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Line 1077: FROM po_headers_archive_all phaa,po_headers_all pha

1073: hz_locations hz
1074: where pha.segment1 = plnt.po_number
1075: and pha.org_id = plnt.org_id
1076: and pha.revision_num = (SELECT pha.revision_num
1077: FROM po_headers_archive_all phaa,po_headers_all pha
1078: WHERE pha.segment1 = plnt.po_number
1079: AND pha.po_header_id =phaa.po_header_id (+)
1080: AND phaa.latest_external_flag(+) ='Y'
1081: AND phaa.revision_num =plnt.po_revision)

Line 1183: FROM po_headers_archive_all phaa,po_headers_all pha

1179: and pha.org_id = plnt.org_id
1180: and pha.po_header_id = pra.po_header_id
1181: and pra.release_num = plnt.po_release_num
1182: and pra.revision_num = (SELECT pha.revision_num
1183: FROM po_headers_archive_all phaa,po_headers_all pha
1184: WHERE pha.segment1 = plnt.po_number
1185: AND pha.po_header_id =phaa.po_header_id (+)
1186: AND phaa.latest_external_flag(+) ='Y'
1187: AND phaa.revision_num =plnt.po_revision)