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Line 43: l_config_value ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;

39: ) IS
40: --
41: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'CHK_APPROVER_TYPE';
42: l_count number;
43: l_config_value ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;
44: l_group_name ame_approval_groups.name%type;
45: --
46: -- cursor to find the value of allowAllApproverTypes config variable for the
47: -- current transaction type.

Line 51: from ame_config_vars

47: -- current transaction type.
48: --
49: cursor C_Sel1 is
50: select variable_value
51: from ame_config_vars
52: where variable_name like 'allowAllApproverTypes'
53: and application_id = p_application_id
54: and sysdate between start_date and
55: nvl(end_date-ame_util.oneSecond,SYSDATE);

Line 76: from ame_config_vars

72: if C_Sel1%notfound then
73: -- if the config variable is not defined for the current transaction type
74: -- use the global value
75: select variable_value into l_config_value
76: from ame_config_vars
77: where variable_name like 'allowAllApproverTypes'
78: and application_id = 0
79: and sysdate between start_date and
80: nvl(end_date-ame_util.oneSecond,SYSDATE);