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APPS.AME_UTIL dependencies on FND_USER

Line 347: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;

343: return(null);
344: end getCurrentStripeSetId;
345: */
346: function getCurrentUserId return integer is
347: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
348: begin
349: userId := fnd_global.user_id;
350: return(userId);
351: exception


507: cursor getResponsibilityCur(userId in varchar2) is
508: select a.responsibility_key
510: fnd_responsibility_vl a,
512: where b.user_id = userId and
513: b.start_date <= sysdate and
514: (b.end_date is null or b.end_date > sysdate) and
515: b.RESPONSIBILITY_id = a.responsibility_id and

Line 523: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;

519: (a.end_date is null or a.end_date > sysdate) and
521: order by a.responsibility_key;
522: highestResponsibility integer;
523: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
524: begin
525: userId := fnd_global.user_id;
526: highestResponsibility := ame_util.noResponsibility;
527: for getResponsibilityRec in getResponsibilityCur(userId => userId) loop

Line 1325: tempUserId fnd_user.user_id%type;

1321: raise;
1322: return(null);
1323: end matchCharacter;
1324: function personIdToUserId(personIdIn in integer) return integer as
1325: tempUserId fnd_user.user_id%type;
1326: begin
1327: select user_id
1328: into tempUserId
1329: from fnd_user

Line 1329: from fnd_user

1325: tempUserId fnd_user.user_id%type;
1326: begin
1327: select user_id
1328: into tempUserId
1329: from fnd_user
1330: where employee_id = personIdIn;
1331: return tempUserId;
1332: exception
1333: when others then

Line 1485: tempPersonId fnd_user.employee_id%type;

1481: raise;
1482: return(null);
1483: end stringListsMatch;
1484: function userIdToPersonId(userIdIn in integer) return integer as
1485: tempPersonId fnd_user.employee_id%type;
1486: begin
1487: select employee_id
1488: into tempPersonId
1489: from fnd_user

Line 1489: from fnd_user

1485: tempPersonId fnd_user.employee_id%type;
1486: begin
1487: select employee_id
1488: into tempPersonId
1489: from fnd_user
1490: where user_id = userIdIn;
1491: return tempPersonId;
1492: exception
1493: when others then

Line 1689: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;

1685: returnStatus varchar2(4000);
1686: securedAttributeCount integer;
1687: tempIndex integer;
1688: tempSecuredAttribute ak_web_user_sec_attr_values.number_value%type;
1689: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
1690: begin
1691: if not icx_sec.validatesession then
1692: return(ame_util.noResponsibility);
1693: end if;

Line 1836: from fnd_user u

1832: and orig_system_id = tempOrigSystemId
1833: and status = 'ACTIVE'
1834: and (expiration_date is null or sysdate < expiration_date)
1835: and exists (select null
1836: from fnd_user u
1837: where u.user_name = wf.name
1838: and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
1839: and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
1840: and not exists (

Line 1859: from fnd_user u

1855: ,tempOrigSystemId
1856: from wf_roles wf
1857: where wf.orig_system in('FND_USR','PER')
1858: and wf.name in (select u.user_name
1859: from fnd_user u
1860: where u.user_id = tempOrigSystemId
1861: and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
1862: and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
1863: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'

Line 1923: userName fnd_user.user_name%type;

1919: firstName per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
1920: lastName per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
1921: tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
1922: tempOrigSystemId integer;
1923: userName fnd_user.user_name%type;
1924: wrongCategory exception;
1925: wrongItemClass exception;
1926: wrongOrigSystem exception;
1927: begin

Line 1972: from fnd_user

1968: approverRecordOut.user_id := tempOrigSystemId;
1969: approverRecordOut.person_id := null;
1970: select user_name
1971: into userName
1972: from fnd_user
1973: where user_id = approverRecordOut.user_id and
1974: (sysdate between start_date and end_date or
1975: (start_date <= sysdate and end_date is null));
1976: approverRecordOut.first_name := userName;

Line 2072: from fnd_user u

2068: and orig_system_id = tempOrigSystemId
2069: and status = 'ACTIVE'
2070: and (expiration_date is null or sysdate < expiration_date)
2071: and exists (select null
2072: from fnd_user u
2073: where u.user_name = wf.name
2074: and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
2075: and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
2076: and not exists (

Line 2095: from fnd_user u

2091: ,tempOrigSystemId
2092: from wf_roles wf
2093: where wf.orig_system in('FND_USR','PER')
2094: and wf.name in (select u.user_name
2095: from fnd_user u
2096: where u.user_id = tempOrigSystemId
2097: and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
2098: and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
2099: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'

Line 2151: userName fnd_user.user_name%type;

2147: firstName per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
2148: lastName per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
2149: tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
2150: tempOrigSystemId integer;
2151: userName fnd_user.user_name%type;
2152: wrongCategory exception;
2153: wrongItemClass exception;
2154: wrongOrigSystem exception;
2155: begin

Line 2202: from fnd_user

2198: approversTableOut(ct).user_id := tempOrigSystemId;
2199: approversTableOut(ct).person_id := null;
2200: select user_name
2201: into userName
2202: from fnd_user
2203: where user_id = approversTableOut(ct).user_id and
2204: (sysdate between start_date and end_date or
2205: (start_date <= sysdate and end_date is null));
2206: approversTableOut(ct).first_name := userName;

Line 2908: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;

2904: highestResponsibility integer;
2905: securedAttributeList icx_sec.g_num_tbl_type;
2906: responsibilityCount integer;
2907: responsibilityList icx_sec.g_responsibility_list;
2908: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
2909: begin
2910: highestResponsibility := getHighestResponsibility;
2911: userId := fnd_global.user_id;
2912: tempIndex := 1;