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Line 1178: r_taxes jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.tax_rec_typ;

1175: type ref_cur_typ is ref cursor;
1176: refc_tax_cur ref_cur_typ;
1178: r_taxes jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.tax_rec_typ;
1180: ln_tax_amount number ;
1181: ln_user_id fnd_user.user_id%type := fnd_global.user_id;
1182: ln_login_id fnd_logins.login_id%type := fnd_global.login_id;

Line 1264: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.get_tax_cat_taxes_cur

1260: return;
1261: end if;
1263: --for r_taxes in c_get_taxes_from_category
1264: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.get_tax_cat_taxes_cur
1265: (p_tax_category_id => -1 -- pass the value which never exists in JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES
1266: ,p_threshold_tax_cat_id => p_threshold_tax_cat_id
1267: ,p_max_tax_line => p_last_line_number
1268: ,p_max_rgm_tax_line => p_tax_base_line_number

Line 1397: /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Before: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.JA_IN_CALC_PREC_TAXES', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784

1393: || Close the reference cursor. This will acutally close the cursor object in the server memory
1394: */
1395: close refc_tax_cur;
1397: /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Before: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.JA_IN_CALC_PREC_TAXES', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784
1398: /** Call ja_in_calc_prec_taxes procedure in recalculate taxes mode to recalculate taxes and update the related table */
1399: ln_tax_amount := p_base_tax_amt ;
1400: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_calc_prec_taxes
1401: ( transaction_name => p_source_event

Line 1400: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_calc_prec_taxes

1397: /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Before: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.JA_IN_CALC_PREC_TAXES', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784
1398: /** Call ja_in_calc_prec_taxes procedure in recalculate taxes mode to recalculate taxes and update the related table */
1399: ln_tax_amount := p_base_tax_amt ;
1400: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_calc_prec_taxes
1401: ( transaction_name => p_source_event
1402: , p_tax_category_id => -1 /** Pass normal tax category as negative value so it will not be considered */
1403: , p_header_id => p_source_trx_id
1404: , p_line_id => p_source_trx_line_id

Line 1426: /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'After: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.JA_IN_CALC_PREC_TAXES', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784

1422: , p_action => jai_constants.recalculate_taxes
1423: -- Commented by Chong for revert GST changes 2012/10/19
1424: --, pn_gst_assessable_value => pn_gst_assessable_value -- Added by Jia for GST Bug#10091373 on 2010/09/10
1425: );
1426: /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'After: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.JA_IN_CALC_PREC_TAXES', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784
1428: /** Deregister and return */
1429: <>
1430: /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.deregister (pn_reg_id => ln_reg_id);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784