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APPS.PAY_DB_PAY_SETUP dependencies on DUAL

Line 451: from dual;

447: -- Select the sequence number for input value. This can then be passed back
448: -- via the function for later use.
449: select pay_input_values_s.nextval
450: into v_input_value_id
451: from dual;
452: --
453: if g_debug then
454: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_pay_setup.create_input_value',15);
455: end if;

Line 803: from sys.dual;

799: -- Select the sequence number for the payroll. This can then be passed back
800: -- via the function for later use.
801: select pay_payrolls_s.nextval
802: into v_payroll_id
803: from sys.dual;
804: --
805: if g_debug then
806: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_pay_setup.create_payroll',2);
807: end if;

Line 1069: from sys.dual

1066: select
1067: p_app_short_name,
1068: userenv('sessionid')
1069: from sys.dual
1070: where not exists (select 1
1071: from hr_owner_definitions od
1072: where od.product_short_name = p_app_short_name
1073: and session_id = userenv('sessionid'));

Line 1953: from sys.dual;

1949: --
1950: -- Get sequence for
1951: select pay_balance_classifications_s.nextval
1952: into v_balance_classification_id
1953: from sys.dual;
1954: --
1955: if g_debug then
1956: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_pay_setup.create_balance_classification',2);
1957: end if;