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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

  select hsck.segment18
         PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F      paf
  where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment
  and    p_session_dt between paf.effective_start_date
                      and paf.effective_end_date
  and    hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  and    hsck.segment18 is not null;
Line: 33

     select sta.state_code, cnt.county_code, cty.city_code,
	    sta2.state_code, cnt2.county_code, cty2.city_code
     from   hr_locations loc
           ,pay_us_states sta
           ,pay_us_counties cnt
           ,pay_us_city_names cty
           ,pay_us_states sta2
           ,pay_us_counties cnt2
           ,pay_us_city_names cty2
     where  loc.location_id = p_lc_id
     AND   cnt.state_code = sta.state_code
     AND   loc.town_or_city = cty.city_name
     AND   loc.region_1 = cnt.county_name
     AND   loc.region_2 = sta.state_abbrev
     AND   cnt.state_code = cty.state_code
     AND   cnt.county_code = cty.county_code
     AND   cnt2.state_code = sta2.state_code
     AND   nvl(loc.loc_information18,loc.town_or_city) = cty2.city_name
     AND   nvl(loc.loc_information19,loc.region_1) = cnt2.county_name
     AND   nvl(loc.loc_information17,loc.region_2) = sta2.state_abbrev
     AND   cnt2.state_code = cty2.state_code
     AND   cnt2.county_code = cty2.county_code;
Line: 58

     select sta.state_code, cnt.county_code, cty.city_code,
	    sta2.state_code, cnt2.county_code, cty2.city_code
     from   per_addresses adr
           ,pay_us_states sta
           ,pay_us_counties cnt
           ,pay_us_city_names cty
	   ,pay_us_states sta2
	   ,pay_us_counties cnt2
	   ,pay_us_city_names cty2
     where  adr.person_id = p_person_id
     and    adr.primary_flag = 'Y'
     and    p_effective_date between adr.date_from
                                 and nvl(adr.date_to, hr_api.g_eot)
     AND   nvl(adr.add_information18,ADR.TOWN_OR_CITY) = CTY2.CITY_NAME
     AND   nvl(adr.add_information19,ADR.REGION_1) = CNT2.COUNTY_NAME
     AND   nvl(adr.add_information17,ADR.REGION_2) = STA2.STATE_ABBREV
Line: 88

          select sta.state_code, cnt.county_code, cty.city_code,
	    sta2.state_code, cnt2.county_code, cty2.city_code
     from   per_addresses adr
           ,pay_us_states sta
           ,pay_us_counties cnt
           ,pay_us_city_names cty
	   ,pay_us_states sta2
	   ,pay_us_counties cnt2
	   ,pay_us_city_names cty2
     where  adr.person_id = p_person_id
     and    adr.primary_flag = 'Y'

     AND   nvl(adr.add_information18,ADR.TOWN_OR_CITY) = CTY2.CITY_NAME
     AND   nvl(adr.add_information19,ADR.REGION_1) = CNT2.COUNTY_NAME
     AND   nvl(adr.add_information17,ADR.REGION_2) = STA2.STATE_ABBREV
Line: 118

    select null
    from   pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f sta
    where  sta.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    sta.state_code = p_state_code
    and    sta.effective_start_date > l_csr_date;
Line: 127

    select null
    from   pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f cnt
    where  cnt.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    cnt.state_code = p_state_code
    and    cnt.county_code = p_county_code
    and    cnt.effective_start_date > l_csr_date;
Line: 137

    select null
    from   pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f cty
    where  cty.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    cty.state_code = p_state_code
    and    cty.county_code = p_county_code
    and    cty.city_code = p_city_code
    and    cty.effective_start_date > l_csr_date;
Line: 148

    select null
    from   per_assignments_f asg, per_addresses adr
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_asg_id
    and    p_ef_date between asg.effective_start_date
           and asg.effective_end_date
    and    asg.pay_basis_id is not null
    and    asg.payroll_id is not null
    and    asg.location_id is not null
    and    asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id is not null
    and    asg.assignment_type = 'E'
    and    asg.person_id = adr.person_id
    and    p_ef_date between adr.date_from
                              and nvl(adr.date_to, hr_api.g_eot)
    and    adr.primary_flag = 'Y'
    and    rownum = 1
    and    exists (select null
                   from  hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
                   where sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                   and   sck.segment1 is not null);
Line: 170

    select 	min(effective_start_date)
    from 	pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
    where 	assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 306

         select location_id,
         from per_assignments_f
         where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	   and effective_start_date >= p_def_date
         order by effective_start_date;
Line: 324

         select peef.effective_start_date,
         from pay_element_entries_f peef,
              pay_element_entry_values_f peevf,
              pay_input_values_f pivf,
              pay_element_types_f petf,
              pay_element_links_f pelf
         where peef.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           and peef.creator_type = 'UT'
           and petf.element_name = 'VERTEX'
           and peevf.screen_entry_value like p_subordinate_jurisdiction||'%'
           and peevf.screen_entry_value not like '%'||p_exclude_jurisdiction||'%'
           and upper(pivf.name)='JURISDICTION'
           and peevf.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
           and peef.element_entry_id = peevf.element_entry_id
           and p_effective_date between peef.effective_start_date and
           and peef.effective_start_date = peevf.effective_start_date
           and peef.effective_end_date = peevf.effective_end_date
           and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
           and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
         order by peef.assignment_id asc,
                  petf.element_name asc,
                  peef.element_entry_id asc,
                  peef.effective_start_date asc,
                  peevf.element_entry_value_id asc;
Line: 355

         select petf.element_type_id,
         from PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F petf,
              PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F pivf
         where petf.element_name = 'VERTEX'
           and p_effective_date between petf.effective_start_date
              and petf.effective_end_date
           and petf.element_type_id = pivf.element_type_id
           and p_effective_date between pivf.effective_start_date
              and pivf.effective_end_date;
Line: 374

         select peef.element_entry_id
         from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F peef,
              PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F pevf
         where peef.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           and p_effective_date between peef.effective_start_date
           and peef.effective_end_date
           and peef.element_link_id = p_element_link
           and pevf.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
           and p_effective_date between pevf.effective_start_date
              and pevf.effective_end_date
           and pevf.input_value_id = p_input_val
           and pevf.screen_entry_value like p_jurisdiction;
Line: 394

         select peef.element_entry_id, peef.effective_start_date
         from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F peef,
              PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F pevf
         where peef.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           and peef.element_link_id = p_element_link
           and pevf.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
           and pevf.input_value_id = p_input_val
           and pevf.screen_entry_value = p_jurisdiction
           and rownum = 1
           order by peef.effective_start_date asc;
Line: 410

         select peef.element_entry_id, peef.effective_start_date,
         from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F peef,
              PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F pevf
         where peef.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           and peef.element_link_id = p_element_link
           and pevf.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
           and pevf.effective_start_date = peef.effective_start_date
           and pevf.effective_end_date = peef.effective_end_date /* bug 9491711 */
           and p_effective_date between pevf.effective_start_date
              and pevf.effective_end_date
           and pevf.input_value_id = p_input_val
           and pevf.screen_entry_value =
               p_state_code ||'-'|| p_county_code ||'-'|| p_city_code
         order by peef.effective_start_date;
Line: 431

         select screen_entry_value
         where element_entry_id = p_ele_entry_id
           and  p_effective_date between effective_start_date
              and effective_end_date
           and input_value_id = p_input_val
           and screen_entry_value is not null;
Line: 443

         select /*+ ORDERED
                    INDEX(PAF PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
                    USE_NL(PAF, HL, PUS, PUC, PUCN) */
                pus.state_code ||'-'|| puc.county_code ||'-'|| pucn.city_code
         from per_assignments_f paf,
              hr_locations      hl,
              pay_us_states     pus,
              pay_us_counties   puc,
              pay_us_city_names pucn
         where paf.assignment_id  = l_assignment_id
           and l_effective_date   between paf.effective_start_date
                                      and paf.effective_end_date
           and hl.location_id     = paf.location_id
           and nvl(hl.loc_information18, hl.town_or_city) = pucn.city_name
           and nvl(hl.loc_information19, hl.region_1)     = puc.county_name
           and nvl(hl.loc_information17, hl.region_2)     = pus.state_abbrev
           and pus.state_code     = puc.state_code
           and puc.state_code     = pucn.state_code
           and puc.county_code    = pucn.county_code;
Line: 468

         select peef.element_entry_id
         from pay_element_entries_f peef, pay_element_entry_values_f peevf,
              pay_element_links_f pelf, pay_element_types_f petf
         where peef.assignment_id= p_assignment_id
           and petf.element_name='VERTEX'
           and peevf.screen_entry_value = p_jurisdiction
           and p_effective_date between peef.effective_start_date
               and peef.effective_end_date
           and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
           and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
           and peef.element_entry_id = peevf.element_entry_id
           and p_effective_date between peevf.effective_start_date
               and peevf.effective_end_date;
Line: 696

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'CORRECTION',
                p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => p_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1078

         If p_datetrack_mode in ('DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE',
                                 'INSERT_OLD') then
            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
Line: 1093

            if p_datetrack_mode = 'INSERT_OVERRIDE' then
               Open csr_ele_entry_io (
Line: 1114

            if p_datetrack_mode not in ('UPDATE','INSERT_OVERRIDE', 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE') then
               open csr_get_curr_percnt(l_element_entry_id,
Line: 1221

         for l_insert_old_recs in csr_vertex_in_jurisdiction
                                    ) loop
            l_inc := l_inc + 1;
Line: 1228

               := l_insert_old_recs.element_entry_id;
Line: 1230

               := l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date;
Line: 1232

               := l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date;
Line: 1233

            if l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date < p_effective_date then
               l_io := TRUE;
Line: 1235

               if p_effective_date >= l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date
                  and p_effective_date <= l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date then
                  l_pct_inc := l_inc;
Line: 1252

      If p_datetrack_mode = 'INSERT_OLD' then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
Line: 1261

         for l_insert_old_recs in csr_vertex_in_jurisdiction
                                     ) loop
            l_inc := l_inc + 1;
Line: 1268

               := l_insert_old_recs.element_entry_id;
Line: 1270

               := l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date;
Line: 1272

               := l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date;
Line: 1289

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE',
                p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1302

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1324

      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'INSERT_OVERRIDE' then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 85);
Line: 1344

                   p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE',
                   p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                   p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                   p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                   p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                   p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl);
Line: 1356

                   p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                   p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                   p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                   p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                   p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                   p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl);
Line: 1375

               Delete from pay_element_entry_values_f
               Where element_entry_id = l_element_entry_id
                 and effective_start_date < p_effective_date;
Line: 1381

               Delete from pay_element_entries_f
               Where element_entry_id = l_element_entry_id
                 and effective_start_date < p_effective_date;
Line: 1397

               Update pay_element_entry_values_f
               Set effective_start_date = p_effective_date
               Where element_entry_id = l_element_entry_id
                 and effective_start_date = t_effective_start_date;
Line: 1402

               Update pay_element_entries_f
               Set effective_start_date = p_effective_date
               Where element_entry_id = l_element_entry_id
                 and effective_start_date = t_effective_start_date;
Line: 1420

               calling hr_entry_element.update_element_entry with MODE
                = 'UPDATE' at the start date for each location change.
            c. correct the percentage for the current jurisdiction record to
               0% for assignment jurisdiction not equal to the current
               jurisdiction and 100% where the assignment jurisdiction and
               current jurisdiction are equal and the current jurisdiction
               is a city.
      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'INSERT' then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc ,110);
Line: 1441

                p_effective_start_date => l_defaulting_date,
                p_effective_end_date   => l_effective_end_date,
                p_element_entry_id     => l_element_entry_id,
                p_assignment_id        => p_assignment_id,
                p_element_link_id      => l_element_link_id,
                p_creator_type         => 'UT',
                p_entry_type           => 'E',
                p_num_entry_values     => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl   => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl      => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1473

                      p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE',
                      p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_inc).start_date,
                      p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                      p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                      p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                      p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl);
Line: 1506

                   p_dt_update_mode           => 'CORRECTION',
                   p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                   p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                   p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                   p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                   p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1530

            hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of 'UPDATE' and
            a session date = the curr ent assignments effective end date + 1.
         d. else if the current assignment location record's effective end
            date < the currect assignments' element entry record's effective end
            date, then call hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of
            'UPDATE_INSERT' and a session date = the current assignments
            effective end date + 1.
         e. set the percentage value to the new percentage.
         f. if the current percentage record's effective start date < the
            current assignment location record's effective start date then call
            hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT'
            and at the assignments effective start date + 1.
         g. else if not modified then find the current assignment's defaulting
         h. check to see if the value of the assignment's location for the next
            record. if it is the same as the current assignment record's
            location, then call hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry with a mode of
            'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' at the effective date.
         g. check the value of the location for the assignment's prior record, if
            it is the same as the location for the assignment's current record,
            call hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry with a mode of
            'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' at the effective end date of the assignment's
            next record.
         h. if this is a call from the public api correct percentage, calculate
            the jurisdiction's new element entry value.
         i. else call hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of 'CORRECTION'
            at the effective date.
      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'CORRECTION' then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc ,140);
Line: 1573

            for l_insert_old_recs in csr_vertex_in_jurisdiction
                   l_input_value_id_tbl(2)) loop
               l_inc := l_inc + 1;
Line: 1578

                  := l_insert_old_recs.element_entry_id;
Line: 1580

                  := l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date;
Line: 1582

                  := l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date;
Line: 1583

               if l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date >= p_effective_date and
                  l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date then
                  l_pct_inc := l_inc;
Line: 1600

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE',
                p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).end_date + 1,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1614

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).end_date + 1,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1634

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).start_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1660

                      p_dt_delete_mode   => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE',
                      p_session_date     => p_effective_date,
                      p_element_entry_id => l_element_entry_id
Line: 1676

                      p_dt_delete_mode   => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE',
                      p_session_date     => l_element_rec_tbl(l_pct_inc).effective_start_date - 1,
                      p_element_entry_id => l_element_entry_id
Line: 1702

                      p_dt_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION',
                      p_session_date       => p_effective_date,
                      p_element_entry_id   => l_element_entry_id,
                      p_num_entry_values   => 3,
                      p_input_value_id_tbl => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                      p_entry_value_tbl    => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1719

            record doesn't exist then call hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with
            a mode of 'UPDATE' at the the assignment record's effective end
            date + 1.
         b. else if the current assignment location record's effective end date
            < the current percentage record's effective end date then call
            hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT'
            at the next assignment record's effective end date.
         c. call hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of
            'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' at the effective date and with the new percentage
         d. if the assignment's next record's location is the same as the current
            assignment record's location then call hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry
            with a mode of 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' at the effective date.
      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc ,180);
Line: 1748

            for l_insert_old_recs in csr_vertex_in_jurisdiction
                   l_input_value_id_tbl(2)) loop
               l_inc := l_inc + 1;
Line: 1753

                  := l_insert_old_recs.element_entry_id;
Line: 1755

                  := l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date;
Line: 1757

                  := l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date;
Line: 1758

               if l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date >= p_effective_date and
                  l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date then
                  l_pct_inc := l_inc;
Line: 1777

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE',
                p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).end_date + 1,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1791

                p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).end_date + 1,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1809

             p_dt_update_mode           => p_datetrack_mode,
             p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
             p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
             p_num_entry_values         => 3,
             p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
             p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1827

                p_dt_delete_mode           => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE',
                p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id
Line: 1835

         a. call hr_entry_api.update_element_entry with a mode of p_datetrack_mode
            at the effective date.
      elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE_OVERRIDE', 'UPDATE') then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc ,205);
Line: 1841

             p_dt_update_mode           => p_datetrack_mode,
             p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
             p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
             p_num_entry_values         => 3,
             p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
             p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1856

      elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('ZAP', 'DELETE', 'FUTURE_CHANGE') then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc ,210);
Line: 1860

            p_dt_delete_mode           => p_datetrack_mode,
            p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
            p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id
Line: 1867

      elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' then
         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc ,215);
Line: 1882

            for l_insert_old_recs in csr_vertex_in_jurisdiction
                                        ) loop
               l_inc := l_inc + 1;
Line: 1889

                  := l_insert_old_recs.element_entry_id;
Line: 1891

                  := l_insert_old_recs.effective_start_date;
Line: 1893

                  := l_insert_old_recs.effective_end_date;
Line: 1933

                      p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE',
                      p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).end_date + 1,
                      p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                      p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                      p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                      p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1947

                      p_dt_update_mode           => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                      p_session_date             => l_location_chg_tbl(l_asg_inc).end_date + 1,
                      p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                      p_num_entry_values         => 3,
                      p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_input_value_id_tbl,
                      p_entry_value_tbl          => l_new_vertex_value_tbl
Line: 1965

             p_dt_delete_mode           => p_datetrack_mode,
             p_session_date             => p_effective_date,
             p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id
Line: 2015

  l_delete_flag          varchar2(1);
Line: 2030

    select fed.assignment_id,
    from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f fed
    where  fed.emp_fed_tax_rule_id = p_emp_fed_tax_rule_id
    and    l_get_old_value_date between fed.effective_start_date
           and fed.effective_end_date;
Line: 2040

     select null
     from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f fed
     where  fed.emp_fed_tax_rule_id = p_emp_fed_tax_rule_id
     and    fed.effective_start_date = l_effective_end_date + 1;
Line: 2048

     select min(effective_start_date)
     from pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
     where emp_fed_tax_rule_id = p_emp_fed_tax_rule_id;
Line: 2055

    select pet.element_type_id,
    from   PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F pet,
           PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F  piv
    where  pet.element_name   = lc_workers_comp
    and    l_get_old_value_date between pet.effective_start_date
           and pet.effective_end_date
    and    pet.element_type_id       = piv.element_type_id
    and    l_get_old_value_date between piv.effective_start_date
           and piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 2070

    select pee.element_entry_id
    from   PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F pee
    where  pee.assignment_id         = l_assignment_id
    and    pee.element_link_id       = p_element_link
    and    rownum < 2;
Line: 2079

    select min(pee.effective_start_date)
    from   PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F pee
    where  pee.element_entry_id      = l_element_entry_id;
Line: 2086

    select pev.screen_entry_value
    from   pay_element_entry_values_f pev
    where  pev.element_entry_id      = p_csr_ele_entry_id
    and    l_get_old_value_date between pev.effective_start_date
                            and pev.effective_end_date
    and    pev.input_value_id        = p_csr_inp_val
    and    pev.screen_entry_value is not null;
Line: 2099

    select peef.element_entry_id
    from   pay_element_entries_f peef
          ,pay_element_entry_values_f peevf
          ,pay_element_links_f pelf
          ,pay_element_types_f petf
    where  peef.assignment_id= l_csr_assignment_id
      and  petf.element_name = lc_workers_comp
      and  l_csr_effective_date < peef.effective_end_date
      and  peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
      and  pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
      and  peef.element_entry_id = peevf.element_entry_id
      and  l_csr_effective_date < peevf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2127

    if p_datetrack_mode = 'INSERT_OVERRIDE' then
      open csr_min_fed_tax_date;
Line: 2174

    if p_datetrack_mode in('ZAP','DELETE') then
       if p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap then
         l_tmp_date := hr_api.g_date;
Line: 2184

             p_dt_delete_mode           => p_datetrack_mode,
             p_session_date             => l_effective_date,
             p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id);
Line: 2190

    else        -- p_datetrack_mode not in ('ZAP','DELETE')
       -- Get element_type_id and input values for the workers comp element.
       open  csr_wc_tax_element;
Line: 2247

       if p_datetrack_mode = 'INSERT' then
         /* Insert the worker's compensation element entry */

         hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 50);
Line: 2251

              P_effective_start_date     => l_effective_start_date,
              P_effective_end_date       => l_effective_end_date,
              P_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
              P_assignment_id            => l_assignment_id,
              P_element_link_id          => l_element_link_id,
              P_creator_type             => 'UT',
              P_entry_type               => 'E',
              P_num_entry_values         => 2,
              P_input_value_id_tbl       => l_inp_value_id_table,
              P_entry_value_tbl          => l_scr_value_table);
Line: 2264

       elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('CORRECTION', 'UPDATE', 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                        'UPDATE_OVERRIDE', 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE',
                        'FUTURE_CHANGE', 'INSERT_OVERRIDE', 'INSERT_OLD') then
             /* Get the worker's compensation element entry id */

         open csr_wc_ele_entry(l_element_link_id);
Line: 2272

           if p_datetrack_mode in('DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE','FUTURE_CHANGE') then
              l_delete_flag := 'N';
Line: 2282

           l_delete_flag := 'Y';
Line: 2287

         if p_datetrack_mode in('DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE', 'FUTURE_CHANGE')
                   and l_delete_flag = 'Y' then

         /* All of the tax %age records will be created from the date on which the
            default tax rules criteria was met till the end of time. So, we should
            get records for the state, county and city for the same effective start
            date */
                p_dt_delete_mode           => l_mode,
                p_session_date             => l_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id);
Line: 2300

         elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('CORRECTION','UPDATE', 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                          'UPDATE_OVERRIDE') then

               p_dt_update_mode           => l_mode,
               p_session_date             => l_effective_date,
               p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
               p_num_entry_values         => 2,
               p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_inp_value_id_table,
               p_entry_value_tbl          => l_scr_value_table);
Line: 2311

         elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('INSERT_OVERRIDE') then

           open csr_wc_min_start;
Line: 2334

               l_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2336

               l_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 2340

                p_dt_update_mode           => l_mode,
                p_session_date             => l_effective_date,
                p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
                p_num_entry_values         => 2,
                p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_inp_value_id_table,
                p_entry_value_tbl          => l_scr_value_table);
Line: 2348

             delete from pay_element_entry_values_f pev
             where  pev.element_entry_id     = l_element_entry_id
             and    pev.effective_start_date < l_effective_date;
Line: 2352

             delete from pay_element_entries_f pee
             where  pee.element_entry_id     = l_element_entry_id
             and    pee.effective_start_date < l_effective_date;
Line: 2359

             update pay_element_entry_values_f pev
             set    pev.effective_start_date = l_effective_date
             where  pev.element_entry_id     = l_element_entry_id
             and    pev.effective_start_date = l_wc_min_start_date;
Line: 2364

             update pay_element_entries_f pee
             set    pee.effective_start_date = l_effective_date
             where  pee.element_entry_id     = l_element_entry_id
             and    pee.effective_start_date = l_wc_min_start_date;
Line: 2370

         elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('INSERT_OLD') then
           open csr_get_curr_jurisd(l_element_entry_id, l_inp_value_id_table(2));
Line: 2385

             l_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2387

             l_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 2391

              p_dt_update_mode           => l_mode,
              p_session_date             => l_effective_date,
              p_element_entry_id         => l_element_entry_id,
              p_num_entry_values         => 2,
              p_input_value_id_tbl       => l_inp_value_id_table,
              p_entry_value_tbl          => l_scr_value_table);
Line: 2416

procedure delete_fed_tax_rule
  (p_effective_date                 in     date
  ,p_datetrack_delete_mode          in     varchar2
  ,p_assignment_id                  in     number
  ,p_delete_routine                 in     varchar2
  ,p_effective_start_date              out nocopy date
  ,p_effective_end_date                out nocopy date
  ,p_object_version_number             out nocopy number
  ) is
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc                       varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_fed_tax_rule';
Line: 2442

    select fed.emp_fed_tax_rule_id, fed.object_version_number
    from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f fed
    where  fed.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    l_effective_date between fed.effective_start_date
                                and fed.effective_end_date;
Line: 2449

    select sta.state_code, sta.object_version_number
    from   pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f sta
    where  sta.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    l_effective_date between sta.effective_start_date
                                and sta.effective_end_date;
Line: 2471

  if p_datetrack_delete_mode NOT IN ('ZAP', 'DELETE') then
    hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7204_DT_DEL_MODE_INVALID');
Line: 2478

  if nvl(p_delete_routine,'X') <> 'ASSIGNMENT' then
    hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6674_PAY_ASSIGN');
Line: 2489

                    p_validate              => NULL
                   ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
                   ,p_assignment_id         => p_assignment_id
                   ,p_state_code            => l_state_code
                   ,p_county_code           => '000'
                   ,p_city_code             => '0000'
                   ,p_datetrack_mode        => p_datetrack_delete_mode
                   ,p_effective_start_date  => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                   ,p_effective_end_date    => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                   ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_object_version_number
                   ,p_delete_routine        => p_delete_routine
Line: 2511

                  ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_delete_mode
Line: 2519

                 ,p_datetrack_mode          => p_datetrack_delete_mode
                 ,p_delete_routine          => p_delete_routine
Line: 2545

end delete_fed_tax_rule;
Line: 2573

    select null
    from   per_people_f peo
    where  peo.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2578

    select asg.person_id
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2583

    select asg.assignment_id
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.person_id = p_person_id
    and    l_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
           and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 2731

     select final_process_date
       from per_periods_of_service pos
      where pos.person_id = p_person_id
        and pos.date_start =
             (select max(date_start)
                from per_periods_of_service pos2
               where pos2.person_id = pos.person_id
                 and date_start <= p_effective_date);
Line: 2872

    select asg.business_group_id
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    l_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
           and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 2879

     select min(asg.effective_start_date)
     from   per_assignments_f asg
     where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    asg.pay_basis_id is not null
     and    asg.payroll_id is not null
     and    asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id is not null
     and    asg.location_id is not null
     and    asg.assignment_type = 'E'
     and    exists (select null
                  from   hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
                  where  sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                  and    sck.segment1 is not null);
Line: 2893

     select min(adr.date_from)
     from   per_addresses adr
            ,per_assignments_f asg
     where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    adr.person_id = asg.person_id
     and    adr.primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2901

    select location_id
    from   per_assignments_f
    where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    effective_end_date > l_effective_date
    order by effective_end_date;
Line: 2908

    select location_id,person_id
    from   per_assignments_f
    where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and	   l_defaulting_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3051

  select lookup_code
  into   l_eic_filing_status_code
  from  fnd_common_lookups
  where  lookup_type ='US_EIC_FILING_STATUS'
  and   Meaning='No EIC';
Line: 3157

                  ,p_datetrack_mode         => 'INSERT'
Line: 3301

  ,p_delete_routine                 in  varchar2  default null
 ) is
Line: 3342

    select null
    from per_assignments_f  asg,
        hr_organization_information bus
    where asg.assignment_id    = p_csr_assignment_id
    and bus.organization_id  = asg.business_group_id
    and bus.org_information9  = 'US'
    and bus.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
    and p_effective_date  between asg.effective_start_date
                              and asg.effective_end_date ;
Line: 3355

    select person_id, primary_flag, style  -- #2858888
    from   per_addresses adr
    where  adr.address_id = p_adr_id;
Line: 3360

    select asg.assignment_id
    from   per_assignments_f asg,
           per_addresses     adr
    where  asg.person_id = adr.person_id
    and    p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                and asg.effective_end_date
    and    adr.address_id = p_adr_id;
Line: 3368

/*Bug8285850 Cursor to check if the current update or correction statement
is removing payroll information from the assignment.This will
return records only when we have Vertex or Workers compensation links setup
as link to all payrolls and  trying to remove payroll after defaulting*/

  cursor csr_defaultpayrollremoved(p_assignment_id number,p_effective_date date) is
    select null
    from  per_all_assignments_f paa,
          pay_element_links_f pel,
          pay_element_types_f pet
    where paa.assignment_id=p_assignment_id
    and   paa.payroll_id is null
    and   p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date
	                       and paa.effective_end_date
    and   paa.business_group_id=pel.business_group_id
    and   pel.link_to_all_payrolls_flag = 'Y'
    and   p_effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
	                       and pel.effective_end_date
    and   pel.element_type_id=pet.element_type_id
    and   p_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                               and pet.effective_end_date
    and   pet.element_name in ('VERTEX','Workers Compensation');
Line: 3391

/*Bug8285850 Cursor to get the details of the assignment that is being updated */

  cursor csr_asgmt_details(p_assignment_id number,p_effective_date date) is
    select payroll_id,
    from  per_all_assignments_f
    where assignment_id=p_assignment_id
    and   p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 3429

                              'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT') then
    hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7204_DT_DEL_MODE_INVALID');
Line: 3436

  elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('ZAP', 'DELETE') then
    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
Line: 3460

                        p_effective_date         => l_effective_date
                       ,p_datetrack_delete_mode  => p_datetrack_mode
                       ,p_assignment_id          => l_assignment_tbl(l_cnt)
                       ,p_delete_routine         => p_delete_routine
                       ,p_effective_start_date   => l_fed_eff_start_date
                       ,p_effective_end_date     => l_fed_eff_end_date
                       ,p_object_version_number  => l_fed_object_version_number
Line: 3511

		 to check if the current update or correction operation is trying
		 to remove the payroll information after the defaulting for a setup
		 with vertex or Workers compensation link set as Link to All Payrolls.*/

		if csr_defaulting_met%NOTFOUND then

		open csr_defaultpayrollremoved(p_assignment_id,p_effective_date);
Line: 3548

		  elsif p_datetrack_mode='UPDATE' then

Line: 3569

        if p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' THEN
           l_location_id := per_us_extra_assignment_rules.g_old_assgt_location;
Line: 3764

    select min(effective_start_date), max(effective_end_date)
    from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
    where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 3769

    select asg.location_id, asg.effective_start_date, asg.effective_end_date
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    l_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
           and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 3776

    select null
    from   hr_locations loc
    where  loc.location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 3783

     select emp_fed_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    effective_end_date >= l_csr_start_date
     and    effective_start_date <= l_csr_end_date;
Line: 3878

     select emp_fed_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    effective_start_date between l_csr_start_date and l_csr_end_date;
Line: 3972

     select emp_state_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    effective_end_date >= l_csr_start_date
     and    effective_start_date <= l_csr_end_date;
Line: 4068

     select emp_county_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    effective_end_date >= l_csr_start_date
     and    effective_start_date <= l_csr_end_date;
Line: 4158

     select emp_city_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    effective_end_date >= l_csr_start_date
     and    effective_start_date <= l_csr_end_date;
Line: 4247

     select sta.state_code
     from   pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f sta
     where  sta.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 4252

     select cnt.state_code, cnt.county_code
     from   pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f cnt
     where  cnt.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 4257

     select cty.state_code, cty.county_code, cty.city_code
     from   pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f cty
     where  cty.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 4262

     select null
     from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f fed
     where  fed.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and    fed.effective_start_date = l_csr_tmp_date;
Line: 4282

  if p_datetrack_mode in('CORRECTION', 'UPDATE', 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',
                         'UPDATE_OVERRIDE') and p_location_id is null then
    hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7880_PDT_VALUE_NOT_FOUND');
Line: 4328

  if p_datetrack_mode in ('CORRECTION', 'UPDATE',
                         'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' ) and
    p_location_id = per_us_extra_assignment_rules.g_old_assgt_location then
    RAISE l_exit_quietly;
Line: 4334

  if p_datetrack_mode in('CORRECTION', 'UPDATE',
                         'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' ) then
    open  csr_chk_location_id;
Line: 4414

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 4416

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 4468

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 4470

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 4599

  elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE' then
    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
Line: 4642

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 4644

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 4772

  elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' then
    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
Line: 4800

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 4802

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 4854

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 4856

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 4985

  elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' then
    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 80);
Line: 5028

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 5030

        l_dt_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 5157

  elsif p_datetrack_mode in ('ZAP', 'DELETE',
                             'FUTURE_CHANGE') then
    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 110);
Line: 5192

    /* we check to see if the entry being updated matches the ovrd jurisdiction, which
       defaults to the mailing address jurisdiction if not present.  If so, set that
       percentage at 100 */

    if l_loc_ovrd_state_code||l_loc_ovrd_county_code||l_loc_ovrd_city_code =
                l_csr_state_code||l_csr_county_code||l_csr_city_code then
      l_city_pct := 100;
Line: 5343

      select null
      from  per_assignments_f paf
           ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
           ,pay_assignment_actions paa
           ,pay_run_results prr
      where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and    ((paf.effective_start_date <= p_csr_date1
             and paf.effective_end_date >= p_csr_date1)
      OR    (paf.effective_start_date between p_csr_date1 and p_csr_date2 ) )
      and    ppa.payroll_id = paf.payroll_id
      and    ppa.action_type in ('Q','R')
      and    ppa.date_earned between p_csr_date1 and p_csr_date2
      and    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
      and    paa.assignment_id =  paf.assignment_id
      and    paa.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id ;
Line: 5360

    select min(effective_start_date), min(effective_end_date),
    from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
    where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    group by emp_fed_tax_rule_id;
Line: 5367

    select asg.effective_start_date, asg.effective_end_date
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_csr_asg_id
    and    p_csr_eff_date between asg.effective_start_date
           and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 5374

    select null
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 5382

    select location_id
    from   per_assignments_f asg
    where  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and  p_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 5388

    select null
    from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f fed
    where  fed.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    fed.effective_start_date > l_csr_date;
Line: 5395

     select emp_fed_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    l_csr_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                 and effective_end_date;
Line: 5489

     select emp_fed_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
     where  assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and    l_csr_effective_date <= effective_end_date
     order by effective_start_date;
Line: 5583

    select emp_state_tax_rule_id
     from  pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and   l_csr_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                and effective_end_date;
Line: 5678

    select emp_county_tax_rule_id
     from   pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and   l_csr_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                and effective_end_date;
Line: 5767

    select emp_city_tax_rule_id
    from   pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = l_csr_assignment_id
     and   l_csr_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                and effective_end_date;
Line: 5869

        update pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
        set    effective_start_date = p_new_default_date
        where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        and    effective_start_date = p_defaulting_date;
Line: 5879

                 ,p_datetrack_mode        => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
Line: 5885

          update pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
          set    effective_start_date = p_new_default_date
          where  effective_start_date = p_defaulting_date
          and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and    state_code = l_state_rec.state_code;
Line: 5899

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 5909

          update pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
          set    effective_start_date = p_new_default_date
          where  effective_start_date = p_defaulting_date
          and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and    state_code = l_county_rec.state_code
          and    county_code = l_county_rec.county_code;
Line: 5924

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 5934

          update pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
          set    effective_start_date = p_new_default_date
          where  effective_start_date = p_defaulting_date
          and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and    state_code = l_city_rec.state_code
          and    county_code = l_city_rec.county_code
          and    city_code = l_city_rec.city_code;
Line: 5950

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 5978

                 ,p_datetrack_mode        => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
Line: 5992

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6011

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6030

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6068

        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'PAY_52235_TAX_RULE_DELETE');
Line: 6181

                         ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE');
Line: 6185

                         ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT');
Line: 6191

      delete from pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
      where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and    effective_start_date < p_new_default_date;
Line: 6200

                 ,p_datetrack_mode        => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
Line: 6214

                           ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE');
Line: 6218

                           ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT');
Line: 6231

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6239

      delete from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
      where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and    effective_start_date < p_new_default_date;
Line: 6255

                           ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE');
Line: 6259

                           ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT');
Line: 6272

                   ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                   ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                   ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                   ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6280

      delete from pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
      where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and    effective_start_date < p_new_default_date;
Line: 6298

                           ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE');
Line: 6302

                           ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT');
Line: 6315

                   ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                   ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_esd
                   ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_eed
                   ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6323

      delete from pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
      where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and    effective_start_date < p_new_default_date;
Line: 6428

  if p_datetrack_mode in (hr_api.g_correction,hr_api.g_update_change_insert) then
    open csr_asg_loc_id(l_new_default_date);
Line: 6524

    if p_datetrack_mode = 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' then
      if l_defaulting_met then
        -- Pull back the start date of all tax rules and tax element entries.
        pull_back_taxes(p_assignment_id       => p_assignment_id
                       ,p_emp_fed_tax_rule_id => l_emp_fed_tax_rule_id
                       ,p_fed_eed             => l_fed_eed
                       ,p_new_default_date    => l_new_default_date
                       ,p_defaulting_date     => l_defaulting_date
Line: 6536

      else      -- DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE, defaulting not met
        if l_asg_eed = hr_api.g_eot then
          -- This delete extends to the end of time, so it removes the taxes.
                          p_effective_date        => l_defaulting_date
                         ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP'
                         ,p_assignment_id         => p_assignment_id
                         ,p_delete_routine        => 'ASSIGNMENT'
                         ,p_effective_start_date  => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                         ,p_effective_end_date    => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                         ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_object_version_number
Line: 6552

        else        -- DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE, push defaulting date forward to
                    -- assignment break
          push_forward_taxes(p_assignment_id       => p_assignment_id
                            ,p_fed_eed             => l_fed_eed
                            ,p_new_default_date    => l_asg_eed + 1
                            ,p_defaulting_date     => l_defaulting_date
Line: 6561

        end if;        -- DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE, l_fed_eed at end of time?
Line: 6563

      end if;        -- DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE, defaulting met?
Line: 6582

                         p_effective_date        => l_defaulting_date
                        ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP'
                        ,p_assignment_id         => p_assignment_id
                        ,p_delete_routine        => 'ASSIGNMENT'
                        ,p_effective_start_date  => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                        ,p_effective_end_date    => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                        ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_object_version_number
Line: 6595

    elsif p_datetrack_mode in('CORRECTION', 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT') then
      if l_defaulting_met then
        if l_new_location_id is not null then
          -- Pull back start date of federal tax rule and workers comp entry.
          update pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
          set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
          where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and    effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date;
Line: 6611

                 ,p_datetrack_mode        => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
Line: 6624

                             ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE');
Line: 6628

                             ,p_datetrack_mode => 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT');
Line: 6638

                 ,p_datetrack_mode        => 'INSERT_OLD'
Line: 6668

            update pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
            set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
            where  effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date
            and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            and    state_code = l_state_rec.state_code;
Line: 6682

                       ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                       ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                       ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                       ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6697

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OLD'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6728

            update pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
            set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
            where  effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date
            and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            and    state_code = l_county_rec.state_code
            and    county_code = l_county_rec.county_code;
Line: 6743

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6758

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OLD'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6789

            update pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
            set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
            where  effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date
            and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            and    state_code = l_city_rec.state_code
            and    county_code = l_city_rec.county_code
            and    city_code = l_city_rec.city_code;
Line: 6805

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6820

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OLD'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 6881

    elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' then
      if l_defaulting_met then
        if l_new_location_id is not null then
          -- Purge the taxes, then create new default records at the new default
          -- date for the new location.
          delete_fed_tax_rule (
               p_effective_date        => l_defaulting_date
              ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP'
              ,p_assignment_id         => p_assignment_id
              ,p_delete_routine        => 'ASSIGNMENT'
              ,p_effective_start_date  => l_tmp_effective_start_date
              ,p_effective_end_date    => l_tmp_effective_end_date
              ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_object_version_number
Line: 6908

        else         -- UPDATE_OVERRIDE, defaulting met, same location
          -- Pull back the start date of the federal tax rule and the workers
          -- comp element entry.
          update pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f
          set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
          where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and    effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date;
Line: 6923

                 ,p_datetrack_mode        => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
Line: 7046

            update pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
            set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
            where  effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date
            and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            and    state_code = l_state_rec.state_code;
Line: 7060

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 7089

            update pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
            set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
            where  effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date
            and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            and    state_code = l_county_rec.state_code
            and    county_code = l_county_rec.county_code;
Line: 7104

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 7133

            update pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
            set    effective_start_date = l_new_default_date
            where  effective_start_date = l_defaulting_date
            and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            and    state_code = l_city_rec.state_code
            and    county_code = l_city_rec.county_code
            and    city_code = l_city_rec.city_code;
Line: 7149

                     ,p_datetrack_mode       => 'INSERT_OVERRIDE'
                     ,p_effective_start_date => l_tmp_effective_start_date
                     ,p_effective_end_date   => l_tmp_effective_end_date
                     ,p_calculate_pct        => FALSE
Line: 7173

        end if;      -- UPDATE_OVERRIDE, defaulting met, location null?
Line: 7174

      else           -- UPDATE_OVERRIDE, defaulting not met
        -- Remove all tax records for this assignment.
        delete_fed_tax_rule (
             p_effective_date        => l_defaulting_date
            ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP'
            ,p_assignment_id         => p_assignment_id
            ,p_delete_routine        => 'ASSIGNMENT'
            ,p_effective_start_date  => l_tmp_effective_start_date
            ,p_effective_end_date    => l_tmp_effective_end_date
            ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_object_version_number
Line: 7188

      end if;        -- UPDATE_OVERRIDE, defaulting_met?