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Line 447: ' NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wsh_delivery_legs ' ||

443: --
444: v_From := ' FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd ';
445: --
446: v_where := ' WHERE wnd.shipment_direction IN (''O'', ''IO'') AND ' ||
447: ' NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wsh_delivery_legs ' ||
448: ' WHERE delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id) ';
449: --
450: IF p_customer_id IS NOT NULL THEN
451: -- RTV changes

Line 916: wsh_trip_stops wts2, wsh_delivery_legs wdl

912: --
913: CURSOR c_DeliveryCount(p_tripId IN NUMBER) IS
914: SELECT count(DISTINCT delivery_id)
915: FROM wsh_trips wt, wsh_trip_stops wts1,
916: wsh_trip_stops wts2, wsh_delivery_legs wdl
917: WHERE wt.trip_id = p_tripId
918: AND wts1.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id
919: AND wts2.stop_id = wdl.drop_off_stop_id
920: AND wts1.trip_id = wt.trip_id