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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

FUNCTION lastupdate(snapshot_id__ INTEGER, patch_id__ INTEGER)
  answ__ DATE;
Line: 8

        select max(z.ts) into answ__
                (select max(greatest(adts.snapshot_creation_date, adts.snapshot_update_date, adts.creation_date, adts.last_update_date)) ts
                from ad_snapshots adts where adts.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
                UNION ALL
                select max(greatest(umsts.last_update_date, umsts.last_definition_date)) ts
                from fnd_ums_bugfixes umsts
                where umsts.bug_number = (select bug_number from ad_pm_patches where patch_id = patch_id__) AND --ang
                umsts.baseline = (select baseline from ad_pm_patches where patch_id = patch_id__)  --ang
                ) z;
Line: 20

END lastupdate;
Line: 43

      insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,
				virtual_patch_id, r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date, --ang
				creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	    values(request_id__, snapshot_id__, 'S', bug_no,
			patch_id, request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1); --ang
Line: 77

      insert into fnd_imp_bugset(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no, bug_no, patch_order,
				creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	    values(request_id__, snapshot_id__, 'm', 0-bug_no__, prereq_bug_no,
		patch_order, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 89

  delete from fnd_imp_bugset_temp;
Line: 90

  delete from FND_IMP_PSMaster2			where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__; --ang
Line: 94

  fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI:SS')||'> after delete');
Line: 96

  insert into fnd_imp_bugset_temp(patch_id)
  (select q1.patch_id from fnd_imp_bugset q1
			 where q1.request_id = request_id__ and q1.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
			  and q1.virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__ and q1.set_type IN ('M','m','A'));
Line: 100

  fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI:SS')||'> after insert into fnd_imp_bugset_temp');
Line: 104

SELECT  virtual_patch_id__ PATCH_ID, snapshot_id__ SNAPSHOT_ID, APP_SHORT_NAME,
     M.SNAPSHOT_ID = snapshot_id__
                        SELECT /*+  INDEX(X FND_IMP_PSMASTER2_N1) */ 1
                        FROM  FND_IMP_PSMASTER2 X
                        WHERE X.SNAPSHOT_ID = snapshot_id__
                          AND X.APP_SHORT_NAME = M.APP_SHORT_NAME
                          AND X.DIRECTORY = M.DIRECTORY
                          AND X.FILENAME = M.FILENAME
                          and X.NEW_VERSION IS NOT NULL
                          AND ( ( M.NEW_VERSION IS NULL)
Line: 127

   fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI:SS')||'> after insert into fnd_imp_psmaster2');
Line: 134

	select virtual_patch_id, r1_requestor --ang
	from fnd_imp_monitor
	where r1_requestor IS NOT NULL and request_id <> r1_requestor
              and psmaster2_sz <> 0 and request_id = request_id__;
Line: 139

	select virtual_patch_id, r2_requestor --ang
	from fnd_imp_monitor
	where r2_requestor IS NOT NULL and request_id <> r2_requestor
              and psmaster2_sz <> 0 and request_id = request_id__;
Line: 174

        select snapshot_id, virtual_patch_id, set_type --ang
                from fnd_imp_monitor
		where request_id = request_id__ and
                ((set_type IN ('M', 'S', 's') and r1_sync_date IS NULL)
                 or psmaster2_sz = 0)
	order by snapshot_id, set_type desc, virtual_patch_id;
Line: 188

  delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id = request_id__;
Line: 190

  delete from fnd_imp_bugset where request_id = request_id__ and set_type <> 'A';
Line: 195

  insert into fnd_imp_bugset(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no, bug_no,
				creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	select request_id__, s.snapshot_id, 'M', s.virtual_bug_no, 0-s.virtual_bug_no, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1
	from fnd_imp_bugset s
	where s.request_id = request_id__
	group by s.snapshot_id, s.virtual_bug_no;
Line: 201

  insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,
				r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date,
				creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	select request_id__, s.snapshot_id, 'M' set_type, s.virtual_bug_no,
			request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1
	from fnd_imp_bugset s
	where s.request_id = request_id__ and set_type = 'M';
Line: 211

  insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no,
				r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date,
				creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	select request_id__, s.snapshot_id, 's' set_type, s.bug_no virtual_bug_no,
			request_id__, null, request_id__, null, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1
		from fnd_imp_bugset s
		where s.request_id = request_id__
		    and s.set_type = 'm'
		    and s.bug_no NOT IN(select m.virtual_bug_no from fnd_imp_monitor m where m.request_id = request_id__)
		group by s.snapshot_id, s.bug_no;
Line: 223

  update fnd_imp_monitor x
	r1_requestor =
	    (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_requestor,n.r2_requestor)
		from fnd_imp_monitor n
		where n.request_id IS NULL
		--and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no), --ang
		and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id), --ang
	r1_sync_date =
	    (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_sync_date,n.r2_sync_date)
		from fnd_imp_monitor n
		where n.request_id IS NULL
		--and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no), --ang
		and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id), --ang
	psmaster2_sz =
	    (select n.psmaster2_sz
		from fnd_imp_monitor n
		where n.request_id IS NULL
		--and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no) --ang
		and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id) --ang
	where x.request_id = request_id__
	and EXISTS (
		select 1 from fnd_imp_monitor m
			m.request_id IS NULL
			--and m.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and m.virtual_bug_no = x.virtual_bug_no --ang
			and m.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and m.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id
			--and DECODE(stage__,'1',m.r1_sync_date,m.r2_sync_date) >= lastupdate(x.snapshot_id, x.virtual_bug_no) --ang
			and DECODE(stage__,'1',m.r1_sync_date,m.r2_sync_date) >= lastupdate(x.snapshot_id, x.virtual_patch_id) --ang
Line: 261

	select sysdate into time__ from dual;
Line: 268

	select count(*) into psmaster2_sz__
	from fnd_imp_psmaster2
	where snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
		and patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
Line: 282

	delete from fnd_imp_monitor
		where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
Line: 285

	insert into fnd_imp_monitor(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_patch_id,
			r1_requestor, r1_sync_date, r2_requestor, r2_sync_date, psmaster2_sz,
			creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
		values(NULL, snapshot_id__, set_type__, virtual_patch_id__,
			request_id__, time__, request_id__, null, psmaster2_sz__,
			sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 292

	    update fnd_imp_monitor set set_type = 'S'
		where	request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
			and set_type = 's' and virtual_patch_id = 0-virtual_patch_id__;
Line: 297

	update fnd_imp_monitor set r1_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__, psmaster2_sz = psmaster2_sz__
	where		request_id = request_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
			and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
Line: 309

        select snapshot_id, virtual_patch_id, set_type, psmaster2_sz
                from fnd_imp_monitor
		where request_id = request_id__ and
                ((set_type IN ('M', 'S', 's') and r2_sync_date IS NULL)
                 or psmaster2_sz = 0)
	order by snapshot_id, set_type desc, virtual_patch_id;
Line: 323

  update fnd_imp_monitor x
	r2_requestor =
	    (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_requestor,n.r2_requestor)
		from fnd_imp_monitor n
		where n.request_id IS NULL
		and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id),
	r2_sync_date =
	    (select DECODE(stage__,'1',n.r1_sync_date,n.r2_sync_date)
		from fnd_imp_monitor n
		where n.request_id IS NULL
		and n.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and n.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id)
	where x.request_id = request_id__
	and EXISTS (
		select 1 from fnd_imp_monitor m
			m.request_id IS NULL
			and m.snapshot_id = x.snapshot_id and m.virtual_patch_id = x.virtual_patch_id
			and DECODE(stage__,'1',m.r1_sync_date,m.r2_sync_date) >= lastupdate(x.snapshot_id, x.virtual_patch_id)
Line: 351

	select sysdate into time__ from dual;
Line: 359

	update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_requestor = request_id__, r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__
	where		request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
			and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
Line: 363

	update fnd_imp_monitor set r2_sync_date = time__, last_update_date = time__
	where		request_id = request_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
			and set_type = set_type__ and virtual_patch_id = virtual_patch_id__;
Line: 403

    update fnd_imp_bugset
    set set_type = 'a'
    where request_id = request_id__
          and virtual_patch_id = 0-request_id__;
Line: 414

     select 'Y' into is_running__
     from fnd_imp_bugset
     where request_id = request_id__
           and virtual_bug_no = 0-request_id__
           and set_type = 'A'
           and rownum = 1;
Line: 426

    select patch_id
    from fnd_imp_bugset
    where virtual_patch_id = 0-request_id__ and request_id = request_id__
          and set_type = 'a' and patch_order = 1;
Line: 450

  delete from fnd_imp_bugset
         where request_id = request_id__ and (set_type = 'A' or set_type = 'a') and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 456

      insert into fnd_imp_bugset(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no, bug_no, patch_order,
				 creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	    values(request_id__, snapshot_id__, 'A', 0-request_id__, bug_no,
		   1, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 470

  delete from fnd_imp_bugset
         where request_id = request_id__ and (set_type = 'A' or set_type = 'a') and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 476

      insert into fnd_imp_bugset(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_patch_id, patch_id, patch_order,
				 creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	    values(request_id__, snapshot_id__, 'A', 0-request_id__, patch_id,
		   1, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 487

	select bug_no
	from fnd_imp_bugset
	where set_type = 'A' and patch_order = 1 and request_id  = request_id__;
Line: 507

            insert into fnd_imp_bugset(request_id, snapshot_id, set_type, virtual_bug_no, bug_no, patch_order,
				       creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, created_by)
	          values(request_id__, snapshot_id__, 'A', 0-request_id__, prereq_bug_no,
		         2, sysdate, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 520

  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__;
Line: 521

  delete from fnd_imp_monitor where request_id IS NULL and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__ and virtual_patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
Line: 522

  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PFileInfo		where patch_id = patch_id__;
Line: 523

  delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo		where patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
Line: 524

  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2	where patch_id = patch_id__;
Line: 525

  delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2	where patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
Line: 526

  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PSCommon		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 527

  delete from FND_IMP_PSCommon		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__; commit;
Line: 528

  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PSNew		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 529

  delete from FND_IMP_PSNew		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__; commit;
Line: 531

  	SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 532

    delete from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 533

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary3 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 534

    delete from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary3 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 535

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PISummary		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 536

    delete from FND_IMP_PISummary		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 538

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_PSMaster2		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 539

    delete from FND_IMP_PSMaster2		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 540

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_AffectedFiles		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 541

    delete from FND_IMP_AffectedFiles		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 542

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt from FND_IMP_DiagMap where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 543

    delete from FND_IMP_DiagMap			where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 552

  delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo		where patch_id = patch_id__; commit; --ang
Line: 553

  delete from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2	where patch_id = patch_id__; commit;
Line: 554

  delete from FND_IMP_PSCommon		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__; commit;
Line: 555

  delete from FND_IMP_PSNew		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__; commit;
Line: 557

  insert into FND_IMP_PFileInfo		(select * from FND_IMP_PFileInfo_VL 	where patch_id = patch_id__); commit;
Line: 558

  insert into FND_IMP_PFileInfo2	(select * from FND_IMP_PFileInfo2_VL 	where patch_id = patch_id__); commit;
Line: 559

  insert into FND_IMP_PSCommon		(select * from FND_IMP_PSCommon_VL	where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__); commit;
Line: 560

  insert into FND_IMP_PSNew		(select * from FND_IMP_PSNew_VL		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__); commit;
Line: 563

    delete from FND_IMP_PSMaster2		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 567

    insert into FND_IMP_PSMaster2 	(select * from FND_IMP_PSMaster2_VL		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 571

    insert into FND_IMP_AffectedFiles	(select * from FND_IMP_AffectedFiles_VL		where bug_no = bug_no__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 572

    insert into FND_IMP_DiagMap		(select * from FND_IMP_DiagMap_VL		where bug_no = bug_no__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 587

    delete from FND_IMP_AffectedFiles		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 588

    delete from FND_IMP_DiagMap			where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 590

    delete from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 591

    delete from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary3 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 592

    delete from FND_IMP_PISummary		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__;
Line: 596

    insert into FND_IMP_AffectedFiles	(select * from FND_IMP_AffectedFiles_VL		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 597

    insert into FND_IMP_DiagMap		(select * from FND_IMP_DiagMap_VL		where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 599

    insert into fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2 (select * from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2_vl where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 600

    insert into fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary3 (select * from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary3_vl where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 601

    insert into FND_IMP_PISummary
		(select * from FND_IMP_PISummary_VL
		 where patch_id = patch_id__ and snapshot_id = snapshot_id__);
Line: 606

    update fnd_imp_psmaster2 p
    set files_affected =
      select count(*)
      from fnd_imp_affectedfiles f
      where p.patch_id = f.patch_id
            and p.snapshot_id = f.snapshot_id
            and p.app_short_name = f.patched_app_short_name
            and p.directory = f.patched_directory
            and p.filename = f.patched_filename
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and file_type = 'jsp';
Line: 622

    update fnd_imp_psmaster2
    set type_affected='jsp'
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and files_affected<>0
          and file_type = 'jsp';
Line: 630

    update fnd_imp_psmaster2 p
    set files_affected=(select count(*)
                        from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2 s
                        where p.patch_id=s.patch_id
                              and p.snapshot_id=s.snapshot_id
                              and p.filename=s.form_name)
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and file_type = 'fmb';
Line: 641

    update fnd_imp_psmaster2 p
    set type_affected='menu'
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and file_type = 'fmb'
          and files_affected <> 0;
Line: 649

    update fnd_imp_psmaster2 p
    set files_affected=(select count(*)
			from jtf_diagnostic_cmap s
			where p.trans_name=s.classname)
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and file_type = 'class';
Line: 658

    update fnd_imp_psmaster2 p
    set type_affected='diag'
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and file_type = 'class'
          and files_affected <> 0;
Line: 666

    update fnd_imp_affectedfiles p
    set objects_affected=(select count(*)
                          from fnd_imp_menu_dep_summary2 s
                          where p.patch_id=s.patch_id
                                and p.snapshot_id=s.snapshot_id
                                and p.dep_filename=s.form_name)
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied';
Line: 676

    update fnd_imp_affectedfiles p
    set object_type='menu'
    where patch_id=patch_id__
          and snapshot_id=snapshot_id__
          and typeid <> 'not applied'
          and objects_affected <> 0;
Line: 697

	select virtual_bug_no
	  from fnd_imp_monitor
	  where set_type in ('s','S')
	  and request_id = v_req_id
	  and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
Line: 703

	select virtual_patch_id
	  from fnd_imp_monitor
	  where set_type = 'M'
	  and request_id = v_req_id
	  and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
Line: 716

 delete from fnd_imp_lang_summary l
	where l.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
	and patch_id in (
	  select m.virtual_patch_id
	  	from fnd_imp_monitor m
	  	where m.set_type in ('s','S','M')
	  	and m.request_id = request_id__
	  	and m.snapshot_id = l.snapshot_id
	  select 0-request_id__ from dual);
Line: 736

    select decode(count(fcv.file_type),0,0,1) into v_req_trans
	from fnd_imp_filetypecount_vl fcv
	where lower(fcv.file_type) in
	  (select lower(lu.lookup_code) from fnd_lookups lu
		where lu.lookup_type = 'OAM_PIA_TRANS_FILE_TYPES')
	and ( fcv.upgrade > 0 or fcv.new > 0 )
	and fcv.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
	and fcv.bug_no = v_bug.virtual_bug_no;
Line: 745

    insert into fnd_imp_lang_summary (
	snapshot_id, patch_id, req_trans_cnt) values
	(snapshot_id__, v_bug.virtual_bug_no, v_req_trans);
Line: 762

    select sum(req_trans_cnt) into v_req_trans from
    (   -- get all the prequisites
    	select ls.req_trans_cnt req_trans_cnt
	 from fnd_imp_bugset b, fnd_imp_lang_summary ls
	 where ls.patch_id = b.patch_id
	 and ls.snapshot_id = b.snapshot_id
	 and b.virtual_patch_id = v_bug.virtual_patch_id
	 and b.set_type = 'm'
	 and b.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
    	union all
	-- combine with the top level
	select ls.req_trans_cnt req_trans_cnt
	 from fnd_imp_lang_summary ls
	 where ls.patch_id = (0 - v_bug.virtual_patch_id)
Line: 777

    insert into fnd_imp_lang_summary (
	snapshot_id, patch_id, req_trans_cnt) values
	(snapshot_id__, v_bug.virtual_patch_id, v_req_trans);
Line: 795

   select sum(ls.req_trans_cnt) into v_req_trans
	from fnd_imp_bugset b, fnd_imp_lang_summary ls
	where ls.patch_id = b.patch_id
	and ls.snapshot_id = b.snapshot_id
	and b.virtual_patch_id = (0-request_id__)
	and b.set_type = 'a'
	and b.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
	group by b.virtual_patch_id;
Line: 803

    insert into fnd_imp_lang_summary (
	snapshot_id, patch_id, req_trans_cnt) values
	(snapshot_id__, (0-request_id__), v_req_trans);
Line: 825

  select fcr.request_id into request_id
	from fnd_application fa, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
	where fcr.priority_request_id = fnd_global.conc_priority_request
	 and fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
	 and fcp.application_id = fa.application_id
	 and fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
	 and fa.application_short_name = 'AD'
Line: 852

  select fcr.request_id into request_id
	from fnd_application fa, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
	where fcr.priority_request_id = fnd_global.conc_priority_request
	 and fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
	 and fcp.application_id = fa.application_id
	 and fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
	 and fa.application_short_name = 'AD'
Line: 881

    select fcr.request_id into request_id
	from fnd_application fa, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
	where fcr.priority_request_id = fnd_global.conc_priority_request
	 and fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
	 and fcp.application_id = fa.application_id
	 and fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
	 and fa.application_short_name = 'AD'
Line: 911

  execute immediate 'insert into '||table_name||' (select * from '||table_name||'_VL)';
Line: 953

	select virtual_bug_no
	  from fnd_imp_monitor
	  where set_type in ('s','S')
	  and request_id = v_req_id
	  and snapshot_id = v_snapshot_id;
Line: 970

    select 'Y' into v_return
	from fnd_imp_filetypecount_vl fcv
	where lower(fcv.file_type) = lower(filetype__)
	and ( fcv.upgrade > 0 or fcv.new > 0 )
	and fcv.snapshot_id = snapshot_id__
	and fcv.bug_no = v_bug.virtual_bug_no;