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Line 98: FROM msc_bis_inv_detail mbid

94: CURSOR c1(p_plan_id NUMBER) IS
95: SELECT pd.detail_date, mbp.START_DATE, mbp.end_date
96: FROM
97: (SELECT DISTINCT mbid.detail_date
98: FROM msc_bis_inv_detail mbid
99: WHERE mbid.plan_id = p_Plan_id
100: AND (mbid.period_type IS NULL OR mbid.period_type = 0)) pd,
101: msc_plans mp, msc_bis_periods mbp
102: WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id

Line 392: FROM msc_bis_inv_detail mbid, msc_system_items mis, msc_item_categories mic,

388: NULL AS bkt_end_date, NULL AS period_nr,
389: NULL AS week_nr, NULL AS period_start_date, NULL AS bucket_type, NVL(mbid.detail_level, DETAIL_LEVEL_PERIOD) AS detail_level,
390: SUM(nvl(mbid.inventory_value, 0)) AS achieved_budget_usd, NULL as delivered_quantity, 0 as required_quantity,
391: NULL AS target_sl, NULL AS num_target_sl, RECORD_BUDGET AS record_type
392: FROM msc_bis_inv_detail mbid, msc_system_items mis, msc_item_categories mic,
393: msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_plans mp
394: WHERE mbid.plan_id = p_plan_id
395: AND mbid.plan_id = mp.plan_id
396: AND mbid.plan_id = mis.plan_id

Line 572: FROM msc_bis_inv_detail kpi

568: demands.customer_id, demands.demand_id
569: FROM msc_demands demands
570: WHERE demands.origination_type IN (6,7,8,9,11,12,15,22,28,29,30)) msd,
571: (SELECT kpi.inventory_item_id, kpi.sr_instance_id, kpi.organization_id, kpi.plan_id
572: FROM msc_bis_inv_detail kpi
573: WHERE NVL(kpi.period_type, CALENDAR_TYPE_BIS) = p_calendar_type
574: AND kpi.plan_id = p_plan_id) mbid
575: WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
576: AND mp.plan_id = msi.plan_id