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1 package icx_call AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: ICXSECAS.pls 120.0.12020000.2 2013/03/21 06:07:28 srinnakk ship $ */
4 function encrypt(c_string varchar2) return varchar2;
6 function encrypt2(c_string varchar2,
7                   c_session_id number default null) return varchar2;
9 function encrypt3(c_number in number,
10                   c_number_of_digits in number default 4)
11     return varchar2;
13 function encrypt4(p_string varchar2,
14                   p_session_id number default null) return varchar2;
16 function decrypt(c_string varchar2) return varchar2;
18 function decrypt2(c_text_id number,
19                   c_session_id number default null) return varchar2;
21 function decrypt3(c_hex in varchar2)
22     return number;
24 function decrypt4(p_string varchar2,
25                   p_session_id number default null) return varchar2;
27 function CRCHASH(KEYSTRING in varchar2, DATASTRING in varchar2)
28     return number;
30 /*
31  * This code has been added for bug 5350739. As IPG team needed URL encoding and
32  * decoding API's from AOL, we have included them in this package.
33  */
34 /*
35 encode_url convert a given string to a specified character set,
36 then encode the converted string in form-urlencoded format.
37 If you only need to encode a string in the ICX_CLIENT_IANA_ENCODING
38 profile option value, you don't need to specify the second parameter.
39 If you have to support different character set than the
41 you have to specify the desired character set in p_charset.
43 Reserved characters defined in RFC-1738
44 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt
46 When you encode a string with this function, you should not pass
47 a whole URL string like 'http://aaa.yyy.com/abc.html?param=xxx'.
48 You first encode parameter names and parameter values separately, then
49 compose complete URL.
51 Syntax:
52 encode_url (p_url     in varchar2,
53 			p_charset in varchar2)
54 return varchar2;
56 Parameters:
57 p_url     burl parameter string to be encoded in form-urlencoded format.
58 p_charset bname of oracle charset in Oracles character set name such as
59 		'WE8ISO8859P1' or 'UTF8' or IANA encoding name such as
60 		'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'.
61 		 Please refer to the following URL for the complete list of
62 		 IANA character set.
63 		 http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
64 		 if p_charset is not specified or NULL, the value of
65 		 ICX_CLIENT_IANA_ENCODING is used as encoding by default
66 		 From this version, API no longer accept NLS_LANG variable
67 		 style encoding name because IANA character set name may
68 		 includes "." too. Special handlin for NLS_LANG breaks the
69 		 process if IANA character set name inclduing "." is specified.
70 Return:
71 	varchar2    form-urlencoded string.
72 */
73 function encode_url 	(p_url     in varchar2,
74 			p_charset in varchar2 default null)
75 			return varchar2;
76 /*
77 decode_url decode a specified form-url-encoded string with specified
78 character set and convert it to varchar2 string.
80 Syntax:
81 decode_url (p_url     in varchar2,
82 			p_charset in varchar2)
83 return varchar2;
85 Parameters:
86 p_url      url parameter string to be decoded.
87 p_charset  name of oracle charset in Oracles character set name such as
88 		 'WE8ISO8859P1' or 'UTF8' or IANA encoding name such as
89 		 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'.
90 		 Please refer to the following URL for the complete list of
91 		 IANA character set.
92 		 http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
93 		 if p_charset is not specified or NULL, the value of
94 		 ICX_CLIENT_IANA_ENCODING is used as encoding by default
95 		 From this version, API no longer accept NLS_LANG variable
96 		 style encoding name because IANA character set name may
97 		 includes "." too. Special handlin for NLS_LANG breaks the
98 		 process if IANA character set name inclduing "." is specified.
100 Return:
101 	varchar2    decoded string in varchar2 that character set match
102 				with the database character set.
103 */
104 function decode_url	(p_url     in varchar2,
105 			p_charset in varchar2 default null)
106 			return varchar2;
107 end icx_call;