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Line 377: --populate the line table (okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b)

373: if invoice_type is credit then amount is -ve
374: */
376: -- STEP 2
377: --populate the line table (okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b)
378: -- sjalasut, added code to have khr_id populated from the cursor p_pay_cure_refunds_rec
379: -- changes made as part of OKLR12B disbursements project
380: lp_tplv_rec.khr_id := p_pay_cure_refunds_rec.chr_id;

Line 443: p_object => 'RECORD IN OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B ',

439: --set error message,so this will be prefixed before the
440: --actual message, so it makes more sense than displaying an
441: -- OKL message.
442: AddfailMsg(
443: p_object => 'RECORD IN OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B ',
444: p_operation => 'CREATE' );
446: /* ankushar 23-JAN-2007
447: Call to the common Disbursement API

Line 1476: okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b til

1472: crf.cure_refund_id,
1473: crf.object_version_number,
1474: til.id til_id
1475: from okl_cure_refunds crf,
1476: okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b til
1477: where cure_refund_header_id =p_cure_refund_header_id
1478: and til.tap_id =crf.tap_id;

Line 1574: p_object => 'RECORD IN OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B ',

1570: --set error message,so this will be prefixed before the
1571: --actual message, so it makes more sense than displaying an
1572: -- OKL message.
1573: AddfailMsg(
1574: p_object => 'RECORD IN OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B ',
1575: p_operation => 'DELETE' );
1577: okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_pub.delete_txl_ap_inv_lns (
1578: p_api_version => 1.0

Line 2214: okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b til,

2210: tap.amount amount,
2211: tap.currency_code currency_code,
2212: til.khr_id khr_id
2213: from okl_trx_ap_invoices_b tap,
2214: okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b til,
2215: okl_cure_refunds crf
2216: where crf.cure_refund_header_id = p_cure_refund_header_id
2217: and tap.id = til.tap_id
2218: and crf.tap_id = tap.id;

Line 2519: l_dist_info_tbl(1).source_table := 'OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B';

2515: l_tmpl_identify_tbl(1).memo_yn := 'N';
2516: l_tmpl_identify_tbl(1).prior_year_yn := 'N';
2518: l_dist_info_tbl(1).source_id := j.id;
2519: l_dist_info_tbl(1).source_table := 'OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B';
2520: l_dist_info_tbl(1).accounting_date := j.date_invoiced;
2521: l_dist_info_tbl(1).gl_reversal_flag :='N';
2522: l_dist_info_tbl(1).post_to_gl :='N';
2523: -- l_dist_info_tbl(1).amount := ABS(j.amount);

Line 4191: --populate the line table (okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b)

4187: nettable_yn,
4188: if invoice_type is credit then amount is -ve
4189: */
4191: --populate the line table (okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b)
4192: -- sjalasut, added the khr_id assignment as part of OKLR12B disbursements project
4193: lp_tplv_rec.khr_id := i.chr_id;
4195: lp_tplv_rec.tap_id := lx_tapv_rec.id;