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Line 671: from fnd_currencies

667: p_effective_date in date,
668: p_object_version_number in number) is
669: --
670: cursor c1 is select currency_code
671: from fnd_currencies
672: where currency_code = p_comp_lvl_uom
673: and enabled_flag = 'Y' and
674: p_effective_date
675: between nvl(start_date_active, p_effective_date)

Line 695: -- check if value of lookup falls within fnd_currencies.

691: <> nvl(ben_clf_shd.g_old_rec.comp_lvl_uom,hr_api.g_varchar2)
692: or not l_api_updating)
693: and p_comp_lvl_uom is not null then
694: --
695: -- check if value of lookup falls within fnd_currencies.
696: --
697: /* if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups
698: (p_lookup_type => 'HR_UOM',
699: p_lookup_code => p_comp_lvl_uom,