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APPS.POR_LOV_PKG dependencies on ICX_CALL

Line 129: /* Added session_id to icx_call wrto bug 2675309 **/

125: -- Look up the number of rows to display
126: select QUERY_SET, MAX_ROWS
127: into l_query_size, l_max_rows
129: /* Added session_id to icx_call wrto bug 2675309 **/
130: /* suggested by Neal **/
131: /* This avoids any mod_sql commands when invoked from java **/
133: -- Combine two where clauses

Line 136: c_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(icx_call.decrypt2(p_where_clause,p_session_id)||' and '||replace(p_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '),p_session_id);

133: -- Combine two where clauses
134: if p_where_clause is not null then
135: if p_js_where_clause is not null then
136: c_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(icx_call.decrypt2(p_where_clause,p_session_id)||' and '||replace(p_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '),p_session_id);
137: else
138: c_where_clause := c_where_clause;
139: end if;
140: else

Line 142: c_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(replace(p_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '),p_session_id);

138: c_where_clause := c_where_clause;
139: end if;
140: else
141: if p_js_where_clause is not null then
142: c_where_clause := icx_call.encrypt2(replace(p_js_where_clause,'^@~^',' '),p_session_id);
143: end if;
144: end if;
146: -- Perform Object Navigator query

Line 166: /* Added session_id to icx_call wrto bug 2675309 **/

163: -- unpack where clause to use bind variables
164: icx_on_utilities.unpack_whereSegment(where_clause,l_where_clause,l_query_binds);
166: /* Added session_id to icx_call wrto bug 2675309 **/
167: /* suggested by Neal **/
168: /* This avoids any mod_sql commands when invoked from java **/
170: -- Add where clause LOV parameter to generated where clause

Line 173: l_where_clause := icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause,p_session_id);

170: -- Add where clause LOV parameter to generated where clause
171: if c_where_clause is not null then
172: if l_where_clause is null then
173: l_where_clause := icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause,p_session_id);
174: else
175: l_where_clause := l_where_clause||' and '||icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause,p_session_id);
176: end if;
177: end if;

Line 175: l_where_clause := l_where_clause||' and '||icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause,p_session_id);

171: if c_where_clause is not null then
172: if l_where_clause is null then
173: l_where_clause := icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause,p_session_id);
174: else
175: l_where_clause := l_where_clause||' and '||icx_call.decrypt2(c_where_clause,p_session_id);
176: end if;
177: end if;
179: -- Create order clause