substr(p_m34_rec.national_identifier,1,8)||'%'
     and    pps.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
     and    (pps.actual_termination_date is null or
             p_m34_rec.effective_date between pps.date_start and pps.actual_termination_date)
     and    exists (select 1
                    from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
                           per_person_types         ppt
                    where  ptu.person_id = peo.person_id
                    and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
                    and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','EMP_APL')
                    and    p_m34_rec.effective_date between ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date)
     group by peo.last_name, peo.full_name, peo.national_identifier, peo.per_information10,
              'EMP' /*ppt.system_person_type*/, pps.actual_termination_date, pps.last_standard_process_date
     order by p_id;
Line: 2176

     select count(*)
     from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
            pay_all_payrolls_f    pay,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
     where  asg.person_id = p_person_id
     and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
     and    pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
     and    sck.segment1 = p_tax_district
     and    (p_asg_no is null or
             asg.assignment_number = p_asg_no
     and    p_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
     and    p_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date;
Line: 2193

     select count(*)
     from   per_all_people_f      peo,
            per_all_assignments_f asg,
            pay_all_payrolls_f    pay,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
     where  peo.person_id = p_person_id
     and    asg.person_id = peo.person_id
     and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
     and    pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
     and    sck.segment1 = p_tax_district
     and    nvl(peo.per_information10,'N') = 'Y'
     and    asg.effective_start_date > p_date
     and    p_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
     and    asg.effective_start_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
     and    asg.assignment_id not in (select assignment_id
                                      from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
                                             pay_all_payrolls_f    pay,
                                             hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
                                      where  asg.person_id = p_person_id
                                      and    asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
                                      and    pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                                      and    sck.segment1 = p_tax_district
                                      and    p_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
                                      and    p_date between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date);
Line: 2388

FUNCTION update_record(p_paye_rec IN g_typ_paye_record,
                       p_per_rec  IN g_typ_per_record,
                       p_m34_rec  IN g_tax_code_interface default null) return VARCHAR2
     l_issue_date         date;
Line: 2401

     select rowid from pay_gb_tax_code_interface
     where rowid = c_row_id
     for update;
Line: 2428

      p_dt_update_mode             => rtrim(p_paye_rec.dt_update_mode),
      p_session_date               => p_per_rec.effective_date,
      p_element_entry_id           => p_paye_rec.element_entry_id,
      p_num_entry_values           => l_num_entry_values,
      p_input_value_id_tbl         => l_input_value_id_tbl,
      p_entry_value_tbl            => l_entry_value_tbl,
      p_entry_information_category => 'GB_PAYE',
      p_entry_information1         => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_issue_date),
      p_entry_information2         => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_message_date));
Line: 2450

        update pay_gb_tax_code_interface
        set    processed_flag = 'P'
        where current of c1;
Line: 2460

     update pay_element_entries_f pef
     set    pef.creator_id = nvl(g_request_id,g_current_req_id)
     where  pef.element_entry_id     = p_paye_rec.element_entry_id
     and    pef.effective_start_date = p_per_rec.effective_date;
Line: 2470

     g_update_count := g_update_count + 1;
Line: 2476

END update_record;
Line: 2513

           select paaf.assignment_number,
          from per_assignment_extra_info paei,
                       per_all_assignments_f paaf,
                       per_assignment_status_types pat,
                       per_all_people_f papf
                      and paei.AEI_INFORMATION3 = p_m34_rec.assignment_number
                      and paaf.assignment_id = paei.assignment_id
                      and paaf.assignment_status_type_id = pat.assignment_status_type_id
                      and pat.per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN')
                      and p_m34_rec.effective_date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
                      and papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
                      and p_m34_rec.effective_date between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
                      and ( nvl(papf.per_information10,'N') <> 'Y' OR paaf.PRIMARY_FLAG = 'Y');
Line: 2530

  select paaf.assignment_id
	from per_all_assignments_f paaf,
    	 pay_payrolls_f pay,
	     hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
	where paaf.person_id     =  (select distinct person_id from per_all_assignments_f where ASSIGNMENT_ID =l_asg_id)
	and   pay.payroll_id     = paaf.payroll_id
	and   sck.SEGMENT1 = p_m34_rec.paye_ref
				( select max(paaf1.effective_start_date)
					from per_all_assignments_f paaf1
					where paaf1.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
					and paaf1.assignment_type       = 'E'
					and paaf1.effective_start_date <= p_m34_rec.effective_date
	and p_m34_rec.effective_date between pay.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and pay.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE;
Line: 2584

                   select 1 into l_pay_id_found from per_assignment_extra_info paei where assignment_id = asg_rec.assignment_id
                   and paei.AEI_INFORMATION_CATEGORY = 'GB_RTI_AGGREGATION' and paei.AEI_INFORMATION3 is not null;
Line: 2600

               SELECT 1
               INTO l_rti_tax_ref
               FROM pqp_configuration_values
               WHERE business_group_id      = g_business_group_id
               AND pcv_information_category = 'PAY_GB_RTI_FPS_BACS'
               AND pcv_information1         = p_m34_rec.paye_ref
               AND  p_m34_rec.effective_date  >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date(PCV_INFORMATION2);
Line: 2622

                        select 1 into l_pay_id_found from per_assignment_extra_info paei where assignment_id = asg_rec.assignment_id
                        and paei.AEI_INFORMATION_CATEGORY = 'GB_RTI_AGGREGATION' and paei.AEI_INFORMATION3 is not null;
Line: 2792

                 hr_utility.trace('     Check if we need to do any update');
Line: 2796

                     hr_utility.trace('     Calling update_record to update PAYE');
Line: 2797

                     l_msg := update_record(l_paye_rec, l_per_record, l_m34_rec);
Line: 2825

                  hr_utility.trace('     Check if we need to do any update');
Line: 2828

                     hr_utility.trace('     Calling update_record to update PAYE');
Line: 2832

                   l_msg := update_record(l_paye_rec, l_per_record, l_m34_rec);
Line: 2860

                   l_msg := update_record(l_paye_rec, l_per_record, l_m34_rec);
Line: 2949

Line: 3053

          delete pay_gb_tax_code_interface
          where  (request_id is null or request_id = g_p6_request_id)
	  and processed_flag = 'P'; /*Added soy 08-09*/