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Line 188: FROM okl_trx_contracts trx

184: -- Fetch tmt_status_code
186: CURSOR c_tmt_status_code_csr (p_qte_id IN NUMBER) IS
187: SELECT tmt_status_code
188: FROM okl_trx_contracts trx
189: WHERE trx.qte_id = p_qte_id
190: --rkuttiya added for 12.1.1 Multi GAAP Project
191: AND trx.representation_type = 'PRIMARY';
192: --

Line 638: -- Desciption : Initialize the Transaction Record (okl_trx_contracts rec)

635: -- Start of comments
636: --
637: -- Procedure Name : initialize_transaction
638: -- Desciption : Initialize the Transaction Record (okl_trx_contracts rec)
639: -- Business Rules :
640: -- Parameters :
641: -- Version : 1.0
642: -- History :

Line 831: -- Desciption : Set the Transaction Record (okl_trx_contracts rec)

828: -- Start of comments
829: --
830: -- Procedure Name : set_transaction_rec
831: -- Desciption : Set the Transaction Record (okl_trx_contracts rec)
832: -- Business Rules :
833: -- Parameters :
834: -- Version : 1.0
835: -- History : RMUNJULU 2757312 Added code to set tmt_generic flags

Line 1081: -- Desciption : Insert/Update the Transaction Record (okl_trx_contracts )

1078: -- Start of comments
1079: --
1080: -- Procedure Name : process_transaction
1081: -- Desciption : Insert/Update the Transaction Record (okl_trx_contracts )
1082: -- Business Rules :
1083: -- Parameters :
1084: -- Version : 1.0
1085: -- History

Line 1145: 'calling OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.create_trx_contracts'

1141: THEN
1142: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
1143: (g_level_statement,
1144: l_module_name,
1145: 'calling OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.create_trx_contracts'
1146: );
1147: END IF;
1149: -- insert transaction rec

Line 1150: okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_contracts

1146: );
1147: END IF;
1149: -- insert transaction rec
1150: okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_contracts
1151: (p_api_version => l_api_version,
1152: p_init_msg_list => g_false,
1153: x_return_status => l_return_status,
1154: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,

Line 1165: 'called OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.create_trx_contracts , return status: '

1161: THEN
1162: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
1163: (g_level_statement,
1164: l_module_name,
1165: 'called OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.create_trx_contracts , return status: '
1166: || l_return_status
1167: );
1168: END IF;
1169: ELSIF p_trn_mode = 'UPDATE'

Line 1176: 'calling OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.update_trx_contracts'

1172: THEN
1173: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
1174: (g_level_statement,
1175: l_module_name,
1176: 'calling OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.update_trx_contracts'
1177: );
1178: END IF;
1180: -- update transaction rec

Line 1181: okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts

1177: );
1178: END IF;
1180: -- update transaction rec
1181: okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts
1182: (p_api_version => l_api_version,
1183: p_init_msg_list => g_false,
1184: x_return_status => l_return_status,
1185: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,

Line 1196: 'called OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.update_trx_contracts , return status: '

1192: THEN
1193: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
1194: (g_level_statement,
1195: l_module_name,
1196: 'called OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS_PUB.update_trx_contracts , return status: '
1197: || l_return_status
1198: );
1199: END IF;
1200: END IF;

Line 3822: lx_tcnv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tcnv_tbl_type;

3818: lp_ctxt_val_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.ctxt_val_tbl_type;
3819: lp_acc_gen_primary_key_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.acc_gen_primary_key;
3820: lx_template_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.avlv_tbl_type;
3821: lx_amount_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.amount_tbl_type;
3822: lx_tcnv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tcnv_tbl_type;
3823: lx_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;
3824: l_catchup_rec okl_generate_accruals_pub.accrual_rec_type;
3825: l_lprv_rec okl_rev_loss_prov_pub.lprv_rec_type;
3826: l_trans_meaning VARCHAR2 (200);

Line 3823: lx_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;

3819: lp_acc_gen_primary_key_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.acc_gen_primary_key;
3820: lx_template_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.avlv_tbl_type;
3821: lx_amount_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.amount_tbl_type;
3822: lx_tcnv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tcnv_tbl_type;
3823: lx_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;
3824: l_catchup_rec okl_generate_accruals_pub.accrual_rec_type;
3825: l_lprv_rec okl_rev_loss_prov_pub.lprv_rec_type;
3826: l_trans_meaning VARCHAR2 (200);
3827: l_module_name VARCHAR2 (500)

Line 3835: lp_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;

3831: is_debug_procedure_on BOOLEAN
3832: := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on (l_module_name, g_level_procedure);
3833: is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN
3834: := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on (l_module_name, g_level_statement);
3835: lp_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3836: lx_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3837: li_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3838: i NUMBER;
3839: l_total_amount NUMBER := 0;

Line 3836: lx_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;

3832: := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on (l_module_name, g_level_procedure);
3833: is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN
3834: := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on (l_module_name, g_level_statement);
3835: lp_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3836: lx_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3837: li_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3838: i NUMBER;
3839: l_total_amount NUMBER := 0;
3840: lip_tmpl_identify_rec okl_account_dist_pub.tmpl_identify_rec_type;

Line 3837: li_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;

3833: is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN
3834: := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on (l_module_name, g_level_statement);
3835: lp_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3836: lx_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3837: li_tclv_rec okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_rec_type;
3838: i NUMBER;
3839: l_total_amount NUMBER := 0;
3840: lip_tmpl_identify_rec okl_account_dist_pub.tmpl_identify_rec_type;
3841: lix_template_tbl okl_account_dist_pub.avlv_tbl_type;

Line 3911: l_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;

3907: --akrangan Bug 5514059 end
3908: --akrangan sla single accounting call to ae uptake starts
3909: l_org_id NUMBER (15);
3910: --txl contracts specific tbl types
3911: l_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;
3912: --ae new table types declaration
3913: l_tmpl_identify_tbl okl_account_dist_pvt.tmpl_identify_tbl_type;
3914: l_dist_info_tbl okl_account_dist_pvt.dist_info_tbl_type;
3915: l_ctxt_tbl okl_account_dist_pvt.ctxt_tbl_type;

Line 3923: -- desc flex fields columns in okl_trx_contracts

3919: l_tcn_id NUMBER;
3921: --hdr dff fields cursor
3922: --this cursor is to populate the
3923: -- desc flex fields columns in okl_trx_contracts
3924: CURSOR trx_contracts_dff_csr (
3925: p_khr_id IN NUMBER
3926: )
3927: IS

Line 4005: l_currency_code okl_trx_contracts.currency_code%TYPE;

4001: tax_owner
4002: FROM okl_product_parameters_v
4003: WHERE ID = p_pdt_id;
4005: l_currency_code okl_trx_contracts.currency_code%TYPE;
4006: --loop variables
4007: k NUMBER;
4008: l NUMBER;
4009: m NUMBER;

Line 4502: 'calling okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_cntrct_lines'

4498: THEN
4499: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
4500: (g_level_statement,
4501: l_module_name,
4502: 'calling okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_cntrct_lines'
4503: );
4504: END IF;
4506: --create trx contract lines table

Line 4507: okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_cntrct_lines

4503: );
4504: END IF;
4506: --create trx contract lines table
4507: okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_cntrct_lines
4508: (p_api_version => l_api_version,
4509: p_init_msg_list => g_false,
4510: x_return_status => l_return_status,
4511: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,

Line 4522: 'called okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_cntrct_lines , return status: '

4518: THEN
4519: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
4520: (g_level_statement,
4521: l_module_name,
4522: 'called okl_trx_contracts_pub.create_trx_cntrct_lines , return status: '
4523: || l_return_status
4524: );
4525: END IF;

Line 4811: 'calling okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts'

4807: THEN
4808: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
4809: (g_level_statement,
4810: l_module_name,
4811: 'calling okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts'
4812: );
4813: END IF;
4815: --call the api to update trx contracts hdr and lines

Line 4816: okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts

4812: );
4813: END IF;
4815: --call the api to update trx contracts hdr and lines
4816: okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts
4817: (p_api_version => l_api_version,
4818: p_init_msg_list => g_false,
4819: x_return_status => l_return_status,
4820: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,

Line 4833: 'called okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts , return status: '

4829: THEN
4830: okl_debug_pub.log_debug
4831: (g_level_statement,
4832: l_module_name,
4833: 'called okl_trx_contracts_pub.update_trx_contracts , return status: '
4834: || l_return_status
4835: );
4836: END IF;

Line 8024: FROM okl_trx_contracts trn

8020: p_trx_id IN NUMBER
8021: )
8022: IS
8023: SELECT trn.tsu_code
8024: FROM okl_trx_contracts trn
8025: WHERE trn.ID = p_trx_id;
8027: l_strm_lalevl_empty_tbl okl_mass_rebook_pub.strm_lalevl_tbl_type;
8028: l_rbk_tbl okl_mass_rebook_pub.rbk_tbl_type;

Line 8656: lx_tcnv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tcnv_tbl_type;

8652: l_sob_id_rep NUMBER;
8653: -- MGAAP 7263041 end
8655: l_catchup_rec okl_generate_accruals_pub.accrual_rec_type;
8656: lx_tcnv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tcnv_tbl_type;
8657: lx_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;
8658: l_lprv_rec okl_rev_loss_prov_pub.lprv_rec_type;
8659: l_count NUMBER;
8660: l_module_name VARCHAR2 (500)

Line 8657: lx_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;

8653: -- MGAAP 7263041 end
8655: l_catchup_rec okl_generate_accruals_pub.accrual_rec_type;
8656: lx_tcnv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tcnv_tbl_type;
8657: lx_tclv_tbl okl_trx_contracts_pub.tclv_tbl_type;
8658: l_lprv_rec okl_rev_loss_prov_pub.lprv_rec_type;
8659: l_count NUMBER;
8660: l_module_name VARCHAR2 (500)
8661: := g_module_name || 'reverse_loss_provisions';

Line 12950: FROM okl_trx_contracts tcn

12946: p_tcn_id IN NUMBER
12947: )
12948: IS
12949: SELECT tcn.tmt_status_code -- akrangan sla tmt_status_code changes
12950: FROM okl_trx_contracts tcn
12951: WHERE tcn.ID = p_tcn_id;
12953: l_return_status VARCHAR2 (1) := g_ret_sts_success;
12954: l_module_name VARCHAR2 (500)

Line 14233: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',

14229: );
14230: END IF;
14232: okl_am_util_pvt.process_messages
14233: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',
14234: p_trx_id => lp_tcnv_rec.ID,
14235: x_return_status => l_return_status
14236: );

Line 14330: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',

14326: );
14327: END IF;
14329: okl_am_util_pvt.process_messages
14330: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',
14331: p_trx_id => lp_tcnv_rec.ID,
14332: x_return_status => l_return_status
14333: );

Line 14405: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',

14401: );
14402: END IF;
14404: okl_am_util_pvt.process_messages
14405: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',
14406: p_trx_id => lp_tcnv_rec.ID,
14407: x_return_status => l_return_status
14408: );

Line 14527: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',

14523: );
14524: END IF;
14526: okl_am_util_pvt.process_messages
14527: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',
14528: p_trx_id => lp_tcnv_rec.ID,
14529: x_return_status => l_return_status
14530: );

Line 14770: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',

14766: );
14767: END IF;
14769: okl_am_util_pvt.process_messages
14770: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',
14771: p_trx_id => lp_tcnv_rec.ID,
14772: x_return_status => l_return_status
14773: );

Line 14898: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',

14894: );
14895: END IF;
14897: okl_am_util_pvt.process_messages
14898: (p_trx_source_table => 'OKL_TRX_CONTRACTS',
14899: p_trx_id => lp_tcnv_rec.ID,
14900: x_return_status => l_return_status
14901: );