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Line 451: | | | value, get it from gl_period_statuses |

447: | X_gl_date | No | If the main function didn't pass any |
448: | | | value, the set it to SYSDATE |
449: +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
450: | X_period_name | No | If the main function didn't pass any |
451: | | | value, get it from gl_period_statuses |
452: +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
453: | X_amount_positive | No | Examine the sign for AMOUNT_APPLY |
454: | | | If amount_apply >0, then 'Y' - APPLY |
455: | | | <0, then 'N', means this's UNAPPLY |

Line 813: FROM gl_period_statuses G, ap_system_parameters P

809: if (X_period_name IS NULL) then
810: debug_info := 'Get period_name';
811: SELECT G.period_name
812: INTO X_period_name
813: FROM gl_period_statuses G, ap_system_parameters P
814: WHERE G.application_id = 200
815: AND G.set_of_books_id = P.set_of_books_id
816: AND DECODE(X_gl_date, '',
817: sysdate, X_gl_date) between G.start_date and G.end_date