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Line 103: Change the selection of all rows from hr_locations and

99: the problem of fetching more than one row.
101: 40.23 26-FEB-1997 hekim In get_address_3lines, take substring of city name
102: 40.24 28-Jul-1997 nlee Change pay_state_rules to pay_us_states in get_state_name.
103: Change the selection of all rows from hr_locations and
104: per_addresses in get_address and get_employee_address
105: functions to selection of the specific rows that are
106: needed to increase performance and avoid overflow problem.
107: Change the sql statement to cursor statement in get_new_hire_contact

Line 183: FROM hr_locations loc,

179: AND NVL(addr.date_to, IN_payment_date);
181: CURSOR c_get_o_payee IS
182: SELECT SUBSTR(hou.name,1,240)
183: FROM hr_locations loc,
184: hr_all_organization_units hou
185: WHERE hou.organization_id = IN_payee_id
186: AND hou.business_group_id = IN_business_group_id
187: AND IN_payment_date BETWEEN hou.date_from

Line 380: v_address_line_1 hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;

376: procedure get_address(p_location_id in number, p_address out nocopy varchar2) IS
377: --
378: f_address varchar2(300) := NULL;
379: --
380: v_address_line_1 hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;
381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;
382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;
383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;

Line 381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;

377: --
378: f_address varchar2(300) := NULL;
379: --
380: v_address_line_1 hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;
381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;
382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;
383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
385: v_postal_code hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE;

Line 382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;

378: f_address varchar2(300) := NULL;
379: --
380: v_address_line_1 hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;
381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;
382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;
383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
385: v_postal_code hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE;
386: --

Line 383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;

379: --
380: v_address_line_1 hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;
381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;
382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;
383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
385: v_postal_code hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE;
386: --
387: cursor get_location_record is

Line 384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;

380: v_address_line_1 hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;
381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;
382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;
383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
385: v_postal_code hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE;
386: --
387: cursor get_location_record is
388: select address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3,

Line 385: v_postal_code hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE;

381: v_address_line_2 hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE;
382: v_address_line_3 hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE;
383: v_town_or_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
384: v_region_2 hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
385: v_postal_code hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE;
386: --
387: cursor get_location_record is
388: select address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3,
389: town_or_city, region_2, postal_code

Line 390: from hr_locations

386: --
387: cursor get_location_record is
388: select address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3,
389: town_or_city, region_2, postal_code
390: from hr_locations
391: where location_id = p_location_id;
392: --
393: begin
394: --

Line 455: address_record hr_locations%rowtype;

451: --
452: procedure get_address_31(p_location_id in number, p_address out nocopy varchar2) IS
453: f_address varchar2(155) := NULL;
454: f_city_state varchar2(50) := NULL;
455: address_record hr_locations%rowtype;
456: cursor get_location_record is
457: select *
458: from hr_locations
459: where location_id = p_location_id;

Line 458: from hr_locations

454: f_city_state varchar2(50) := NULL;
455: address_record hr_locations%rowtype;
456: cursor get_location_record is
457: select *
458: from hr_locations
459: where location_id = p_location_id;
460: begin
461: open get_location_record;
462: fetch get_location_record into address_record;

Line 662: address_record hr_locations%rowtype;

658: --
659: --
660: procedure get_county_address(p_location_id in number, p_address out nocopy varchar2) IS
661: f_address varchar2(300) := NULL;
662: address_record hr_locations%rowtype;
663: cursor get_location_record is
664: select * from hr_locations
665: where location_id = p_location_id;
666: begin

Line 664: select * from hr_locations

660: procedure get_county_address(p_location_id in number, p_address out nocopy varchar2) IS
661: f_address varchar2(300) := NULL;
662: address_record hr_locations%rowtype;
663: cursor get_location_record is
664: select * from hr_locations
665: where location_id = p_location_id;
666: begin
667: open get_location_record;
668: fetch get_location_record into address_record;

Line 1523: FROM hr_locations

1519: --
1520: begin
1521: SELECT location_code
1522: INTO l_location_code
1523: FROM hr_locations
1524: WHERE location_id = p_location_id;
1525: --
1526: return l_location_code;
1527: --

Line 1683: ,hr_locations_all eloc

1679: from
1680: per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn1
1681: ,hr_location_extra_info hlei1
1682: ,hr_location_extra_info hlei2
1683: ,hr_locations_all eloc
1684: where
1685: (pghn1.hierarchy_version_id = P_HIERARCHY_VERSION_ID
1686: and pghn1.node_type = 'EST'
1687: and eloc.location_id = pghn1.entity_id