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1 Package Body ben_dm_input_file_pkg  as
2 /* $Header: benfdmdmfile.pkb 120.0 2006/05/04 04:48:06 nkkrishn noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 -- Package Globals
9 --
10 type numTab  is table of number(15) index by binary_integer;
11 type charTab is table of varchar2(80) index by binary_integer;
12 Type inpRec is Record
13 (source_bg           varchar2(80),
14  source_ssn          varchar2(80),
15  source_person_id    number,
16  target_bg           varchar2(80),
17  target_ssn          varchar2(80),
18  group_order         number,
19  person_type         varchar2(1),
20  data_source         varchar2(1),
21  process_flag        varchar2(1));
22 Type inpTab is Table of inpRec index by binary_integer;
23 --
24 Type contactRec is Record
25 (person_id           number,
26  ssn                 varchar2(80),
27  ind                 number);
28 Type contactTab is Table of contactRec index by binary_integer;
29 --
30 g_debug          boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
31 g_package        varchar2(33) := 'ben_dm_input_file.';
32 g_missing_fields exception;
33 g_invalid_record exception;
34 --
35 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 -- |------------------------------< split_line>------------------------------|
37 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 --
39 function split_line(p_text  varchar2,p_delimiter varchar2,p_min_fields number)
40 return charTab is
42 l_fields    charTab;
43 l_start_pos number := 1;
44 l_end_pos   number;
45 l_counter   number :=1;
47 begin
49   loop
50     l_end_pos := nvl(instr(p_text,p_delimiter,1,l_counter),0);
51     if l_end_pos =0 and l_counter =1 then
52        l_fields(l_counter) := p_text;
53        l_start_pos := nvl(length(p_text),0)+1;
54     elsif l_end_pos =0 then
55        l_fields(l_counter) := substr(p_text,l_start_pos);
56        l_start_pos := nvl(length(p_text),0)+1;
57     elsif l_end_pos > 0 and l_start_pos = l_end_pos then
58        l_fields(l_counter) := null;
59        l_start_pos := l_end_pos +1;
60     elsif l_end_pos > 0 and l_start_pos < l_end_pos then
61        l_fields(l_counter) := substr(p_text,l_start_pos,l_end_pos-l_start_pos);
62        l_start_pos := l_end_pos +1;
63     end if;
65     if l_start_pos >= nvl(length(p_text),0) then
66        exit;
67     end if;
68     l_counter := l_counter +1;
69   end loop;
71   if l_fields.count < p_min_fields then
72      for i in l_fields.count+1..p_min_fields
73      loop
74         l_fields(i) := null;
75      end loop;
76   end if;
78   return l_fields;
80 exception
81   when others then
82     hr_utility.set_location('error encountered ',10);
83 end split_line;
84 --
85 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 -- |------------------------------< add_to_set>------------------------------|
87 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 --
89 procedure add_to_set(p_text  varchar2,
90                      p_collection in out nocopy charTab) is
92 begin
94   for i in 1..p_collection.count
95   loop
97     if p_collection(i) = p_text then
98        return;
99     end if;
101   end loop;
102   p_collection(p_collection.count+1) := p_text;
104 end add_to_set;
105 --
106 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 -- |--------------------------------< read_file>------------------------------|
108 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 --
110 procedure read_file
111 (p_migration_data ben_dm_utility.r_migration_rec,
112  p_delimiter      in varchar2 default ';'
113 ) is
115 l_proc             varchar2(255) := g_package||'read_file';
116 l_file_handle      utl_file.file_type;
117 l_max_ext          number := 32767;
118 l_line_text        varchar2(32767);
119 l_line_count       number := 0;
120 l_group_order      number;
121 l_duplicate_rec    boolean;
122 l_fields           charTab;
123 l_inp_rec          inpTab;
124 l_inp_rec2         inpTab;
125 l_contact_rec      contactTab;
126 l_skip_count       number := 0;
127 l_migration_id     number := p_migration_data.migration_id;
128 l_file_name        varchar2(60) := p_migration_data.input_parameter_file_name;
129 l_dir_name         varchar2(60) := p_migration_data.input_parameter_file_path;
130 l_dummy            varchar2(1);
132 cursor c_chk_per(p_person_id             number,
133                  p_national_identifier   varchar2,
134                  p_name                  varchar2) is
135 select null
136   from per_all_people_f per,
137        per_business_groups bg
138  where per.person_id = p_person_id
139    and per.national_identifier = p_national_identifier
140    and per.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id
141    and bg.name = p_name;
143 cursor c_get_contact(p_person_id  number) is
144 select distinct
145        per1.person_id,
146        per1.national_identifier ssn,
147        -1
148   from per_all_people_f per1,
149        per_contact_relationships pcr
150  where pcr.person_id = p_person_id
151    and per1.person_id = pcr.contact_person_id
152    and per1.effective_start_date =
153                (select min(per2.effective_start_date)
154                   from per_all_people_f per2
155                  where per2.person_id = per1.person_id);
157 begin
158   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,5);
159   --
160   -- Ensure that all the mandatory arguments are not null
161   --
162   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
163                              p_argument       => 'l_migration_id',
164                              p_argument_value => l_migration_id);
166   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
167                              p_argument       => 'l_file_name',
168                              p_argument_value => l_file_name);
170   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
171                              p_argument       => 'l_dir_name',
172                              p_argument_value => l_dir_name);
174   --
175   -- get the file handle
176   --
177   l_file_handle := utl_file.fopen(l_dir_name,l_file_name,'r',l_max_ext);
179   --
180   -- fetch records from the file
181   --
182   loop
183     --
184     begin
185     --
186     utl_file.get_line(l_file_handle,l_line_text);
187     l_line_count := l_line_count +1;
188     l_fields := split_line(l_line_text,p_delimiter,5);
190     l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_bg        := rtrim(ltrim(l_fields(1)));
191     l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_ssn       := rtrim(ltrim(l_fields(2)));
192     l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_person_id := rtrim(ltrim(l_fields(3)));
193     l_inp_rec(l_line_count).target_bg        := rtrim(ltrim(l_fields(4)));
194     l_inp_rec(l_line_count).target_ssn       := rtrim(ltrim(l_fields(5)));
195     l_inp_rec(l_line_count).data_source      := 'I';
197     --
198     -- check for required fields in the record
199     --
200     if (l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_bg is null or
201         l_inp_rec(l_line_count).target_bg is null or
202         l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_ssn is null or
203         l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_person_id is null
204        ) then
205        raise g_missing_fields;
206     end if;
208     --
209     -- check if the fields have valid values
210     --
211     open c_chk_per(l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_person_id,
212                    l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_ssn,
213                    l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_bg);
214     fetch c_chk_per into l_dummy;
215     if c_chk_per%notfound then
216        close c_chk_per;
217        raise g_invalid_record;
218     end if;
219     close c_chk_per;
221     --
222     exception
223     --
224     when no_data_found then
225          --
226          -- EOF reached
227          --
228          exit;
229     end;
230   end loop;
231   --
232   utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
233   --
234   for i in 1..l_inp_rec.count
235   loop
237     if l_inp_rec(i).group_order is null then
238        --
239        l_contact_rec.delete;
240        l_group_order := null;
241        --
242        open c_get_contact(l_inp_rec(i).source_person_id);
243        fetch c_get_contact bulk collect into l_contact_rec;
244        close c_get_contact;
245        --
246        for j in 1..l_contact_rec.count
247        loop
248            for k in 1..l_inp_rec.count
249            loop
250              if l_inp_rec(k).source_person_id = l_contact_rec(j).person_id then
251                 if l_inp_rec(k).group_order is not null then
252                    --
253                    l_duplicate_rec := false;
254                    --
255                    for m in 1..l_inp_rec.count
256                    loop
257                       if l_inp_rec(m).group_order = l_inp_rec(k).group_order and
258                          l_inp_rec(m).data_source = 'I' and
259                          l_inp_rec(m).source_ssn = l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn and
260                          (l_inp_rec(m).target_bg <> l_inp_rec(i).target_bg or
261                           nvl(l_inp_rec(m).target_ssn,l_inp_rec(m).source_ssn) <> nvl(l_inp_rec(i).target_ssn,l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn)) then
262                          l_duplicate_rec := true;
263                          exit;
264                       end if;
265                    end loop;
266                    --
267                    if not l_duplicate_rec then
268                       l_group_order := nvl(l_inp_rec(k).group_order,l_group_order);
269                       l_contact_rec(j).ind := k;
270                    end if;
271                    --
272                 else
273                    --
274                    --There is a person record in the file for the dependent. not yet processed for group order
275                    l_duplicate_rec := false;
276                    --
277                    for m in 1..l_inp_rec.count
278                    loop
279                       if -- l_inp_rec(m).group_order = l_inp_rec(k).group_order and
280                          l_inp_rec(m).data_source = 'I' and
281                          l_inp_rec(m).source_ssn = l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn and
282                          (l_inp_rec(m).target_bg <> l_inp_rec(i).target_bg or
283                           nvl(l_inp_rec(m).target_ssn,l_inp_rec(m).source_ssn) <> nvl(l_inp_rec(i).target_ssn,l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn)) then
284                          l_duplicate_rec := true;
285                          exit;
286                       end if;
287                    end loop;
288                    --
289                    if not l_duplicate_rec then
290                       -- l_group_order := nvl(l_inp_rec(k).group_order,l_group_order);
291                       l_contact_rec(j).ind := k;
292                    end if;
293                    --entry for the dependent.
294                    --
295                 end if;
296                 exit;
297              end if;
298            end loop;
299        end loop;
300        -- Check if this person is already got created as dependent to another person. If so mark the dependent person status
301        -- such that it won't be selected in the subsequent process.
303        --
304        if l_group_order is null then
305           select ben_dm_group_order_s.nextval
306             into l_group_order
307             from dual;
308        end if;
310        l_inp_rec(i).group_order := l_group_order;
312        for j in 1..l_contact_rec.count
313        loop
314          if l_contact_rec(j).ind <> -1 then
315             l_inp_rec(l_contact_rec(j).ind).group_order := l_group_order;
316          else
317             l_line_count := l_inp_rec.count +1;
318             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_bg        := l_inp_rec(i).source_bg;
319             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_ssn       := l_contact_rec(j).ssn;
320             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).source_person_id := l_contact_rec(j).person_id;
321             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).target_bg        := l_inp_rec(i).target_bg;
322             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).group_order      := l_group_order;
323             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).data_source      := 'D';
324             l_inp_rec(l_line_count).person_type      := 'D';
326          end if;
328        end loop;
329     end if;
332   end loop;
333   --
334   hr_utility.set_location('deleting existing records',10);
335   --
336   delete from ben_dm_input_file;
337   --
338   hr_utility.set_location('bulk inserting new records',10);
339   --
340   l_line_count := l_inp_rec.count;
341   --
342   -- skip groups that have one or more person records with null SSN
343   --
344   for i in 1..l_line_count
345   loop
346       --
347       if l_inp_rec(i).process_flag = 'N' then
348          null;
349       else
350          if l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn is null then
351             l_group_order := l_inp_rec(i).group_order;
352             for j in 1..l_line_count
353             loop
354                if l_group_order = l_inp_rec(j).group_order then
355                   l_inp_rec(j).process_flag := 'N';
356                end if;
357             end loop;
358          end if;
359       end if;
360       --
361   end loop;
362   --
363   for i in 1..l_line_count
364   loop
365       if nvl(l_inp_rec(i).process_flag,'Y') <> 'N' then
366          insert into ben_dm_input_file
367          (input_file_id,
368           status,
369           source_business_group_name,
370           source_national_identifier,
371           source_person_id,
372           target_business_group_name,
373           target_national_identifier,
374           group_order,
375           person_type,
376           data_source)
377          values
378          (ben_dm_input_file_s.nextval,
379           'NS',
380           l_inp_rec(i).source_bg,
381           l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn,
382           l_inp_rec(i).source_person_id,
383           l_inp_rec(i).target_bg,
384           l_inp_rec(i).target_ssn,
385           l_inp_rec(i).group_order,
386           nvl(l_inp_rec(i).person_type,'P'),
387           l_inp_rec(i).data_source);
388       end if;
389   end loop;
390   --
391   --Check to remove the duplicate records from the ben_dm_input_file
392   --There should be always only one record for the following record combination
393   --   source_business_group_name
394   --   source_national_identifier
395   --   source_person_id
396   --   target_national_identifier
397   --   target_business_group_name
398   --
399   DELETE FROM ben_dm_input_file mas
400       WHERE ROWID > ( SELECT min(rowid)
401 	                    FROM ben_dm_input_file chi
402                        WHERE mas.source_business_group_name = chi.source_business_group_name
403                          and mas.source_national_identifier = chi.source_national_identifier
404                          and mas.source_person_id = chi.source_person_id
405                          and mas.group_order = chi.group_order
406                          and mas.target_business_group_name = chi.target_business_group_name
407                          AND nvl(mas.target_national_identifier,mas.source_national_identifier) =
408                              nvl(chi.target_national_identifier,chi.source_national_identifier)
409                       ) ;
410   --
411   commit;
412   --
413   -- Report groups skipped
414   --
415   for i in 1..l_inp_rec.count
416   loop
417       if l_inp_rec(i).data_source = 'I' and
418          l_inp_rec(i).process_flag = 'N' then
420          l_skip_count := nvl(l_skip_count,0) +1;
421          if l_skip_count = 1 then
422             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'Following records from the input file have been skipped because one or more of the dependents do not have an SSN');
423          end if;
424          fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,
425                            l_inp_rec(i).source_bg||p_delimiter||
426                            l_inp_rec(i).source_ssn||p_delimiter||
427                            l_inp_rec(i).source_person_id||p_delimiter||
428                            l_inp_rec(i).target_bg||p_delimiter||
429                            l_inp_rec(i).target_ssn);
431       end if;
433   end loop;
435   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,5);
436 exception
437     when utl_file.invalid_path then
438         rollback;
439         fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_91874_EXT_DRCTRY_ERR'); --9999
440         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
441         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
442            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
443         end if;
444         fnd_message.raise_error;
445     --
446     when utl_file.invalid_mode then
447         rollback;
448         fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92249_UTL_INVLD_MODE');
449         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
450         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
451            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
452         end if;
453         fnd_message.raise_error;
454     --
455     when utl_file.invalid_filehandle then
456         rollback;
457         fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92250_UTL_INVLD_FILEHANDLE');
458         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
459         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
460            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
461         end if;
462         fnd_message.raise_error;
463     --
464     when utl_file.invalid_operation then
465         rollback;
466         fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92251_UTL_INVLD_OPER');
467         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
468         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
469            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
470         end if;
471         fnd_message.raise_error;
472     --
473     when utl_file.read_error then
474         rollback;
475         fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92252_UTL_READ_ERROR');
476         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
477         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
478            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
479         end if;
480         fnd_message.raise_error;
481     --
482     when utl_file.internal_error then
483         rollback;
484         fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92253_UTL_INTRNL_ERROR');
485         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
486         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
487            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
488         end if;
489         fnd_message.raise_error;
490     --
491     when utl_file.invalid_maxlinesize  then
492         rollback;
493         fnd_message.set_name ('BEN' ,'BEN_92492_UTL_LINESIZE_ERROR');
494         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log , fnd_message.get );
495         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
496            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
497         end if;
498         fnd_message.raise_error ;
499     --
500     when g_missing_fields then
501         rollback;
502         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log , 'One ore more fields missing in this Record: '||substr(l_line_text,1,80));
503         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
504            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
505         end if;
506         raise;
507     --
508     when g_invalid_record then
509         rollback;
510         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log , 'Invalid fields in this Record: '||substr(l_line_text,1,80));
511         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
512            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
513         end if;
514         raise;
515     --
516     when others then
517         rollback;
518         if utl_file.is_open(l_file_handle) then
519            utl_file.fclose(l_file_handle);
520         end if;
521         raise;
523 end read_file;
525 end ben_dm_input_file_pkg;