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Line 2472: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_id(p_user_id number)

2468: is
2469: select user_name,user_id,resource_id from asg_user where
2470: enabled='Y' and nvl(DISABLE_USER_SYNCH,'N') = 'N';
2471: l_asg_user_rec c_all_asg_user%rowtype;
2472: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_id(p_user_id number)
2473: is
2474: select user_name from fnd_user where user_id = p_user_id;
2475: l_user_name varchar2(100);
2476: l_user_id number;

Line 2474: select user_name from fnd_user where user_id = p_user_id;

2470: enabled='Y' and nvl(DISABLE_USER_SYNCH,'N') = 'N';
2471: l_asg_user_rec c_all_asg_user%rowtype;
2472: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_id(p_user_id number)
2473: is
2474: select user_name from fnd_user where user_id = p_user_id;
2475: l_user_name varchar2(100);
2476: l_user_id number;
2477: l_err_msg varchar2(2000);
2478: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_name(p_user_name varchar2)

Line 2478: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_name(p_user_name varchar2)

2474: select user_name from fnd_user where user_id = p_user_id;
2475: l_user_name varchar2(100);
2476: l_user_id number;
2477: l_err_msg varchar2(2000);
2478: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_name(p_user_name varchar2)
2479: is
2480: select user_id from fnd_user where user_name = p_user_name;
2481: cursor c_chk_jtf_resource(p_res_id number)
2482: is

Line 2480: select user_id from fnd_user where user_name = p_user_name;

2476: l_user_id number;
2477: l_err_msg varchar2(2000);
2478: cursor c_chk_fnd_user_name(p_user_name varchar2)
2479: is
2480: select user_id from fnd_user where user_name = p_user_name;
2481: cursor c_chk_jtf_resource(p_res_id number)
2482: is
2483: select user_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns
2484: where resource_id = p_res_id

Line 2494: open c_chk_fnd_user_id(l_asg_user_rec.user_id);

2490: loop
2491: fetch c_all_asg_user into l_asg_user_rec;
2492: exit when c_all_asg_user%notfound;
2493: log('Processing user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2494: open c_chk_fnd_user_id(l_asg_user_rec.user_id);
2495: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_id into l_user_name;
2496: if (l_user_name is null) then
2497: /*check if user_id in asg_user exists in fnd_user table */
2498: l_err_msg := 'The user ID : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_id||

Line 2495: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_id into l_user_name;

2491: fetch c_all_asg_user into l_asg_user_rec;
2492: exit when c_all_asg_user%notfound;
2493: log('Processing user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2494: open c_chk_fnd_user_id(l_asg_user_rec.user_id);
2495: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_id into l_user_name;
2496: if (l_user_name is null) then
2497: /*check if user_id in asg_user exists in fnd_user table */
2498: l_err_msg := 'The user ID : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_id||
2499: ' in asg_user does not exist in fnd_user';

Line 2497: /*check if user_id in asg_user exists in fnd_user table */

2493: log('Processing user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2494: open c_chk_fnd_user_id(l_asg_user_rec.user_id);
2495: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_id into l_user_name;
2496: if (l_user_name is null) then
2497: /*check if user_id in asg_user exists in fnd_user table */
2498: l_err_msg := 'The user ID : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_id||
2499: ' in asg_user does not exist in fnd_user';
2500: log(l_err_msg);
2501: update asg_user

Line 2499: ' in asg_user does not exist in fnd_user';

2495: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_id into l_user_name;
2496: if (l_user_name is null) then
2497: /*check if user_id in asg_user exists in fnd_user table */
2498: l_err_msg := 'The user ID : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_id||
2499: ' in asg_user does not exist in fnd_user';
2500: log(l_err_msg);
2501: update asg_user
2503: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;

Line 2506: and fnd_user match*/

2503: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;
2504: elsif(l_user_name <> l_asg_user_rec.user_name ) then
2505: /*Check for the user_id in asg_user, the user_name in asg_user
2506: and fnd_user match*/
2507: l_err_msg := 'For the user ID : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_id||
2508: ' the user names'||
2509: ' in asg_user and fnd_user do not match';
2510: log(l_err_msg);

Line 2509: ' in asg_user and fnd_user do not match';

2505: /*Check for the user_id in asg_user, the user_name in asg_user
2506: and fnd_user match*/
2507: l_err_msg := 'For the user ID : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_id||
2508: ' the user names'||
2509: ' in asg_user and fnd_user do not match';
2510: log(l_err_msg);
2511: update asg_user
2513: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;

Line 2515: /*Check for the user_name in asg_user, the user_id in fnd_user matches*/

2511: update asg_user
2513: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;
2514: else
2515: /*Check for the user_name in asg_user, the user_id in fnd_user matches*/
2516: open c_chk_fnd_user_name(l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2517: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_name into l_user_id;
2518: close c_chk_fnd_user_name;
2519: if(l_user_id <> l_asg_user_rec.user_id ) then

Line 2516: open c_chk_fnd_user_name(l_asg_user_rec.user_name);

2513: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;
2514: else
2515: /*Check for the user_name in asg_user, the user_id in fnd_user matches*/
2516: open c_chk_fnd_user_name(l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2517: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_name into l_user_id;
2518: close c_chk_fnd_user_name;
2519: if(l_user_id <> l_asg_user_rec.user_id ) then
2520: l_err_msg := 'For the user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name||

Line 2517: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_name into l_user_id;

2513: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;
2514: else
2515: /*Check for the user_name in asg_user, the user_id in fnd_user matches*/
2516: open c_chk_fnd_user_name(l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2517: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_name into l_user_id;
2518: close c_chk_fnd_user_name;
2519: if(l_user_id <> l_asg_user_rec.user_id ) then
2520: l_err_msg := 'For the user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name||
2521: ' the '||' user ID''s do not match in '||

Line 2518: close c_chk_fnd_user_name;

2514: else
2515: /*Check for the user_name in asg_user, the user_id in fnd_user matches*/
2516: open c_chk_fnd_user_name(l_asg_user_rec.user_name);
2517: fetch c_chk_fnd_user_name into l_user_id;
2518: close c_chk_fnd_user_name;
2519: if(l_user_id <> l_asg_user_rec.user_id ) then
2520: l_err_msg := 'For the user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name||
2521: ' the '||' user ID''s do not match in '||
2522: 'asg_user and fnd_user ';

Line 2522: 'asg_user and fnd_user ';

2518: close c_chk_fnd_user_name;
2519: if(l_user_id <> l_asg_user_rec.user_id ) then
2520: l_err_msg := 'For the user name : '||l_asg_user_rec.user_name||
2521: ' the '||' user ID''s do not match in '||
2522: 'asg_user and fnd_user ';
2523: log(l_err_msg);
2524: update asg_user set DISABLE_USER_SYNCH='Y',DISABLE_SYNCH_ERROR = l_err_msg
2525: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;
2526: end if;

Line 2528: close c_chk_fnd_user_id;

2524: update asg_user set DISABLE_USER_SYNCH='Y',DISABLE_SYNCH_ERROR = l_err_msg
2525: where user_name = l_asg_user_rec.user_name;
2526: end if;
2527: end if;
2528: close c_chk_fnd_user_id;
2530: l_user_name := NULL;
2531: open c_chk_jtf_resource(l_asg_user_rec.resource_id);
2532: fetch c_chk_jtf_resource into l_user_name;