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Line 779: * a) Validate LPN from rcv_supply for the parent txn

776: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
777: * PROCEDURE: get_avail_quantity_to_transfer
778: * Description: This procedure does the following
779: * a) Validate LPN from rcv_supply for the parent txn
780: * b) Validate Lot from rcv_lots_supply for the parent txn
781: * c) Check the available quantity for the parent transaction
782: * d) Convert the quantity into UOM of MO Line and primary UOM
783: *

Line 848: --Validate the LPN from rcv_supply

844: print_debug('***Entered get_avail_quantity_to_transfer***' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
845: print_debug('Validating LPN in parent txn', 4);
846: END IF;
848: --Validate the LPN from rcv_supply
849: IF (p_lpn_id IS NOT NULL AND p_lpn_id > 0) THEN
850: BEGIN
851: SELECT count(1)
852: INTO l_lpn_count

Line 853: FROM rcv_supply rs

849: IF (p_lpn_id IS NOT NULL AND p_lpn_id > 0) THEN
850: BEGIN
851: SELECT count(1)
852: INTO l_lpn_count
853: FROM rcv_supply rs
854: WHERE rs.rcv_transaction_id = p_parent_txn_id
855: AND rs.lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
857: IF l_lpn_count = 0 THEN

Line 1042: * Validate the transfer quantity with rcv_supply for the PO line location

1038: * PROCEDURE: create_po_transfer_rec
1039: * Description/Processing Logic:
1040: * Called when the document source type is a Purchase Order
1041: * Fetch the parent transaction values using po line location id
1042: * Validate the transfer quantity with rcv_supply for the PO line location
1043: * Initialize the RTI record with the quantity and primary quantity
1044: * Call the populate_transfer_rti_values rotuine to create the Transfer RTI
1045: *
1046: * Output Parameters:

Line 1194: , rcv_supply rs

1190: --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
1191: , rs.to_subinventory from_subinventory_code
1192: , rs.to_locator_id from_locator_id
1193: FROM rcv_transactions rt
1194: , rcv_supply rs
1195: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
1196: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
1197: , po_lines pol
1198: , mtl_system_items msi

Line 1483: * Validate the transfer quantity with rcv_supply for the shipment line

1479: * PROCEDURE: create_int_ship_transfer_rec
1480: * Description/Processing Logic:
1481: * Called when the document source type is Internal Req/ Intransit Ship
1482: * Fetch the parent transaction values using shipment line
1483: * Validate the transfer quantity with rcv_supply for the shipment line
1484: * Initialize the RTI record with the quantity and primary quantity
1485: * Call the populate_transfer_rti_values rotuine to create the Transfer RTI
1486: *
1487: * Output Parameters:

Line 1629: , rcv_supply rs

1625: --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
1626: , rs.to_subinventory from_subinventory_code
1627: , rs.to_locator_id from_locator_id
1628: FROM rcv_transactions rt
1629: , rcv_supply rs
1630: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
1631: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
1632: , mtl_system_items msi
1633: WHERE rs.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id

Line 1899: * Validate the transfer quantity with rcv_supply for the parent transaction

1895: * PROCEDURE: create_rma_transfer_rec
1896: * Description/Processing Logic:
1897: * Called when the document source type is a RMA
1898: * Fetch the parent transaction values using order line ID
1899: * Validate the transfer quantity with rcv_supply for the parent transaction
1900: * Initialize the RTI record with the quantity and primary quantity
1901: * Call the populate_transfer_rti_values rotuine to create the Transfer RTI
1902: *
1903: * Output Parameters:

Line 2045: , rcv_supply rs

2041: --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
2042: , rs.to_subinventory from_subinventory_code
2043: , rs.to_locator_id from_locator_id
2044: FROM rcv_transactions rt
2045: , rcv_supply rs
2046: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
2047: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
2048: , mtl_system_items msi
2049: WHERE rs.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id

Line 2985: FROM rcv_supply rs,

2981: ,rss.lot_num lot_num
2982: ,rs.secondary_quantity secondary_quantity
2983: ,msni.transaction_interface_id transaction_interface_id
2984: ,rsl.asn_line_flag asn_line_flag
2985: FROM rcv_supply rs,
2986: rcv_transactions rt,
2987: rcv_serials_supply rss,
2988: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
2989: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,

Line 3037: FROM rcv_supply rs,

3033: ,mtli.lot_number lot_num
3034: ,rs.secondary_quantity secondary_quantity
3035: ,msni.transaction_interface_id transaction_interface_id
3036: ,rsl.asn_line_flag asn_line_flag
3037: FROM rcv_supply rs,
3038: rcv_transactions rt,
3039: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
3040: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
3041: mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni,

Line 3083: from rcv_supply .*/

3079: ,rt.uom_code uom_code
3080: ,rs.secondary_quantity secondary_quantity
3081: /*Bug 5511398:In case the receipt transcation for WMS enabled org is done via
3082: desktop, then there will not be data in RLS table,in which case fetch the qty
3083: from rcv_supply .*/
3084: /*,Nvl(rls.primary_quantity,0) lot_prim_qty
3085: ,Nvl(rls.quantity,0) lot_qty*/
3086: ,nvl(rls.primary_quantity,rs.to_org_primary_quantity) lot_prim_qty
3087: ,nvl(rls.quantity,rs.quantity) lot_qty

Line 3091: FROM rcv_supply rs,

3087: ,nvl(rls.quantity,rs.quantity) lot_qty
3088: ,decode(rt.uom_code, p_transfer_uom_code, 1, 2) ORDERING1
3089: ,decode(rt.uom_code, p_transfer_uom_code, (p_transfer_quantity - rs.quantity), 0) ORDERING2
3090: ,rsl.asn_line_flag asn_line_flag
3091: FROM rcv_supply rs,
3092: rcv_transactions rt,
3093: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
3094: rcv_lots_supply rls,
3095: rcv_shipment_headers rsh