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APPS.FA_ASSET_VAL_PVT dependencies on DUAL

Line 488: from dual

484: -- Check that numeric asset numbers are less than those used for
485: -- automatic asset numbering.
486: select count(*)
487: into l_count
488: from dual
489: where nvl(substr(p_asset_number, 1,1), '0') between '0' and '9'
490: and nvl(substr(p_asset_number, 2,1), '0') between '0' and '9'
491: and nvl(substr(p_asset_number, 3,1), '0') between '0' and '9'
492: and nvl(substr(p_asset_number, 4,1), '0') between '0' and '9'

Line 1441: FUNCTION validate_ytd_reserve /*Bug#9682863 - Modified the parameters/body - using recs now instead of individual parameter. */

1437: return TRUE;
1439: END validate_adj_rec_cost;
1441: FUNCTION validate_ytd_reserve /*Bug#9682863 - Modified the parameters/body - using recs now instead of individual parameter. */
1442: (p_asset_hdr_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
1443: p_asset_type_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
1444: p_asset_fin_rec_new IN FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
1445: p_asset_deprn_rec_new IN FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,

Line 1990: from sys.dual;

1986: else -- not table
1989: into l_method_id
1990: from sys.dual;
1992: -- need to derive more values to distinguish between
1993: -- STL and Formula methods. Can't use cache as life
1994: -- is unknown so like the function in calc engine,

Line 2519: from dual

2516: /*8582979 - to allow expensed adj after impairment rollback */
2517: select count(1)
2518: into l_rolled_back_imp
2519: from dual
2520: where exists (
2521: select 1 from fa_transaction_headers
2522: where book_type_code = p_book
2523: and asset_id = p_asset_id

Line 3186: from dual

3182: -- and BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_book_type_code;
3183: l_count := null;
3184: select 1
3185: into l_count
3186: from dual
3187: where exists (select 'X'
3188: from FA_BOOKS
3189: where ASSET_ID = p_group_asset_id
3190: and BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_book_type_code);

Line 4011: name => 'FA_REVAL_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);

4008: if (p_transaction_type_code = 'REVALUATION') then
4009: fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
4010: calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
4011: name => 'FA_REVAL_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4013: return FALSE;
4014: end if;

Line 4027: name => 'FA_MRC_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);

4023: if (l_mrc_count > 0) then
4025: fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
4026: calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
4027: name => 'FA_MRC_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4029: return FALSE;
4030: end if;

Line 4036: name => 'FA_CIP_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);

4032: /* Removed this resctriction for enhancement 6688475
4033: if (p_asset_type = 'CIP') then
4034: fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
4035: calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
4036: name => 'FA_CIP_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4038: return FALSE;
4039: end if;
4040: */

Line 4047: name => 'FA_BONUS_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);

4043: Commenting the validation
4044: if (p_bonus_rule is not null) and (p_bonus_rule <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) then
4045: fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
4046: calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
4047: name => 'FA_BONUS_DUAL_RATE', p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4049: return FALSE;
4050: end if; */

Line 5547: select count(1) from dual

5543: l_group_asset_hdr_rec FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type;
5544: h_asset_id number;
5546: CURSOR c_group_mem_no_depreciate is
5547: select count(1) from dual
5548: where exists
5549: (select 'x' from fa_books
5550: where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
5551: and group_asset_id = h_asset_id

Line 5557: select count(1) from dual

5553: and depreciate_flag = 'NO');
5554: l_dummy_num number;
5556: CURSOR c_asset_with_reserve is
5557: select count(1) from dual
5558: where exists
5559: (select 'x' from fa_deprn_summary
5560: where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
5561: and asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id

Line 6231: from dual

6228: begin
6229: select 1
6230: into l_count
6231: from dual
6232: where exists (select 'X'
6233: from fa_additions_b
6234: where asset_id = p_asset_id
6235: and asset_type = 'GROUP');

Line 7035: from dual

7031: and transaction_header_id_out is null;
7033: cursor c_ret_count is
7034: select count(1)
7035: from dual
7036: where exists
7037: (
7038: select 1
7039: from fa_retirements

Line 7047: from dual

7043: );
7045: cursor c_mem_exists is
7046: select count(1)
7047: from dual
7048: where exists
7049: (
7050: select 1
7051: from fa_books bk

Line 7059: from dual

7055: );
7057: cursor c_other_mem(p_group_asset_id in number) is
7058: select count(1)
7059: from dual
7060: where exists
7061: (
7062: select 1
7063: from fa_books bk