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Line 444: hr_message.provide_error;

440: -- Store the technical message which will have been seeded
441: -- if this exception has been raised. This will be used to provide
442: -- the code.
443: --
444: hr_message.provide_error;
445: --
446: -- Now distinguish which error was raised.
447: --
448: IF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13667_WEB_STATUS_NOT_SEEDE') THEN

Line 448: IF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13667_WEB_STATUS_NOT_SEEDE') THEN

444: hr_message.provide_error;
445: --
446: -- Now distinguish which error was raised.
447: --
448: IF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13667_WEB_STATUS_NOT_SEEDE') THEN
449: --
450: -- Seed the user friendly message
451: --
452: fnd_message.set_name ('OTA','OTA_WEB_INCORRECT_CONF');

Line 457: p_message_name := hr_message.last_message_name;

453: --
454: -- Raise the error for the main procedure exception handler
455: -- to handle
456: --
457: p_message_name := hr_message.last_message_name;
458: p_message_name := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1,300);
459: --
460: ELSIF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'HR_51396_WEB_PERSON_NOT_FND')
461: THEN

Line 460: ELSIF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'HR_51396_WEB_PERSON_NOT_FND')

456: --
457: p_message_name := hr_message.last_message_name;
458: p_message_name := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1,300);
459: --
460: ELSIF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'HR_51396_WEB_PERSON_NOT_FND')
461: THEN
462: --
463: -- Seed the user friendly message
464: --

Line 472: ELSIF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13658_WF_ERR_GETTING_TYPE')

468: -- to handle
469: p_message_name := 'OTA_NO_DELEGATE_INFORMATION';
470: p_message_name := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1,300);
471: --
472: ELSIF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13658_WF_ERR_GETTING_TYPE')
473: THEN
474: --
475: -- Seed the user friendly message
476: --

Line 487: p_message_name := hr_message.get_message_text;

483: --
484: ELSE
485: -- Raise the error for the main procedure exception handler
486: -- to handle
487: p_message_name := hr_message.get_message_text;
489: --
490: END IF;
491: --

Line 497: hr_message.provide_error;

493: --
494: -- Can't store a technical message, as we don't know what it is
495: -- and a message may not have been put on the stack
496: --
497: hr_message.provide_error;
498: --
499: -- Seed the user friendly message
500: --
501: fnd_message.set_name ('OTA','OTA_WEB_ERR_GETTING_INFO');

Line 832: -- It is OK to use hr_message.provide_error as an application

828: -- p_mode will be changed to indicate an error and,if it's a WF error
829: -- the mode will also indicate this.
830: -- Then the "Confirmation" page will be called from the main handler.
831: --
832: -- It is OK to use hr_message.provide_error as an application
833: -- error will have been raised which will have put an error onto
834: -- the stack
835: --
836: /* IF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13668_WEB_NO_TRANMISSION')

Line 836: /* IF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13668_WEB_NO_TRANMISSION')

832: -- It is OK to use hr_message.provide_error as an application
833: -- error will have been raised which will have put an error onto
834: -- the stack
835: --
836: /* IF (hr_message.last_message_name = 'OTA_13668_WEB_NO_TRANMISSION')
837: THEN
838: --
839: -- The WF may have already be transissioned, so change the mode.
840: l_mode := l_mode || 'BADWF';