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2 /* $Header: csvcis.pls 115.0 99/07/16 09:05:13 porting s $ */
4 /****************************************************************************
5  *			   Global constants				    *
6  ****************************************************************************/
8 --  Pre-defined validation level:
9 --	INT	: Validate attributes specific to Customer Interaction. If
10 --		  p_validation_level is set to G_VALID_LEVEL_INT, only the
11 --		  following attributes are not validated:
12 --			p_user_id, p_login_id, p_org_id, p_customer_id,
13 --			p_contact_id, p_employee_id
17 /****************************************************************************
18  *			  API Specification				    *
19  ****************************************************************************/
21 -- Start of comments
22 --  Procedure	: Create_Interaction
23 --  Type	: Private API
24 --  Usage	: Creates a customer interaction record in the table
26 --  Pre-reqs	: None
27 --
28 --  Standard IN Parameters:
29 --	p_api_version			IN	NUMBER		Required
30 --	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2(1)	Optional
31 --		Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
32 --	p_commit			IN	VARCHAR2(1)	Optional
33 --		Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
34 --	p_validation_level		IN	NUMBER		Optional(1)
36 --
37 --  Standard OUT Parameters:
38 --	x_return_status			OUT	VARCHAR2(1)
39 --	x_msg_count			OUT	NUMBER
40 --	x_msg_data			OUT	VARCHAR2(2000)
41 --
42 --  Customer Interaction IN Parameters:
43 --	p_resp_appl_id			IN	NUMBER		Optional(2)
44 --		Application identifier
45 --	p_resp_id			IN	NUMBER		Optional(2)
46 --		Responsibility identifier
47 --	p_user_id			IN	NUMBER		Required
48 --		Corresponds to the column USER_ID in the table FND_USER, and
49 --		identifies the Oracle Applications user
50 --	p_login_id			IN	NUMBER		Optional
51 --		Corresponds to the column LOGIN_ID in the table FND_LOGINS,
52 --		and identifies the login session
53 --	p_org_id			IN	NUMBER		Optional
54 --		Operating unit identifier of this interaction record
55 --	p_customer_id			IN	NUMBER		Required
56 --		Corresponds to the column CUSTOMER_ID in the table
57 --		RA_CUSTOMERS, and identifies the customer who is the subject
58 --		of this interaction
59 --	p_contact_id			IN	NUMBER		Optional(3)
60 --		Corresponds to the column CONTACT_ID in the table RA_CONTACTS,
61 --		and identifies the contact who interacted on behalf of the
62 --		customer
63 --	p_contact_lastname		IN	VARCHAR2(50)	Optional(3)
64 --		Last name of the contact who interacted on behalf of the
65 --		customer
66 --	p_contact_firstname		IN	VARCHAR2(40)	Optional(3)
67 --		First name of the contact who interacted on behalf of the
68 --		customer
69 --	p_phone_area_code		IN	VARCHAR2(10)	Optional(4)
70 --		Area code of contact's phone number
71 --	p_phone_number			IN	VARCHAR2(25)	Optional(4)
72 --		Contact's phone number
73 --	p_phone_extension		IN	VARCHAR2(20)	Optional(4)
74 --		Extension of contact's phone number
75 --	p_fax_area_code			IN	VARCHAR2(10)	Optional(4)
76 --		Area code of contact's fax number
77 --	p_fax_number			IN	VARCHAR2(25)	Optional(4)
78 --		Contact's fax number
79 --	p_email_address			IN	VARCHAR2(240)	Optional(4)
80 --		Contact's email address
81 --	p_interaction_type_code		IN	VARCHAR2(30)	Required
82 --		Lookup code for interaction type
83 --	p_interaction_category_code	IN	VARCHAR2(30)	Required
84 --		Lookup code for interaction category
85 --	p_interaction_method_code	IN	VARCHAR2(30)	Required
86 --		Lookup code for interaction method
87 --	p_interaction_date		IN	DATE		Required
88 --		Date and time this interaction occurred
89 --	p_interaction_document_code	IN	VARCHAR2(30)	Optional
90 --		Lookup code for interaction document type
91 --	p_source_document_id		IN	NUMBER		Optional(5)
92 --		Internal identifier of the reference document
93 --	p_source_document_name		IN	VARCHAR2(80)	Optional(4,5)
94 --		User-visible identifier of the reference document
95 --	p_reference_form		IN	VARCHAR2(2000)	Optional(4,5,6)
96 --		Oracle Applications internal function name of a form and any
97 --		optional form parameters
98 --	p_source_document_status	IN	VARCHAR2(80)	Optional(4,5)
99 --		Status of the reference document
100 --	p_employee_id			IN	NUMBER		Optional
101 --		Corresponds to the column PERSON_ID in the table
102 --		PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F, and identifies the employee who interacted
103 --		with the customer or contact
104 --	p_public_flag			IN	VARCHAR2(1)	Optional
105 --		Indicates whether this interaction is public ('Y') or private
106 --		('N')
107 --	p_follow_up_action		IN	VARCHAR2(80)	Optional(4)
108 --		Follow-up action for this interaction
109 --	p_notes				IN	VARCHAR2(2000)	Optional(4)
110 --		Explanations, comments, or claims regarding this interaction
111 --	p_parent_interaction_id		IN	NUMBER		Optional(7)
112 --		Identifier of the parent interaction that resulted in this
113 --		interaction
114 --		Default = x_interaction_id
115 --	p_attribute1			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
116 --		Customer interaction descriptive flexfield segments 1-15
117 --	p_attribute2			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
118 --	p_attribute3			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
119 --	p_attribute4			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
120 --	p_attribute5			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
121 --	p_attribute6			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
122 --	p_attribute7			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
123 --	p_attribute8			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
124 --	p_attribute9			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
125 --	p_attribute10			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
126 --	p_attribute11			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
127 --	p_attribute12			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
128 --	p_attribute13			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
129 --	p_attribute14			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
130 --	p_attribute15			IN	VARCHAR2(150)	Optional(8)
131 --	p_attribute_category		IN	VARCHAR2(30)	Optional(8)
132 --		Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
133 --
134 --  Customer Interaction OUT Parameters
135 --	x_interaction_id		OUT	NUMBER
136 --		System generated identifier of the customer interaction record
137 --
138 --  Version	: Initial version	1.0
139 --
140 --  Notes	:
141 --	(1) The validation level determines which validation steps are
142 --	    executed and which steps are skipped. Valid values are:
143 --		FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL =>	Perform all validation steps
144 --		CS_Interaction_GRP.G_VALID_LEVEL_INT =>
145 --			Skip validation steps for non-Service attributes (see
146 --			above)
147 --		FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE =>	Perform no validation steps
148 --	(2) The application ID, responsibility ID, and user ID are used for
149 --	    validation.
150 --	(3) You may pass in either a valid contact ID, or you may pass in a
151 --	    last name and first name if the contact is not in the RA_CONTACTS
152 --	    table.
153 --	(4) For value parameters that are stored in the database directly,
154 --	    without validation, this API checks to ensure that the passed
155 --	    string's length does not exceed the length of its destination
156 --	    column. If the check fails, the value truncates and a warning is
157 --	    appended to the message list.
158 --	(5) If you do not pass in an interaction document type, the source
159 --	    document ID, name, status, and reference form are ignored. If you
160 --	    do not pass in a source document name, the reference form and
161 --	    source document status are ignored.
162 --	(6) The value must be passed in using the following format:
163 --		function_name:parameter1=value1 ... parameterN=valueN
164 --	    where valueN can be a text string enclosed in double quotes, or a
165 --	    token substituted with the p_source_document_id or
166 --	    p_source_document_name parameter in the following ways:
167 --		parameterN="&ID"
168 --		parameterN="&NAME"
169 --	    where &ID represents the value of p_source_document_id, and &NAME
170 --	    represents the value of p_source_document_name.
171 --	    The reference form is passed to the Customer Interactions form to
172 --	    let a user drill down to the form to see additional information
173 --	    related to the interaction.
174 --	(7) If you do not pass in a parent interaction ID, the system-
175 --	    generated interaction ID is inserted as the parent interaction ID.
176 --	(8) You must pass in segment IDs for none or all descriptive flexfield
177 --	    columns that might be used in the descriptive flexfield.
178 --
179 -- End of comments
181 PROCEDURE Create_Interaction
182 ( p_api_version			IN	NUMBER,
183   p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
185   p_validation_level		IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
186   x_return_status		OUT	VARCHAR2,
187   x_msg_count			OUT	NUMBER,
188   x_msg_data			OUT	VARCHAR2,
189   p_resp_appl_id		IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
190   p_resp_id			IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
191   p_user_id			IN	NUMBER,
192   p_login_id			IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
193   p_org_id			IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
194   p_customer_id			IN	NUMBER,
195   p_contact_id			IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
196   p_contact_lastname		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
197   p_contact_firstname		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
198   p_phone_area_code		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
199   p_phone_number		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
200   p_phone_extension		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
201   p_fax_area_code		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
202   p_fax_number			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
203   p_email_address		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
204   p_interaction_type_code	IN	VARCHAR2,
205   p_interaction_category_code	IN	VARCHAR2,
206   p_interaction_method_code	IN	VARCHAR2,
207   p_interaction_date		IN	DATE,
208   p_interaction_document_code	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
209   p_source_document_id		IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
210   p_source_document_name	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
211   p_reference_form		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
212   p_source_document_status	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
213   p_employee_id			IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
214   p_public_flag			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
215   p_follow_up_action		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
216   p_notes			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
217   p_parent_interaction_id	IN	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
218   p_attribute1			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
219   p_attribute2			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
220   p_attribute3			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
221   p_attribute4			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
222   p_attribute5			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
223   p_attribute6			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
224   p_attribute7			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
225   p_attribute8			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
226   p_attribute9			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
227   p_attribute10			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
228   p_attribute11			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
229   p_attribute12			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
230   p_attribute13			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
231   p_attribute14			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
232   p_attribute15			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
233   p_attribute_category		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
234   x_interaction_id		OUT	NUMBER
235 );
237 END CS_Interaction_PVT;