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APPS.GME_API_GRP dependencies on GME_API_GRP

Line 1: PACKAGE BODY gme_api_grp AS

1: PACKAGE BODY gme_api_grp AS
2: /* $Header: GMEGAPIB.pls 120.41 2010/12/01 07:00:38 apmishra ship $ */
3: g_debug VARCHAR2 (5) := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'GME_API_GRP';

Line 4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'GME_API_GRP';

1: PACKAGE BODY gme_api_grp AS
2: /* $Header: GMEGAPIB.pls 120.41 2010/12/01 07:00:38 apmishra ship $ */
3: g_debug VARCHAR2 (5) := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'GME_API_GRP';
6: PROCEDURE gme_pre_process_txns (
7: p_header_id IN NUMBER
8: ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

Line 651: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('GME_API_GRP'

648: WHEN expected_err THEN
649: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
651: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('GME_API_GRP'
653: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
654: END update_step_quality_status;

Line 1117: -- gme_api_grp.log_message calls replaced by gme_common_pvt.log_message

1113: -- org_id, from and to batch_no, start and end dates.
1114: --
1115: -- HISTORY:
1116: -- Sivakumar.G FPBug#4351032 08-DEC-2005
1117: -- gme_api_grp.log_message calls replaced by gme_common_pvt.log_message
1118: -- Namit Singhi FPBug#5674398 01-JAN-2007
1119: -- Modified for ingred sub enhancement FP
1120: -- G. Muratore 05-SEP-2008 Bug 7352169
1121: -- Do not call auto detail line during item substitution.

Line 1272: l_ingred_sub_date := gme_api_grp.get_ingr_sub_date(rec.batch_id,rec.material_detail_id);

1268: CLOSE get_msg;
1269: END IF;
1271: -- nsinghi bug#5674398. Pass the ingredient substitution date rather than the material requirement date
1272: l_ingred_sub_date := gme_api_grp.get_ingr_sub_date(rec.batch_id,rec.material_detail_id);
1274: /* Though this call returns a table, we will be looking at the 1st record of the table */
1275: gmdfmval_pub.get_substitute_line_item (pformulaline_id => rec.formulaline_id,
1276: pitem_id => rec.inventory_item_id,

Line 2105: gme_debug.put_line('Entering gme_api_grp.get_total_quantity with batch id '||p_batch_id);

2101: uom_conversion_failure EXCEPTION ;
2102: invalid_batch_id EXCEPTION ;
2103: BEGIN
2104: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_procedure) THEN
2105: gme_debug.put_line('Entering gme_api_grp.get_total_quantity with batch id '||p_batch_id);
2106: END IF;
2108: IF p_batch_id IS NULL THEN
2109: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_BATCH','ID','BATCH_ID');

Line 2164: ,p_token3_value => 'GME_API_GRP.get_total_qty'

2160: ,p_token1_value => l_item_um
2161: ,p_token2_name => 'uom2'
2162: ,p_token2_value => prod_uom
2163: ,p_token3_name => 'module'
2164: ,p_token3_value => 'GME_API_GRP.get_total_qty'
2165: ,p_product_code => 'INV');
2167: RAISE uom_conversion_failure;
2168: END IF;

Line 3056: END gme_api_grp;

3052: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_unexpected) THEN
3053: gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name|| '.'|| l_api_name|| ':'|| 'WHEN OTHERS:'|| SQLERRM);
3054: END IF;
3055: END delete_resource_txn;
3056: END gme_api_grp;