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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

   pod.project_id project_id
   ,NVL(pod.task_id, '') task_id
   INTO l_project_id
           , l_task_id
   FROM po_distributions_all pod
   WHERE pod.line_location_id = p_po_line_location_id
   AND pod.project_id IS NOT NULL
   ORDER BY nvl(pod.task_id,-1) DESC;
Line: 49

      SELECT project_id
           , task_id
        INTO l_project_id
           , l_task_id
        FROM oe_order_lines_all
       WHERE line_id = p_oe_order_line_id;
Line: 70

  FUNCTION insert_txn_interface(
    p_rcv_transaction_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY  rcv_transaction_rec_tp
  , p_rcv_rcpt_rec         IN OUT NOCOPY  rcv_enter_receipts_rec_tp
  , p_group_id             IN             NUMBER
  , p_transaction_type     IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_organization_id      IN             NUMBER
  , p_location_id          IN             NUMBER
  , p_source_type          IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_qa_routing_id        IN             NUMBER DEFAULT -1
  , p_project_id           IN             NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
  , p_task_id              IN             NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
  , p_express_transaction  IN             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

    l_rcv_transaction_rec        rcv_transaction_rec_tp; -- rcv_transaction block
Line: 210

      print_debug('Enter insert_txn_interface: 1   ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 211

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: p_express_transaction ' || p_express_transaction, 1);
Line: 212

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: l_express_transaction ' || l_express_transaction, 1);
Line: 216

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface 2 value of coutry of origin is ' || p_rcv_rcpt_rec.country_of_origin_code, 4);
Line: 220

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: revision1  - ' || p_rcv_transaction_rec.item_revision, 4); -- revision needs to be taken care of by matching
Line: 343

      SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_interface_transaction_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 350

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: 2  before RCV_RECEIPTS_QUERY_SV.POST_QUERY ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
      , 4);
Line: 413

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: 3  after RCV_RECEIPTS_QUERY_SV.POST_QUERY ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 423

          SELECT MAX(category_id)
            INTO l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_category_id
            FROM mtl_item_categories
           WHERE inventory_item_id = l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_id
             AND organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND category_set_id = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.category_set_id;
Line: 432

              print_debug('insert_txn_interface: Exception in getting the item categories', 4);
Line: 452

              select RMA_RECEIPT_ROUTING_ID
  	          into   x_routing_id
  	          from mtl_client_parameters
              WHERE client_code = l_client_code;
Line: 460

             select rma_receipt_routing_id
             into x_routing_id
             from rcv_parameters
             where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 470

             select rma_receipt_routing_id
             into x_routing_id
             from rcv_parameters
             where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 480

              print_debug('insert_txn_interface: from rcv parameters: x_routing_id = '|| x_routing_id, 4);
Line: 486

                print_debug('insert_txn_interface: Exception in getting the routing id from rcv parameters', 4);
Line: 487

                print_debug('insert_txn_interface: routing id is set to what fetched from post_query : x_routing_id ='|| x_routing_id, 4);
Line: 493

             select routing_name
          into l_rcv_transaction_rec.routing_name
          from rcv_routing_headers
         where routing_header_id = x_routing_id;
Line: 530

      SELECT displayed_field
           , lookup_code
        INTO x_destination_type_dsp
           , x_destination_type_code
        FROM po_lookup_codes
       WHERE lookup_code = 'INVENTORY'
         AND lookup_type = 'RCV DESTINATION TYPE';
Line: 580

                  print_debug('insert_txn_interface: ERROR in getting the Conversion Rate' , 4);
Line: 587

             print_debug('insert_txn_interface : l_rate :  ' || l_rate, 4);
Line: 595

                print_debug('insert_txn_interface: No Conversion rate has been defined for the currency : ' || l_rcv_transaction_rec.currency_code || ' for the txn date :  ' || l_rcv_transaction_rec.currency_conversion_date , 4);
Line: 632

        print_debug('insert_txn_interface: revision2  - ' || x_item_revision, 4);
Line: 646

        SELECT project_id
             , task_id
          INTO x_project_id
             , x_task_id
          FROM po_req_distributions
         WHERE requisition_line_id = x_req_line_id;
Line: 659

        SELECT project_id
             , task_id
          INTO x_project_id
             , x_task_id
          FROM oe_order_lines_all
         WHERE line_id = x_oe_order_line_id;
Line: 679

        SELECT lookup_code
          INTO l_rcv_transaction_rec.destination_type_code
          FROM po_lookup_codes
         WHERE lookup_code = 'INVENTORY'
           AND lookup_type = 'RCV DESTINATION TYPE';
Line: 788

      SELECT rcv_headers_interface_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO g_header_intf_id
      FROM dual;
Line: 802

      SELECT rcv_shipment_headers_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO g_shipment_header_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 808

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: 4  before rcv_trx_interface_insert_pkg.insert_row '
      , 4);
Line: 814

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: revision3 - ' || l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_revision, 4);
Line: 818

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface: rcv sub loc - ' || l_subinventory ||' , '|| l_locator_id, 4);
Line: 822

      print_debug('insert_txn_interface before insert row  value of coutry of origin is '
        || l_rcv_transaction_rec.country_of_origin_code
      , 4);
Line: 828

     *    -> shipment_header_id should be inserted as null but header_interface_id
     *       should be inserted. Header_interface_id will be non null only if INV
     *       and  PO J are installed (or higher).
     *    -> Populate values for three new columns lpn_group_id, validation_flag
     *       and header_interface_id_id
     *    -> Populate project_id and task_id in RTI from inputs
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level  >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      IF ((l_rcv_transaction_rec.source_type_code = 'INTERNAL') OR
-- For Bug 7440217
         (l_rcv_transaction_rec.source_type_code IN ('ASN', 'LCM') AND p_source_type <> 'VENDOR')) THEN
-- End for Bug 7440217
        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
          print_debug('Setting the shipment_header_id as this may be a INTSHIP/ASN Receive TXN', 4);
Line: 847

          print_debug('Nulling the shipment_header_id to insert for J code', 4);
Line: 892

 print_debug('b4 inserting l_secondary_quantity ' || l_secondary_quantity,4);
Line: 893

    print_debug('b4 insertingl_secondary_uom_code ' || l_secondary_uom_code,4);
Line: 894

    print_debug('b4 insertingl_secondary_unit_of_measure ' || l_secondary_unit_of_measure,4);
Line: 917

      SELECT item_id
      INTO   l_po_item_id
      FROM   po_lines_all pol
      WHERE  pol.po_line_id = l_po_line_id;
Line: 930

    INSERT INTO rcv_transactions_interface
             , GROUP_ID
             , last_update_date
             , last_updated_by
             , creation_date
             , created_by
             , last_update_login
             , transaction_type
             , transaction_date
             , processing_status_code
             , processing_mode_code
             , processing_request_id
             , transaction_status_code
             , category_id
             , quantity
             , unit_of_measure
             , interface_source_code
             , interface_source_line_id
             , inv_transaction_id
             , item_id
             , item_description
             , item_revision
             , uom_code
             , employee_id
             , auto_transact_code
             , shipment_header_id
             , shipment_line_id
             , ship_to_location_id
             , primary_quantity
             , primary_unit_of_measure
             , receipt_source_code
             , vendor_id
             , vendor_site_id
             , from_organization_id
             , to_organization_id
             , routing_header_id
             , routing_step_id
             , source_document_code
             , parent_transaction_id
             , po_header_id
             , po_revision_num
             , po_release_id
             , po_line_id
             , po_line_location_id
             , po_unit_price
             , currency_code
             , currency_conversion_type
             , currency_conversion_rate
             , currency_conversion_date
             , po_distribution_id
             , requisition_line_id
             , req_distribution_id
             , charge_account_id
             , substitute_unordered_code
             , receipt_exception_flag
             , accrual_status_code
             , inspection_status_code
             , inspection_quality_code
             , destination_type_code
             , deliver_to_person_id
             , location_id
             , deliver_to_location_id
             , subinventory
             , locator_id
             , wip_entity_id
             , wip_line_id
             , department_code
             , wip_repetitive_schedule_id
             , wip_operation_seq_num
             , wip_resource_seq_num
             , bom_resource_id
             , shipment_num
             , freight_carrier_code
             , bill_of_lading
             , packing_slip
             , shipped_date
             , expected_receipt_date
             , actual_cost
             , transfer_cost
             , transportation_cost
             , transportation_account_id
             , num_of_containers
             , waybill_airbill_num
             , vendor_item_num
             , vendor_lot_num
             , rma_reference
             , comments
             , attribute_category
             , attribute1
             , attribute2
             , attribute3
             , attribute4
             , attribute5
             , attribute6
             , attribute7
             , attribute8
             , attribute9
             , attribute10
             , attribute11
             , attribute12
             , attribute13
             , attribute14
             , attribute15
             , ship_head_attribute_category
             , ship_head_attribute1
             , ship_head_attribute2
             , ship_head_attribute3
             , ship_head_attribute4
             , ship_head_attribute5
             , ship_head_attribute6
             , ship_head_attribute7
             , ship_head_attribute8
             , ship_head_attribute9
             , ship_head_attribute10
             , ship_head_attribute11
             , ship_head_attribute12
             , ship_head_attribute13
             , ship_head_attribute14
             , ship_head_attribute15
             , ship_line_attribute_category
             , ship_line_attribute1
             , ship_line_attribute2
             , ship_line_attribute3
             , ship_line_attribute4
             , ship_line_attribute5
             , ship_line_attribute6
             , ship_line_attribute7
             , ship_line_attribute8
             , ship_line_attribute9
             , ship_line_attribute10
             , ship_line_attribute11
             , ship_line_attribute12
             , ship_line_attribute13
             , ship_line_attribute14
             , ship_line_attribute15
             , ussgl_transaction_code
             , government_context
             , reason_id
             , destination_context
             , source_doc_quantity
             , source_doc_unit_of_measure
             , use_mtl_lot
             , use_mtl_serial
             , qa_collection_id
             , country_of_origin_code
             , oe_order_header_id
             , oe_order_line_id
             , customer_item_num
             , customer_id
             , customer_site_id
             , put_away_rule_id
             , put_away_strategy_id
             , lpn_id
             , transfer_lpn_id
             , cost_group_id
             , mmtt_temp_id
             , mobile_txn
             , transfer_cost_group_id
             , lpn_group_id
             , validation_flag
             , header_interface_id
             , project_id
             , task_id
             , secondary_unit_of_measure --OPM Convergence
             , secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
             , secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
	     , org_id              --
             , document_line_num  --BUG 4730474
	     , substitute_item_id --bug 4697949
	     , express_transaction --bug 5550783
       VALUES (
             , p_group_id
             , l_sysdate
             , inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id  /* Last Updated By */
             , l_sysdate  /* Created Date */
             , inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id  /* Created By */
             , inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id  /* last Update Login */
             , p_transaction_type  /* transaction type */
             , l_txn_date  /* transaction date */
             , 'PENDING'  /* Processing status code */
             , inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.transaction_mode
             , NULL
             , 'PENDING'  /* Transaction status code */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_category_id
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.transaction_qty
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.transaction_uom
             , 'RCV'  /* interface source code */
             , NULL  /* interface source line id */
             , NULL  /* inv_transaction id */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_id
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_description
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.item_revision
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.uom_code
             , inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.employee_id -- Fix for bug 2073164
             , l_auto_transact_code  /* Auto transact code */
             , l_shipment_header_id  /* shipment header id */
             , l_shipment_line_id  /* shipment line id */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.ship_to_location_id
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.primary_quantity  /* primary quantity */
             , l_primary_uom  /* primary uom */
             , l_source_type_code  /* receipt source code */
             , l_vendor_id
             , l_vendor_site_id
             , l_from_org_id  /* from org id */
             , l_to_org_id  /* to org id */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.routing_id
             , 1  /* routing step id */
             , l_source_doc_code  /* source document code */
             , NULL  /* Parent trx id */
             , l_po_header_id
             , NULL  /* PO Revision number */
             , l_po_release_id
             , l_po_line_id
             , l_po_line_location_id
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.unit_price
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.currency_code  /* Currency_Code */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.currency_conversion_type
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.currency_conversion_rate
             , TRUNC(l_rcv_transaction_rec.currency_conversion_date)
             , l_po_distribution_id
             , l_req_line_id
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.req_distribution_id
             , NULL  /* Charge_Account_Id */
             , l_sub_unordered_code  /* Substitute_Unordered_Code */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.receipt_exception  /* Receipt_Exception_Flag  forms check box?*/
             , NULL  /* Accrual_Status_Code */
             , 'NOT INSPECTED'  /* Inspection_Status_Code */
             , NULL  /* Inspection_Quality_Code */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.destination_type_code  /* Destination_Type_Code */
             , l_deliver_to_person_id  /* Deliver_To_Person_Id */
             , l_location_id  /* Location_Id */
             , l_deliver_to_location_id  /* Deliver_To_Location_Id */
             , l_subinventory  /* Subinventory */
             , l_locator_id  /* Locator_Id */
             , l_wip_entity_id  /* Wip_Entity_Id */
             , l_wip_line_id  /* Wip_Line_Id */
             , l_department_code  /* Department_Code */
             , l_wip_rep_sched_id  /* Wip_Repetitive_Schedule_Id */
             , l_wip_oper_seq_num  /* Wip_Operation_Seq_Num */
             , l_wip_res_seq_num  /* Wip_Resource_Seq_Num */
             , l_bom_resource_id  /* Bom_Resource_Id */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.rcv_shipment_number
             , NULL
             , NULL  /* Bill_Of_Lading */
             , NULL  /* Packing_Slip */
             , TRUNC(l_rcv_transaction_rec.shipped_date)
             , TRUNC(l_rcv_transaction_rec.expected_receipt_date)  /* Expected_Receipt_Date */
             , NULL  /* Actual_Cost */
             , NULL  /* Transfer_Cost */
             , NULL  /* Transportation_Cost */
             , NULL  /* Transportation_Account_Id */
             , NULL  /* Num_Of_Containers */
             , NULL  /* Waybill_Airbill_Num */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.vendor_item_number  /* Vendor_Item_Num */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.vendor_lot_num  /* Vendor_Lot_Num */
             , NULL  /* Rma_Reference */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.comments  /* Comments  ? from form*/
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute_category  /* Attribute_Category */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute1  /* Attribute1 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute2  /* Attribute2 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute3  /* Attribute3 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute4  /* Attribute4 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute5  /* Attribute5 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute6  /* Attribute6 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute7  /* Attribute7 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute8  /* Attribute8 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute9  /* Attribute9 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute10  /* Attribute10 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute11  /* Attribute11 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute12  /* Attribute12 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute13  /* Attribute13 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute14  /* Attribute14 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.attribute15  /* Attribute15 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute_Category */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute1 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute2 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute3 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute4 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute5 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute6 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute7 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute8 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute9 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute10 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute11 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute12 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute13 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute14 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Head_Attribute15 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute_Category */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute1 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute2 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute3 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute4 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute5 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute6 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute7 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute8 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute9 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute10 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute11 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute12 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute13 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute14 */
             , NULL  /* Ship_Line_Attribute15 */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.ussgl_transaction_code  /* Ussgl_Transaction_Code */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.government_context  /* Government_Context */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.reason_id  /* ? */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.destination_type_code  /* Destination_Context */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.transaction_qty
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.transaction_uom
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.lot_control_code
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.serial_number_control_code
             , NULL
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.country_of_origin_code
             , l_oe_order_header_id
             , l_oe_order_line_id
             , l_customer_item_num
             , l_customer_id
             , l_customer_site_id
             , NULL  /* PUT_AWAY_RULE_ID */
             , NULL  /* PUT_AWAY_STRATEGY_ID */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.lpn_id  /* LPN_ID */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.transfer_lpn_id  /* Transfer LPN ID */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.cost_group_id  /* cost_group_id */
             , NULL  /* mmtt_temp_id */
             , 'Y'  /* mobile_txn */
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.transfer_cost_group_id  /* xfer_cost_group_id*/
             , l_lpn_group_id
             , l_validation_flag
             , l_header_interface_id
             , l_project_id
             , l_task_id
             , l_secondary_unit_of_measure
             , l_secondary_quantity
             , l_secondary_uom_code
	     , l_operating_unit_id  --
             , l_rcv_transaction_rec.rcv_line_number--BUG 4730474
	     , l_substitute_item_id --bug 4697949
	     , l_express_transaction --bug 5550783
Line: 1279

  INTO    v_lcm_flag
  WHERE   LINE_LOCATION_ID = l_po_line_location_id;
Line: 1286

  SELECT  mp.lcm_enabled_flag
  INTO    v_lcm_enabled_org
  FROM    mtl_parameters mp
  WHERE	  mp.organization_id = l_to_org_id;
Line: 1291

  SELECT  rp.pre_receive
  INTO    v_pre_receive
  FROM    rcv_parameters rp
  WHERE	  rp.organization_id = l_to_org_id;
Line: 1296

  INTO    v_lcm_flag
  WHERE   LINE_LOCATION_ID = l_po_line_location_id;
Line: 1305

		  INTO		v_lcm_ship_line_id, v_unit_landed_cost
		  FROM		rcv_shipment_lines
		  WHERE		shipment_line_id = l_shipment_line_id;
Line: 1310

		  UPDATE	rcv_transactions_interface
		  SET		lcm_shipment_line_id = v_lcm_ship_line_id,
				    unit_landed_cost = v_unit_landed_cost
		  WHERE		interface_transaction_id = l_interface_transaction_id
		  AND		to_organization_id = l_to_org_id;
Line: 1317

		  UPDATE	rcv_transactions_interface
		  SET		processing_status_code = 'LC_PENDING',
                    PROCESSING_MODE_CODE = 'BATCH'
		  WHERE		interface_transaction_id = l_interface_transaction_id
		  AND		to_organization_id = l_to_org_id;
Line: 1331

		  update rcv_shipment_lines set ITEM_REVISION = v_item_revision where shipment_line_id = l_shipment_line_id;
Line: 1337

    SELECT secondary_uom_code, secondary_unit_of_measure,
       INTO t_sec_uom_code, t_sec_uom, t_sec_qty
       FROM rcv_transactions_interface
       WHERE interface_transaction_id = l_interface_transaction_id;
Line: 1350

      print_debug('About exit insert_txn_interface: 5  after rcv_trx_interface_insert_pkg.insert_row '
        || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 1355

  END insert_txn_interface;
Line: 1382

    SELECT primary_uom_code
      INTO l_primary_uom
      FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
     WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1618

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'VENDOR' source_type_code
           , 'VENDOR' receipt_source_code
           , 'PO' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , poll.po_header_id po_header_id
           , poh.segment1 po_number
           , poll.po_line_id po_line_id
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , poll.line_location_id po_line_location_id
           , poll.shipment_num po_shipment_number
           , poll.po_release_id po_release_id
           , por.release_num po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
           --Passing the values as NULL   --Bug #3878174
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_header_id
           , NULL rcv_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) from_organization_id
           , poh.po_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , poh.segment1 rcv_shipment_number
           , pol.po_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , pol.line_num rcv_line_number
           , poh.po_header_id from_organization_id
           , poll.ship_to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , poh.vendor_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , poh.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
           , '' outside_operation_flag
           , pol.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
--         , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code primary_uom
	   , msi.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom /* Bug 5665041:Primary UOM should be taken from MSI*/
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NULL item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NULL item_locator_control
           , '' restrict_locators_code
           , '' restrict_subinventories_code
           , NULL shelf_life_code
           , NULL shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , pol.item_revision item_revision
           , pol.item_description item_description
           , pol.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , pol.vendor_product_num vendor_item_number
           , poll.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , NULL packing_slip
           , poll.receiving_routing_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , poll.need_by_date need_by_date
           , NVL(poll.promised_date, poll.need_by_date) expected_receipt_date
           , poll.quantity ordered_qty
           , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code ordered_uom
           , NULL ussgl_transaction_code
           , poll.government_context government_context
           , poll.inspection_required_flag inspection_required_flag
           , poll.receipt_required_flag receipt_required_flag
           , poll.enforce_ship_to_location_code enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , NVL(poll.price_override, pol.unit_price) unit_price
           , poh.currency_code currency_code
           , poh.rate_type currency_conversion_type
           , poh.rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , poh.rate currency_conversion_rate
           , poh.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , NULL destination_type_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) deliver_to_person_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) deliver_to_location_id
           , NULL destination_subinventory
           , poll.attribute_category attribute_category
           , poll.attribute1 attribute1
           , poll.attribute2 attribute2
           , poll.attribute3 attribute3
           , poll.attribute4 attribute4
           , poll.attribute5 attribute5
           , poll.attribute6 attribute6
           , poll.attribute7 attribute7
           , poll.attribute8 attribute8
           , poll.attribute9 attribute9
           , poll.attribute10 attribute10
           , poll.attribute11 attribute11
           , poll.attribute12 attribute12
           , poll.attribute13 attribute13
           , poll.attribute14 attribute14
           , poll.attribute15 attribute15
           , poll.closed_code closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , NULL bill_of_lading
           , TO_DATE(NULL) shipped_date
           , NULL freight_carrier_code
           , NULL waybill_airbill_num
           , NULL freight_bill_num
           , NULL vendor_lot_num
           , NULL container_num
           , NULL truck_num
           , NULL bar_code_label
           , '' rate_type_display
           , poll.match_option match_option
           , poll.country_of_origin_code country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , NULL project_id
           , NULL task_id
           , pol.secondary_uom secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , pol.secondary_qty secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence* commented out temp
        FROM po_headers poh
            , po_line_locations poll
            , po_lines pol
            , po_releases por
            , mtl_system_items msi
            , mtl_units_of_measure mum
       WHERE poll.line_location_id = v_po_line_location_id
         AND poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
         AND pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
         AND poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
         AND mum.unit_of_measure(+) = pol.unit_meas_lookup_code
         AND NVL(msi.organization_id, poll.ship_to_organization_id) = poll.ship_to_organization_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id(+) = pol.item_id
         AND poll.line_location_id IN(
              SELECT pod.line_location_id
                FROM po_distributions_all pod
               WHERE (
                      p_project_id IS NULL
                      OR(p_project_id = -9999
                         AND pod.project_id IS NULL) --bug#2669021
                      OR pod.project_id = p_project_id
                 AND(p_task_id IS NULL
                     OR pod.task_id = p_task_id)
                 AND pod.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
                 AND pod.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
                 AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id);
Line: 1826

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_group_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 1904

        SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
          INTO g_rcpt_match_table_gross(g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2121

        print_debug('create_po_rcpt_intf_rec: 100 - within cursor loop - before insert RTI  '
        , 4);
Line: 2141

          SELECT nvl(item_revision, '@@@@')
          INTO l_item_revision
          FROM po_lines_all
          WHERE po_line_id = l_rcv_rcpt_rec.po_line_id;
Line: 2212

              SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
                INTO l_rcv_transaction_rec.interface_transaction_id
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 2338

        , l_rcv_rcpt_rec
        , l_group_id
        , l_transaction_type
        , p_organization_id
        , p_location_id
        , p_source_type
        , l_qa_routing_id
        , p_project_id
        , p_task_id
Line: 2353

        print_debug('create_po_rcpt_intf_rec: 110 - within cursor loop - after insert RTI '|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 2376

          UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	    SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	    WHERE product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id
	    AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 2414

Line: 2561

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'INTERNAL' source_type_code
           , DECODE(rsl.source_document_code, 'INVENTORY', 'INVENTORY', 'REQ', 'INTERNAL ORDER') receipt_source_code
           , rsl.source_document_code order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           --Passing as NULL for the columns for which value is not known.  --Bug #3878174
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_header_id
           , NULL po_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_location_id
           , NULL po_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_number
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num po_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_id
           , rsl.line_num po_line_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_location_id
           , rsl.line_num po_shipment_number
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_id
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_number
           , porh.requisition_header_id req_header_id
           , porh.segment1 req_number
           , porl.requisition_line_id req_line_id
           , porl.line_num req_line
           , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
           , rsl.shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num rcv_shipment_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , rsl.line_num rcv_line_number
           , rsl.from_organization_id from_organization_id
           , rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , rsl.shipment_line_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_site_id
           , 'N' outside_operation_flag
           , rsl.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , rsl.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , DECODE(msi1.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , rsl.item_revision item_revision
           , rsl.item_description item_description
           , rsl.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , rsl.vendor_item_num vendor_item_number
           , rsh.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
           , rsl.routing_header_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , porl.need_by_date need_by_date
           , rsh.expected_receipt_date expected_receipt_date
           , rsl.quantity_shipped ordered_qty
           , rsl.primary_unit_of_measure ordered_uom
           , rsh.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
           , rsh.government_context government_context
           , NULL inspection_required_flag
           , NULL receipt_required_flag
           , NULL enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) unit_price
           , NULL currency_code
           , NULL currency_conversion_type
           , TO_DATE(NULL) currency_conversion_date
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) currency_conversion_rate
           , NULL note_to_receiver
             rsl.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , rsl.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , rsl.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , rsl.to_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , rsl.attribute_category attribute_category
           , rsl.attribute1 attribute1
           , rsl.attribute2 attribute2
           , rsl.attribute3 attribute3
           , rsl.attribute4 attribute4
           , rsl.attribute5 attribute5
           , rsl.attribute6 attribute6
           , rsl.attribute7 attribute7
           , rsl.attribute8 attribute8
           , rsl.attribute9 attribute9
           , rsl.attribute10 attribute10
           , rsl.attribute11 attribute11
           , rsl.attribute12 attribute12
           , rsl.attribute13 attribute13
           , rsl.attribute14 attribute14
           , rsl.attribute15 attribute15
           , 'OPEN' closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , rsh.bill_of_lading bill_of_lading
           , rsh.shipped_date shipped_date
           , rsh.freight_carrier_code freight_carrier_code
           , rsh.waybill_airbill_num waybill_airbill_num
           , rsh.freight_bill_number freight_bill_num
           , rsl.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
           , rsl.container_num container_num
           , rsl.truck_num truck_num
           , rsl.bar_code_label bar_code_label
           , NULL rate_type_display
           , 'P' match_option
           , NULL country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , NULL project_id
           , NULL task_id
           , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence temp
        FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , po_requisition_headers porh
           , po_requisition_lines porl
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_system_items msi1
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
       WHERE rsh.receipt_source_code <> 'VENDOR'
         AND rsl.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+)
         AND porl.requisition_header_id = porh.requisition_header_id(+)
         AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
         AND mum.unit_of_measure(+) = rsl.unit_of_measure
         AND msi.organization_id(+) = rsl.to_organization_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
         AND msi1.organization_id(+) = rsl.from_organization_id
         AND msi1.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
         AND rsl.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id
              rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'
              AND EXISTS(
                   SELECT '1'
                     FROM po_req_distributions_all prd
                    WHERE prd.requisition_line_id = rsl.requisition_line_id
                      AND Nvl(rsl.req_distribution_id,Nvl(prd.distribution_id,-999)) = Nvl(prd.distribution_id,-999)--BUG 4946182
                          p_project_id IS NULL
                          OR(p_project_id = -9999
                             AND prd.project_id IS NULL) --bug#2669021
                          OR NVL(prd.project_id, -99) = p_project_id
             OR rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
Line: 2763

        SELECT receipt_num
          INTO l_receipt_num
          FROM rcv_shipment_headers
         WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
           AND ship_to_org_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2804

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_group_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 2816

          SELECT DISTINCT rsl.shipment_header_id
       INTO l_shipment_header_id
       FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
       po_requisition_lines prl
       prl.requisition_header_id = p_req_header_id
       AND prl.requisition_line_id = rsl.requisition_line_id;
Line: 2830

        SELECT  fm_serial_number INTO l_serial_number
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers_interface
        WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id ;
Line: 2853

 	         SELECT  lot_number INTO l_lot_number
 	         FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
 	         WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id ;
Line: 2878

      SELECT lot_control_code,serial_number_control_code
      INTO l2_lot_code,l_serial_control_code1
      FROM mtl_system_items_b
      WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        rcv_shipment_headers WHERE SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID =p_shipment_header_id);--bug13558642
Line: 2935

    SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO g_rcpt_match_table_gross(g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM mtl_system_items
     WHERE mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3098

        print_debug('create_intship_rcpt_intf_rec: 90 before insert_txn_interface ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 3128

      l_interface_transaction_id := insert_txn_interface(
          , l_rcv_rcpt_rec
          , l_group_id
          , l_transaction_type
          , p_organization_id
          , p_location_id
          , p_source_type
          , NULL  --p_qa_routing_id
          , p_project_id
          , p_task_id);
Line: 3142

        print_debug('create_intship_rcpt_intf_rec: 100 after insert_txn_interface ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 3170

	     SELECT count(1)
	       INTO   l_msni_count
	       FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_interface
	       WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id
	       AND    product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 3178

	     UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	       SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	       WHERE product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id
	       AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 3220

Line: 3360

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'CUSTOMER' source_type_code
           , 'CUSTOMER' receipt_source_code
           , '' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_header_id
           , NULL po_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_location_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_header_id
           , NULL rcv_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_line_number
           , NVL(oel.ship_to_org_id, oeh.ship_to_org_id) from_organization_id
           , NVL(oel.ship_from_org_id, oeh.ship_from_org_id) to_organization_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_site_id
           , NULL outside_operation_flag
           , oel.inventory_item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , mum.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , msi.segment1 item_number
           , oel.item_revision item_revision
           , msi.description item_description
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) item_category_id
           , NULL hazard_class
           , NULL un_number
           , NULL vendor_item_number
           , oel.ship_from_org_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , NULL packing_slip
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) routing_id
           , NULL routing_name
           , oel.request_date need_by_date
           , NVL(oel.promise_date, oel.request_date) expected_receipt_date
           , oel.ordered_quantity ordered_qty
           , '' ordered_uom
           , NULL ussgl_transaction_code
           , NULL government_context
           , DECODE(msi.return_inspection_requirement, 1, 'Y', 'N') inspection_required_flag
           , 'Y' receipt_required_flag
           , 'N' enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , oel.unit_selling_price unit_price
           , oeh.transactional_curr_code currency_code
           , oeh.conversion_type_code currency_conversion_type
           , oeh.conversion_rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , oeh.conversion_rate currency_conversion_rate
           , NULL note_to_receiver
           , NULL destination_type_code
           , oel.deliver_to_contact_id deliver_to_person_id
           , oel.deliver_to_org_id deliver_to_location_id
           , NULL destination_subinventory
           , oel.CONTEXT attribute_category
           , oel.attribute1 attribute1
           , oel.attribute2 attribute2
           , oel.attribute3 attribute3
           , oel.attribute4 attribute4
           , oel.attribute5 attribute5
           , oel.attribute6 attribute6
           , oel.attribute7 attribute7
           , oel.attribute8 attribute8
           , oel.attribute9 attribute9
           , oel.attribute10 attribute10
           , oel.attribute11 attribute11
           , oel.attribute12 attribute12
           , oel.attribute13 attribute13
           , oel.attribute14 attribute14
           , oel.attribute15 attribute15
           , NULL closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , NULL bill_of_lading
           , TO_DATE(NULL) shipped_date
           , NULL freight_carrier_code
           , NULL waybill_airbill_num
           , NULL freight_bill_num
           , NULL vendor_lot_num
           , NULL container_num
           , NULL truck_num
           , NULL bar_code_label
           , NULL rate_type_display
           , NULL match_option
           , NULL country_of_origin_code
           , oel.header_id oe_order_header_id
           , oeh.order_number oe_order_num
           , oel.line_id oe_order_line_id
           , oel.line_number oe_order_line_num
           , oel.sold_to_org_id customer_id
           , NVL(oel.ship_to_org_id, oeh.ship_to_org_id) customer_site_id
           , '' customer_item_num
           , '' pll_note_to_receiver
           , NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , project_id project_id
           , task_id task_id
           , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
        FROM  oe_order_lines_all oel
            , oe_order_headers_all oeh
            , mtl_system_items msi
            , mtl_units_of_measure mum
       WHERE oel.line_category_code = 'RETURN'
         AND oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
         AND oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
         AND oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id
         AND msi.primary_uom_code = mum.uom_code
         AND oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
         AND oel.ordered_quantity > NVL(oel.shipped_quantity, 0)
         AND msi.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y'
         AND oel.line_id = v_oe_order_line_id
             (p_project_id IS NULL
              OR(p_project_id = -9999
                 AND oel.project_id IS NULL) --bug#2669021
              OR oel.project_id = p_project_id)
             AND(p_task_id IS NULL
                 OR oel.task_id = p_task_id)
Line: 3549

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_group_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 3577

    SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO g_rcpt_match_table_gross(g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM mtl_system_items
     WHERE mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3731

        print_debug('create_rma_rcpt_intf_rec: 90 before insert_txn_interface' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 3761

l_interface_transaction_id := insert_txn_interface(
          , l_rcv_rcpt_rec
          , l_group_id
          , l_transaction_type
          , p_organization_id
          , p_location_id
          , p_source_type
                , NULL -- p_qa_routing_id
                , p_project_id
                , p_task_id);
Line: 3775

        print_debug('create_rma_rcpt_intf_rec: 100 after insert_txn_interface' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 3815

Line: 3964

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
-- For Bug 7440217
           , p_source_type source_type_code
-- End for Bug 7440217
           , 'VENDOR' receipt_source_code
           , 'PO' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , poll.po_header_id po_header_id
           , poh.segment1 po_number
           , poll.po_line_id po_line_id
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , poll.line_location_id po_line_location_id
           , poll.shipment_num po_shipment_number
           , poll.po_release_id po_release_id
           , por.release_num po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
           , rsh.shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num rcv_shipment_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , rsl.line_num rcv_line_number
           , rsl.from_organization_id from_organization_id  --Bug #3878174
           , NVL(rsl.from_organization_id, poh.po_header_id) from_organization_id
           , rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , poh.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id -- Bug 6403165
           , '' outside_operation_flag
           , rsl.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , rsl.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , rsl.item_revision item_revision
           , rsl.item_description item_description
           , rsl.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , rsl.vendor_item_num vendor_item_number
           , rsl.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , rsl.packing_slip packing_slip
           , rsl.routing_header_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , poll.need_by_date need_by_date
           , rsh.expected_receipt_date expected_receipt_date
           , poll.quantity ordered_qty
           , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code ordered_uom
           , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
           , rsl.government_context government_context
           , poll.inspection_required_flag inspection_required_flag
           , poll.receipt_required_flag receipt_required_flag
           , poll.enforce_ship_to_location_code enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , NVL(poll.price_override, pol.unit_price) unit_price
           , poh.currency_code currency_code
           , poh.rate_type currency_conversion_type
           , poh.rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , poh.rate currency_conversion_rate
           , poh.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , rsl.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , rsl.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , rsl.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , rsl.to_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , rsl.attribute_category attribute_category
           , rsl.attribute1 attribute1
           , rsl.attribute2 attribute2
           , rsl.attribute3 attribute3
           , rsl.attribute4 attribute4
           , rsl.attribute5 attribute5
           , rsl.attribute6 attribute6
           , rsl.attribute7 attribute7
           , rsl.attribute8 attribute8
           , rsl.attribute9 attribute9
           , rsl.attribute10 attribute10
           , rsl.attribute11 attribute11
           , rsl.attribute12 attribute12
           , rsl.attribute13 attribute13
           , rsl.attribute14 attribute14
           , rsl.attribute15 attribute15
           , poll.closed_code closed_code
           , rsh.asn_type asn_type
           , rsh.bill_of_lading bill_of_lading
           , rsh.shipped_date shipped_date
           , rsh.freight_carrier_code freight_carrier_code
           , rsh.waybill_airbill_num waybill_airbill_num
           , rsh.freight_bill_number freight_bill_num
           , rsl.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
           , rsl.container_num container_num
           , rsl.truck_num truck_num
           , rsl.bar_code_label bar_code_label
           , '' rate_type_display
           , poll.match_option match_option
           , rsl.country_of_origin_code country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , NULL project_id
           , NULL task_id
           , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
        FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , po_headers poh
           , po_line_locations poll
           , po_lines pol
           , po_releases por
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
       WHERE NVL(poll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
         AND NVL(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
         AND NVL(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
         AND poll.shipment_type IN('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
         AND poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
         AND pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
         AND poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
         AND mum.unit_of_measure(+) = rsl.unit_of_measure
         AND NVL(msi.organization_id, rsl.to_organization_id) = rsl.to_organization_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
         AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
         AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
-- For Bug 7440217  Added type LCM also
         AND rsh.asn_type IN('ASN', 'ASBN', 'LCM')
-- End for Bug 7440217
         AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'CANCELLED'
         AND rsl.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id
         AND poll.line_location_id IN(
              SELECT pod.line_location_id
                FROM po_distributions_all pod
               WHERE (
                      p_project_id IS NULL
                      OR(p_project_id = -9999
                         AND pod.project_id IS NULL)
                      OR --bug#2669021
                         NVL(pod.project_id, -9999) = p_project_id
                 AND(p_task_id IS NULL
                     OR NVL(pod.task_id, -9999) = p_task_id)
                 AND pod.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
                 AND pod.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
                 AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id)
      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'INTERNAL' source_type_code
           , DECODE(rsl.source_document_code, 'INVENTORY', 'INVENTORY', 'REQ', 'INTERNAL ORDER') receipt_source_code
           , rsl.source_document_code order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num po_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_id
           , rsl.line_num po_line_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_location_id
           , rsl.line_num po_shipment_number
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_id
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_number
           , porh.requisition_header_id req_header_id
           , porh.segment1 req_number
           , porl.requisition_line_id req_line_id
           , porl.line_num req_line
           , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
           , rsl.shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num rcv_shipment_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , rsl.line_num rcv_line_number
           , rsl.from_organization_id from_organization_id
           , rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , rsl.shipment_line_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_site_id
           , 'N' outside_operation_flag
           , rsl.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , rsl.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , DECODE(msi1.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , rsl.item_revision item_revision
           , rsl.item_description item_description
           , rsl.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , rsl.vendor_item_num vendor_item_number
           , rsh.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
           , rsl.routing_header_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , porl.need_by_date need_by_date
           , rsh.expected_receipt_date expected_receipt_date
           , rsl.quantity_shipped ordered_qty
           , rsl.primary_unit_of_measure ordered_uom
           , rsh.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
           , rsh.government_context government_context
           , NULL inspection_required_flag
           , NULL receipt_required_flag
           , NULL enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) unit_price
           , NULL currency_code
           , NULL currency_conversion_type
           , TO_DATE(NULL) currency_conversion_date
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) currency_conversion_rate
           , NULL note_to_receiver
             rsl.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , rsl.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , rsl.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , rsl.to_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , rsl.attribute_category attribute_category
           , rsl.attribute1 attribute1
           , rsl.attribute2 attribute2
           , rsl.attribute3 attribute3
           , rsl.attribute4 attribute4
           , rsl.attribute5 attribute5
           , rsl.attribute6 attribute6
           , rsl.attribute7 attribute7
           , rsl.attribute8 attribute8
           , rsl.attribute9 attribute9
           , rsl.attribute10 attribute10
           , rsl.attribute11 attribute11
           , rsl.attribute12 attribute12
           , rsl.attribute13 attribute13
           , rsl.attribute14 attribute14
           , rsl.attribute15 attribute15
           , 'OPEN' closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , rsh.bill_of_lading bill_of_lading
           , rsh.shipped_date shipped_date
           , rsh.freight_carrier_code freight_carrier_code
           , rsh.waybill_airbill_num waybill_airbill_num
           , rsh.freight_bill_number freight_bill_num
           , rsl.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
           , rsl.container_num container_num
           , rsl.truck_num truck_num
           , rsl.bar_code_label bar_code_label
           , NULL rate_type_display
           , 'P' match_option
           , NULL country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , NULL project_id
           , NULL task_id
           , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence temp
        FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , po_requisition_headers porh
           , po_requisition_lines porl
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_system_items msi1
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
       WHERE rsh.receipt_source_code <> 'VENDOR'
         AND rsl.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+)
         AND porl.requisition_header_id = porh.requisition_header_id(+)
         AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
         AND mum.unit_of_measure(+) = rsl.unit_of_measure
         AND msi.organization_id(+) = rsl.to_organization_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
         AND msi1.organization_id(+) = rsl.from_organization_id
         AND msi1.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
         AND rsh.asn_type IS NULL
         AND rsl.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id;
Line: 4336

        SELECT receipt_num
          INTO l_receipt_num
          FROM rcv_shipment_headers
         WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
           AND ship_to_org_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4377

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_group_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 4391

 	  SELECT  lot_number INTO l_lot_number
 	  FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
 	  WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id ;
Line: 4414

	    select lot_num
		into l_lot_number
		from rcv_lots_supply
		where  lot_num = l_lot_number
		and    supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
		and    primary_quantity > 0
		and    shipment_line_id  in
		 (select shipment_line_id
		 from rcv_shipment_headers
		 where shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id)
		 and rownum = 1;
Line: 4487

        SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
          INTO g_rcpt_match_table_gross(g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4520

        SELECT cost_group_id
          INTO l_rcv_transaction_rec.cost_group_id
          FROM wms_lpn_contents wlpnc
         WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
           AND wlpnc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
                        FROM cst_cost_group_accounts
                       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                         AND cost_group_id = wlpnc.cost_group_id);
Line: 4536

        UPDATE wms_lpn_contents wlpnc
           SET cost_group_id = NULL
         WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND parent_lpn_id = p_from_lpn_id
           AND wlpnc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                            FROM cst_cost_group_accounts
                           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                             AND cost_group_id = wlpnc.cost_group_id);
Line: 4694

        print_debug('create_asn_con_rcpt_intf_rec: 100 before insert_txn_interface' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4751

                SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
                INTO l_rcv_transaction_rec.interface_transaction_id
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 4870

      l_interface_transaction_id := insert_txn_interface(
        , l_rcv_rcpt_rec
        , l_group_id
        , l_transaction_type
        , p_organization_id
        , p_location_id
        , p_source_type
        , l_rcv_rcpt_rec.routing_id
        , p_project_id
        , p_task_id
        , p_express_transaction
Line: 4886

        print_debug('create_asn_con_rcpt_intf_rec: 110 after insert_txn_interface' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4915

            SELECT count(1)
            INTO   l_msni_count
            FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_interface
            WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id
            AND    product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 4923

            UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
            SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
            WHERE product_transaction_id = p_original_rti_id
            AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 5006

Line: 5104

      SELECT lpn.lpn_id
           , lpnc.inventory_item_id
           , lpnc.revision
           , lpnc.quantity
           , lpnc.uom_code
           , msi.lot_control_code
           , ''
           , --uom.unit_of_measure,
           , lpnc.lot_number
           , lpn.organization_id
           , msi.serial_number_control_code
           , msi.primary_uom_code
           , lpnc.secondary_quantity   -- Bug 7708998
        FROM wms_lpn_contents lpnc, wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, mtl_system_items_b msi, rcv_shipment_headers rsh
       WHERE rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
         AND((lpn.source_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id)
            OR (lpn.source_header_id IS NULL AND lpn.source_name = rsh.shipment_num))  --BUG14846625/16711363
         AND lpn.lpn_context IN(6, 7) -- only those pre-ASN receiving ones
                                      -- Nested LPN changes to explode the LPN
                                      -- AND wlpnc.parent_lpn_id = Nvl(p_lpn_id, wlpn.lpn_id)
                                      -- In case user tries to to ASN reciept by giving only PO Number
                                      -- LPN id will be NULL, In this case we should not expand the LPN
                                      -- in which case start with lpn_id = p_lpn_id will fail.
         AND(lpn.lpn_id = NVL(p_lpn_id, lpn.lpn_id)
             OR lpn.lpn_id IN(SELECT     lpn_id
                                    FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
                              START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
                              CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id))
         --AND    lpn.lpn_id = nvl(p_lpn_id, lpn.lpn_id)
         AND lpn.lpn_id = lpnc.parent_lpn_id
         AND lpnc.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
             lpnc.source_line_id IN(SELECT pola.po_line_id
                                      FROM po_lines_all pola
                                     WHERE pola.po_header_id = NVL(p_po_header_id, pola.po_header_id))
             OR lpnc.source_line_id IS NULL
Line: 5149

       SELECT serial_number,
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
       WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
         AND(revision = v_revision
             OR(revision IS NULL
                AND v_revision IS NULL))
         AND(lot_number = v_lot_number
             OR(lot_number IS NULL
                AND v_lot_number IS NULL))
         AND lpn_id = v_lpn_id;
Line: 5242

          SELECT expiration_date
            INTO l_expiration_date
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
           WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
             AND organization_id = l_lpn_org
             AND lot_number = l_lot_number;
Line: 5253

          p_api_version           => 1.0
        , --p_init_msg_list            => p_init_msg_list,
          --p_commit                   => p_commit,
          --p_validation_level         => p_validation_level,
          p_inventory_item_id     => l_inventory_item_id
        , p_organization_id       => p_organization_id
        , p_lot_number            => l_lot_number
        , p_expiration_date       => l_expiration_date
        , --p_transaction_temp_id      => p_transaction_temp_id,
          --p_transaction_action_id    => p_transaction_action_id,
          p_transfer_organization_id => l_lpn_org,  --uncommenting and setting the transfer_org_id to l_lpn_org_id to
                                                    --populate lot attributes bug3368089
          p_status_id             => ''
        , p_update_status         => 'FALSE'
        , x_object_id             => l_object_id
        , x_return_status         => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count             => l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
Line: 5309

      SELECT unit_of_measure
        INTO l_unit_of_measure
        FROM mtl_item_uoms_view
       WHERE uom_code = l_uom_code
         AND organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id;
Line: 5362

            SELECT  expiration_date
                   , status_id
            INTO     l_expiration_date
                   , l_lot_status_id
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = l_lpn_org
            AND lot_number = l_lot_number;
Line: 5379

                p_api_version                 =>  1.0
              , p_init_msg_lst                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
              , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
              , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
              , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_transaction_interface_id
              , p_lot_number                  =>  l_lot_number
              , p_transaction_quantity        =>  l_quantity
              , p_primary_quantity            =>  l_lot_prm_quantity
              , p_secondary_quantity          =>  l_secondary_quantity   --Bug 7708998
              , p_organization_id             =>  l_from_org_id
              , p_inventory_item_id           =>  l_inventory_item_id
              , p_expiration_date             =>  l_expiration_date
              , p_status_id                   =>  l_lot_status_id
              , x_serial_transaction_temp_id  =>  l_serial_transaction_temp_id
              , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_transaction_id
              , p_product_code                =>  'RCV'
              , p_att_exist                   =>  'Y'
              , p_update_mln                  =>  'N'
Line: 5431

                  p_api_version                 =>  1.0
                , p_init_msg_lst                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
                , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
                , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
                , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
                , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                , p_fm_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
                , p_to_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
                , p_organization_id             =>  p_organization_id
                , p_inventory_item_id           =>  l_inventory_item_id
                , p_status_id                   =>  l_serial_status_id
                , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_transaction_id
                , p_product_code                =>  'RCV'
                , p_att_exist                   =>  'Y'
                , p_update_msn                  =>  'N'
Line: 5479

                p_api_version                 =>  1.0
              , p_init_msg_lst                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
              , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
              , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
              , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_transaction_interface_id
              , p_fm_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
              , p_to_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
              , p_organization_id             =>  p_organization_id
              , p_inventory_item_id           =>  l_inventory_item_id
              , p_status_id                   =>  l_serial_status_id
              , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_transaction_id
              , p_product_code                =>  'RCV'
              , p_att_exist                   =>  'Y'
              , p_update_msn                  =>  'N'
Line: 5611

         Moreover, the call insert_msni (see above) inserts 1 record per serial number. This will be the underlying assumption of
         following validation.
      l_msni_count := 0;
Line: 5623

        select count(1) into
        from mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni, rcv_transactions_interface rti,
	wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
        mtl_serial_numbers msn -- Bug 16517269
        where rti.interface_transaction_id = msni.product_transaction_id
        and rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
        and (lpn.source_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
             or lpn.source_name = rsh.shipment_num)
        and lpn.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
        and rti.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
        and msn.lpn_id = l_lpn_id -- Bug 16517269
        and rti.item_id = l_inventory_item_id
        and msn.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id -- Bug 16517269
        and nvl (msn.revision,'@@@') = nvl (l_revision,'@@@') -- Bug 16517269
        and nvl (rti.item_revision,'@@@') = nvl (l_revision,'@@@')
        and nvl (msn.lot_number, '@@@') = nvl (l_lot_number, '@@@') -- Bug 16517269
        and msn.serial_number = msni.fm_serial_number -- Bug 16517269
        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
        and rti.processing_status_code <> 'ERROR'
        and rti.transaction_status_code <> 'ERROR';
Line: 5678

             'create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec: 50.1 - Before inserting into wlpni for p_lpn_id with parent NULL '
        , 4
Line: 5691

          p_api_version           => 1.0
         ,x_return_status         => l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count             => l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
         ,p_organization_id       => l_from_org_id --BUG 4096028: Should use from org_id
         ,p_lpn_id                => p_lpn_id
         ,p_license_plate_number  => NULL
         ,p_lpn_group_id          => inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
         ,p_parent_lpn_id         => NULL
Line: 5708

          print_debug('create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec 50.2:create_asn_con_dd_intf_rec -  RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR after insert_wlpni;'|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 5716

             'create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec: 50.3 - After inserting into wlpni for p_lpn_id with parent NULL '
        , 4
Line: 5869

      SELECT   MAX(rti.interface_transaction_id)
          FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
         WHERE rti.GROUP_ID = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      GROUP BY DECODE(p_source_type,
                          'ASNEXP', rti.interface_transaction_id
                        , 'SHIPMENTEXP', rti.interface_transaction_id, NULL);
Line: 5893

       SELECT TO_NUMBER(hoi.org_information1)
   INTO inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.sob_id
   FROM hr_organization_information hoi
   WHERE hoi.organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND (hoi.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information';
Line: 6415

        IF (p_source_type <> 'VENDOR') THEN    --bug 3630412 for normal PO receipt moved the code to rcv_insert_update_header
        l_counter := 1;
Line: 6530

      SELECT lot_number
           , transaction_quantity
           , primary_quantity   -- 3648908
           , lot_expiration_date
           , transaction_temp_id
           , secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
        FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_txn_source_id
      SELECT mtln.lot_number
           , mtln.transaction_quantity
           , mtln.primary_quantity
           , TO_DATE(NULL)
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL)
           , mtln.secondary_transaction_quantity --OPM Convergence
        FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt
           , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
           , rcv_transactions rt
           , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE rt.interface_transaction_id = p_txn_source_id
         AND mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id
         AND mmt.transaction_id = mtln.transaction_id
         AND(rt.transaction_type = 'RETURN TO RECEIVING'
             OR(rt.transaction_type = 'CORRECT'
                AND rt.quantity < 0))
         AND msi.lot_control_code = 2
                      FROM rcv_transactions rt1
                     WHERE rt1.transaction_id = rt.parent_transaction_id
                       AND rt1.transaction_type = 'DELIVER')
         AND rt.user_entered_flag = 'Y'
         AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id = rsl.item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = rt.organization_id;
Line: 6571

     * so that it selects the lot and qty
     * from mtln instead of mtlt, if the txn
     * is post-inv txn processing, because
     * mtlt records will not exist post-inv
     * txn processing.
    l_debug     NUMBER      := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
Line: 6581

Line: 6593

        ** mtl_lot_numbers. So, insert the lot number from
        ** mtl_transactions_lot_temp into mtl_lot_numbers
        ** by calling API INV_LOT_API_PUB.insertLot.
        ** This API takes care of populating attributes also.
          SELECT '1'
            INTO l_dummy
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
           WHERE lot_number = i.lot_number
             AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND organization_id   = p_org_id;  --Added bug3466942
Line: 6609

              print_debug('Lot insertion ' || i.lot_number, 1);
Line: 6612

              p_api_version                  => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_list                => fnd_api.g_false
            , p_commit                       => fnd_api.g_false
            , p_validation_level             => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
            , p_inventory_item_id            => p_item_id
            , p_organization_id              => p_org_id
            , p_lot_number                   => i.lot_number
            , p_expiration_date              => i.lot_expiration_date
            , p_transaction_temp_id          => i.transaction_temp_id
            , p_transaction_action_id        => NULL
            , p_transfer_organization_id     => NULL
            , x_object_id                    => l_object_id
            , x_return_status                => x_status
            , x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
            , x_msg_data                     => x_message
Line: 6632

                print_debug('maintain move order - unable to insert lot ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 6639

              print_debug('Lot inserted ', 1);
Line: 6688

Line: 6705

  INTO    v_processing_status_code
       WHERE  receipt_num = p_lcmReceiptNum
  AND     ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 6800

	  SELECT rsl.po_line_location_id,rsl.po_distribution_id,
	    decode(rsh.asn_type,'ASN','Y','N'),Decode(rsh.receipt_source_code,'INTERNAL ORDER','Y','N')
          INTO l_po_line_location_id,l_po_distribution_id,l_is_asn,l_is_req
          FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl, rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	  WHERE rsl.shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
	  AND   rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id;
Line: 6878

	  SELECT po_line_location_id, po_distribution_id, source_document_code
          INTO l_po_line_location_id, l_po_distribution_id, l_source_document_code
          FROM rcv_shipment_lines
          WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 6925

      print_debug('Calling to insert RHI for J code', 4);
Line: 6945

     SELECT cost_group_id
       INTO   l_from_cost_group_id
       FROM   wms_lpn_contents wlpnc
       WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
       AND    parent_lpn_id = p_lpn
       AND    wlpnc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND    Nvl(wlpnc.lot_number,'@@@') = Nvl(l_lot_qty_rec_tb(i).lot_number,Nvl(wlpnc.lot_number,'@@@'))
       AND    EXISTS(
         SELECT 1
         FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
         WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
         AND    cost_group_id = wlpnc.cost_group_id);
Line: 6963

         SELECT cost_group_id
           INTO l_from_cost_group_id
           FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
           AND exists (
           SELECT 1
           FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
           WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
           AND    cost_group_id = rsl.cost_group_id)
           AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 7078

     SELECT cost_group_id
       INTO   l_from_cost_group_id
       FROM   wms_lpn_contents wlpnc
       WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
       AND    parent_lpn_id = p_lpn
       AND    wlpnc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND    EXISTS(
         SELECT 1
         FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
         WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
         AND    cost_group_id = wlpnc.cost_group_id);
Line: 7095

         SELECT cost_group_id
           INTO l_from_cost_group_id
           FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           WHERE shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
           AND exists (
           SELECT 1
           FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
           WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
           AND    cost_group_id = rsl.cost_group_id)
           AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 7240

  PROCEDURE rcv_update_rti_from_header(
    p_shipment_num                      VARCHAR
  , p_freight_carrier_code              VARCHAR2
  , p_bill_of_lading                    VARCHAR2
  , p_packing_slip                      VARCHAR2
  , p_num_of_containers                 NUMBER
  , p_waybill_airbill_num               VARCHAR2
  , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
  , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_return_status  VARCHAR2(1)    := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 7262

      print_debug('rcv_update_rti_from_header 5:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7271

      print_debug('Calling to insert RHI for J code', 4);
Line: 7274

   SELECT transaction_status_code
     INTO l_process_status
     FROM rcv_transactions_interface
    WHERE group_id = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 7280

   SELECT transaction_status_code
     INTO l_process_status
     FROM rcv_transactions_interface
     WHERE shipment_header_id = g_shipment_header_id
     AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 7302

      print_debug('rcv_update_rti_from_header 10:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7310

    print_debug('Calling to insert RHI for J code', 4);
Line: 7312

       UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
    SET shipment_num = p_shipment_num
            , freight_carrier_code = p_freight_carrier_code
            , bill_of_lading = p_bill_of_lading
            , packing_slip = p_packing_slip
            , num_of_containers = p_num_of_containers
            , waybill_airbill_num = p_waybill_airbill_num
  WHERE group_id = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id;
Line: 7321

       UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
    SET shipment_num = p_shipment_num
            , freight_carrier_code = p_freight_carrier_code
            , bill_of_lading = p_bill_of_lading
            , packing_slip = p_packing_slip
            , num_of_containers = p_num_of_containers
            , waybill_airbill_num = p_waybill_airbill_num
  WHERE shipment_header_id = g_shipment_header_id;
Line: 7333

      print_debug('rcv_update_rti_from_header 20:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7346

        inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.rcv_update_rti_from_header', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 7350

  END rcv_update_rti_from_header;
Line: 7354

  PROCEDURE rcv_insert_header_interface(
    p_organization_id                     NUMBER
  , p_source_type                         VARCHAR2
  , p_receipt_num             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , p_vendor_id                           NUMBER
  , p_vendor_site_id                      NUMBER
  , p_shipment_num                        VARCHAR2
  , p_ship_to_location_id                 NUMBER
  , p_bill_of_lading                      VARCHAR2
  , p_packing_slip                        VARCHAR2
  , p_shipped_date                        DATE
  , p_freight_carrier_code                VARCHAR2
  , p_expected_receipt_date               DATE
  , p_num_of_containers                   NUMBER
  , p_waybill_airbill_num                 VARCHAR2
  , p_comments                            VARCHAR2
  , p_ussgl_transaction_code              VARCHAR2
  , p_government_context                  VARCHAR2
  , p_request_id                          NUMBER
  , p_program_application_id              NUMBER
  , p_program_id                          NUMBER
  , p_program_update_date                 DATE
  , p_customer_id                         NUMBER
  , p_customer_site_id                    NUMBER
  , x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , p_attribute_category      IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL  --Bug #4147209 - Added DFF cols
  , p_attribute1              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute2              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute3              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute4              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute5              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute6              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute7              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute8              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute9              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute10             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute11             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute12             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute13             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute14             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute15             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS
    l_header        rcv_headers_interface%ROWTYPE;
Line: 7408

      print_debug('rcv_insert_header_interface 10:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7413

    SAVEPOINT rcv_insert_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7414

    l_header.last_update_date := l_sysdate;
Line: 7416

    l_header.last_update_login := inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id;
Line: 7418

    l_header.last_updated_by := inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id;
Line: 7449

    	    SELECT expected_receipt_date
    	    INTO   l_header.expected_receipt_date
          FROM   rcv_shipment_headers
          WHERE  shipment_num = p_shipment_num;
Line: 7461

          SELECT        Nvl(expected_receipt_date, SYSDATE)
          INTO          l_header.expected_receipt_date
          FROM          rcv_shipment_headers
          WHERE         shipment_num = p_shipment_num
          AND           shipment_header_id = g_shipment_header_id;
Line: 7505

      print_debug('rcv_insert_header_interface 20: before rcv_shipment_headers_pkg.insert_row ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
      , 1);
Line: 7512

      SELECT rcv_headers_interface_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO g_header_intf_id
        FROM SYS.DUAL;
Line: 7519

    INSERT INTO rcv_headers_interface
               , group_id
               , processing_status_code
               , transaction_type
               , validation_flag
               , auto_transact_code
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , last_update_login
               , receipt_source_code
               , vendor_id
               , vendor_site_id
               , ship_to_organization_id
               , shipment_num
               , receipt_num
               , bill_of_lading
               , packing_slip
               , shipped_date
               , freight_carrier_code
               , expected_receipt_date
               , employee_id
               , num_of_containers
               , waybill_airbill_num
               , comments
               , attribute_category
               , attribute1
               , attribute2
               , attribute3
               , attribute4
               , attribute5
               , attribute6
               , attribute7
               , attribute8
               , attribute9
               , attribute10
               , attribute11
               , attribute12
               , attribute13
               , attribute14
               , attribute15
               , usggl_transaction_code
               , processing_request_id
               , customer_id
               , customer_site_id
         VALUES (
               , inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
               , 'PENDING' -- processing_status_code
               , 'NEW' -- transaction_type
               , 'Y' -- validation_flag
               , 'RECEIVE' -- auto_transact_code
               , l_header.last_update_date
               , l_header.last_updated_by
               , l_header.creation_date
               , l_header.created_by
               , l_header.last_update_login
               , NVL(l_header.receipt_source_code, 'VENDOR')
               , l_header.vendor_id
               , l_header.vendor_site_id
               , l_header.ship_to_organization_id
               , l_header.shipment_num
               , l_header.receipt_num
               , l_header.bill_of_lading
               , l_header.packing_slip
               , l_header.shipped_date
               , l_header.freight_carrier_code
               , l_header.expected_receipt_date
               , l_header.employee_id
               , l_header.num_of_containers
               , l_header.waybill_airbill_num
               , l_header.comments
               , l_header.attribute_category
               , l_header.attribute1
               , l_header.attribute2
               , l_header.attribute3
               , l_header.attribute4
               , l_header.attribute5
               , l_header.attribute6
               , l_header.attribute7
               , l_header.attribute8
               , l_header.attribute9
               , l_header.attribute10
               , l_header.attribute11
               , l_header.attribute12
               , l_header.attribute13
               , l_header.attribute14
               , l_header.attribute15
               , l_header.usggl_transaction_code
               , l_header.processing_request_id
               , l_header.customer_id
               , l_header.customer_site_id
Line: 7620

      print_debug('rcv_insert_header_interface 30: after insert_row ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7626

      print_debug('rcv_insert_header_interface 40: before rcv_update_rti_from_header ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 7631

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_insert_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7635

        print_debug('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.rcv_insert_header_interface 50.1:  RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;' || l_progress, 4);
Line: 7640

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_insert_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7644

        print_debug('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.rcv_insert_header_interface 50.2:  RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;' || l_progress, 4);
Line: 7649

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_insert_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7653

        inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.rcv_insert_header_interface', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 7657

  END rcv_insert_header_interface;
Line: 7659

  PROCEDURE rcv_update_header_interface(
    p_organization_id                     NUMBER
  , p_header_intf_id                      NUMBER
  , p_source_type                         VARCHAR2
  , p_receipt_num                         VARCHAR2
  , p_vendor_id                           NUMBER
  , p_vendor_site_id                      NUMBER
  , p_shipment_num                        VARCHAR2
  , p_ship_to_location_id                 NUMBER
  , p_bill_of_lading                      VARCHAR2
  , p_packing_slip                        VARCHAR2
  , p_shipped_date                        DATE
  , p_freight_carrier_code                VARCHAR2
  , p_expected_receipt_date               DATE
  , p_num_of_containers                   NUMBER
  , p_waybill_airbill_num                 VARCHAR2
  , p_comments                            VARCHAR2
  , p_ussgl_transaction_code              VARCHAR2
  , p_program_request_id                  NUMBER
  , p_customer_id                         NUMBER
  , p_customer_site_id                    NUMBER
  , x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , p_attribute_category      IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL  --Bug #4147209
  , p_attribute1              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute2              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute3              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute4              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute5              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute6              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute7              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute8              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute9              IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute10             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute11             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute12             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute13             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute14             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute15             IN          VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS

    l_sysdate       DATE                           := SYSDATE;
Line: 7714

      print_debug('rcv_update_header_interface 10:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7719

    SAVEPOINT rcv_update_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7723

      print_debug('rcv_update_header_interface 20: before update_row ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
      , 4);
Line: 7730

      SELECT vendor_site_id
      INTO l_vendor_site_id
      FROM rcv_shipment_headers
      WHERE shipment_header_id = g_shipment_header_id;
Line: 7737

    UPDATE rcv_headers_interface
       SET customer_id = Nvl(p_customer_id, customer_id)
         , last_update_date = l_sysdate
         , last_update_login = NVL(inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id, last_update_login)
         , last_updated_by = NVL(inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.user_id, last_updated_by)
         , vendor_id = NVL(p_vendor_id, vendor_id)
         , vendor_site_id = NVL(l_vendor_site_id, vendor_site_id)--bug9409867
         , ship_to_organization_id = NVL(p_organization_id, ship_to_organization_id)
         , receipt_num = NVL(p_receipt_num, receipt_num)
         , bill_of_lading = p_bill_of_lading
         , waybill_airbill_num = Nvl(p_waybill_airbill_num,waybill_airbill_num)--BUG 5111375 (FP of BUG 4500055)
         , packing_slip = p_packing_slip
         , shipped_date = NVL(p_shipped_date, shipped_date)
         , freight_carrier_code = p_freight_carrier_code
         , expected_receipt_date = NVL(p_expected_receipt_date, expected_receipt_date)
         , employee_id = NVL(inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.employee_id, employee_id)
         , num_of_containers = NVL(p_num_of_containers, num_of_containers)
         , comments = p_comments
         , attribute_category = p_attribute_category
         , attribute1 = p_attribute1
         , attribute2 = p_attribute2
         , attribute3 = p_attribute3
         , attribute4 = p_attribute4
         , attribute5 = p_attribute5
         , attribute6 = p_attribute6
         , attribute7 = p_attribute7
         , attribute8 = p_attribute8
         , attribute9 = p_attribute9
         , attribute10 = p_attribute10
         , attribute11 = p_attribute11
         , attribute12 = p_attribute12
         , attribute13 = p_attribute13
         , attribute14 = p_attribute14
         , attribute15 = p_attribute15
     WHERE header_interface_id = p_header_intf_id;
Line: 7777

           'rcv_update_header_interface 30: after update_row  before rcv_update_rti_from_header '
      , 4
Line: 7783

      p_shipment_num             => p_shipment_num
    , p_freight_carrier_code     => p_freight_carrier_code
    , p_bill_of_lading           => p_bill_of_lading
    , p_packing_slip             => p_packing_slip
    , p_num_of_containers        => p_num_of_containers
    , p_waybill_airbill_num      => p_waybill_airbill_num
    , x_return_status            => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count                => l_msg_count
    , x_msg_data                 => l_msg_data
Line: 7796

      fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_RCV_UPDATE_RTI_FAIL');
Line: 7801

          'rcv_update_header_interface 30.1: rcv_update_rti_from_header RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
Line: 7810

      fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_RCV_UPDATE_RTI_FAIL');
Line: 7815

             'rcv_update_header_interface 30.2: rcv_update_rti_from_header RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;'
Line: 7825

      print_debug('rcv_update_header_interface 40: after rcv_update_rti_from_header ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 7831

       SELECT NVL(ASN_TYPE,'@@@')
	 INTO l_check_asn
	 FROM rcv_shipment_headers
	 WHERE shipment_header_id = g_shipment_header_id;
Line: 7851

Line: 7856

	  print_debug('# of WAD updated:'||SQL%rowcount,4);
Line: 7863

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_update_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7868

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_update_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7873

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_update_ship_header_sp;
Line: 7877

        inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.rcv_update_header_interface', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 7881

  END rcv_update_header_interface;
Line: 7883

  PROCEDURE rcv_insert_update_header(
    p_organization_id         IN             NUMBER
  , p_shipment_header_id      IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
  , p_source_type             IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_receipt_num             IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
  , p_vendor_id               IN             NUMBER
  , p_vendor_site_id          IN             NUMBER
  , p_shipment_num            IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_ship_to_location_id     IN             NUMBER
  , p_bill_of_lading          IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_packing_slip            IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_shipped_date            IN             DATE
  , p_freight_carrier_code    IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_expected_receipt_date   IN             DATE
  , p_num_of_containers       IN             NUMBER
  , p_waybill_airbill_num     IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_comments                IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_ussgl_transaction_code  IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_government_context      IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_request_id              IN             NUMBER
  , p_program_application_id  IN             NUMBER
  , p_program_id              IN             NUMBER
  , p_program_update_date     IN             DATE
  , p_customer_id             IN             NUMBER
  , p_customer_site_id        IN             NUMBER
  , x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  , p_attribute_category     IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL  --Bug #4147209 - Added DFF cols
  , p_attribute1             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute2             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute3             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute4             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute5             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute6             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute7             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute8             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute9             IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute10            IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute11            IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute12            IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute13            IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute14            IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  , p_attribute15            IN             VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1)    := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 7939

         SELECT rti.interface_transaction_id
           FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
          WHERE rti.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
Line: 7949

        print_debug('rcv_insert_update_header 10: before calling rcv_insert_header ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 7954

      print_debug('Calling to insert RHI for J code', 4);
Line: 7956

            p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
      , p_source_type                => p_source_type
      , p_receipt_num                => p_receipt_num
      , p_vendor_id                  => p_vendor_id
      , p_vendor_site_id             => p_vendor_site_id
      , p_shipment_num               => p_shipment_num
      , p_ship_to_location_id        => p_ship_to_location_id
      , p_bill_of_lading             => p_bill_of_lading
      , p_packing_slip               => p_packing_slip
      , p_shipped_date               => p_shipped_date
      , p_freight_carrier_code       => p_freight_carrier_code
      , p_expected_receipt_date      => p_expected_receipt_date
      , p_num_of_containers          => p_num_of_containers
      , p_waybill_airbill_num        => p_waybill_airbill_num
      , p_comments                   => p_comments
      , p_ussgl_transaction_code     => p_ussgl_transaction_code
      , p_government_context         => p_government_context
      , p_request_id                 => p_request_id
     , p_program_application_id     => p_program_application_id
     , p_program_id                 => p_program_id
     , p_program_update_date        => p_program_update_date
     , p_customer_id                => p_customer_id
     , p_customer_site_id           => p_customer_site_id
     , x_return_status              => l_return_status
     , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
     , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_attribute_category         => p_attribute_category  --Bug #4147209
          , p_attribute1                 => p_attribute1
          , p_attribute2                 => p_attribute2
          , p_attribute3                 => p_attribute3
          , p_attribute4                 => p_attribute4
          , p_attribute5                 => p_attribute5
          , p_attribute6                 => p_attribute6
          , p_attribute7                 => p_attribute7
          , p_attribute8                 => p_attribute8
          , p_attribute9                 => p_attribute9
          , p_attribute10                => p_attribute10
          , p_attribute11                => p_attribute11
          , p_attribute12                => p_attribute12
          , p_attribute13                => p_attribute13
          , p_attribute14                => p_attribute14
          , p_attribute15                => p_attribute15
Line: 8002

        print_debug('rcv_insert_update_header 20: after calling rcv_insert_header ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 8011

            'rcv_insert_update_header 20.1: rcv_insert_header RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
Line: 8025

               'rcv_insert_update_header 20.2: rcv_insert_header RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;'
Line: 8047

        print_debug('rcv_insert_update_header 30: before calling rcv_update_header ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 8053

      print_debug('Calling to insert RHI for J code', 4);
Line: 8055

        p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
      , p_header_intf_id             => p_shipment_header_id
      , p_source_type                => p_source_type
      , p_receipt_num                => p_receipt_num
      , p_vendor_id                  => p_vendor_id
      , p_vendor_site_id             => p_vendor_site_id
      , p_shipment_num               => p_shipment_num
      , p_ship_to_location_id        => p_ship_to_location_id
      , p_bill_of_lading             => p_bill_of_lading
      , p_packing_slip               => p_packing_slip
      , p_shipped_date               => p_shipped_date
      , p_freight_carrier_code       => p_freight_carrier_code
      , p_expected_receipt_date      => p_expected_receipt_date
      , p_num_of_containers          => p_num_of_containers
      , p_waybill_airbill_num        => p_waybill_airbill_num
      , p_comments                   => p_comments
      , p_ussgl_transaction_code     => p_ussgl_transaction_code
      , p_program_request_id         => p_request_id
     , p_customer_id                => p_customer_id
     , p_customer_site_id           => p_customer_site_id
     , x_return_status              => l_return_status
     , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
     , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_attribute_category         => p_attribute_category  --Bug #4147209
          , p_attribute1                 => p_attribute1
          , p_attribute2                 => p_attribute2
          , p_attribute3                 => p_attribute3
          , p_attribute4                 => p_attribute4
          , p_attribute5                 => p_attribute5
          , p_attribute6                 => p_attribute6
          , p_attribute7                 => p_attribute7
          , p_attribute8                 => p_attribute8
          , p_attribute9                 => p_attribute9
          , p_attribute10                => p_attribute10
          , p_attribute11                => p_attribute11
          , p_attribute12                => p_attribute12
          , p_attribute13                => p_attribute13
          , p_attribute14                => p_attribute14
          , p_attribute15                => p_attribute15
Line: 8099

        print_debug('rcv_insert_update_header 40: after calling rcv_update_header ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 8108

            'rcv_insert_update_header 40.1: rcv_update_header RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
Line: 8122

               'rcv_insert_update_header 40.2: rcv_update_header RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;'
Line: 8134

      print_debug('Exit rcv_insert_update_header 50: ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 8147

        inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.rcv_update_insert_header', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 8151

  END rcv_insert_update_header;
Line: 8508

      SELECT 1
        FROM wms_lpn_contents_v lpnc, wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, rcv_shipment_headers rsh
       WHERE (lpn.source_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
              OR lpn.source_name = rsh.shipment_num)
         AND rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
         AND (p_lpn_id IS NULL OR lpn.lpn_id=p_lpn_id)
         AND lpn.lpn_id = lpnc.parent_lpn_id
             lpnc.source_line_id IN(SELECT pola.po_line_id
                                      FROM po_lines_all pola
                                     WHERE (p_po_header_id IS NULL  OR  pola.po_header_id=p_po_header_id)
             OR lpnc.source_line_id IS NULL
Line: 8525

      SELECT 1
        FROM wms_lpn_contents_v lpnc, wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, rcv_shipment_headers rsh
       WHERE (lpn.source_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
              OR lpn.source_name = rsh.shipment_num)
         AND rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
         AND lpn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
         AND lpn.lpn_id = lpnc.parent_lpn_id
             lpnc.source_line_id IN(SELECT pola.po_line_id
                                      FROM po_lines_all pola
                                     WHERE (p_po_header_id IS NULL  OR  pola.po_header_id=p_po_header_id)
             OR lpnc.source_line_id IS NULL
Line: 8597

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_insert_ship_header_sp;
Line: 8609

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_insert_ship_header_sp;
Line: 8649

    DELETE      wms_lpn_contents
          WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8653

    UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
       SET lpn_id = NULL
     WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8660

    UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
       SET lpn_context = 5
     WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8698

      SELECT lpn_id
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
       WHERE source_name = (SELECT shipment_num
                              FROM rcv_shipment_headers
                             WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id);
Line: 8705

      SELECT lpn_id
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
       WHERE source_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
Line: 8723

    SELECT SUBSTR(asn_type, 1, 3)
      INTO l_asn_type
      FROM rcv_shipment_headers
     WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
Line: 8732

    SELECT wms_enabled_flag
      INTO l_wms_enabled
      FROM mtl_parameters
     WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 8749

          print_debug('clear_LPN_for_ASN 20:  - calling update_lpn_org for:' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 8756

        IF (l_wms_enabled = 'Y') THEN --Update lpn org only if the current org is wms enabled
            p_organization_id     => p_organization_id
          , p_lpn_id              => l_lpn_id
          , x_return_status       => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count           => l_msg_count
          , x_msg_data            => l_msg_data
Line: 8767

              print_debug('clear_LPN_for_ASN 20.1 : update_lpn_org RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;'
Line: 8778

                   'clear_LPN_for_ASN 20.2: update_lpn_org RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;'
Line: 8834

          print_debug('clear_LPN_for_ship 20:  - calling update_lpn_org for:' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 8841

        IF (l_wms_enabled = 'Y') THEN --Update lpn org only if the current org is wms enabled
            p_organization_id     => p_organization_id
          , p_lpn_id              => l_lpn_id
          , x_return_status       => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count           => l_msg_count
          , x_msg_data            => l_msg_data
Line: 8852

              print_debug('clear_LPN_for_ship 20.1 : update_lpn_org RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;'
Line: 8863

                   'clear_LPN_for_ship 20.2: update_lpn_org RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;'
Line: 8965

        INTO l_lpn_count
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
       WHERE organization_id = p_from_organization_id
         AND lpn_context = 6
         AND source_name = p_shipment_number;
Line: 8980

        SELECT 1
          INTO l_lot_serial_flag
          FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , mtl_system_items msi1
             , mtl_system_items msi2
         WHERE rsh.shipment_num = p_shipment_number
          AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
          AND rsl.item_id = msi1.inventory_item_id
          AND msi1.organization_id = p_from_organization_id
          AND (Nvl(msi1.lot_control_code,1) <> Nvl(msi2.lot_control_code,1)
          OR (Nvl(msi1.serial_number_control_code,1) in (1,6)
              AND Nvl(msi2.serial_number_control_code,1) IN (2,5))
          OR (Nvl(msi1.serial_number_control_code,1) in (2,5)
              AND Nvl(msi2.serial_number_control_code,1) IN (1,6)))
          AND rsl.item_id = msi2.inventory_item_id
          AND msi2.organization_id = rsl.to_organization_id
          AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 9058

      INTO l_lpn_count
      FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
     WHERE lpn_context = 7
       AND source_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
Line: 9073

     SELECT 1
       INTO l_lot_serial_flag
       FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
          , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
          , mtl_system_items msi1
          , mtl_system_items msi2
      WHERE rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
       AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
       AND rsl.item_id = msi1.inventory_item_id
       AND msi1.organization_id = rsl.from_organization_id
       AND (Nvl(msi1.lot_control_code,1) <> Nvl(msi2.lot_control_code,1)
       OR (Nvl(msi1.serial_number_control_code,1) in (1,6)
           AND Nvl(msi2.serial_number_control_code,1) IN (2,5))
       OR (Nvl(msi1.serial_number_control_code,1) in (2,5)
           AND Nvl(msi2.serial_number_control_code,1) IN (1,6)))
       AND rsl.item_id = msi2.inventory_item_id
       AND msi2.organization_id = rsl.to_organization_id
       AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 9148

      SELECT line_id
        FROM oe_order_lines_all
       WHERE header_id = l_order_header_id;
Line: 9156

      SELECT wdd1.lpn_id
           , wdd1.organization_id
        FROM wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
     , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd1
       WHERE wdd.source_header_id = v_order_header_id
         AND wdd.source_line_id = v_order_line_id
         AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
         AND wdd1.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_detail_id;
Line: 9166

    SELECT header_id
      INTO l_order_header_id
      FROM oe_order_headers_all
     WHERE orig_sys_document_ref = p_req_num
       AND order_source_id = 10;
Line: 9214

              SELECT organization_id
                   , lpn_context
                INTO l_lpn_org
                   , l_lpn_context
                FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
               WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 9221

              SELECT organization_id
                   , lpn_context
                INTO l_lpn_org
                   , l_lpn_context
                FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
               WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                 AND lpn_id IN(SELECT parent_lpn_id
                                 FROM wms_lpn_contents
                                WHERE parent_lpn_id = l_lpn_id);
Line: 9293

     SELECT 2
       INTO l_lpn_flag
       FROM po_requisition_headers prh
       , po_requisition_lines prl
       , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
       , mtl_system_items msi1
       , mtl_system_items msi2
       WHERE prh.segment1 = p_req_num
       AND prl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id
       AND rsl.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
       AND rsl.item_id = msi1.inventory_item_id
       AND msi1.organization_id = rsl.from_organization_id
       AND (Nvl(msi1.lot_control_code,1) <> Nvl(msi2.lot_control_code,1)
       OR (Nvl(msi1.serial_number_control_code,1) in (1,6)
           AND Nvl(msi2.serial_number_control_code,1) IN (2,5))
       OR (Nvl(msi1.serial_number_control_code,1) in (2,5)
           AND Nvl(msi2.serial_number_control_code,1) IN (1,6)))
       AND rsl.item_id = msi2.inventory_item_id
       AND msi2.organization_id = rsl.to_organization_id
       AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 9344

  PROCEDURE update_lpn_org(
    p_organization_id  IN             NUMBER
  , p_lpn_id           IN             NUMBER
  , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
  , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1)    := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 9364

      SELECT distinct inventory_item_id
        FROM wms_lpn_contents
       WHERE lot_number IS NOT NULL
         AND parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 9370

      SELECT DISTINCT inventory_item_id
      FROM mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 9375

      print_debug('Enter update_LPN_Org 10:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 9379

    SAVEPOINT rcv_update_lpn_org_sp;
Line: 9382

    UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
       SET organization_id = p_organization_id
         , subinventory_code = ''
         , locator_id = NULL
     WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 9397

        SELECT lot_control_code
          INTO l_lot_code
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE inventory_item_id = l_item_id
           AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 9406

           UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
           SET lot_number = NULL   /* 3835398 */
           WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND   inventory_item_id = l_item_id;
Line: 9427

        SELECT serial_number_control_code
          INTO l_serial_code
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = l_item_id;
Line: 9435

          UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
          SET    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
          WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn_id
    AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id; /* 3835398 */
Line: 9441

    UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
    SET    serial_summary_entry = 2
          WHERE  parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
    AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id; /* 3835398 */
Line: 9458

    UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
       SET organization_id = p_organization_id
     WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 9465

      print_debug('Exit update_LPN_Org 10:  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 9469

      ROLLBACK TO rcv_update_lpn_org_sp;
Line: 9473

        inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('INV_RCV_STD_RCPT_APIS.update_LPN_Org', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 9477

  END update_lpn_org;
Line: 9511

    SELECT count(1)
      INTO l_partial_rcpt
      FROM dual
                      FROM rcv_transactions
                     WHERE shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
                       AND organization_id    = p_rcv_org_id
Line: 9526

       SELECT count(1)
       INTO l_partial_rcpt
       FROM dual
                      FROM rcv_transactions_interface
                     WHERE shipment_header_id  = p_shipment_header_id
                       AND to_organization_id  = p_rcv_org_id
Line: 9547

    SELECT NVL(SUM(rlsu.quantity),0) ,
     INTO  l_rlsu_quantity,
     FROM  rcv_lots_supply rlsu,
           rcv_shipment_lines rsl
    WHERE  rlsu.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
      AND  rsl.item_id  = p_inventory_item_id
      AND  rsl.to_organization_id = p_rcv_org_id
      AND  rsl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
      AND  rlsu.lot_num = p_lot_number
      AND  rlsu.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT' ;
Line: 9590

Line: 9592

Line: 9640

     SELECT  NVL(SUM(rlsu.primary_quantity),0)
       INTO  l_rlsu_primary_quantity
       FROM  rcv_lots_supply rlsu,
             rcv_shipment_lines rsl
       WHERE rlsu.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
       AND   rsl.item_id  = p_inventory_item_id
       AND   rsl.to_organization_id = p_rcv_org_id
       AND   rsl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
       AND   rlsu.lot_num = p_lot_number
       AND   rlsu.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT' ;
Line: 9659

     SELECT   NVL(SUM(mtli.primary_quantity),0)
       INTO   l_mtli_primary_quantity
       FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli,
              rcv_transactions_interface rti
       WHERE  rti.processing_status_code <> 'ERROR'
       AND    rti.transaction_status_code <> 'ERROR'
       AND    rti.to_organization_id = p_rcv_org_id
       AND    rti.item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    rti.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
       AND    rti.interface_transaction_id = mtli.product_transaction_id
       AND    mtli.lot_number = p_lot_number
       AND    mtli.product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 9681

	SELECT Nvl(SUM(primary_quantity),0)
	  INTO l_current_grp_prim_qty
	  FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	  WHERE product_transaction_id = p_product_txn_id
	  AND   lot_number = p_lot_number
	  AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 9758

      SELECT lot_control_code
      INTO l_lot_code
      FROM mtl_system_items_b
      WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        rcv_shipment_headers WHERE SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID =p_shipment_header_id);
Line: 9788

     SELECT  NVL(SUM(rlsu.primary_quantity),0)
       INTO  l_rlsu_primary_quantity
       FROM  rcv_lots_supply rlsu,
             rcv_shipment_lines rsl
       WHERE rlsu.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
       AND   rsl.item_id  = p_inventory_item_id
       AND   rsl.to_organization_id = p_rcv_org_id
       AND   rsl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
       AND   rlsu.lot_num = p_lot_number
       AND   rlsu.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
       AND   Nvl(rsl.asn_lpn_id,-1)  = Nvl(decode(p_from_lpn_id,0,NULL,p_from_lpn_id),Nvl(rsl.asn_lpn_id,-1));
Line: 9810

     SELECT   NVL(SUM(mtli.primary_quantity),0)
       INTO   l_mtli_primary_quantity
       FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli,
              rcv_transactions_interface rti
       WHERE  rti.processing_status_code <> 'ERROR'
       AND    rti.transaction_status_code <> 'ERROR'
       AND    rti.to_organization_id = p_rcv_org_id
       AND    rti.item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    rti.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
       AND    rti.interface_transaction_id = mtli.product_transaction_id
       AND    mtli.lot_number = p_lot_number
       AND    mtli.product_code = 'RCV'
       AND    Nvl(rti.lpn_id,-1)  = Nvl(decode(p_from_lpn_id,0,NULL,p_from_lpn_id),Nvl(rti.lpn_id,-1));
Line: 9833

	SELECT Nvl(SUM(primary_quantity),0)
	  INTO l_current_grp_prim_qty
	  FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	  WHERE product_transaction_id = p_product_txn_id
	  AND   lot_number = p_lot_number
	  AND   product_code = 'RCV';