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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

 |   Removed the opm_costed_flag update to improve the performance          |
 |   as this is being updated to null in caller code. 13335019

PROCEDURE log_msg(p_msg_text IN VARCHAR2);
Line: 270

    SELECT d.assignment_type, o.co_code
    FROM   sy_docs_seq d, sy_orgn_mst o
    WHERE  o.orgn_code   = Vorgn_code
    AND    o.delete_mark = 0
    AND    d.orgn_code   = o.orgn_code
    AND    d.doc_type = 'DXFR'
    AND    d.delete_mark = 0;
Line: 279

    SELECT p.co_code, p.sob_id, w.orgn_code, p.base_currency_code
    FROM   gl_plcy_mst p,
           ic_whse_mst w,
           sy_orgn_mst o
    WHERE  w.whse_code = Vwhse_code
    AND    o.orgn_code = w.orgn_code
    AND    p.co_code   = o.co_code;
Line: 288

    SELECT  o.organization_code, o.set_of_books_id sob_id
    FROM    org_organization_definitions o,
            hr_all_organization_units h
    WHERE   o.organization_id = Vorganization_id
    AND     h.organization_id = o.organization_id
    AND     sysdate between nvl(h.date_from, sysdate) and nvl(h.date_to,sysdate);
Line: 297

  SELECT count(1)
  FROM   gmi_discrete_transfers
  WHERE  transfer_number   = Vtransfer_number
  AND    orgn_code         = Vorgn_code;
Line: 304

  SELECT uom_code
  FROM   sy_uoms_mst
  WHERE  um_code = Vum_code;
Line: 312

       SELECT iim.gl_class
       FROM   ic_item_mst_b iim, ic_gled_cls igc
       WHERE  iim.item_id = p_item_id
       AND    iim.gl_class = igc.icgl_class;
Line: 318

 	SELECT  gic.item_id, gcs.opm_class, gic.category_id, kfv.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS,
 	  FROM mtl_categories_vl mcv, mtl_categories_b_kfv kfv, gmi_category_sets gcs, gmi_item_categories gic
 	 WHERE gcs.category_set_id IS NOT NULL
 	   AND gic.item_id = p_item
 	   AND gcs.opm_class IN ('GL_BUSINESS_CLASS', 'GL_PRODUCT_LINE')
 	   AND gcs.category_set_id = gic.category_set_id
 	   AND kfv.category_id = gic.category_id
 	   AND mcv.category_id = gic.category_id
 	 ORDER BY gic.item_id, gcs.opm_class ;
Line: 506

      IF ( GMIVDBL.ic_item_mst_select(x_ic_item_mst_row, x_ic_item_mst_row) ) THEN
         IF (x_ic_item_mst_row.noninv_ind = 1) THEN
Line: 569

         SELECT count(1)
         INTO   l_count
         FROM   mtl_item_revisions
         WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_item.inventory_item_id
         AND    organization_id   = l_org.organization_id
         AND    revision          = p_line_rec_tbl(i).odm_item_revision
         AND    implementation_date IS NOT NULL;
Line: 633

      IF ( GMIVDBL.ic_whse_mst_select(x_ic_whse_mst_row, x_ic_whse_mst_row) ) THEN
Line: 803

     IF GMIVDBL.sy_reas_cds_select(x_sy_reas_cds_row, x_sy_reas_cds_row) THEN
       IF (x_sy_reas_cds_row.reason_type = 1 AND p_hdr_rec.transfer_type = 0) THEN
Line: 902

          SELECT count(1) INTO l_count
          FROM   ic_loct_inv -- Bug 8359386
          WHERE  whse_code = p_line_rec_tbl(i).opm_whse_code
          AND    location  = p_line_rec_tbl(i).opm_location
          AND    location  <> GMIGUTL.IC$DEFAULT_LOCT;
Line: 922

          SELECT count(1) INTO l_count
          FROM   ic_loct_inv
          WHERE  whse_code   = p_line_rec_tbl(i).opm_whse_code
          AND    location    = p_line_rec_tbl(i).opm_location
          AND    location    <> GMIGUTL.IC$DEFAULT_LOCT;
Line: 1061

                   SELECT * INTO x_ic_lots_mst_row
                   FROM   ic_lots_mst
                   WHERE  item_id = p_line_rec_tbl(i).opm_item_id
                   AND    lot_id  = p_lot_rec_tbl(j).opm_lot_id;
Line: 1093

              IF GMIVDBL.ic_loct_inv_select(x_ic_loct_inv_row, x_ic_loct_inv_row) THEN
                --store quantities in opm item UOM and ODM item UOM

                p_lot_rec_tbl(j).opm_lot_status      := x_ic_loct_inv_row.lot_status;
Line: 1307

                   SELECT *
                   INTO   x_ic_lots_mst_row
                   FROM   ic_lots_mst
                   WHERE  ITEM_ID        = x_ic_item_mst_row.item_id
                   AND    lot_id         = p_lot_rec_tbl(j).opm_lot_id;
Line: 1325

                   IF GMIVDBL.ic_loct_inv_select(x_ic_loct_inv_row, x_ic_loct_inv_row) THEN
                     p_lot_rec_tbl(j).opm_lot_status      := x_ic_loct_inv_row.lot_status;
Line: 1329

         	       log_msg('Failed call to GMIVDBL.ic_loct_inv_select when transfer type is 1. Not an error.');
Line: 1489

Line: 1655

 |    It would created transactions and update balances in OPM inventory    |
 |    and Oracle Inventory                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | RETURNS                                                                  |
 |    Via x_ OUT parameters                                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | HISTORY                                                                  |
 |   Created  Jalaj Srivastava                                              |
 |  RLNAGARA Material Status Migration ME - Updating Status in MOQD         |
 |                                                                          |
 +==========================================================================+ */

PROCEDURE construct_post_records
( p_api_version          IN              NUMBER
, p_init_msg_list        IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_commit               IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_validation_level     IN              NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
, x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
, x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
, p_hdr_rec              IN OUT NOCOPY   hdr_type
, p_line_rec_tbl         IN OUT NOCOPY   line_type_tbl
, p_lot_rec_tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY   lot_type_tbl
, x_hdr_row              OUT NOCOPY      gmi_discrete_transfers%ROWTYPE
, x_line_row_tbl         OUT NOCOPY      line_row_tbl
, x_lot_row_tbl          OUT NOCOPY      lot_row_tbl
) IS

  l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'construct_post_records' ;
Line: 1744

	  p_api_version          =>  p_api_version
	, p_init_msg_list        =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
	, p_commit               =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
	, p_validation_level     =>  p_validation_level
	, x_return_status        =>  x_return_status
	, x_msg_count            =>  x_msg_count
	, x_msg_data             =>  x_msg_data
	, p_hdr_rec              =>  p_hdr_rec
	, x_hdr_row              =>  x_hdr_row
Line: 1758

    	log_msg('After calling GMIVDBX.header_insert.return status is '||x_return_status);
Line: 1775

	  	  p_api_version          =>  p_api_version
		, p_init_msg_list        =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
		, p_commit               =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
		, p_validation_level     =>  p_validation_level
		, x_return_status        =>  x_return_status
		, x_msg_count            =>  x_msg_count
		, x_msg_data             =>  x_msg_data
                , p_hdr_row              =>  x_hdr_row
                , p_line_rec             =>  p_line_rec_tbl(i)
                , x_line_row             =>  x_line_row_tbl(i)
Line: 1790

    	 log_msg('After call to procedure GMIVDBX.line_insert return status is '||x_return_status);
Line: 1811

  	  	  p_api_version          =>  p_api_version
		, p_init_msg_list        =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
		, p_commit               =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
		, p_validation_level     =>  p_validation_level
		, x_return_status        =>  x_return_status
		, x_msg_count            =>  x_msg_count
		, x_msg_data             =>  x_msg_data
                , p_line_row             =>  x_line_row_tbl(i)
                , p_lot_rec              =>  p_lot_rec_tbl(j)
                , x_lot_row              =>  x_lot_row_tbl(j)
Line: 1826

    	      log_msg('After call to procedure GMIVDBX.lot_insert return status is '||x_return_status);
Line: 1841

    	log_msg('Calling GMIVTDX.create_txn_update_balances for posting line no '||to_char(i));
Line: 1848

  	  p_api_version           =>  p_api_version
	, p_init_msg_list         =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
	, p_commit                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
	, p_validation_level      =>  p_validation_level
	, x_return_status         =>  x_return_status
	, x_msg_count             =>  x_msg_count
	, x_msg_data              =>  x_msg_data
	, p_transfer_id           =>  x_hdr_row.transfer_id
        , p_line_id            	  =>  x_line_row_tbl(i).line_id
        , x_transaction_header_id =>  p_hdr_rec.transaction_header_id
Line: 1862

     		log_msg('After call to procedure GMIVTDX.create_txn_update_balances.return status is '||x_return_status);
Line: 1897

  update mtl_material_transactions
  set    costed_flag     = null,
         opm_costed_flag = null
  where  transaction_set_id = p_hdr_rec.transaction_header_id;
Line: 1904

  select lot_control_code, lot_status_enabled
  into l_lot_ctl, l_lot_sts
  from mtl_system_items_b
  where inventory_item_id = (select inventory_item_id from mtl_material_transactions where transaction_set_id = p_hdr_rec.transaction_header_id)
  and organization_id = (select organization_id from mtl_material_transactions where transaction_set_id = p_hdr_rec.transaction_header_id);
Line: 1911

    update mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
    set status_id = (select status_id from mtl_material_statuses
                     where status_code = (select opm_lot_status from gmi_discrete_transfer_lots
                                          where  transfer_id = (select transaction_source_id from mtl_material_transactions
    					                        where transaction_set_id = p_hdr_rec.transaction_header_id)) )
    where create_transaction_id = (select transaction_id from mtl_material_transactions
                                   where transaction_set_id = p_hdr_rec.transaction_header_id) ;
Line: 1923

    log_msg('After update to mmt.costed_flag');