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Line 964: --- procedure to populate the PSP_REPORT_ERRORS table.

960: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('PSP_ER_AME','INSERT_INTO_APPROVALS');
961: raise;
962: end;
964: --- procedure to populate the PSP_REPORT_ERRORS table.
965: procedure populate_errors(p_approval_type in varchar2,
966: p_sup_levels in number,
967: p_group_attribute in number,
968: p_group_attribute2 in number,

Line 1040: type t_error_message is table of psp_report_errors.error_message%type

1036: award_rec principal_investigator_error%rowtype;
1037: l_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
1039: type t_error_source_id is table of integer index by binary_integer;
1040: type t_error_message is table of psp_report_errors.error_message%type
1041: index by binary_integer;
1043: t_source_id t_error_source_id;
1044: t_err_mesg t_error_message;

Line 1051: l_sqlerrm psp_report_errors.error_message%type;

1049: procedure insert_errors is
1050: pragma autonomous_transaction;
1051: l_sqlerrm psp_report_errors.error_message%type;
1052: begin
1053: p_error_out := NULL;
1055: forall i in 1..t_source_id.count

Line 1056: insert into psp_report_errors (error_sequence_id,

1052: begin
1053: p_error_out := NULL;
1055: forall i in 1..t_source_id.count
1056: insert into psp_report_errors (error_sequence_id,
1057: request_id,
1058: message_level,
1059: source_id,
1060: error_message,

Line 1062: values (psp_report_errors_s.nextval,

1058: message_level,
1059: source_id,
1060: error_message,
1061: retry_request_id)
1062: values (psp_report_errors_s.nextval,
1063: p_request_id,
1064: 'E',
1065: t_source_id(i) ,
1066: t_err_mesg(i),

Line 1073: insert into psp_report_errors

1069: exception
1070: when others then
1071: l_sqlerrm := sqlerrm;
1072: hr_utility.trace('PSPERAMB-->POPULATER_ERRORS--> INSERT_ERRORS When others='||l_sqlerrm);
1073: insert into psp_report_errors
1074: (error_sequence_id,
1075: request_id,
1076: message_level,
1077: source_id,

Line 1080: select psp_report_errors_s.nextval,

1076: message_level,
1077: source_id,
1078: error_message,
1079: retry_request_id)
1080: select psp_report_errors_s.nextval,
1081: p_request_id,
1082: 'E',
1083: null ,
1084: 'Package, procedure = PSP_ER_AME,insert_errors-->ERROR inserting into psp_report_errors ',

Line 1084: 'Package, procedure = PSP_ER_AME,insert_errors-->ERROR inserting into psp_report_errors ',

1080: select psp_report_errors_s.nextval,
1081: p_request_id,
1082: 'E',
1083: null ,
1084: 'Package, procedure = PSP_ER_AME,insert_errors-->ERROR inserting into psp_report_errors ',
1085: p_retry_request_id
1086: from dual;
1087: commit;
1088: end;